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previous: >>74773141
Fat black queen girl bossing her self care
Look how healthy and happy she looks.
Health isn't determined by fat you bigot. Her biochemistry is fine, her brain processes dopamine normally and she has no issues with motivation or sleep.
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She’s a living argument that men will fuck anything- her mother and brother have the exact same face. They should all be sterilized.
Drinking from those 40oz cups always makes you look fat, no matter if there’s water or plain ice tea in there. Fatties always hydrating themselves with göysløp sodas or coffee-milkshakes.
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goblinx general
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unfortunately I probably would. just call me the mad plapper I guess.
Is it pronounced "goblin-ecks" or "goblinks?"
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>She’s a living argument that men will fuck anything
tbf her mom was less ugly when she was younger but not by much. she did look better than tophia does at the same age. tophia is still a 30yo virgin who has never had a relationship however. i do agree they should not continue their hideous fucking genetics
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sweet Latina princess general
She's 1000% spic
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Okay, mad plapper. What do you think of pic related?
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she is half black half latina
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definitely ain't no traditional woman with traditional values, that's for damn sure. probably would sleep around on you, probably a stoner, probably dried up womb, but plappable? yeah. don't fall in love with no hoes and you'll be fine.
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Watch that carbon footprint, folks!
Refrigerator body aside, why the fuck would you lift in a blouse? KEK
more like carb footprint
Mournful genes. Poor girl never had a chance
It sounds like she's just outsourcing the process of buying new clothes to her friends and family members.
wonder what the carbon footprint of that cow's diet looks like
Peterson is a weak crybaby zionist faggot, but him shitting on fat people is pretty based, ngl fr fr senpai
What's the carbon footprint of all the medical care she needs for her autism and fetal alcohol syndrome?
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>Poor girl never had a chance
i wouldn't feel too bad for her. i will quote my previous comment on her life
>her/its name is tophia, a 30yo tiktok lolcow who lives with her brother and elderly mother and has only had one job her entire life for a few days which she was fired from for smelling so bad. she refuses to work and so her family fluctuates between living in a car or a motel. her entire family is filthy
i'll add to this by saying she believes all her haters are jealous of her motel-hopping poverty-stricken lifestyle. she emotionally abuses her elderly mother. she believes she should never have to work because she is a 'tiktok celebrity'. instead of paying bills, she spends any money she makes form TT on Temu garbage and food. she had a dog that she never let outside so she forced it to piss in cups in the home. there are endless horrible things about her
Right is better
why has someone deepfaked elon musks face on hers?
I know I have TERRIBLE taste, but I actually find her cute. Would love to take her home and fuck the liberal out of her.
There's no doubt she suffers from a severe intellectual disability. Not being an SJW, her being a lolcow is great, but i'm not going to criticize her seriously like she isn't unironically retarded lol. That's like being mad at a toddler for acting like a toddler.
>doesn't have a job
That's probably a good thing. Do you really want this creature preparing your food? Or being responsible for literally anything?
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Ok so fat to mega fat?
Oh boy what rippling muscles under… uhhh… like 50lbs of excess fat?
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do you think it's yeasty?
I can see the puffy fat overhang on the elbow and the weird cuffs on her hips. Stage 3 lipodema, she will only ever get fatter and lumpier.
You just know she goes around telling people she use to be "very small and athletic" just like every morbidly obese woman who use to be (just) overweight.
So euthanize
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What do you think of this transfornation?
Every moderate to very attractive woman I’ve known met her significant other in person through school, work, or social gatherings that were professional/casual in nature. Sometimes they’ll use dating apps so that they can cast that wide dragnet, but generally they know that they’re way too good for undesirable men to even bother approaching, and that Mr. Right will just be in the correct place to meet them. Fatties on the other hand are desperate.
normal people don't use those
unfortunate fat distribution
she looked better thin
t. architect
carbloaded to become niggerbait
/fit/ I have a challenge for you, try to post a fat chick who DOESEN'T have grotesque tattoos or piercings all over their body. Most will find impossible.
Doll, you’re the only tripfriend I’ve ever liked. Bravo.
This. They make their bodies into incredibly large canvasses, the put a bunch or doodles on them. No sleeves or murals that end up being art.
at least she's realistic
its still her fault that she eats like a pig
Then they get cancer from the tattoo ink and eat up ten million dollars in medical care instead of dying quickly and gracelessly from a heart attack as nature intended.
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Who hoghunting at the club tonight?
this pic would do numbers on reddit
Thank you anon for explaining, I appreciate you going out of your way to do so.
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Why would plapjak do this?
>Plappin Planets
The stretch knocked him back
WTF is this? There HAS been at least one femcuck posted here, but she was the plap. She acknowledged she was too fat and gross for her husband so she let him fuck other women and even looked at their profiles with him to feel included.
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I know there's this one where the wife got so fat the husband didn't care if she fucked someone else.
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many such cases
i dont get it
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ty anon <3
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the second your wife or husband asks to open your relationship you're fucked, there's no coming back from that point. you're better off just getting divorced.
>giving testosterone to a mentally ill extremely obese girl

And we look back decades ago and wonder who thought lobotomies was a good idea?
I didn't realize trt resulted in such epic nose gains.
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>this was front and center at the olympics

>fat women
>homos in drag
>for some reason there needs to be a child in all of this

Yep, this ceremony captured the western spirit alright.
MIGHTY zongas for a varbie
Except you're generally not allowed to hate fat people on reddit.
sekiro had a bad hair day
you are when its trump
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>Radditor faggot loses control of wife, if he ever had it
Many such cases
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how the fuck did this bitch ALREADY hit the wall
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bitches like this should be treated as cattle. just make them do all the hard jobs and cute guys like me should neetmode for the rest of our lifes
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MtF troons are just the same.
Does that ever do anything?
So sad. But his wife as he knew her is dead.
Extremely real

I had to call the FD for a lift assist yesterday. me, my partner, and 3 firefighters had to stairchair a patient down 6 flights of stairs. The pt was fine btw, just stated "shortness of breath"
Buzz, your girlfriend... Woof!
Face too fat. I can put up with quite a lot of fat if the face remains skinny (and I'm not talking photo angle skinny, I mean irl skinny)
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>mfw the paramedics are fat too
So much face fat that your neutral expression is a frown.
>400+lb male
>completely bedbound
>somehow lives on the 3rd floor
>c/c 'ankle feels funny'
>no other complaints
>have to wait for bariatric unit and lift assist
>pt complains about how his 'emergency' isn't being taken seriously
>has to use bed remote to sit himself upright to yell at us
>claims we're discriminating against him for being 'disabled'
>get to the hospital
>he doesn't like that he has to wait despite coming by ambulance
>starts screaming that he was kidnapped
Working in EMS is what made me hate fat people, they're all so fucking entitled
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>109kg = 240lb
>average height of a 7 year old girl is 3'8"
>BMI 87.1
>can't go off on them because it's a private hospital and they're customers
These must be the most miserable doctors on the planet
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You are when it's anyone to the right of Mao.
Commies do not have any principles
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kelly is a nasty behemoth
>Chest tattoo or belly tattoo
are a no no no red flag for me
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>being a huge, smelly, nearly immobile blob with the impulse control of a toddler is the same as having a different haircut
You can have a type or taste but it doesn't mean that you're guaranteed to find a partner that caters to them, much like the dudes that want want a virgin tradwife goth mommybangmaid that looks and fucks like a pornstar while they look like a cavetroll and wagecucking at walmart.
Just binged on a thousand calories of crackers :)
Gomez is Latin? I never would have guessed
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Anon, these "people" have zero capacity for thought.
At least he had decent taste
The body looked like Maxwell Yearick and Yearick hasn’t been seen alive since.
She has the Aryan blue eyes and blonde hair I would 100% breed an Übermensch army with her
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I can carry an AC unit my self just fine. But my grandmother has this big as fuck one that requires two people to carry it. Going up the stairs with it is a bitch. I can't imagine carrying a 600 pound person.
Ive payed attention to women around me when i step out in public and THERES NOT A WOMAN WITHOUT SCRIBBLES. Women are cattle, they all get tattooed for envy/social pressure. I just thank god the buzzed hair trend didnt catch up to the general public because i would unironically kill myself if women suddenly all looked like military machos
How is it there are attractive people who don't like looking themselves in the mirror and then you have this person who is easily the top 1% of ugliness feel so confident?
The fact that there’s no rule or law saying that you are allowed to leave a patient/deny care/ immediately discharge is ridiculous. “Human dignity” as if staff don’t have any. It’s not like it would just be up to one person who lives and dies, but if a massive amount of resources are required for someone ungrateful that’s already making a scene and making threats, it should be totally fine to just leave them in the state they are in.
The best paid professionals in the area are surely weeping rivers right now
>The fact that there’s no rule or law saying that you are allowed to leave a patient/deny care/ immediately discharge is ridiculous.
New York is the only state I've heard of that allows medics to straight up refuse transport for 911 calls, but the worries about getting sued means it never happens.

There've been a few times in my career I've denied care/abandoned a patient, but all of those involved someone (either the patient or their friends/family) pulling out a gun. One time we parked outside a house for a woman complaining of radiating chest pain and her family sitting on the porch immediately pointed guns at us while screaming about how they don't like 'outsiders' in their neighborhood. We sped off and they called 911 again to complain that we left.
That applies also to any nursing home, rehab facility, or assisted living. Many take in long term mental hospital patients that abuse staff and even other patients. Legally once they take in a client/resident/patient whatever you want to call them, they must follow state specific rules for an eviction. Most will only evict for failure to pay- which will not happen in the case that payment is just their social security/govt money.
If, let’s say this creature >>74781238 decides it’s too hard to manage medications and daily living tasks and goes to a nursing home… in an assisted living (especially low income) she’ll really be able to abuse staff physically and verbally, shit on the walls, and steal from others without being removed. If she falls and goes to the ER, the best they can do is rush her out after a quick x-ray and send her back to the facility ASAP knowing she has nobody to advocate for better care. Then they wonder why staff turnover is so high in medical.
Well americans decided leftoids feelings were top priority for the last 150 year so you can enjoy the death of freedom of association, alongside all the other ones, or actually start the boogaloo.
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>B-1 Bomber Crash Report Blasts Crew Mistakes, Culture of ‘Complacency’ via @AirForceTimes

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>taking shower
>soap up everywhere
>rinse off for about 10 minutes
>go to dry off and my armpit is still soapy
>despite all that water running down me it didn't get to my armpit
>realize how much obese people shower they never get between their folds
>it's literally like never ever washing your armpit
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Too fat for a chair-force chair.
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Saggy tits and bingo wings are NOT worth $1475.77 a month. Jesus H Christ. That’s more than a safety deposit on a nice place. Seriously.
>half black half Latino
He’s still ugly idk
And I’m sure they tried to sue.
Not so much leftiods, plenty of fat and needy and demanding conservative boomers and gen X and all the way down who make it very clear they will not help or cooperate, but they will screech about deserving the absolute best care or else they’ll sue and involve the law.
This one's dead
Bro was not only 260lbs and still enlisted (or worse an officer) but allowed on the jet. Holy fuck. God save us all of it comes down to actual war
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damn how do you train a dog to piss in a cup? sounds kinda sick ngl
it's quite simple, the attractive people worry far too much about how they are seen by others and obsess over it despite it being an ultimately futile endeavor. There is never a way to fix the fact that your external self that other people see isn't the "true" you so you're trapped in your own head, alone forever and never truly understood.

Fat people are, by necessity, coping with that lack in a different way. Rather than huffing copium that somehow achieving that perfect body, that perfect external self, the ego-ideal in the Lacanian sense, will fulfill that black hole of desire, they give up entirely. They are aware that society will not give them the validation they so desperately seek so they attempt to create that validation from within. The whole body positivity, in principle, is a nice idea but also ultimately leads to nowhere as the existential issue of the mind-body disconnect can never be overcome
Fake news. He's alive and well.
god you are such a faggot
>doll couldn’t even stay gone for 2 weeks
I agree
She has a perfect belly.
You have bad taste.
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Does anybody have the livestream video?
Can you post it please?
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>nate higgers
Okay which one of you was this.
to be fair she did lose a lot of the weight.
have you got bitcoin?
>muh humanity
i hate these type of faggots so much
anyone got that webm of that cage fight were a thin girl fight against a fat girl and the fat girl just tumbles over her own feet?
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beer gut balloon
Nah 40oz water bottles are awesome
When I was fat as hell, I couldn't wipe my ass without getting cramps twisting my body. Ever since then, I kept imagining how gross fatasses over 300 pounds must be by comparison
How fat were you?
Did you try planting your foot on the toilet?
Nah, something like that's just too degrading. I was normal weight for a lot of my life and fit just before ballooning up for 2 years so I was wiping like a normal person and it was made more inconvenient due to how fat I was. I was roughly 265 lbs at my heaviest, but I'm also a manlet. Thankfully down to 154 now
Oops, meant to reply to >>74785473
Wonder how many white boys she matches with
I like how, in order to squeeze into that top, she had to let her tits just hang out from under it.
link wallet and i give you video ok
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>no fupa
Then I'm out

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