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How do i achieve this kind of mobility?
Be a manlet chink with high heels on
hack squats, the Tom Platz way
I can squat even deeper than that and I'm way taller, it's just practice.
Try what feels good to you with feet position, might be easier for you to put your hands out in front of you at first. I do 225 for 12 deep squats and it makes my legs scream
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I've been squatting in all kinds of batshit ways for years and I can never get it to feel "right". I think some people are just built wrong for squatting.
Have short tiny legs.
Wear shoes with lifts
1. yeah some people are going to be more biomechanically efficient at it, and it will feel more natural for them to do higher loads

2. but that being said, it's hard to say if a person has figured out his optimal biomechanics for the squat before you've had 12 weeks where one of the focuses is squat mobility and squat volume.

I don't think my back squat mobility got to a point where I felt really good until I started high front squat volume in an oly program. I think it was the thoracic extension.
He has very short femurs, which makes for a very upright torso in the squat. You can improve your squat mobility but yours will never look like his if you don't have his proportions
This honestly helped me a lot:
This picture is informative but it assumes the same level of ankle mobility in both. Having long femurs isn't a death sentence; it just means the demand for ankle mobility is greater

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