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>firing the office's gains goblin
Based boss.
Sad egg yolk? Which situation, OP? You mean not enjoying a delicious muffin with your co-workers like normal because? Reminds me of this - dude lied about his fat fuck vanity the entire book.
Leave the muffins. It's when you change course from a bad moment is when you look weak. If you are swaggin along and someone talks some shit. You gotta just keep swaggin bros.
I got laid off 2 days after buying a new house
I joined the military as a young white man under Obama. I got you beat.
I did college for 3 years but never bothered to graduate and became a neet, all I have to do is write an email to them but it's been 5 years
Why don’t you do it today anon
My name is anon.
I would like to graduate. Please check my transcript and send me a diploma.

Copy and paste baby.
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you got enraged by culture war stuff on xitter and now you just hate everything and you want to turn traitor for the russians and you want to show a remote control up your ass and scream, that's fucking tough. that's real brother. fuckin brutal... having a fucking whiskey for you brothers right now.
I think you replied to the wrong guys lol
Honestly fuck America. Hope it and Israel are wiped off the map
scream into your pillow little chud
>oh these? These right here, they’re celebrating my departure. Off to greener pastures. Enjoy my friends!
>leave and never talk to anyone there ever again
Enjoy America in 2 decades when social security goes bankrupt lol
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>Muh Russia! Show remote controls up asses! You traitor!
I’m pretty sure OP meant to ask how you avoid the temptation of eating office treats and such.
I joined under trumps last year then served under Biden
Be strong and attractive looking
You could be a slobbering sobbing mess and if you look good enough people will still feel sympathy for you
If you’re ugly there’s nothing you can do, any and every action will look just as bad as the other
Why can’t you people understand this
how is this fit related
I served under Trudeau. I got u spanked nigga
>I fuck neh men
I would fire him too
I would take the muffins and flush them down separate toilets.
Russia is not my enemy, Ukraine is not my friend
Milk, eggs, butter and flour are straight gains for me. Maybe you forgot to lift?
I joined my local police right before the 2020 nigger/Jew riots (and left right after because fuck that)
So you got vaxxed

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