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>Be me an hour ago in gym
>Setting up for last exercise - KB Swings
>Notice downy watching me set up intently
>Start first set
>She starts cheering me on shouting things like "wow!" And "very good!" and clapping
>Manage an extra 12 reps
>As I leave she waves and says bye bye

Thank you based gym downy
>KB Swings
So you're compatible?
Shagging tards and parking in handicapped spaces are similar - you'll slip it in if nobody's looking.
>being cheered for kb swings
you don't even realize you were being mocked by a person with downs syndrome. ask yourself who's the retard.
As soon as she saw you touch that kettlebell she knew that she was looking at a retard
Ahahahahahahahahahaha this place never fails to make me feel better about myself, a college educated White who has the ability to picture a photorealistic apple in my head, rotate it, and then tell you how I would feel if I didn't eat breakfast.
God blessed you today
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>be me 10 years ago in gym
>running on treadmill, my cardio sucks
>really pushing myself, stay on til I feel like I'm about to collapse
>just then, some parents bring their big disabled kid in, set him up on the treadmill next to me
>desparately want to stop, but can't leave now or I'll look like an asshole
>stay on for another two miles
>puke my guts out in the parking lot
thanks for helping me push past my limits, fren, wonder where they are now
She recognized her own. But that is really cute you should talk to her. DownieBVLLs are always bros and they have good hearts.
>one of us!
What's wrong with kettlebell swings? They're a good glute exercise
Do you guys not want a nice ass?
lack of targeting
too easy to use other muscle when you are fatigued
try hards have all almost lost it and are permanently scared
grip strength needed to muscle activation is very high
wait am I retarded for cheering people on at the gym?
Good story
>kb swings
I guess she thought you were retarded too

I hope she's there on anterior day, I will run the whole rack twice for my mong queen
weird flex but ok
similar happened to me but role reversed
>be in gym
>in incredible shape
>two girls look at me and say "wow he has a great body. shame about the face though"
>other girl says "yeah he kind of looks mentally handicapped"
>never go back to gym ever again
>am now a ridiculously out of shape piece of shit
having a downy gf sounds kind of nice desu
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do not fuck the developmentally disabled
Most handicapped people are based, redpilled and their hearts are in the right place. Give them a chance. If they act like assholes, then its ok to be an asshole back.
>be 15 years ago
>gym partner is renting a room with sn old couple who have custody of their severely mental retarded granddaughter
>start losing weight and gaining muscle
>go to pick up my gym partner
>waiting on the hall
>tard comes out of her room, hands all t-rex'd
>she squeals and I hold absolutely still because I don't know if she's about to tard hard
>she runs down the stairs screaming "HOT BOY IS HERE. HOT BOY IS HERE"
>gym partner comes out laughing
>apparently tard had been talking about me for weeks
>tfw the first time I've ever been called hot is by a total fucking retard
you know autism is a developmental disorder right?
:( she liked you
>College educated
>His claim to fame is being capable of basic thought.
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>hands all t-rex'd
>I hold absolutely still

Why not? If you forget to pull out it'll most likely end in miscarriage at worst. Even in the truly terrifying case of a viable pregnancy, your insurance will cover the abortion.
You were just looking in the mirror. It's ok, she'll be there the next time you go too
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What ethical implications bro? If she's over 18 it's all good right?
Considering this makes you realise that the consent culture we exist in is a brainlet cope for the total death of pairbonding and monogamy
The downy at my gym isn't cool, he's in his 50s now so he's getting the inevitable dementia everyone of them get
My college GF was a butterface, stupid as rocks, and dyslexic to boot - not as bad as a downy obviously but same theme. I was a khhv (not ugly or anything, just awkward as hell), so I basically dated her to get some, any XP under my belt, and at no point did I ever consider a life with her long term.

Short term, shit was amazing. She knew I was the best she'd ever do, and she wrapped her whole self around me. Constant, constant sex just to keep me entertained, and looking back I could have pushed her boundaries a lot harder if I had been experienced enough to take advantage properly.

Long term, eventually I was kind of ashamed to be out in public with her. She was so fucking stupid, and she wasn't deformed or anything but dang was she not pleasing to look upon. The affection became a nuisance after about 6 months.

So basically, I farmed her for XP and then once I'd leveled a little, I headed out for higher level zones. Pretty sure I left her devastated for life, though. She married the ugliest looking mother fucker you've ever seen and went into the military.

Anyway, yes, the tard will love you to death. You'll feel dirty pretty fast though.
Lmao. Nice story.
holy shit thats so mean and demoralising
No ethical dimensions whatsoever. She's a mentally deficient woman who can still know right from wrong and can make her own decisions regarding things like sex and relationships.

The real issue is that you're gonna spend 95% of your time with her not fucking her, and at least 50% of that time not doing mindless things (such as the Netflix part of Netflix and chill).

You want someone who can make solid decisions regarding the kids on their own, who can follow complex requests, and who can notice small but important details you might have missed out when you're taking care of the family. A down syndrome wife is most likely be another daughter, except she's not your blood and it's ok to fuck her, but she'll hardly be a true wife (a companion).

>imagine a stay at home mom who cannot be trusted to cook good food without burning it and won't know what to do when the baby gets sick and you're not at home
My old gym, a YMCA, had a tard of some sort, but not downie, that would show up every day. His routine consisted of exactly one exercise. He would put 15lb plats on a curl bar and do some strange sort of mixture between a deadlift and a row, while SHOUTING at the top of his lungs "SEVEN, SEVEN, SEVEN!" I watched him awhile over the days and it seemed like he did a random number of reps between 5-20, yelling SEVEN each rep. Honestly it was a mixture of funny and annoying at first, but over time I came to respect his dedication and consistency. I was always worried he would hurt himself, but it never happened. I'm guessing it's not really possible to hurt yourself with that weight.
That's sad, Anon. I hope you're not proud of youself.
I mean that's just the power dynamics that happen in any relationship where the man is way above the woman. Just sucks for both you and her that you humiliated yourself to stoop down to that level, and it sucks for her and any man she was with afterwards because once you've tasted the fruit you can't go back
But my point was more about the actual ethics of it. Of course what you did was unethical, but a braindead libshit who is all about "consent" culture would be unable to say that what you did is unethical; it was legal and both of you consented, therefore no crime took place.
The interesting conundrum is when you talk about the AGE of consent. For me, bedding a downy is on the same level of ethics as a child, because you're using someone's innocence to gratify your own sexual desires or needs.
The relationship between men and women is inherently predatory and therefore women "consenting" is not and should not be the legal barrier to monogamy imo
What are you, a woman? Shut the fuck up you fucking pussy
Your statement is completely incoherent without a definition of objective morality
Mental delays and retardation is exactly that, not knowing right from wrong
Do you know how fucking easy it would be to trick a downy or otherwise retarded girl into having sex with you just by lying
It's still unethical
The entire point of classifying and institutionalising (formerly) mental retards is because they can't make decisions regarding their own lives. Taking advantage of those people is insanely easy and it is immoral, just like taking advantage of children
>A wife is most likely to be another daughter
Yes. Yes it was. Looking back, I had better chances to get my start into the dating pool, but wasn't armed with the skills or confidence to make it work. The butterfaced moron was honestly the best I could do at the time.

I could have avoided this fate for myself and for her if I had been sexier enough that a young woman of some minimal quality would have stepped up to my plate. To any of you reading this as an adolescent, get sexy now. Get shredded. Get desirable. If you're still in high school or college, you don't have to get beefy, just get ripped as all hell. Push-ups, pull-ups, situps. Then somehow find yourself shirtless in front of girls your age. Start working on this now.
>Most handicapped people are based, redpilled and their hearts are in the right place.
Translation: Non-commies are retarded. is that the message you want to bring to this thread?
Did you somehow take an impression of pride from the cautionary tale I wrote?

That's it, pretty much - I robbed her of paradise forever, or something like that, and anyone thinking they'll dip their toes in the shallow end of the gene pool just to see how the water feels should consider the ripples they'll make. (Whoo, feeling literary today, bois!)
>I mean that's just the power dynamics that happen in any relationship where the man is way above the woman
No, man. You're just a Dark Triad shitskin. Having a gf working at McD's isn't the same as pretending love to a downie to get your dick wet. No. Just no.
>What are you, a woman? Shut the fuck up you fucking pussy
why are you so mean?
It's wrong to trick people, Anon. Downies are EASIER to trick, but I guarantee you that even non-virgin adult women CAN be tricked, used and discarded if you're good enough of a manipulator.

Just don't trick the downie and it's as "wrong" as not tricking a regular adult woman.
Most downies aren't retarded enough to be unable to consent, or to know right from wrong in most situations. And if the situation is complex enough, even intelligent people might face a moral dillema.

Most downies are not literally children mentally, they're dumb (low IQ, lower than many children in fact) but they have better ability to discern right from wrong than children do.
>basic thought
Anon, it's not. You think it is basic because it seems so simple to you. But there are people, a lot of people, like over 50% of people alive today, who do not have an inner monologue. They don't have thoughts in their heads. They lack the ability to talk to themselves in their own head. Truly think about that for a minute because it takes time to realize how absurd that fact truly is.
>skill issue, the blog
So nothing objectively is wrong with them if you aren't a retard, got it.
Well written, I'm glad you reflected on the experience and it bought you wisdom anon.
You don't understand what social status is and how it differs between men and women. A pretty young woman who works at McDs, or even is unemployed has more social clout than the majority of men. You sound hopelessly ill-equipped to deal with this conversation, go mutter about shitskins somewhere else buddy
To weed out emotional pansies like you, obviously
Yes, it's wrong to trick and lie to people, it's immoral. If you agree with that then you agree with a form of morality that does not collate with the modern paradigm of consent culture, which is my whole point.
>Most downies aren't retarded enough to be unable to consent
You would have an insanely difficult time of actually proving that if I pressed you on it. Exact same argument as "children can't consent"; you cannot define consent and therefore cannot establish a moral structure on top of that statement
>they have better ability to discern right from wrong than children do
Again, I don't think that's correct or even provable, but even if it was, it would go in my direction
So you think all downies are inherently unable to consent (morally, not legally) and therefore should all be prevented from ever having sex?
It's literally either one or another unless you want to toss basic logic aside.
hearty chuckle
>I farmed her for XP and then once I'd leveled a little, I headed out for higher level zones
Did you really just post ultra cringe bro
>You don't understand what social status is and how it differs between men and women. A pretty young woman who works at McDs, or even is unemployed has more social clout than the majority of men. You sound hopelessly ill-equipped to deal with this conversation, go mutter about shitskins somewhere else buddy
Nigger confirmed 100% lmao. That's also why you have no standards and will fuck the retarded.
>So you think all downies are inherently unable to consent (morally, not legally) and therefore should all be prevented from ever having sex?
Not him but... yes?
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Okay, Not Him, that's a consistent opinion. Downies should be prohibited from ever having sex just like children, then. I don't think this would stick but it's a fair point of view.
Getting your dick wet as an MO is worse than pedophilia. Shitlibs and Shitskins wont understand because they are honorless and sterile.
The age you lose your virginity is your level cap. This guy will never be able to cast level 30+ spells.
Home gym master race?
It's OK, bro. I've subclassed in sick cunt ever since.
I think, just like children, that the mentally retarded should only ever be able to have sex with their own. Nobody cares when a 13 and 12 year old have sex, and I don't care if a downie has sex with another downie. My issue comes when a mentally sound adult has sex with either, because then it's an abuse of power.
At least you tried little guy, it's almost endearing to see.
But I can relate somewhat. My own insecurities have also dragged me down into the abyss many times. I'm a diagnosed sperg and I became demoralised about it 8 years ago. I'm 28 now and i've gotten fat. I started l lifting again two weeks ago. Lets get back up, anon. We can do it. We have to
Look at this very uncomfortable video
(Observe timestamp)
>you cannot define consent and therefore cannot establish a moral structure on top of that statement
Exactly why it needs to be a broad, poorly defined but strongly delineated concept that errs on better safe than sorry. I've only ever met one downy, 16 years old, had the brain of an actual toddler, and was going nowhere fast in actually developing. Some people just miss out on life; it's not a meaningless existence, she was happy enough, but there was zero hope she'd ever have a normal life. She couldn't even count, how could she possibly know what she wants.
>So nothing objectively is wrong with them if you aren't a retard, got it.
literally every exercise

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