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Jacked dude called me big man at work made it brehs
You’re making anon. Keep up the good work
Thanks wagmi
Got called hoss the other day. Was he coming on to me?
Hung dude in the locker room told me I was packing
Good job bro, keep it up
Probably, not a bad thing
Incomprehensibly based
Small guy said sup little bro. Am I?
older lady at the costco cash register called me cute earlier. I had a cart full of kombucha and 2 trays of organic eggs. my face just got very red and I started stuttering.
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>got put in the "big guy" group in bjj class
see you valhalla anon
I'm so jealous holy shit all I'm packing is some insecurity
based mire
A few years ago this black guy with massive balls walking around naked in the lockers once slapped my ass and said “you gonna please a woman real good someday”
I am a small White man
Was the big gay black fellow correct in the end?
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was lifting outside today and a guy drove by and gave me a "hell yea brother" and flexed a 'cep at me

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