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chicken, carrot, onion, whole grain wheat, apples. Can you eat just this every day? There you have protein, fats, carbs, some vitamins. Is there something missing? Do you need to add something else to stay healthy? I hate eating different thing every day so I want to find some combination of food that I can eat and stay healthy.
Yeah right manchild, definitely has nothing to do with the fact that you can't cook
Just blend everything into a smoothie and chug it then retard
I don't like to waste too much of my time cooking and thinking about food. I have more important stuff to do
sure you do manchild
Do you really think that someone will feel insulted because some retard on the internet called him 'manchild'?
But you are useful because you bump my thread
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Listen up, nigga.
You's either tripping or you pimping. And this ain't no pimping. Chicken, carrot, onion, whole grain wheat, and apples.
Bitch, you would be lacking vitamin C, D, E, K, B12, Folate, Magnesium and Magnase and that's assuming you ate a whole ass chicken, five (5) carrots, one onion, three thick slices of bread and three apples.
Don't make me have to smack a hoe, you gon' buy some real food next time you go shopping, you heard?
So what would you add to the list to cover missing nutrients?
>posts on 4trans
>any meat
>hard boiled eggs
>sweet potato
>greek yogurt
>any fruit
thats all you need, maybe some omega 3 pills, creatine

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