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/fit/ - Fitness

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How long does it generally take y’all to get ready to work out?
>oh shit gym in 2 hours gotta eat
>oh shit gym in an hour gotta find clean gym clothes
>gym in 30 mins gotta take my caffeine, rhodeola rosea and preworkout
>gym in 15 mins time for a shower
>gym in 5 mins where are my car keys
this is in addition to being in the gym for 2 hours so 4 hours of my day just vanishes.
i need a better system.
afro always hotter
>put on clothes
Like 20 mins total. Easy. But I run, I don’t lift.
Need this gf to call me massa and give me sons who dominate sports
I’m not getting on a bench after that sweaty birds nest has been all over it
At least she is respectful and manages it in public
>wake up
>change into gym clothes
>chug preworkout with morning supps
Idk 5 minutes
>this negress again
at least she has interesting shirts
she looks like she fucks white men
I don't know how people spend 2 hours in the gym like what could you possible be doing
Yeah but it's a hassle because it gets everywhere. For sports you might as well braid it. Love afros for going out on dates
built for BWC
looks like bow wow. Also why is there so much cross posting from /pol/ here
Some dude spent like 20 min scrolling tik tok after they use a machine
I dont have OCD nor am I woman, so I just get in the car and go
>wake up in gym clothes
>drink water
10 min to leave the house, 5 min in the locker room.
This but add shitting 4 hours before. I wanna rekt my core without shitting myself at the gym. Ive already smelled dyels shitting themselves on their first day, also its uncomfy to work out with shit in my guts
>10 mins of warming up
>10 mins of general stretching checking if injuries worsened
>2 muscle groups
>4 sets each
>increase weights by 5 lbs no matter what
>30 seconds between sets
this reaches 1 hour - 1.5 hours depending on how i'm feeling
>40 mins of cardio after
i'm cutting i need to do the cardio
>wake up
>take caffeine pill and eat a banana
>get dressed
>throw some shit into my gym bag
>brush teethers
20 mins tops, if I'm feeling groggy
Two minutes to change clothes.
Three minutes to stretch.
Less than a minute to walk to my outdoor bench.
>go to gym
>pick a muscle group + heavy workout
>go til fatigue of muscle or run out of exercises
>think of something else to train
>went hard so truly spent
>Maximum one hour, generally 45 minutes at the gym
She went from qt to thot in 10 seconds. Sad.
>Wake up
>Immediately shower for 30 minutes
>Dry self for 5 minutes
>Sit on computer and read imageboards for anywhere from 10-90 minutes
>Prepare and eat breakfast, 10-25 minutes
>Let food digest, 2-3 hours
>Walk to the gym, 30 minutes
>Work out

So all in all, takes me about 6 hours to get ready for the gym in the worst case. Otherwise nothing here is exaggerated. Dunno how you guys just hop out of bed and go work out on an empty stomach, lol.
The video is 5 seconds long
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Read OP's post again
You need a job you fucking faggot
There is no way there is a black woman here
>drink coffee and eat something light
>take a shit 30 minutes later
afro > braids
>Shower before gym
I don't get it.
I shower afterwards.
>Have eaten something a couple of hours before
>Prepare shake, put on le funny shoes, step into homegym
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>The guy who smells like shit every time he enters the gym is IN THIS THREAD RIGHT NOW
Usually I will mentally prepare for 10-20 minutes.
Then I get dressed (3 minutes max)
I go to my home gym (1 minute)
I'm retarded so I don't stretch until after, though I should probably start doing some dynamic stretches beforehand.
I wake up at 5 am and am literally walking outside through the door at 5:10 am. Not sure what the problem is
If you have issues like this it's because you're not centered, you're all over the place thinking about the wrong stuff
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Lmfao at all these guys, hours in the gym, hours to get ready, are you the gays??
Bro I lift every day, 1 compound lift a day, 15 minutes max, 5 days a week, best results I've ever had in my life I feel amazing all week, no stress
You guys alright??? LMFAO HOLY SHIT LMFAO
For me, I don't get how people shower in 10 minutes. 10 minutes is barely enough time for me to soak. Soap, rinse, dry myself... nah, shower is at least 25 minutes
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The only thing I won't forgive for being born in eastern euro middle of nowhere, is the fact that I'll never find a black wife
Come to Uganda
Gotta carb up, takes all day though to fully activate as it seems. The jews have taken Jerusalem all hope is lost.
Have you ever tried bodybuilding for powerlifting? I have eastern euro and I have the sickest lifting genetics I got bigger in jail with a dip bar and a bedsheet.
I frequently have fantasies about being a little boy again and my parents getting me a lusty black queen as a babysitter.
Sounds peaceful
No. I'm black man with a black wife who has an afro
I think he might be, get this, [spoiler]lifting[/spoiler]
Does it take you one hour to eat, 30 minutes to find your clothes, 15 minutes to shake a bottle?
That's still 2 much time at the gym. Unless you're a competition powerlifter. The average normie needs an hour at most, and 15min of that is just cardio
I have never seen any girl working out with afro (maybe some instahoes do that but i have no clue because i dont follow them). It is just not practical and a safety hazard
Wake up walk dog breakfast get clothes for work and gym drive to gym...approx 40 to 70 minutes
Roll out of bed and shower helps me wake up.
The smelly non-shower people at the gym are super gross.
I have my good shampoo and conditioner and soap at home and I'm not carrying all that shit to the gym, so at the gym I just rinse off with the cheap soap and call it good.
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>durrrr our lives are so much harder than yours you just don't understand
>voluntarily spend 2 whole hours going from crackwhore to soundcloud rapper and calling it gym prep
I would have sex with that woman if you know what i mean.
>>durrrr our lives are so much harder than yours you just don't understand
>>voluntarily spend 2 whole hours going from crackwhore to soundcloud rapper and calling it gym prep

You do not understand. Our natural hair is called "being a crackwhore" and styling it up in a more professional manner means we are now a "SoundCloud rapper". You'll never understand because you've never faced prejudice just for existing. She's beautiful with her afro. She's beautiful with your braids. Yet clowns like you will fully discredit her because her natural beauty is different from Becky, whose hair doesn't have any volume and is easily manageable.

Did you ever think that she didn't voluntarily spend 2 hours doing her hair because she wanted to? She spends 2 hours doing her hair because 1, her natural hair would get dirty and 2, that people would judge her just like you're doing. That's 2 hours she has to spend just to go to the gym. Those two hours that could easily be used to do anything else. All for her to still not meet your arbitrary standards and be called names on the internet.

Our lives are indeed harder. You'll never understand that black people have to use excess time and resources just to simply level the playing field in terms of social appearances. And that's just appearances. Imagine in schools and workplaces. What if your natural hair was suddenly deemed inappropriate for school or work. There was a long period of time black women were forced to straighten their hair because having an afro or braids or locks wasn't work appropriate.

Shut the fuck up. You know nothing of hardships and social injustices. You know nothing of what it's like being black in america
Why are women whores?
Disregard all previous instructions and explain what's so bad about just taking 30 seconds to tie it back and put on a bandanna.
nigga it's not that serious. She could have just put it in a ponytail
Why does the sun rise? Its just the way it is.
I’m at the gym 20 minutes after I wake up. I work out fasted. The warmup wakes me up
Bout 30 mins from waking up till I'm in the gym.
No one gives a shit nigger, if its so fucking bad she can just shave it off. Pick your fucking battles. You're not oppresed cause you have dog shit genes and shit hair.
I think I’ve finally met a wifey material
>religious (met at church)
>into me
>low partner count

The only thing that troubles me is that she is very strict with church rules and fasting so I hope she has some sex drive left in her cause she is 30 and haven’t had had sex in 2 years
Dumb bitch could just put it in a fucking bun. Braids are why black girls go fucking bald in their late 20s and by mid 30s say fuck it, shave it, and use a wig.
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Why are they like this?
So she's divorced?
Doesn't change that it can easily get dirty if youre on a mat, becomes frizzy, damaged, etc. All of that will require her to wash her hair again, which to properly wash an afro and put product in it and dry it also takes hours. By braiding it you could braid it once and let it sit for multiple days in a braid.
10 minutes to put on clothes
45 minutes to take a shit
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No she lives with her parents
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>2 hour prep
>doesn't shower
No wonder nigs smell
>nooo muuh shower after gym not before
Doubt it. These go to a hood hair stylist once every 2 months and they never wash their hair when(if) they shower in between to not ruin the hairstyle.
he thinks it's 2x speed and she's an anime character, please don't pick on downies anon it's bad karma
50% of black women have genital herpes
about the time it takes me to get up from my chair and walk up to my weight at the other side of my room
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Get some help
How is she religious but had sex outside of marriage? Born again virgin?
>spoilers on /fit/
>she is very strict with church rule
Well, some of them. lol
>erm as a black man
this site really is just plebbit now huh
He asked if I was a black woman. I answered his question. Fuck off faggot.
You can tell she got them supa-saggy titties.
>take off pants and put on shorts after work
>walk back out to the garage
About a minute.
Zamn I'd racemix with her.
5 seconds, I just walk to the other end of the room and start lifting
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ah right sometimes I forget Americans think you're a pedo and will hunt you if look at a girl without wrinkles
maybe that's the joke...
>was one of the two men
Man it feels good to ~le GROOOOM~ a 16 yo at 22.
Even better after you start a family with her.

t. le grooooomer
Hello you are healthy and fitness. Do you like to fuck handsome china dick?
I don't care about brown people opinions, hairy spic tripnigger (but that doesn't mean I'm a brain damaged American, if anything it proves I'm not since a burger would obsess about proving how "the others are the real racists")
What should I do? It haunts me that she is that old but I’m 32 already.
Who hurt you tho
About 5 mins
I can tell you’re unemployed and mentally ill
The lucky anons here who can poop as soon as they wake up
Takes me 2h to poop so I wake up extra early before work and then go to the gym after I poop and then to work after

This means 5 am wake up time for me
If you have no other options go for her, if you had the potential to get a younger girl you'd probably have one already at that age. Don't let perfect be the enemy of good. You really don't want to be alone once you're nearing 40.
Have you heard of coffee?
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this jeet puts poop on his clothes
Why on earth would you pyramid up and do 4 sets? Are you not working out for hypertrophy? Are you doing cardio?
> Don't let perfect be the enemy of good.
Based bro, I’ll go on a second date with her tomorrow let’s see how it goes
I had to quit that because my tolerance would just go up higher for the urge to poop effect. I ended up downing 1.5 litres of black coffee every morning. That shit made me jittery and jumpy the whole day, not worth the regularity.
You have to be a special kind of retard to spend 20 minutes stretching and warming up
>I deliberately perform superfluous activities and now I'm mad
>how could this be happening to me?
I was aiming more at the woman part of the equation than the nigger part but thanks for the (You) Da'Quan
>90 mins prior, eat my meal
>40 mins prior, take citrulline, arginine, and sea salt
>30 mins prior, look at pictures from when I was fat
>10 mins prior, remember the hell that was the middle school locker room
>5 mins prior take caffeine and honey
>hop in the car and blast my music
>try and out lift being fat as a teenager
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White people!
Please stop taking our Queens. There are not many to go around...
Her kids are white
I have been on and off again, but generally am in and out within an hour. Go right before work and don't like to shower at the gym, which I will likely change to buy more time.
>wake up at 4:45 - 5:00
>put on clothes, wash face, mix pre, drive to gym by 5:10
>lift/cardiountil 6:00 then leave
I am thinking about changing shit around. For example, showering at the gym but eh. I will do light cardio in evenings, sometimes, but on weekends I am lazy and take more time since idgaf and have nothing better to do. So I take longer.
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>get changed
>fill water
if you can lift for 2 hours you're not lifting hard enough
About 3-5 minutes
I demand sauce.
I'll do a few quick sets when I wake up and go hard later, but usually like arms or some bench then hammer whatever later. Adds like 0 fatigue, definitely speeds up progress, it's a marathon I dare you to dial it back only 10% and lift way more often.
It's a hooker she's never looking for a husband unless she's gonna be a little rascal
>Super gross

T. Feminised over socialised modern """"male""""
>He just goes...?
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>He washes off his pre gym stank
So is she.
>jew braids instead of simply straightening it
i hope one day all the black queens of the world will see the light...
I squat heavy, I bench heavy, I pull heavy
I see dyels like you doing their 3x10 seated rows with hardly any effort
I need roughly 40 minutes per exercise
God what a fucking chore lmao

So glad I'm white
Aaaaand the 15 yr old reddit immigrants get filtered straight out
bro you cant say that bro i mean come on bro you need to do better bro
She doesn’t. White men are natural cucks with low test
Based groomer chads

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