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Should I take a week off?
I've been lifting 4 days a week for 7 weeks now (I'm a beginner) and I'm experiencing a few things :
General fatigue/completely drained after my workout
Waking up at night and being unable to fall asleep
Lifts are a still progressing but I think at a slower rate
Generally feeling more anxious throughout the day (could be poor sleep)

I'm scared to take a week off though because I'm worried ill lose progress
>Waking up at night and being unable to fall asleep
Waking up at night and being unable to fall BACK to sleep
I initially fall asleep just fine due to exhaustion
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Is it possible you changed your diet recently?
I would recommend slightly lowering intensity or volume in your sessions rather than taking a week off, it's better to stay consistent
you should make sure you're doing the basics right first though, make sure you're eating enough and sleeping enough. unless your sessions are really intense you probably shouldn't be burning out on a 4days/week schedule as a beginner
>7 weeks now
sounds right, off or deload.
>make sure you're eating enough and sleeping enough
I'm eating enough, just the sleeping part is fucked at the moment because my body keeps waking me up and refusing to sleep
How much progress will I lose in a week
Yeah sleep is why I'm considering retiring from /fit/ness. Every time I work out hard I'm unable to sleep

You don't stop you just go ~30% lighter for a week then restart your progression from there.
>unless your sessions are really intense you probably shouldn't be burning out on a 4days/week schedule as a beginner
Yeah, there's no real reason for this guy to be getting fatigued after only 7 weeks as a novice. He probably is under-recovering and not eating/sleeping enough
I'm eating at a 300 calorie surplus and I was sleeping 8+hours per night
The past week I've been averaging 6 hours a night due to the recent sleep disturbances
How much did your "weekly average weight" change from last week to this week? It's possible you need to readjust your goals for caloric intake.

Sleep disturbances is a sign of overtraining/under-recovering but overtraining usually take several months of daily intense 1.5-2hr workouts to reach which I wouldn't expect for a novice to attempt. Do you do any endurance training? If your run 50+ miles a week then I see overtraining as a bigger possibility.
>overtraining/under-recovering but overtraining usually take several months of daily intense 1.5-2hr workouts to reach which I wouldn't expect for a novice to attempt
It depends. I used to train to failure on every set whilst cutting as a beginner doing 3x per week and developed symptoms similar to OP within 2 months
Eat more
Take a rest week every 6-10 weeks if you struggle with recovery. For beginners its tendons and joints being overworked due to imperfect technique, lacking muscle activation. If you've been working very hard you will even make gains during the rest week when supercompensation sets in. You def won't lose any gains in just a single week and as a beginner probably not even weight on the bar.

It all depends on the intensity of your training. I start a new training block every 2-3 months with 6-10 rest days between for complete recovery and switch main lifts.
Waking up in the middle of the night and not being able to fall back asleep is generally a pretty strong indicator of central nervous system fatigue.
Reduce volume and reps for a week, or just take some time off. A deload does not need to last a full week. 3-4 days off is long enough
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> I used to train to failure on every set whilst cutting as a beginner doing 3x per week
Yup. Should've added four rest days between each workout
Post routine.
Are you weighing all your food on a scale, or just guessing the calories?
>central nervous system
but isn't that just your soul? can't you use free will to be harder?
Not weighing

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