>half an apple>cup of coffee>36 calories totalI see... I see. I know why people are so fat now. People back in the day struggled to go over 1500 calories a day. Today, you can hit 3k easily with processed foods and eating out. Doesn't that blow anyone else's mind?
>>75739499I miss her James. I miss her alot.
>>75739499slop has unironically been one of the worst things to happen to human health. >during August 2021-August 2023, the prevalence of obesity in [american] adults was 40.3%https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/products/databriefs/db508.htm
>>75739499Also missing out that micronutrients are 1/3rd what they were a hundred years ago.Half an apple had unironically a quarter of the days micro nutrients.
>>75739499I've been targeting 1400 calories as I cut. I can hit that in one meal easily without feeling full if I include premade food. They really are feeding us cattle slop to fatten up the herd
>>75740084> he doesnt know