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do you floss, anon?
Yes. Daily. Had to get root scaling or w/e it's called and the dentist said my teeth won't make it to 45 if I don't floss all the time.
it's crazy how fucked up teeth can get when neglected
Yep. I didn't floss for all my 20s and i always had massive amounts of plaque build up inbetween the 6 month dental cleans

Started doing it in my 30s when I got invisalign to straighten my teeth, and ive been flossing ever since, and the plaque on my teeth has been reduced by legit 95% compared to before

My clean & checkups (same dentist) are only 10 minutes or so, compared to when I didnt floss they were like 30-40 minutes to clean
I guess that's the price of admission to enjoy the civilized life.
yes. i like my gums to be healthy and my breath not to stink.
water flosser is one of the best inventions imo
i tried but it felt pointless and ineffective. now i use this thing every couple of weeks.
Is water flossing a direct replacement for traditional floss? Ive been thinking of getting one but Im scared it wont have the coverage normal flossing does
no one did before all this modern shit and they were completely fine without it
it's the same thing with diseases, they invent the disease, then see how a body reacts to it and instead of creating a cure they create a treatment
no, unless you’re using a pressure washer
No, its more like an accessory to actually flossing. Just using a waterpik or something similar will be better than nothing though
>if you would like to live under a commie surveillance state you need to let your jaw deteriorate from subpar "fooddstuffs"
That's right anon, settle for less, be happy with degeneration and wizening, it's actually way superior and awesomer actually.
sure, but there also wasnt refined sugar in half the things they ate. Also, claiming that there were no dental problems until recently is crazy. Teeth rotted out of peoples skulls pretty often for most of history
nah, people had perfect teeth just like wild animals, the same way people currently have teeth problems just like captive animals
That's because most people didn't live past 40 back then, retard. Longer life expectancy = bodies get older and start withering away gradually.
>That's because most people didn't live past 40 back then
not even slightly true
>humanity has survived this long, that means no one had health issues that they managed to live through.
Don't be this retarded. Yes, people survoved but maybe in horrible agony from having their jaws rotting off. Bad teeth can kill you, it's an opening for infection and sepsis.
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>dental irrigator master race
Everytime I flossed it felt like I wasn't doing shit, I got one of these bad boys and other than being about 20 times more enjoyable, it pulls all kinds of shit out of my teeth.

Never ever going back.

I floss daily because I've got some impacted wisdom teeth that I'm not willing to risk nerve damage to have removed. They're totally fine but I have to clear out the gunk every day to keep things healthy. Anyway, the gf doesn't floss because she's a lazy bitch, would a waterpik be a good buy for her?
Floss ya butt cheeks and dig for your own. Problemd reason for struggling so hard.
Stop the gossips and smile witches.
"dental irrigator" sounds like one of those gay waterpik things. this is an ultrasonic plaque remover. it's basically the same thing the dental hygienist uses
I assumed your picture was a dental irrigator which is also the same thing the dental hygienist uses and is a supremely good substitute for flossing.

I do, however, also use an ultrasonic tooth cleaner once every few weeks, but it does by no means remove the need for flossing.

Flossing is one of the most based things you can do
>never have bad breath
>never get dental issues anymore
6 years ago I wouldnt have even thought of flossing. I brushed every couple days but I thought that was fine.
Had a dental checkup, and needed five cavities filled. Id had 1 or two before, but never 5. It cost me a pretty penny.
I asked the dentist what I could do to not have that again, and he asked if I flossed. Of course I said I try, but its hard to remember, which is true.
I complained about it in one of the /sig/ threads and one of the anons said something that has stuck with me since
>every time you don't floss, the kikes and women win.
Idk if I hated women then but it stuck with me.
Since then, I've made a habit of flossing after brushing my teeth. I only seldom forget, and I've had no cavities since.
TL;DR is flossing works bros, especially if you have weaker enamel. So dont let the jews win.
How do I make it quicker? It takes like 10 mins (20 since it's to be done twice).
Just did it, I should do it more. Feels nice, but my gums might be a bit inflamed later.
Water flossing just doesn't do it for me, but I'll still use it.
I've flossed since one time a three years ago I had 7 cavities in one dentist visit. Now I floss regularly and have only had 2 since then.
It was true for most locations and time periods.
>inb4 muh infant mortality
All mortality was worse back then because their medical care was shit.
it's better to floss before brushing
same here
went to the dentist the first time in 2 years
shits fucked up in between the teethes where the brush doesn't reach, the rest is fine

have to get a few fillings now, anons please floss, don't learn it the hard way like me :(
What is this called
just search ultrasonic plaque remover on amazon, they're all pretty much the same thing. this is the one i bought
2nd year dental student. Just brush and floss retards. Drop the soda too. Everything else is snake oil
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I just went to the dentist 2 weeks ago after 10 years of never seeing a dentist
Just thought it was time I go check in
Didn’t even have a cavity. All they did was routine cleaning and told me keep taking care of my teeth
>don’t drink soda
>don’t eat sugar
>electric toothbrush
>water pick
It’s that easy
are you serious? just pop the floss in and out between each tooth once. it should take 1 min max.
>I brushed every couple days
jesus christ you people

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