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Previous >>75705408

This IS QTDDTOT, stick to questions on everything. Post height, weight, age, lifting stats, diet, address, social security number,...
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So I am the ultimate spidermoder. 58% of my height is just legs and my wingspan has an ape index of 1.05.
I can replace squats with leg presses and single leg squats. Conventional deadlifts don't do anything for my growth because I can jut do them so I have to do RDLs or leg curls.
How does one effectively replace bench and OHP? My triceps are the limiting factor.
And how on earth do I train my back without my noodly arms giving out first?
I am doing my first intentional cutting/bulking cycle this year. I am cutting January 1st to late february, then bulking to late April, then cutting again to late June. Are these time windows sensible for a cut -> bulk -> cut cycle?
You retard
There was already one up and now there's 2
Just lift normally
Wtf are you doing

I would just bulk to April then cut
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>never asked a girl out

Will lifting finally help me get a gf or is it over for me?
>Wtf are you doing
stalling hardcore and becoming fatter because it was not being underfed that caused it
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anons, you know how in a fat loss stage the stomach and hips are the last area to lose fat typically? well, in the case of muscle atrophy from a severe calorie deficit, do some areas atrophy quicker than others? for example say a person underwent a massive calorie deficit but were not bed-ridden and even did maintenance lifting, what muscles would atrophy away first? for fat, a lot of people lose fat in the face, neck first, then arms, legs, all the while stomach and waist are the last to go (skinnyfat for example)
I hate niggers????
>2.5 years lifting
>only getting noticed and compliments now
As a natty how much longer do I have to keep putting muscle when I can start doing the minimum to mantain? This is getting borng. I don't want to look massive just built ottermode.
>stomach and hips are the last area to lose fat typically
this is really more a reflection of the body's preference to store fat in those areas, not that it prefers losing it there last.
for massive calorie deficit while maintaining some level of lifting, in theory, the body would start eating away at all muscle equally. but, the most prominent muscle groups (thighs, arms, etc.) would be the ones you'd notice the most easily.
Does being really active, both lifting and HIIT, and putting on muscle help the body retain or produce heat?
I thought have a layer of fat kept you warm, especially in colder bodies of water but I've lost a heap of fat and put on muscle and seem to handle the cold better.

Like right now, I've been sitting in an air conditioned control room for over 6 hours that's about 20/68 °C/F
Now, that's not freezing but sitting fairly sedentary in it with cold air blown on you normally i would start to feel run-down and tired by now. In the past i would have. Right now I feel fine. I can feel its cold, but its not affecting me.

I thought by losing 25lbs of fat and 12%+ bf i would get colder, easier. Doesn't seems to be the case.
Is the skin cancer industry a scam. According to pictures on the internet I have a spot that I most likely should get looked at, but I fully just assume they will say they have to cut it out to get it tested. Everyone has this story and most say if you have to get cancer this is the best one, and just accept it like its nothing. What are they doing with all this harvested skin that people are just letting them cut out unquestioned?
How long should I wait after a 104 degree fever to workout again? This is probably the first time I've been sick in my adult life beyond a cold so I'm clueless.
I'm a father
Just lift normally
Heavy deads and squats will help you lean back out way more than retarded substitutions

Post stats
You could have been there a year ago if you would have run SS to intermediate and then done a high volume program and cut

A sample of the spot is so small they can't do anything with it
Quit being retarded and get it tested. Skin cancer can still metastasize and kill you

Whenever you're up for it
Your numbers might have dropped but just refeed
The higher your metabolic output, the more robust your internal temperature regulation becomes

You get girls by talking to girls, not lifting
You lift to get a little bit of confidence so when you talk to girls in the event you're autistic
I'm relatively skinny now after being a morbidly obese the first 20 years of my life. would it be normal to have to wear a knee brace on my right knee when exercising to avoid pain or discomfort? When running or squatting I feel so uncomfortable without a brace (I'm being genuine when I say squatting without a knee brace hurt so much I was on the verge of tears) but it feels 100% fine squatting or running a 5k when I'm wearing one.
I would stretch and get someone to roll all the knots out of your legs
Usually knee pain is overtightened hamstrings or inner thigh muscles but can be any uneven tension around the knee, often on the opposite side of the pain

If you get all knots out and it still hurts, I would go see a physio to double check and then depending on what they say get a referral to an ortho
i have no trouble becoming lean.
i have trouble building muscle mass with these. The only thing that grows through squats so far is my ass. And my hamstrings are still non existant even though my deadlift outpaces every other lift. And then there is my garbage bench that has been hard stuck on the same weight and my OHP is creeping up on it
Does when you shit hurt your workout?
Hello, I’m not making any progress with my extended home gym training. I have a cable machine and a barbell with a bench (cable machine with a lat pull-down up to 120 kg) and weights for the barbell up to 130 kg. My stats: 175 cm, 77 kg.

My "training plan," which is quite poor, is as follows:

Day 1:
- 7 sets of 8-12 squats (current weight 72 kg)
- 7 sets of bench press, 8 sets of 8-10 (current weight 65 kg)
- 8 sets of barbell rows from the floor, 8 sets of 8 (current weight 71 kg)
- Afterwards, abdominal training with 3 sets of 25-30 leg raises.

Day 2: Cable Machine:
- Lat pull-down 10 sets of 10 to 12 (current weight 44 kg)
- Tricep pushdown 3 sets of 8-10 (current weight 8 kg)
- Lateral raises 6 sets of 18-25 (current weight 4 kg)
- Bayesian curls 6 sets of 8-12 (current weight 18 kg)

Day 3:
- 7 sets of 8-12 squats (current weight 72 kg)
- 7 sets of standing press, 7 sets of 6-8 (current weight 42.5 kg)
- 8 sets of deadlifts, 5 sets of 7-8 (current weight 102 kg)
- Afterwards, abdominal training with 3 sets of 25-30 leg raises on the bar.

Day 4: Cable Machine:
- Lat pull-down 10 sets of 10 to 12 (current weight 44 kg)
- Tricep pushdown 3 sets of 8-10 (current weight 8 kg)
- Lateral raises 6 sets of 18-25 (current weight 4 kg)
- Bayesian roll ("curls") 6 sets of 8-12 (current weight 18 kg)

1 day of rest and then back to Day 1. In between, I almost always do pull-ups every morning, 5 sets of 8/6/6/6/6, and push-ups, 5 sets of 25/25/20/15/11. My maximum number of pull-ups is 12. Occasionally, I do light abdominal training for 1 minute without a break (light exercises) for about 15-20 minutes in total.

This training is not reasonable, especially since I would like to be able to press more weight standing, but I have the impression that even with a "small" weight of about 32 kg, with a larger number of repetitions (10-11), my muscles fail quickly.

Can you write me a good training plan for my lvl ?
You're almost intermediate so you should be doing a repeating 3day split (6day)
Pull/push/legs or Arnie's blueprint or Upper Lower is what you should be doing
No one should be programming their routine until they're advanced
You do more volume while eating at a surplus to gain mass
Deads and squats and bench and barbell row are the big mass builders
If you aren't gaining mass doing those movements, you're doing something else wrong
Swapping them for worse movements will only hurt you
I lift better shitting before
Can't get fully hyped if I have to
is there a blueprint for upper/lower if I look up Jeff-Nippard System, it contains "weid" exercises like "Larsen Press" or machines I don't have excess to
Hello, I’m from the United States. Recently I’ve been taking Lipodrene with Ephedra, it’s been helping me with my cut but I also just got notified of a surprise drug test from my employer. I know that ephedra can cause false positives, has anyone here had any experiences similar in regards to drug tests etc, I think I should be fine if I explain what I’ve been taking but I’m still nervous and not too sure of the repercussions, sorry for the low iq.

Will ephedra in my system fuck me over in a drug test?
Been working on my own workout routine. It's more of an upkeep workout rather than a growth workout because honestly I'm fine with everything as it is, but I want to have a plan in order for when my cut actually starts showing results.
Day 1
ohp 3x8
incline dumbbell press 3x5~8
ring rows 3x12
dips 3x8~12
tricep pull downs 3x8~12
Arnold press 3x8

Day 2
deadlifts 3x8
lat pulldowns 3x8~12
ez bar curls 3x12
bench press 3x8
hammer curls 3x12
lat raises 3x8~12

Day 3
barbell squat 3x8
leg press 3x12
seated leg curls 3x12
seated leg raises 3x12
leg press calf raises 3x12
t-bar row 3x8~12

pls give feedback. Anything I should add or cut out? Anything I should replace for something better? Any orders I should change?
>why t-bar instead of barbell
I find t-bar easier to keep form with and also my gym has a dedicated platform for it so it goes by faster, I just add more weight to compensate for the missing barbell
Press©®™ or incline
Chin/pull ups or downs
Slow controlled straightforward hammer curls
Ez skullcrushers
Optional isolation round
Leaning forward shoulder flies

Squat heavy
Squat light
Hip thrusts

Just stop taking it a week out

What are your stats
It looks bad at a glance but we need height and weight and symmetric strength avatar
What are your stats
It looks bad at a glance but we need height and weight and symmetric strength avatar
with what weight ? how many sets and reps
I'm 5'11 301lbs. Bench is my worst lift by a mile. Been a fat fuck for a long time but also when I started working out I focused on my legs for like 2 years straight, so leg strength and size is no issue hence the laziness for numbers, I just load it up and go through the motions for upkeep.
Lift stats in order
day 1
just below 1 plate consistently, 1rm is like 165lbs
35's is all I've tried but I think I can go higher safely now
body weight
body weight
45lbs but I think I could go more heavy here
35's, possibly more but I usually do these right after ohp so I'm not 100% sure what the ceiling is for me

day 2
2 plate consistently, 1rm was just above 3 plate but I struggled quite a bit
40~60lbs preloaded bar, sometimes my wrist hurts so I don't push it
165lbs consistently
20lbs, just added these a few weeks ago so not very strong yet, open to other forearm ideas
15lbs I hate lat raises because I suck at them but I want big shoulders

day 3
2.5 plates consistently, 1rm was like 320 last time I tried
a lot, not concerned
same as leg press, I just alternate the movements
120lbs or so
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What would be a good replacement for a front squat? I don't think i can manage it with a good form yet. This is the leg exercise i do with more reps, unlike a regular squat on another day, should i just do regular squat in that case?
The core lifts should be 5x5 or more sets if you need more volume with the last sets to failure
The lighter lifts should be 8-10 with the last set bringing you to failure
You shouldn't be worried about missing reps as long as you do that same weight until you get pretty much all of them

This is assuming you're actually intermediate (post your symmetric strength avatar)
Just do lighter back squat
I did heavy and light squat on my way toy FFMI peak (30.24) natty
Gotta say the fragmentation of your information is making this difficult
What's your lifting schedule
I'm having some difficulty pushing off on my bench press, I've come to the conclusion that strengthening my romboids, supraspinatus, infraspinatus, subscapularis and teres major/minor is a good idea. What are some lifts for these?
What specifically do you mean by pushing off
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Thanks mate. I still want to try the front squat since i can get fairly low on a regular one. But in case of a bad form or some fumbling, i will just do regular squats with higher amount of reps.
If you can't go ass to grass on back squat, your stance is wrong
I am thinking those exercises are the worse movements for me in particular due to my leverages. I am gaining mass. It is not muscle mass.
I actually can, it's just that i see so many people go barely past their hip line it is crazy.
You aren't listening
Those movements are the movements that cue your body into building lean mass
You not doing them puts you at a disadvantage pertaining to your goals
Everyone struggles with squat and deadlift
The only way to get good at them is to do them heavy often with good form.
Not doing the actual lifts hurts you
>301 lbs
you're in for a long cut anon. you will not be able to keep up that volume. If you have been lifting for a while your goal should be to push for strength hard. You are going for a ton of volume each day.
>Day 1
>5 exercises limited by your triceps
>Day 2
>3 exercises limited by your biceps
>Day 3
Your exercise selection is also scrambled together, and I don't get why some use rep ranges and others do not or why you chose to do how many sets or reps to begin with. I'd search for a preestablished program and roll with that one
How big of a gains goblin is nicotine? I know that surgeons tell patients to refrain from nicotine before and after surgery until they are fully healed.
>you are not listening
projecting? i am asking for alternative exercises because i am done doing those. they were of no benefit to me. there will be people who can relate here and give their experiences other than
>just do it
because i will not
I'm telling you that if you aren't making gains doing those exercises, you're doing something else completely wrong and it will only get worse not doing them

It's fun to bitch out, it's more fun to be huge

I literally hit FFMI over 30 natty in 2019
If you should listen to anyone, it's fucking me bro
>I literally hit FFMI over 30 natty
>I literally hit FFMI over 30 natty
>I literally hit FFMI over 30 natty
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>I literally hit FFMI over 30 natty
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>it's more fun to be huge
yeah that's why i will drop those stupid exercises for ones that will benefit me in getting there.
>If you should listen to anyone, it's fucking me bro
oh yeah? post some pics. talk about your body proportions. let me see if i am about to listen to some 5'5 midget that is all torso and can stand as upright as a candle while doing squats instead of folding like a jackknife, struggling to not make it look like a good morning.
>The only person on the planet that doesn't benefit from major compounds
Lmao, you really should be doing some sort of squat, hinge, horizontal pull and push and vertical pull and push. Basic movement patterns that will build a lot of muscle because they recruit so much of it. You are not a special snowflake that somehow doesn't respond to major compounds movements.
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there will be no proofs FFMI 30 is bigger than most competitive bodybuilders on grams of gear
What are fellow anons choices of foods before fasting or daily fasting?

Does anyone have any suggestions for beginner Yoga poses or stretches that can be done daily and helps clear the head for the day or from racing thoughts? Sorry if I lost you, explorin alternative things to do to fill the day with healthier choices, any tips and tricks is greatly appreciated
Not very /fit/ related but I gotta ask my /fit/ bros. Any other white dudes here get mired almost exclusively by darker skinned/hair women? Not black chicks per se but like Mediterranean, Latina, Arab etc seem to be very reliably into me, especially the fat ones. I get them from white girls occasionally but with the others it’s like guaranteed. What causes this?
oh I know FFMI 25 is the limit and probably not even reachable. They're just annoying trying to bait me into becoming a T-Rex moder wasting time on stupid lifts that do not work for me.
>Baby hits his first stall and thinks that the movements are wrong
Literally cannot make this shit up
I go 3 times a week, standard Mon/Wed/Fri schedule, usually in the evenings but sometimes I get to do afternoon workouts. Sorry I fucked it up, I've never made a program before and only started kicking the idea around earlier this week, like Tuesday or so. The ultimate goal is to have a streamlined workout of stuff that is effective but that is also reasonably fast because I already waste a lot of time on the trip to and from my gym. I'm a contractor/handyman with varying jobsite locations so stopping at the gym on the way home is often not a consistent distance to drive so I'm trying to minmax the time I spend. It's a first draft and I'm open to all advice. Might just go back to PPL until the summer with lower sets.

I've been lifting on and off for years but now I'm at a point where I can reasonably get back on the ball and stay consistent with a schedule.
>I don't get why some use rep ranges and others do not or why you chose to do how many sets or reps to begin with.
That's based on what I've proven to be able to do between August and now. Those are the numbers I can consistently pump out for each thing listed, which is what I thought the question was about. Generally I do 4x10 on everything but I want to bump things down to 3 sets of 8~12 on a sliding scale depending on the weight because sometimes work just kicks my ass. I'm finding it tough to actually stick to the gym because I get so bogged down and mentally worn out when I'm there after work. I was doing PPL for a few months and it was going alright and the numbers I listed (or tried to, idk) are similar to those.
TBF legitimately large natty BBers are a lot denser than roiders because of how the roids help your body retain water
If he was >30 he'd look more like a 20-25 pro BBer
It's actually an easy way to tell natties from frauds but everyone lies about their bodyweights so
You have no idea what you are talking about
shoo shoo anon. you bore me.
>I get them from white girls occasionally but with the others it’s like guaranteed. What causes this?
I'm no expert but from my anecdotal experience I'd say its because social media has conditioned white women in the west to think they're at the top of the food chain. They just have to exist and they have guys in their dm's and match on tinder at their own whim, no matter the size or shape. Meanwhile brown women of all walks still have it on easy mode by virtue of being women, but they have to try harder because being brown and pretty is still inferior to white and pretty, and fat brown women are still worth less than a fat white woman. Desperation, nothing to lose but plenty to gain, etc etc. A typical white woman has her image to think about because she cares about the opinion of others and don't like to be seen as easy compared to the Stacy they compare themselves to, so thus don't like to give or if they do it is very subtle, meanwhile brown women go out of their way to be seen and acknowledged. Being fat compounds on top of this because we all know how fat people behave in general.
When I get mires that I actually know are mires it's usually from Hispanic women. "Mires" from white women are just a passing glance because most of them have a stick up their ass which can generally only be removed after you hatefuck them like a slave.

White women really aren't worth the effort anymore, which is a shame. If I want white kids I'm going to have to face the music at some point but damn I'm not looking forward to the child support and split custody battle.
Yeah well said, it seems like there’s plenty of options in the true brown category. I seem to convert okay with “white” (Greek, Italian, Spanish etc) girls so that’s my best chance for having white kids. Seems like way too many real white girls have the apple shaped bellies these days
there are a lot of options in the brown category since they all want a black man until a white man shows them interest. It's the same dynamic just reversed. The downside is that the more stuck up white women behave, the more enticing the brown women become, and it's a trap many men fall into which inflates the egos of the brown women as well. Not nearly to the degree of how white women live, but I've met my fair share of insufferable brown women who think they're top tier 9's and 10's because they managed to fuck an above average looking white guy who was down on his luck. It's a similar dynamic to how posting pictures with 1 obscenely pretty girl opens you up to an entirely new sector of dating, because the pretty women will see that you've fucked someone at least as pretty as them before so you're "safe" or however they want to phrase it. Basically they know you're not a loser who either can't pull or only pulls fat or ugly women.
What should I do if I have not changed my routine and diet but I a have stopped losing weight?
How important is warmup and stretching before lifting?
Cut calories back by like 150 and do an extra 20 mins of cardio 4x per week if it’s been longer than 3 weeks. If it’s only been a week or two, could be a normal plateau
>have different lengths in your limbs from mine? Just change your stance bro!
decrease calories and/or exercise (walk/hike/run/swim/etc.) more
i sometimes have a little trouble stopping to eat candy but when i do, i account for the calories and do some IIFYM type shit to not have a massive surplus, when i workout after i have insane energy and the drive to move more and bounce off the walls
is it the quick sugar hitting thats making me perform better and have that kind of energy or is that mostly mental? i eat very clean, moderate carbs / fats / protein, barely any fast digesting carbs except for some rice/noodles before working out, im trying to make sense out of this
should i try eating more carbs in general while maybe cutting back on the protein for a bit?
im eating around maintenance calories atm, normal-ish weight
Okay lil boi
Whatever you say lmao
/Qtd/ is always the same shit
>I'm making a retarded program
>How do I get big without actually lifting
>I have a problem only a doctor can diagnose, DIAGNOSE ME
No one should be programming their own routine desu
If you just do all the big lifts plus some accessories twice a week that's enough but when people start swapping bs for real lifts it's a giant fucking problem

You should always work heaviest to lightest and the majority of your workouts should be compound movements

"Maintaining" and "gaining" and losing workouts should all be the same except maybe some volume

Just look up full body or upper lower programs that fit this description
He's right bitch fuck a china dick
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Hello fine people, got any tips for going back all guns blazing to the gym? Due to some health issues I could barely lift twice a week (barely working with half of my normal load and half the time) for 3 months and not at all for a month. Now I'm feeling better than ever but I wouldn't want to get injured like a retard. Any tip is more than welcome
Warm up every time
Only dynamic stretching before IF something is noticeably tight

Your stance, which is dependent on limb length, should always result in you being able to go atg
Quit acting retarded, you're better than that

A little sugar and fat pre-workout can really help with lifting energy
I find about half a cake donut is maximal
It's easy to overdo it also
Run SS for a few weeks with accessories ramping back up to your full strength
Until I hit 30 I had to do that to bounce back the fastest after every break
Start with lighter weights and just add 5-10 pounds each set til you figure out where you're at for a session or two. Don't be a hero and go right back to whatever weights you used to be lifting.
Thank you frens, I've never actually tried SS, might give it a shot just to keep things exciting as I recover
Start at weights that are plenty light
I squatted lmao1pl8 after a few months barely lifting and my glute connecting tissue was rekt after a seemingly easy squat session
I was back over 3pl8 in a few weeks but gotdangit Bobby that was a big reality check
I squatted a plate today for the first time, my form was absolute shit and my quads are exploding. Not gonna lie it feels fucking great, I can barely walk but I missed this so much. It's obviously somewhat humbling to say the least but it feels good to be back!
Well don't stop now
question about ab routine. is it okay to do this
>30 sec plank
>45 side plank
>30 sec plank
>45 sec other side plank
instead of
>30 rest 3x
>side plank, other side 2x
>Your stance, which is dependent on limb length
>just overcome impossible forces, bro

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