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lol nutella is more sugar and seed oil than anything else
imagine the smell that frog is experiencing so close to her braphoolio
You will if you get on a bike or go running RIGHT NOW.
I will not respond to your statement, in fact I didn't even read it, I only respond because I see a woman's ass.

Take this upvote and good morning saar.
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Lmao fatty, I'm 7% bf and am about to eat a bunch of poffertjes for a night snack. Git gud.
The peer-reviewed literature tells us that there's actually no way to know if that's a bum or a pair of boobs
nutella is so fucking good, italians don't want me to make it
Is it really worth it?
How can you even eat that beetus? Tastes like pure HFCS.
I fast 23 hours a day and pig out at my workplace to piss off my female coworkers. They dont understand how can i gobble down 2 kilos of food in one sitting without gaining weight while they are all diabetic and fat.
Make you weakness your strenght, OP. Women dig builtfat dadbods
this guy eats nothing but bread and Nutella and is the world's greatest athlete
teach me youre ways sempai.
NTA but look into Scott Abels cycle diet. You can eat an unlimited amount of food/treats literally no rules one day a week if have low bodyfat and are on a deficit for 5-6 days a week, training hard obviously.
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thank me later
But is palm oil less unhealthy than the actual seed oils?
What about Rigoni di Asiago Nocciolata hazelnut spread

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