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>Who is /fat/ for?
For the dessert devourers who are working towards a longer life and a better physique through meaningful hard-work, strategy, and dedication. This is not QTDDTOT, stick to questions on fat loss. Post height and weight when asking for advice.
Join our Fatty Contest: https://www.fattycontest.com/

>What do I do first?
1. Read https://physiqonomics.com/fat-loss/
2. Calculate your Body Fat Percentage: https://fitness.bizcalcs.com/Calculator.asp?Calc=Body-Fat-Navy
3. Calculate your TDEE: https://www.sailrabbit.com/bmr/
Remember to use bodyfat% and use Katch-McArdle Formula with sedentary settings or your TDEE will be too high.
4. Plan your weight loss: https://www.losertown.org/eats/cal.php
5. Track your nutrition with MyFitnessPal (better for packaged food), Cronometer (better for generic food/macros) or LoseIt (great for both).

>Now what?
Count calories, all of them.
Eat about 500-1000 less calories than your TDEE.
Buy scales, be accurate.
Learn to cook. Try to stick to lean protein and green vegetables.
Eat a lot of protein. 0.72g per pound of goal lean body mass.
Doing cardio, even just walking, will improve your health. There is no such thing as a healthy fat heart, but you can offset the risks.
Lifting weights will keep and gain muscle mass and burn fat much quicker. No lifting results in the body burning away muscle AND fat.
Drink more water.
Read the /fit/ sticky: https://liamrosen.com/fitness.html

Eat refined sugars, they're terrible for you regardless of calories.
Eat processed foods.
Drink your calories (alcohol, soda, Starbucks).
Freak out over a weight loss stall. Plateaus can last up to three weeks.
"Reward" yourself. Cheat days cheat only yourself.

>Other resources:
Loose skin, gynecomastia & stretch marks: https://weight-loss-side-effects.netlify.app/
Reddit Wiki: https://www.reddit.com/r/loseit/wiki/faq

Previous Thread: >>74773171
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starting to feel really fucking unmotivated lads
am I going to make it
give up then
Bro you're trending downward with one minor slip-up. You're almost not obese anymore, you really gonna give up now?!
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So 3 weeks ago I had to suspend doing stronglifts due to an injury. I started compensating for it by doing much more Cardio and hiit and now my knee is bothering me. I guess the only thing left for me is the miserable elliptical.

Lose the weight while you're young. Fml.

I still lost a bit over a pound this week. But it's so little progress compared to the 4lbs I was losing doing weightlifting :(
You could always eat less to lose more, Boomerbro.
Join gym with olympic pool become swimchad
You can make it. Find ways to offset the fatigue. Get a new routine or hobby to add positive experiences to your life
Fatty Contest
263.4 lbs
176.5 cm

Plateau'd, then went up, then went down. Back where I was at last weigh-in. But the clinic weighs me in on monday, maybe the keto will kick in and lower me a lb or two by then.
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I'm 25 and single and lost the weight last year but still SOL so far. To be fair I haven't tried all that hard. Made a profile on a couple dating apps and used them off and on for a month but that was it. Now I just lift to shake the bad feelings away
Oddly enough you'll see a lot more of a difference looks wise from 200 to 180 than you did from 240 to 200. Keep going.
Simply stop worrying about women
Oh I barely worry about them. I never talk to women is my issue. 25 yo khv so it hurts only sometimes. Pretty sure even my way more neurotic manlet 20 year old brother isn't a virgin because he cares more than me.
21M 5’11, will I have loose skin? Been doing ellipitical and low carb diet since early June and went from 245 to 212 in 45ish days.

I’ll probably stop going to gym every single day once I’m below 200, but my goal is 178 (25 bmi)
Dude you’re almost past the 200 lbs line!

God willing should I reach that line I would cross tears of joy. 12 more pounds to go
For me it's not fasting (le hottest trend), but fasting (laziness).
My problem is, I eat like shit, which is caused by the fact that i'm lazy and live like shit. What I mean is, I often wake up late as shit so I figure
>might as well skip eating today
and the next day I skip breakfast and lunch because I fucking sleep, and by the time I wake up, I'm, as expected, famished as fuck and crave greasy and sugary slop, and excuse it with
>weeeeeell, it's late and this might be my only meal for the day so i should scarf down as much calories as i can
and then
>whoops, that's 1k over! eh, no big deal i'll start over tomorrow
I'm NGMI if I can't resist crawling to maccas for a bite to eat every time I'm tired. And this is just summer. It's even worse when I work, because I pass by that maccas omw home.
this anon is right, the next 10 kg you'll look fantastic, I reached my goal weight of 74 and the biggest jump in appearance was from 90 to 80kg. One advice though, start wearing clothes that's your size and stop wearing your old shirts which are a size or even larger, you'll immediately look better and it will be a big morale boost, try it out today and you'll see how much you've achieved
let's not talk about it, what's done is done
how many calories would you estimate a chili dog and an italian sausage with shredded mozz cheese are?
Ozempic you subhuman loser. Start injecting it now.
You sound retarded. Never post here again.
well I went ahead and estimated it at 600 cals each
now I'm at 1990 cals today and it's not even noon yet
>245 to 212 in 45ish days.

I went from 240 to 180 without notable loose skin. But its worth bearing in mind loose skin looks a hell of a lot better than be a butter golem.
I will be below 330lbs in the morning, my weightloss cannot be stopped
>600 cals each
Fatties literally cannot tell the truth about their caloric intake even when they have complete anonymity. Are they just ashamed or does obesity trigger some unique mental illness?
A costco hotdog is about 580 calories. Your dogs sound a little meatier so that + the toppings + the assumed fancier bun, it wouldn't surprise me one bit if they each dipped over 1k calories.
How fast tho? And yea I’ll take loose skin with a healthy bmi anyday lol

Probably like 800+ each.

It's no big deal, just don't eat till tomorrow.
>A standard-sized hot dog provides roughly 150 calories
>If you eat your hot dog with a bun, add 100–150 calories to the total calorie content
>Depending on the toppings you choose, you can add 10–300 extra calories to a standard hot dog
source: https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/hot-dog-calories#condiments-toppings
150+150+300 is 600
costco hotdogs are bigger and lengthier than the ones I had
>fatties think food has 0 calories
Italian sausage has way more calories than a frank though
Fatty Contest
you're right
I'll change my estimate on the second glizzy to 800
Ozempic. Now. You're too retarded to lose weight any other way.
Why are you trolling in this manner?
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hello i made these low calorie egg white bites for you all to enjoy
if you cant stop eating when you know your issue is eating too much ozempig probably is the answer
You are currently making it. Hell ya dude

Looks tasty hell ya dude. Recipe? Macros?
Anyone playing any good vidya at the moment while they don't eat? Just finished Stangers of Paradise myself.
why are you posting someone else's videos
how did you even find their channel
New POE league in 4 hours. Will be nice to turn my brain off and grind.
Why wash a duck?
now I have 1cced all of the games except 1,3,9,18 on normal and am bored. Waiting for non shit games to come out (this year has been awful for video games)
>(this year has been awful for video games)
Whats worse is nothing good is coming out either, just slop.
Because they are covered in mud, they shouldn't enter the buildings of the covent covered in mud and put dirt everywhere. And staying clean is good for your health and help you stay motivated during weight loss!
20k steps a day weekend challenge reporting in
day 1/3 DONE
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i'm just getting started baby
You're the fucking man. Good on you for rising to the occasion.

>hello i made these low calorie egg white bites for you all to enjoy
Looks delicious
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Very based anon. I've been doing 20k every day for months now and it's been amazing for my weight loss journey.
I ate two croutons during my fast
it's over.
Wasn't a fast then was it
it was for 28 hours
now it's over
dust to dust
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>been jogging on the treadmill twice a week (2.5km) + one weekend outdoor walk (5km)
>been slowly increasing my endurance for jogging, more and more of that 2.5km being jogging instead of walking breaks
>did my first 1km straight jog with no slowing yesterday
Feeling good. Might be time to either up the speed or do more than 2.5km.

Only time I've done that many is the first day I went to Japan last year. Congrats. Honestly I should lengthen my weekend walks, currently doing 5km but I might take it to the next cut off which would make it like 6 or 7.

Also really want to get into the habit of doing them relatively early in the morning too, but that's hard to convince myself at 7am on a Satuday.
I kneel
Bros as someone whos never lifted in my life before (I'm 31) beginner gains are insane. I've only been lifting for 5 weeks and i feel like i actually have muscles already, like they get bigger when i flex. I can also big up heavier thing and put it down now.
Is there a name for the phenomenon where you restrict food for health reasons only to realize your tolerance for foods in general gets worse leading to further restrictions in diet?
For example, ive never felt worse than eating bread after cutting it out for a month so I stopped eating bread but then my stomach started getting irritated when id eat starchy veggies where previously they were no issue
How long can you go without eating until your metabolism slows down? Is it possible to not eat, wait for your metabolism to slow down, gorge to reset and repeat?
1 second
gorging to reset means literally regaining all your weight back, so yes you can do that forever if you want, many of us do, take the yoyopill
Chicken is the GOAT food, you don't need any other meme meat.
I mean eating one big meal every few days until, sort of like a more extreme OMAD. Then when I hit my goal I can transition to a low calorie diet. Am I just being too naive?
metabolism is a meme word, metabolism slowing down is memes on top of memes, you're not gonna get a non-meme answer here or anywhere else
just eat less, if you have the willpower to do that meme diet you propose just go with it, no one can stop you
but going all the way with just a low-calorie diet would probably work just as well
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Anyone else who was over 300lbs or currently is like myself, how do you deal with the realisation that it is going to take like 2 years of your life to get to a normal weight? Scale goes down makes me happy but i still have another 35lbs to go before i even get under 300lbs, it just feels like i'm never going to see 180lbs on the scale.
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60lbs down. Are visible Abs ever possible for me?
It will only take that long if you insist on sticking to the willpower meme. With Ozempic you could easily lose 100 pounds in less than a year.
You will need a minor procedure to eliminate that loose skin, first.
literally and unironically kill yourself demotivating faggot
post body
Do 1000 sit ups a day
Don't talk to me fat subhuman. I'm here to help you and all you can do is seethe about my helpful advice? Buy Ozempic, it's your only hope.
you're gonna carry that weight
carry that weight
a long time
it is what it is man, it took us a long time to get to this point too
also taking some time to lose weight gives our skin the time it needs to adapt to the smaller size somewhat, within the limit of our genetics
also also putting the making it meme aside for a moment losing weight is not an all or nothing state, things will get progressively better and more enjoyable as we lose weight and more opportunities will open to us, it's not like we have to wait a year and a half to two years to start living
based, though I like using some turkey or tuna (if we're also counting fish) every now and then for variety's sake
>it's anywhere from 800-1000 calories
sure it is
Jesus christ dude shut the fuck up about the fucking pokebowl. You've posted about it stopping your weight loss like 10 times already today. Shut the fuck up.
Fine, fine, I'll vent less and drink more water
For me, personally, it's an acai bowl.
>you can't lose weight on fruit
All "bowls" are only marginally more helpful for your diet than their more carb heavy counterpart. Processed food is shit tier for you, even if it doesn't come wrapped in a flour tortilla.
First meal since taking Mounjaro yesterday, still don't feel hungry at all but i should eat.
>300g chicken breast
>200g white rice
>250g Cauliflower
About 800cals all together
Try to have three meals a day regardless of calorie count
Every single step of that progress is equally valuable. The first 10 lost lbs are just as valuable as the last. At the end of the day, you know this is a long term thing, so there's nothing to gain from questioning how long it'll be when you know you CAN reach there as long as you persevere.

You're seeing that scale go down. Keep up what you're doing - cause you're already doing good - and it'll get to where you need. How long doesn't matter.

Also in the grand scheme of things, 2 years isn't really that much. If you're in your twenties or thirties, you have -multiple decades- if your life to take advantage of your improved health and lower weight. And even if you're older than that, 2 years is still worth the effort to make everything after better - including the increased lifespan.

You're doing good anon, you're on the road to making it. It's always worth keeping going.
>regardless of calorie count
But if i just eat a bunch i'll stay fat.......
Remember other people are trying to lose weight. A bit of venting is fine but you'll just demotivate everyone by spamming
Sorry, I meant it in the sense of "try to have lunch, even if it's just a small bite."
Ah right, it does make sense since i do feel a bit of stomach ache even from just a 800cal meal. I'll make the pivot to having three 500cal meals a day.
Yeah yeah. These threads keep me motivated and committed to weight loss so I kind of just spew my stream of consciousness in em.
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>start losing weight through exercise and self-control
>my sister and mother start taking that ozempic shit and also start losing weight
>mfw they look at me and tell me how successful we all are
I feel like an asshole for having to hold back the negative comments in my head.
>Bros as someone whos never lifted in my life before (I'm 31) beginner gains are insane. I've only been lifting for 5 weeks and i feel like i actually have muscles already, like they get bigger when i flex. I can also big up heavier thing and put it down now.
Weight training feels so good. Learn good technique and control the weights on the way down for a good stretch, then explosively lift them back up with good form. Also try a few isolation exercises and try training them to absolute failure to learn what that feels like. What program are you running? Beginners are good on 3 times week lifting, maybe 4.
>metabolism slowing down is memes on top of memes,

>just eat less, if you have the willpower to do that meme diet you propose just go with it, no one can stop you
true, the human spirit is indomitable. thats why were here
I'm just doing my own thing at the moment with a set of dumbells i bought doing 3 sets of 10 reps. 3x a week i'm doing
>Lateral raises 3x10
>Hammer curls 3x10
>Alternating front raises 3x10
>Shoulder press 3x10
>Bicep curls (against my leg) 3x10
>Chest press 3x10
>Chest flyes 3x10
>Chest squeeze 3x10
I'm going to get a bench soon so i can start doing some back exercises and more variety in general.
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absolutely. i had the same type of belly. hell the right is me after a week after a 5 month bulk, but pre-bulk i had very very nice abs. im not dieting anymore though, just eating lots of healthy foods and doing cardio/lifting.

maybe, maybe not. only way to know is to try.
would you like me to give some modifications to your routine to make it more effective and have a bit less sets? 3x a week is perfect though and exercise choice is already mostly decent for just dumbells.
Yeah i'm all for advice, i'm a complete beginner so i really just went off the advice of a few youtube videos.
OP of

Im Not this anon.

Why 1000 instead of 100 weighted?

I plan on getting that some time in the future along with gyno surgery since I have some minor gyno. How could I get insurance to cover at least half of it? P.S fuck the captcha.
>Why 1000 instead of 100 weighted?
smart man. I used to do 3 sets of 20, but i started training legs more seriously and then I ripped the footrest off my bench this week trying to do situps with a 90lb dumbell lmao, I switched cable crunches now

>I plan on getting that some time in the future along with gyno surgery since I have some minor gyno.
No one gives a shit about your gyno. You're a fucking man, not a ken doll. Make the most you can of your body.

>Yeah i'm all for advice, i'm a complete beginner so i really just went off the advice of a few youtube videos.
Well you're pretty close to a good routine. Here's a revised routine

>Lateral raises
>Dumbell Upright Row
>Bicep curls (against my leg) (called a concentration curl)
>Incline bench curls
>Pullups on a pullup bar from amazon or dumbell rows bent over your bench (3 sets of as many as possible)

Do chest 2x a week
>Dumbell bench press / Incline Bench Press (alternate these every workout)
>Chest flyes

Do legs 1x a week (you can do more, but upper body gives a lot of bang for your buck visually when you start out)
>bulgarian split squats

Try sets of 3x6 or 3x8 instead of 3x10 for everything but the lateral raises. It'll help you build a bit more strength so you can continue progressing. If you're able able to do all 3 sets for an exercise two workouts in a row, add a bit more weight. The smallest increment you can, then try to complete the set and repeat. This is called progressive overload.
Thanks man, appreciate the advice.
This is advice is gonna be more important than the routine I gave you. Try to have fun. If you have fun, you'll find reasons to get in the gym. If you suffer, you'll find excuses to skip it. Put on your favorite music, get a bit emotional, enjoy pushing past your limits, and get into the workout. Good luck.
I'm up 500 cal above maintenance (3000 cal total)
tomorrow will be better
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>(3000 cal total)
Can I have go for more than 500cal deficit every once in a while? I have 200 left before I've reached my daily goal, but I'm so full...
Might as well transition already.
Fatty Contest
343.6 lbs
Never heard about a fuking pokebowl until literally less than a year ago.
God I hate Jews.
if you got more than 1g protein per lb of goal body weight then sure whatever
if you're still under your protein goal then try and eat it
No, you should do the Dr. Now diet, 1000 kcals a day (plus fiber supplements and a multivitamin). 1500 is too high when you have the advantage of Mounjaro killing cravings.
You still became a fatass in the first place, you're not better than them. Go to therapy to deal with your emotional issues. Holding anger and resentment towards your own family members for not getting healthy the "right" way is not a good sign for your future.
rowing or elliptical?
>rowing or elliptical?
doesnt matter. do everything and have fucking fun
Ten grams under. Shit...
Thats fine. .7g-1g is the goal. No one is perfect. Being 10g under for a day or a week will show 0 negatives in the long run. Did you do your best? Yes? Hell yeah. No? Try harder tomorrow.
500cal deficit is for when your maintenance TDEE is like 2100
We're fat, we can easily do 3x the deficit
>randomly up 2 lbs
>weekly weight check tomorrow
Better start pissmaxxing and shitmaxxing stat
at least at your starting point you look strongfat and 2-3 weeks of clean eating away from looking way less bloated
how much were you benching with those arms and chest
You know what you did anon
try bloodletting and cutting your hair, nails, and body hair
Lifted for the first time a couple days ago, in a ton of pain which probably means inflammation and maybe some water retention
Is that a thing? All I can think of
Now that's a body image disorder I can get behind
its just doms idiot
I'm fat, I don't know what that means
>at least at your starting point you look strongfat
My starting point was 40 pounds heavier with no muscle

>how much were you benching with those arms and chest
only two plates for 1 rep. I spent the time entire time doing hypertrophy training to hold on to muscle while losing fat. Im only getting into strength training recently. That said I bench 205 for reps lol.

>2-3 weeks of clean eating away from looking way less bloated
Ive got 7 weeks until my next japan trip. Last time I got fucking shredded through dieting and walking, but im not interested in that anymore. Im just gonna eat clean foods, calorie cycling between 2000-3000 calories a day and do tons of fun hard cardio alongside my weightlifting. I want my diet and training to make me happy this time, not suffering. The suffering was cathartic, but the time for that is over. Now I lift and eat right because it makes me happy. Ill start cooking and meal prepping this sunday after axe throwing with my friends.

>Is that a thing? All I can think of
If you're eating at a deficit and exercising you WILL lose fat. Anything else is paralysis by analysis. Give it your all for long enough and you will get results.
I will, thanks.
That's great.
Solo travel? Do you speak nip?
I can't
My sister's on the smack.
>first it was 1g of protein per current body weight
>then it was 1g of protein per lean body weight
>now it's .7g of protein per lean body weight
why does the bar keep dropping? lower standards for fatties?
>Solo travel?
Last time was alone. This time with a friend I met doing sports.

>Do you speak nip?
Mainichi nihongo ni renshuu shite imasu
tomodachi to hanasu tame daisuki
You're correct, though what you're describing is a lot stronger than how I feel about it.
If my weight fluctuates higher than it did yesterday, am I gaining weight? I was down two lbs in the morning.
your body is mostly water
the amount of water in your body fluctuates a few percent, which amounts to like a kg or two up or down, due to a hundred little factors you can't hope to track like salt intake and blood acidity
so it's pointless to worry about weight changes day to day. the best you can do is always weight yourself in the same situation every day (usually when you wake up, before eating or drinking anything)

if you have to weight yourself every day then take a 5 day running average and consider that your 'real' weight
Weigh in day tomorrow, scale go down?
God sees you when you binge.
How we doing /fat/ bros, how's everyone's day been?
I destroyed my property then bought diet red bull to cope
I'm getting extremely close to my stage one (out of three) goals with weight loss through fasting.
Made it to the weekend to refeed.
I think I'm going to make it. Just repeat this same week for a few months. It's gonna be easy. Plus I feel amazing when fasted.
>I destroyed my property
I threw a drawer through dry wall because I was sad/mad
I didn't think this was enough to result in loose skin. What are your stats? e.g. starting weight, time at max weight, height, etc? I gotta lose around the same time and now I'm concerned about the skin. Congrats on the loss nonetheless!
Therapy. Now.
Uh oh. I can resist the craving, but I'm feeling a lack of energy from the diet today. Drank a whole bunch of water so it's not my hydration.
Ozempic wouldn't give him energy you nonce
Actually an effect of Ozempic and Mounjaro is increased energy
Is it better to do bicep curls before pull ups? How often is the first part of that routine. 3x week?
Been ok man. Where I am fucking up is telling myself its ok to put the bag of treats in the shopping basket. Maybe even before that is going to the supermarket after gym where Im ravenous and telling myself candy is good for after gym along with my protein shake. Starting to tell myself stories is the beginning of scales going the wrong way.
Was 260 at 5'6, now 200 at 5'8. I got any and have maintained 200 for around a year now, just been lifting and making strength progress but i want to get into the best shape of my life so I'm doing kickboxing now which includes running 3 times a week. Idk how long I was 260 for, I just ballooned up ever since I was a kid and when I was 16 I decided to lose the weight.
>Was 260 at 5'6, now 200 at 5'8
Are you 12? Who grows while losing weight
I got lazy*
I'm 18, it's called protein and puberty.
>5'8 at 18
>eats enough to become obese and still grows up to be a manlet
That's rough my guy.
today i went and did cardio for a whole hour without it resulting in a migraine for the first time

i don't know how I didn't realize this for a full year but all I had to do is not go 90% max heart rate. just chill and take it slow and you still get a workout in. maybe now I can stick to it
I got sick. Couldnt eat or sleep for 4 days. Sweated buckets too cause i had no AC. Am on antibiotics right now but back to doing 6-8 GtG sets of 10 to 15 pull ups. Might do a real workout tommorow though the antibiotics are probably gonna be gains goblins.

Either way, lost 4kg in that time. Hope not too much of it was muscle. I got to the weight i've been wanting to get, 75kg. BMI 22.5.

This may belong in /lean/ but i started with you guys 20 BMI points ago so it's been real
feels good to know for certain that tomorrow scale will be down, keto is easy mode
I see, desu you look far lighter in your pic, like sub 180.
Well, you seem to have the right mentality re: lifting and being in shape. Moreover, you're extremely young, so your skin will have a greater chance to recover significantly. For sure keep building muscle as well as that will fill your skin up a bit, no joke. Keep it up man, good luck
Nice. I want to go but I'm afraid to go alone as I can only read kana and that's about it
My dad bought me one of those cheap smartwatch, one of those chinese ones, to help count my steps. How accurate are those? Anymore accurate than using my phone?
Whats rough? Not everyone is a defeatist like you desu.
lmao i can barely read english go and have fun
Yup you go in 3x a week total. Top part every time, then the other parts as listed as well alongside the top part. Id do pullups before curls if I was a beginner since your biceps will become a limiting factor for the pullup if you curl first.
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>overate 300kcal
>somehow that justified ordering subway
im so fucking stupid its like my first week ill never lose weight like this FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK
you can still throw it away when it arrives
ayyye caramba i'm an idiot
>303lbs yesterday, literally all i had to do was eat HEALTHY for two more days and I'd drop under 300lbs finally
>somehow, like Palpatine, my binge eating habits returned momentarily and today I shot up to 306lbs
>been eating a lot today too
Fuck me Im a moron. I need to get myself back under control, I REFUSE to let my progress be sullied by this nonsense
I've noticed, when i start craving for a soda or shake or smoothie and water doesn't satisfy it, I can just grab a seltzer water and it instantly goes away
Could be the keto flu, are you low calorie?
Topo Chico is my cheat code DON'T STEAL IT
FUCK that was it. Just had some carbs now I'm gonna have to do it all over again tomorrow.
for me its ocean spray diet 5 cranberry joose (contains no juice)
walking to the store to buy it right now :)
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Is targeted heart rate zone true?
If so, how to keep heart rate in the fat burning zone?
I lift to be the best version of myself. It doesnt improve anything else in my life or solve my problems; I dont care. Its who I want to be.
havent checked in a while,
Im down from 195 to 176
thats almost 20lbs of my goal to get to 165
>169.6lbs last week
>172lbs this week
How the fuck—? There’s NO WAY I ate enough to gain 3lbs in a single week.
Not that anon but is this actually true? I just got down to 204lbs.
Yo is bossman Jack in the /fat/ thread? Bro you aren't fat you're skinny as fuck.
tempted to start smoking crack like you in order to lose weight desu
I need to have a much lighter meal on my first refeed day.

How do we come back from this?

i noticed it myself
if you let some pencilneck faggot tell you not to try you were never gonna make it anyway. science is useful for solving problems, but the second it tells you that you cant do something, ignore the science, give it your all, and shove the research paper up that pointdexter's ass
Currently at 170 from 215 so I wasnt too far past 200 but I think it's definitely more noticeable the lower you get
>diet is the most important part of weight loss
>don't count exercise calories because they are not accurate for calories burned
>exercise is more important for health and physique rather than weight loss
nothing in the video is groundbreaking
as accurate as the expensive ones. It's like a GPS tracker thing here it just tracks distance from point A to point B and converts it into number of steps. You should also have a distance function so feel free to map a regular route of yours in Gmap using the walking function and compare both distances given to you if you follow the route 100%.
You may as well just use the step trackers that come pre-installed on most phones. I use the samsung health app.
got an 800$ new bike for 50$ from a lady moving house yesterday thanks to my local classifieds. Life is good.
>exercise is more important for health and physique rather than weight loss
I dont see it that way. Diet is a pre-requisite. Once that's dialed in, exercise becomes and INCREDIBLY powerful potentiater of weight loss.
stepped on the scale today- 219lbs. i don't deserve these feels.
The video is talking about people that don't change eating habits and just try to up exercise to lose weight, which is not a good strategy. If you exercise you will burn more, but it likely will not be as accurate as you think for your daily total (i.e. if you burn 400 calories on your smart watch, you should not eat 400 more calories). It is still important, but you can only lose so much as your diet allows. Physiqonomics has had an article on this for two years: https://physiqonomics.com/constrained-energy-model/
I just dont like how its presented and I really dislike the concept of your body downregulating activity when you exercise. That's taken as unavoidable fact within the video, when what you should do is take that and turn it into self knowledge and forcing yourself to keep up your general activity levels when you add exercise. I get what it's saying and theres some truth to it, but ultimately the presentation is very blackpilling and demoralizing to the point that I think its on purpose. It's simple. Take a moderate deficit, find cardio you enjoy, do it consistently, and take small steps outside of that to be active like taking stairs and doing active hobbies.
i haven't been trying to lose weight. i've been focusing on building muscle, getting a good amount of cardio, and eating clean. aside from a few fuckups, i've mostly succeeded in building muscle without putting on much fat.

then, a few weeks ago, i started eating less. i skipped breakfast probably every other day, i started eating smaller portions also. now i've built muscle and lost pretty much all the weight i gained. i plan to continue cutting for the next three months. my current goal weight is 200-210lbs.

i'm going to maintain the same level of exercise while adding just one new exercise to my routine. my focus is simplicity and consistency. i don't have much time but that's not going to stop me from doing it.

that other anon was right, diet is a prerequisite. but you really start to look good when you add strength training exercises and cardio. even just the pump you get immediately afterward does wonders for your mood and appearance. it may seem counter-intuitive, but lifting and cardio actually make dieting easier - as long as you don't go overboard and then decide to give up. it evens out your energy levels and helps you control urge to overeat.
Yeah the last time this was posted, the 1-2 individuals talking about it thought the video was saying exercise is totally useless. The video says it has some benefit on weight loss but long term the body adapts to exercise so it isn't a magic bullet as commonly expected. It does in the short-term and the video highlights other benefits for exercise. This video is a good thing for the fats who "go to the gym all the time" but still eat like shit.
Anyone who is mad about the video's message or believes the video is telling people not to exercise has a cognitive deficit problem and lacks listening comprehension. Very sad to see people ITT in this state because they've lost agency by being retarded.
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I do think the video does imply a bit too much that "if you exercise you basically burn the same as an office worker!!" which isn't really true. You will burn more, but if you get to a point you are exhausting yourself your passive energy burning will compensate, so generally not linear. I think the follow up video they have on diet will clarify it better, but they really should have mentioned that you can only lose weight as much as you eat and exercising does burn more, but not if you are eating to compensate. But the point was the change the perspective from "exercise to lose weight" to "exercise to be healthier"
>The video says it has some benefit on weight loss but long term the body adapts to exercise so it isn't a magic bullet as commonly expected.
Thats a good thing lol. Your work capacity goes up, so you train harder and burn even MORE calories. Just last night I was high on weed edibles at 2am and decided to do some elliptical for fun. I got into the music and looked up and i was somehow doing 270 strides per minute.

>Anyone who is mad about the video's message or believes the video is telling people not to exercise has a cognitive deficit problem and lacks listening comprehension. Very sad to see people ITT in this state because they've lost agency by being retarded.
I dont care how you perceive my reaction to the video. Im gonna do my best every fucking day and the creator of that video can suck my nuts from behind.
>I do think the video does imply a bit too much that "if you exercise you basically burn the same as an office worker!!" which isn't really true.
Thats the problem. They spend so much time nailing that message into the viewers head and then spend 30 seconds saying you should exercise.
Exercise -> Health
Diet -> Weight
There I fucking saved everyone from having to watch an entire fucking video essay.
Simple as.
Going to chipotle tonight, haven't had fast food in about 5 months
I can work it in my calories
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it's 10 pm and I'm in fatty zen
my dinner from 8 pm is still feeling filling
and I'm ready for bed
good job. enjoy.
if I ate like 6k calories in a day would my body be able to absorb all of it
Been plateauing at 195 for weeks now.
I need to cut even more I guess.
6k throughout the day? yes, the body is scary efficient at absorbing the calories
6k in half an hour? maybe not all of it but overwhelming majority of it
>if you lose weight and gain it slightly- even if its one kg, your liver fat gets worse
what the fuck is this shit
unironically worse than cancer
They would absorb all of it regardless if it was in a single meal or not.
Yes, that's how people get to 600 lbs
Sounds made up by spiteful dysgenic Jews.
In cases of extreme calorie overload in very short spaces of time, there are certain food groups you may fail to sufficiently digest. Certain sugars for example have fixed upper ceilings on how fast your body can absorb them from the food, and whilst it takes a serious effort, they can be overcome and you can intake more food than you can process. The same can happen with other food groups. In these instances you end up excreting otherwise usable materials, which means that you might intake somewhat less than you suggested - say 9k instead of 9.99k calories. If the body can't absorb the energy source, it can't utilise the calories from it.

Citation for glucose maximal absorbtion levels for example http://www.jbc.org/content/107/1/133.full.pdf
Is this related to why bodybuilders take insulin to absorb more food?
no clue honestly
What's a good machine for aerobics?
I've started jogging but I don't want to jog during summer
maybe try a rowing machine if you wanna switch it up, it's pretty low impact on the joints which is good for us fatties
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~1 year progress
Starting to look human anon, good job
Goddamn it I need to take weight loss seriously
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Eliptical for sure. Love that thing, its what gets me to the gym, I stay for a lift while im there. Fuck I need to start dropping cals again though, cut for 12mths and lost 100lbs but stopped tracking for the past 2 months but damn, I didnt realise what a bit of extra food could do for your lifts. I feel strong, I dont get as sore and all my joints feel ace. But, cutting time will have to start again soon, can feel myself starting to get a bit doughy again, maybe plus 10lbs since I stopped. Need to drop 20lbs to reach my final form.
you look better at 235 than I do at 230
how tall are you?
Excellent work. I shall join you in a year. I might even surpass your progress.
Fuck this pic makes me feel lazy. Good job anon. You're gonna make it
appreciate it my man

also been hitting weights hard for a few months

get after it lads, it just takes time
Was looking at progress pics, just noticed my body hair has become noticeably thicker in 4 months
>I think the follow up video they have on diet will clarify it better
Coming soon: dieting doesn't work, but luckily now there's Ozempic™
>yfw the people running Kurzgesagt are the ozempic shills in /fat/
I noticed the same, what the hell is with that?
They say fat lowers T, seems like a fast time frame for it but levels of all sorts can change quick if you're losing a good amount
I've also noticed much harder and more frequent boners but that could be more from cardio improving
I'm 6' and 230lbs
is that low enough to start jogging or will i rekt my knees?
Fatty Contest

Double digits!
>I've also noticed much harder and more frequent boners but that could be more from cardio improving
I've noticed the opposite, I was hornier as a fat bastard but now I forget to jerk off. But I'm diet-only with no exercise
I think Im gonna join MMA again for the first time in over 5 years.
Grats bro
>weigh in time
>cant poop
It's over......
Fatty Contest
fatty contest

Reached goal on Wednesday. Now it's maintenance
fatty contest

Forgot kg
How can my body adjust itself if I burn 1900 kcal each day just from energy spent on exercising? Does it not burn he usual 1900 kcal for brain and heart? Sheesh
youre not burning 1900kcal through exercise fatass
You don't burn 1900 kcal / day from exercise alone unless you're some Olympic athlete.
Fatty Contest
Fatty Contest

Been out of it for almost a year, was down to 95kg before.
Used to work out 6 days a week for a year ensuring I went to the gym each day no matter what be it past midnight or during my work break, then I got sick and decided to take a few days off. Ruining that streak where I thought "I will be going to the gym" like it was a guarantee made me increasingly stop going. Removing exercise which is an active thing I do and need to plan each day made the mental diet aspect where I inversely have to stop myself from acting(buying, eating) increasingly fade from my mind.
>The diet is what matters regarding weight, not exercise
Even though it's true, I realize now I personally NEED exercise as a psychological foundation to enable good dieting. Can't miss workouts anymore
Ok, let's say someone burns 900 kcal a day. How is the body now able to power everything else through just 1000 kcal a day?
marathon runners, literal skelettons, have enough energy in their bodyfat to fuel 3-4 marathon runs
So what if they run 5?
Been limiting calories to 1500 whilst still training for the past two weeks and I’ve bloated up like a balloon and look like total shit. Is this water retention or is my body just holding onto every calorie I consume?
I look so much worse than when I started cutting
they cant because they would be limited by everything else at that point
youre getting caught up in details, stop overthinking shit like this. stop doing unsustainable amounts of cardio and fix your fucking diet and stop being a pussy
if you train a lot, cortisol increases
if you put your body into a what i assume is a pretty steep caloric deficit (assuming you actually eat that amount), it puts stress on the body, cortisol increases
cortisol increasing means you hold onto a lot of water, its natural
try to get your recovery in order, eat more calories, burn more calories through low intensity cardio like taking a brisk walk etc, get your sleep amount and especially quality in order, lay off the caffeine
Fat cells usually fill with water before they go. You could also be filling your face and not telling us about it anon.
Makes sense. So it’s just temporary? I’m weary of upping the calories because I’m struggling with pretty bad body dysmorphia and have done for many years and I’m just going warrior mode on my body fat at this point.
I've done 1500 kcal and 3 x lifting per week since March. You get used to it. According to my gym's body analysis scale, I have lost zero muscle and exclusively fat since then. Unless you're much taller than me (I'm 183 cm) you're going to be fine
That’s good to hear. I was paranoid my body was cannibalising my gains instead of my fat and it annoyed me. When does the water weight go usually?
My water weight loss shock was way before I started lifting.
Weight loss slowed down a lot since I started going to the gym. But I'm not sad about it, just shows how much muscle I was losing before that.
what the fuck do they put in costco hotdogs

i buy chorizo from the store sometimes and they're "just" 300 calories each
the buns have starbucks level of sugar I assume
Good morning /fat/, time for exercise.
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literally ate a protein pudding and corn before bed and still woke up 41.6kg heh
What do you guys think of this?
Didn't read kek
How tall are you little girl?
didnt we tell you to fuck off from the thread, nobody wants you here
why are you back
>lost 5.5lbs this week after a few slow weeks of 1lb changes
Feelin' good.
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>orca image
How old are you little girl?
do not reply to these posts, it's just attention seeking and it has been proven already that the posting stops and slows down when no attention is given
Sorry, my penis got hard thinking I am talking to a girl.

Piss off hag.

Piss off fag.
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Yes bmi is bad, lot of people are skinny fat. It's possible to be "healthy bmi" and look like pic related.
Better to use tape to measure your waist and make sure it's in healthy range before you stop dieting.
going to cry
Objectively WRONG. Stay mad, fag.
i love tuna salad, help
Whats the issue?
Use lite mayo then
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>shit week at work
>not adhering to diet as strictly
>have a falling out with best friend/gym buddy
>hate going gym by myself so skip Friday session
>go shopping today and seethe at all the nice couples I see
>it's my birthday next week and I know it's going to suck
>supreme gentleman mode coming in nicely

On the plus side I've still lost weight and I haven't touched a drop of booze on this rebound.
>hate going gym by myself so skip Friday session
Literally me, this is why i bought my own stuff so i can do it in my house.
hasnt even been proven im just gonna post more now
use greek yogurt instead, low fat% ones mixed with some spicy mustard and seasonings of choice
tastes p good
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It's the other way around for me. Hell I might even go up a pound by my clinic's weigh-in if my daily fluctuations continue
Take the sleepmaxxing pill
Can't gain calories while sleeping!
Add 200-300 calories to their menu calories, they always give you more
but my back hurts
Sleep on your side or stomach?
then my back and also side/stomach hurts
watch out for that empty stomach heartburn, bros. can be crippling
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highly filling stew jum, 600kcal for a bigass bowl
bone apple tit
Literally looks like slop
sloppa de yum
>eating in front of your computer
>scale go up
Guess it's a pickle only day
if by slop you mean random ingredients haphazardly thrown together without much consideration for cooking method, synergy or anything then yes, it's pure slop
it's also delicious, nutritions, easy to make, and makes 3 servings
what's the purple stuff? red onions?
This, the more you sleep the more ca;proes you burn
Typical sleepmaxxer brain
What are some high fiber (filling) low kcal meals? Like... prawns with ...I dunno, penne? That good?

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