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What food goes best together?
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Pizza and brownies at the same time is delicious for me. I'm gonna try more savory / dessert combinations in the future.
Sea bugs and butter
First of all, I'd like to say, peanut butter and HONEY (ESPECIALLY WITH BUTTERED TOAST) is superior to "JELLY" (unless it's proper preserves or jam). Now, pizza and ranch. Gravy and potatoes. Heavy cream and any recipe. Steak and bourbon. Fries and ketchup.
Soup and crackers.

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>at street festival
>food vendor barbecuing pork ribs
>under grill there is a cooked rack of ribs that fell on the ground (concrete road)
>ask guy and he doesn’t care if i take it, so i do
>eat the entire thing with my bare hands on the walk home

I wasn’t necessarily hungry, but I wasn’t necessarily full. I biked for about an hour earlier, and had eaten an almond and banana bagel sandwich for breakfast, tuna sandwich for lunch, and had just eaten a small slice of greek pizza.

Do I have a problem?
5’9 155lbs male btw
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>Do I have a problem?
>5’9 155lbs male btw
seems like you answered your own question
You’ve been looking at a lot of gay dude’s bodies I take it? I appreciate that you think I’m a twink though, I used to be full Griffith mode and I’m trying to get back to that.
5’9 155 is fat unless you’re muscular which you’re not. You should be least 10 pounds lighter.
post body
Why? Grindr is free, you know.

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Got some monsters churning out 3-4 z's a day... What are some recipes for them. Already done are
>Z cakes
>Z bread
>Panko crusted fries Zs
Good recipes only
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From Naples here.
We do a number of things with them
Parmigiana di zucchine.
Insalata di zucchine grigliate con menta (the zucchine can also be fried for this rather than grilled; when fried, it's called zucchine a/lla scapece)
Pasta con zucchine e uova.
Depending on the variety, zucchine ripiene (this is done with round zucchine; you can do it with long type, but it's not quite as good).
Frittata di zucchine (this one can be difficult if you're one of those people who rushes everything).

Outside of my native cuisine, there are several foreign zucchine dishes I like. Lebanese zucchine soup. Chinese stir fried zucchine with prawns/shrimp. Ukrainian fried zucchine with raw tomato (basically keto bruschetta). Korean zucchine pancake, hobakjeon (same deal as the frittata ie this can't be rushed; I like the shredded one over the whole rounds one). Sri Lankan courgette curry fry.
Oh, and if you've had Chinese stir fried egg and tomato, I've grown to prefer it with zucchine instead of tomato. I still use ketchup in the sauce, but the zukes give a better texture that tomato, IMO
They're really good uncooked marinated with a white wine vinegar vinaigrette, they're perfect with fish (any kind), they go well with any kind of mushroom (just cut them into a brunoise and add them) and they make a decent summer soup with mint. You can add them to a pasta salad for a picnic and the flowers are wonderful when stuffed, battered and deep fried (plenty of recipes on the interwebs).
Yes, can u toss me a good recipe? I can Google them but idk whats gonna be the best, I'm seeing stuffed with ricotta? Lots of stuffed ones...
Not OP but zucchini parm sounds very tasty. I rarely have zucchini with cheese but I looked up a few Lebanese zucchini soup recipes and there was one with cheese and now my mouth is watering lol.

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I've had burgers all over the US and none have come close to Shake Shack. You just can't beat the genius of the Pat LaFrieda blend. No hole in the wall USDA ground beef will ever compare no matter how you cook it
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I do not eat beefburgers
Shake shack is shit on a shingle being shilled.
for the price of thatshithole I'd rather build my ultimate burger and shop at the grocery store.
Shake Shack? More like SUCK Shack
Fiveguys has gone to such shit that if I want a "fast casual" burger I am always going to shakeshack. The one near me recently had corporate come by so they're on their A game.

I actually do like their crinkle fries, and their shakes are quality but expensive as shit. Also, you feel kind of limited on your burger choices while there since you can't add mustard, ketchup, or mayo from what I can tell. Still good but is definitely its own thing

Why is this shit so expensive?
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The gyro meals seem pretty decent but maybe it's expensive in the Burgerstan.
I had the corned beef reuben sandwich before and I was like where's the beef. literal bread sandwich but at least it was rye.

as for your local prices, I guess i'd try the french dip sandwich if I were forced to eat there.
Just buy three toss the bread on the other two and add to the first if you want a proper one.

Also, they should toast/press it so its crispy but meh.
But are you using THE APP?
You should use THE APP.
There are good deals in THE APP!


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Cooking spaghetti like this results in in 1/2 of the length of an individual spaghetto being less cooked than the other. Why Do people pretend like this is an ok way to cook the spaghetti? Just break it in half
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Yet you'll spend 40 dollars at McDonalds you fat slob. Don't forget to tip the jeet door dash driver!
Lemon garlic spaghetti with pan seared scallops is amazing. Learn to cook faggot.
Scallops. Where to get fresh?
Boiling water is not hot enough? Really?
You never considering twirling it on your fork and eating what your twirled on your fork in one bite (without slurping) like a civilized person?

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Tips on how to make Gyros / Shawarma / Döner at home? Bonus point if it doesn’t fall apart immediately.
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Make the processed version
can someone explain to me what the hell gyro sandwich meat is? I never had one before.

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corr, proper lush innit?
great on salads
and pizza
good for cramming too
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these are rather good

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you don't throw me out.. do you anon?
I'm not Chinese.

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If you actually try to learn you can cook an amazing juicy chicken breast in a fucking pan, wanna know how I know? Because I cook the kind of chicken that would make you cream your micro plastic ridden panties
Superb for balancing heavy red meat steaks, everything is pretty so-so.
Professional sports leagues test for doping by checking for microplastics in your blood, cause if you've recently had an IV, the bag will leech plastic into the fluid you're injecting. And that's a plastic bag at room temperature, heating it up will only increase the leeching.
Just use a silicone bag, tards
>silicone is a plastic!
It is not. Just like resin isn't a plastic and rubber isn't a plastic.
if you look up how to cook a perfect steak you will never see this shit as the first option. so yes I think it is a meme. steak should be fried in butter with herbs, salt and pepper, on a pan of some sort.

Got a fuckton of these boys in my yard and all up and down the side of my street. I’m gonna go around and harvest the ones on my property and off the side of the road. Anyone know any good recipes for wild raspberries? I’ll have enough for a pie for sure, but if anyone knows something more interesting I’m open to try something new.
Make jam. Personally I wouldn't risk messing up a jam recipe with wild harvested berries. Actually just post a harvest picture and eat the all in one sitting.
That’s gonna be a lotta berries. I’ll be going out once it cools down a bit. I’m probably gonna go all around the neighborhood since they are everywhere and gather them all. On a cooler day I may even go into the woods and see what I can find, though I’ve found they grow more on the outside of the wooded areas.

Corn in its ultimate form.
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because dipshits on this website have become chronically unable to actually say what the fuck it is they're posting about:

>Elotes: corn on the cob, charred on the grill, covered in a mayo sauce and topped with chili powder, cheese and lime.
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That's EXACTLY the pic I was thinking of too.
It says “Elotes” directly in the title. Are you illiterate or something?
elotes stands means you live in a bad area where I'm from

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Where do you find new recipes? Online? In cookbooks? Friends and family?
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For dishes I know, mainly the internet, either on sites I trust, or, if they don't have what I'm looking for, several random websites.
For new dishes, it depends, it's usually accidental
Not that anon, but I got it in my head to make mole sauce a few weeks ago. I googled "mole sauce recipe." Looked at several recipes, read a few blurbs, realized it's like chili: there are a lot of different kinds, if you like it then it's good mole. I made a list of common ingredients, kind of separated into categories (flavorings, thickeners, sweeteners, "extenders," etc.) From those categories I choose my ingredients, based on my preferences as well as from what I read. I had also made notes about cooking techniques, and since I can kind of cook, I modified those to suit my preferences and my equipment. I finally put it all together, and the result was as good as any I've had in a restaurant, but I already wrote down my tweaks for next time. That's how I come up with a lot of recipes. Some are more complicated than others, but it works for me.
I will just type into bing for recipes of the dish, I'll bring up about three different ones from random websites or AI, and I'll come up with my own rendition of it. As for cookbooks I only care about old ones because they're more interesting to me. For old meals I think its very necessary to mix and match various sources because usually theres usually no standard recipe for them
Chef John and Lagerstrom on YouTube mostly
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I don't look for new recipes. I just make new stuff.

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Bought it since I heard the brand and couldn't find my tequila. It wasn't as sweet as I thought it was going to be.
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my ex used to drink this shit like water, it made her such a whore
i kinda miss her
she overdosed and died in a dennys bathroom back in 2013
It's basic. Ppl use it for baking if you want rum flavor.
t. Austrian
>But how does it taste? It's formulaic spiced rum which is what you wanted, esp the black version. Enjoy what you like. Rum n coke is easy drinking!
I thought the taste was more of a chemical kind than a sweet. In fact, when I seared my hot dogs with it (there was no other alcohol around) I enjoyed the smell that it gave off more than the actual flavor. I did find that it complimented the rc cola that I added it in too. I'll seek out your suggestions though since I like to try new things.
I wanted to try Monte Alban because I kept seeing it in the stores and the one day I go to buy it it's not there.
Sorry for your loss Anon
Mmmmm reddit liquor.
>reddit liquor.

my friend would buy this everytime and I was confused why. you're right I think it's just a meme liqour like Tito's. if you're drinking just to get wasted then just buy bottom shelf vodka and mix it with some low calorie thing.

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chicken fried steak is slept on in the modern age, i think part of it is shitty chicken fried steak is extremely common, few places make it good, despite it being a very simple dish
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and germans call it vienna cutlet, what's your point?
This one seems decent
>I may not even know what a good one is. What differentiates a good one?

I had a good one at texas roadhouse. Definitely ask for extra gravy. Frozen meals are similar but a fresh one is better. Preparing it at home would take a lot of time and probably involve trial and error.
>I don’t understand why a fast food place doesn’t have a chicken fried beef burger on the menu

Depends where you live. I have two separate local places right near me that serve chicken fried steak sandwiches but I also live in texas so perhaps that's relevant.
I think it's because it's not really a thing outside of the US South

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