Is the Arnold worth going to anymore? Or are its best days behind it? Anyone from here attend?
>>75737638Bro wtf lol
>>75737638Only for the strongman comp and classic physique division. Everything else is cringe
>>75737638wtf is this shit?
>>75737638Anything associated with Arnold is horse shit
>>75737681Bodybuilding in 2025
call me coomer but i'd breed that bitch so hard i'd die of exhaustion that same night
>>75737717That fucking smile
>>75737679Was it ever good?
>>75737717She's infertile from the anavar.
>>75737823That physique isn’t natty? Yikes
I get why female bodybuilders have to get implants; since low bodyfat percentage=sad boobs, but why do they always gravitate towards the most ugly beach ball looking ones?
>>75737823She doesn't look that enhanced
>>75737914They look fubb
Are girls like this fun?
>>75737638>are its best days behind it?Yes, for everything
>>75738575When did it go downhill and why?
>>75738577Who can say for sure? 2020, 2001, 1945, perhaps even earlier. But for The Arnold in particular probably around the same time fitness influencers started to overtake classic gym culture.
>>75738597Exactly when
I'm pretty surprised that the WBFF hasn't surpassed IBFF yet at least in popular culture.
>>75739086Why do you think they haven’t ?
>>75737914It's all about proportions
>>75739309Sad tats and fake tits
>>75737914They have crippling levels of body dysmorphia and have completely lost touch with the reality of their appearance
>>75739345Fake tits are based
Make sure to inspect their physique. Be open about it. Crazy lady fuck the china dick. Just rub oil on it.