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Why is everyone suddenly so obsessed with beef and eggs? I assume its just zoomers, or whatever 15-25 year olds call themselves these days. They were raised on fast food and general slop and are just now discovering that eating chicken and cows is actually based?
Yes, because for years globohomo vegan faggots shilled them that meat, eggs and saturated fat was bad, bran cereal and sneed oil good.

Now that that veneer has cracked and vegans are revealed to be malnourished mentally ill degenerates people are returning to delicious
>Why is everyone suddenly
I can only assume you're referring to internet >people
they don't exist
fads only last so long until everyone returns to normality
That's a cool ass looking McDonalds. Where is that?
Its reverse futurism
>I assume its just zoomers
my god I can't believe how obsessed you guys are with zoomers, LITERALLY out of nowhere
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it's just the latest iteration of the culture war faggotry that's been getting pushed for the last decade or so
>it's just the latest iteration of the culture war faggotry that's been getting pushed for the last decade or so
I agree with this, but that picture you posted has been very much debunked. 'wokeness' had basically taken over universities by the early 2000s, and it was inevitable that it would spill over into media and culture. It's just the end stage of liberalism
>beef and eggs
pick one, idiot
heres a good video on it
High protein, low calorie. They're trying to maximize their protein intake while being in calorie deficit to maintain leanness while putting on muscle without having to roid. Does it work? Idk probably not no carbs crashes test
>no carbs crashes test
Damn is that really true?
Kill yourself commie. The people that talk about woke race and lgbt shit are the same people that talked about """occupy""". It is not a different side trying to suppress you, it's the SAME FUCKING SIDE. The commie and sjw venn diagram is one circle.
>eggs and saturated fat was bad

they still are
It’s not only zoomers, it’s a mix of millennials and boomers aswell who were brainwashed and are now trying to deprogram from the lies of the media. Back in 2016 there was keto but it wasn’t so big. Although in my normie circle carnivore is still considered evil.
Occupy was libertarians
There was keto in the 90s and 2000s too back then girls refused to eat carbs because the belief was they made you fat and they would ask retarded things like “does this donut have carbs?”
I was talking about my generation, I’m a millennial (1992) and back when I was 20 keto was pushed a lot but never became a trend like carnivore, as far as I remember when I started lifting at 18 boomers in my gym were always low carb desu and they were more shredded than carbtards.
I haven't looked it up but I think I've walked by it in Chicago
that is the mcdonald's in hyperborea. you will not be allowed to visit.
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found the globohomo faggot
More people finding out that the seventh day Adventists, Kellogg, and AHA brainwashed them
Eggs are pretty inexpensive. Compared to fast food, ground beef and even steak are pretty inexpensive.
Eggs are fine, beef is also fine as long as you eat actual beef and not the toxic sludge they put in so called burgers.
it's a part of this new LE TRAD, DO THE OPPOSITE OF WHAT THEY TELL YOU fad.
If you think banks creating value out of thin air then charging usury on this imaginary value aligns in the slightest with John smith's free market you're retarded
Doing the opposite of what the media (jews) tell you is pretty good policy
Seems they are the latest things they are trying to create an artificial shortage of. Mad cow and bird flu seem to be doing the rounds again around here.
Literally nothing wrong with seed oil.
except cancer
26 is still a Zoomer
unfortunately for you, yes
Pendulum swing.

When people demonize something (Cholestorol, red meat, butter, salt) for no good reason, people who see through that bullshit overcompensate (carnivore diets etc...)

In reality eggs are great, and red meat is pretty decent for your health.

So are veggies, fruits and whole grain carbs.

TL;DR eat a balanced diet you fucking doofus
Chicken egg,chicken breast. Either way it's a chicken,
Fucking base-
>So are veggies, fruits and whole grain carbs.
Libertarians are ultimately some of the most homosexual trannified paedophiles society has to offer.
Many of their party/ideological officials support gun rights for illegal aliens.
Unsurprisingly libertarians and 'leftists' share a lot of overlap in what they support in practice.
Heh, you're right. We should all just go back to eating McDonalds and other fast food slop, chugging down big gulps, and eating a shit ton of syurpy pancakes and corn syrup breakfast cereals.
Wouldn't want to be part of a heckin chudcel FAD diet right? The same chudcel fad diet that's existed for thousands of years?
The oldest zoomer is 33
that’s literally what the image tries to convey you fucking retard
they shifted the leftist interest from relevant shit that threatened their wealth to pointless stupid sjw crap, of course it’s the same people
holy shit you’re dumb

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