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*solves fruit*

*Literally easier to find gold by panning than to find a perfectly ripe watermelon in store*

*If it's even a little over ripe you are suddenly eating sour sand*

Don't get me wrong, perfectly ripe watermelon is God tier but for fuck sake. I have to spend $15 and throw away three of them before I find one that's worth it.
Just buy a precut quarter/half so you can actually see inside before buying

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Is Chicken at 165 Overcooked?
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I only eat chicken tartare. just like a true adult
I thought chicken breast sucked until I had it cooked just to 150
Still not better than thighs but at least now when I cook a whole chicken and enjoy every bit of it
Fry it until its brown on high heat, then put it in the oven at 100°C for 10 minutes
>over double
Surprised it’s not cremated, cooklet.
>I can't understand units
Oof, sucks to be so retarded you can't even infer basic contextual information.

You're SO retarded your simple mind didn't even take the fact it's "over double" and think for half a moment "hmm, maybe it's a bigger because it's a different unit if measurement"

I hope you never breed.

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When is it too much?
when its so greasy the wooden pick/prop they use splits in half

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Do you think this is worth 36 bucks with tax etc??
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Nice. I'm a little jelly †bh.
Rockport, MA
oof prime fucking spot. betta than the cape
place was called fleur cuisine. Easily the best clam chowda i've ever had
lobster isn't even cheap in Maine anymore, everything is frozen and sent to Asia for rich Chinks to overpay for

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Do you guys still take psyllium husk after the lead scandal?
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I don't eat modern foods. What would you suggest I eat?
Ironically, people who don't read are the ones who get their boosters
By now I think plenty did, go drink another gallon of butter with slimjim chunks in it.
I already have. Thank you kindly for your concern, bitch tits. Make sure to vote for the orange bloated man next election!

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Whats the best way tò brew It? I got gifted 100g of Mehmet efendi by a Turkish tourist with his family from edirne. they were heading from Florence to Pisa and stopped at a gas station south of Empoli, I tried It the First time but fucked up because It boiled right after the foam, then the second time I half-fucked up and got a semi crema in Pic rel buy not in other two cups.
How do you do it? And what coffee Is your favorite?
Im not a turkish coffee expert. Ive bought preground beans like mehmet efendi and al ameed and enjoyed them, but to save money ive been trying to find some good whole beans to grind myself. You need a grinder that can do consistent, espresso-level fineness. Anyways, my usual method has been to stir the ground coffee into the water and then let it heat, but this morning i forgot to stir. When it foamed up it had had the most crema ive ever gotten. So theres one tip, just dump the powder in and dont stir.
And yeah, if the coffee full-on boils its pretty much ruined, that brings out the harshness/acidity.

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I stick my chopsticks in rice, I'm an American and fuck you!
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You appear to have failed on your "thread following" skills, no badge for you.
Dangerously based
if you like ricebiër you should def try the Coors Banquet shit and DEFINITELY try Narragansett
>You appear to have failed on your "thread following" skills, no badge for you.
He said with his eyes full of tears
Wouldn't you be better off with a shovel, you fat cunt?

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>Franchising conglomerate owns all the Taco Bells in my county AND the surrounding counties
>Every single one of them is dogshit, to the point that I gave up on them years ago
>Tfw try a Taco Bell while on a road trip
> It's actually good.
I have to drive at least an hour to eat at a decent Taco Bell. What brands are regionally unavailable/disgusting in your area?
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suck it Flyover!
I moved to Florida now i can't get Cookout and i miss it every day
You could fix this problem but you're so afraid of losing the comfortable little life you've made.
its 8 dollars for 3 crunchy tacos.
taco bell is completely dead to me.
I am not committing taco crimes, I just don't eat Taco Bell anymore.

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Sweet or salted?

Also, how do you prepare it? Stove? Microwave? Shitty microwave bag?
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Same here with sweet popcorn. It's better cold when the sugars have set imo but I've never made it myself
Always stove with olive oil, or unrefined coconut oil. Salt and pepper. I'm getting jalapeno and white cheddar powder soon so I stop buying Cheetos.
I tried to make my own caramel sauce and add it to the popcorn, it was okay.

how do you make air popped popcorn pop better? Ive tried many times (both in microwave and stove) and it was always much smaller compared to popping it with bit of oil.
Sneezing faggot ruined Deadpool 3
I'm partial to a mix of sweet and salted.

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Give me ideas for light meals for hot weather.

Pic related, just had shrimp, veg and rice.
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forgot the pic
And obviously, at the end I added the defrosted shrimp. They were already cooked, so I just let them sit in cold water while cooking the other stuff and added them in the end, only letting them heat through.
Even less of reason to complain about the heat. The only place in Europe which actually gets hot is Spain and Greece and maybe southern Italy.
Gazpacho soup.
Some crisis actors in cop uniforms came over to break my air conditioning last Saturday at 1am so I feel your pain OP. My recommendation is Ceviche: diced cold shrimp, avocado, tomatoes, onions and cilantro and with ketchup as a condiment. Have an okay day!

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What are some pleb food takes that are true?

I'll start
>ketchup doesn't belong on hot dogs
>ketchup doesn't belong on hamburgers
>water is for poor people
>microwaving fish is rude
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>fast food is the only way to get a burger
It ‘works’ insofar as the area covered by the pit won’t brown as quickly because it’s stopping the oxygen getting to it. Saran wrap works way better.
The enzyme that also makes it go brown can be dealt with just by adding lemon or lime
Only the last one makes sense.
Get a life, loser.

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It's really bad for you because there's not much difference between a bowl of rice and a can of soda.
The duality of anon.
It's great if you're really hungry and want to eat 2,000 of something.
see >>20704492
I tried snorting coke once, but the ice cubes got stuck in my nose.

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What kinds of snacks do you like to have at social functions?
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Why even go through the effort of piling them all together aesthetically? Just throw them at your guests as they come through the door before theyve taken off their jacket and shoes
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i have to make a nice display for my friends
How do you keep them warm and edible. That shit gets ghastly after twenty minutes standing.
Boring American horseshit!
For me it's 'chos

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comfy fish and chips thread
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>engl*sh food
>sugar tax
Is this some Amerimutt cope over literally not being allowed sugar in his coke?
>thirdie trying to stir the pot between americans and brits
If you weren't a thirdie you'd know this
>In the 2016 United Kingdom budget, the UK Government announced the introduction of a sugar tax, officially named the "Soft Drinks Industry Levy". The tax came into effect on 6 April 2018.[116] Beverage manufacturers are taxed according to the volume of sugar-sweetened beverages they produce or import. The tax is imposed at the point of production or importation, in two bands. Drinks with total sugar content above 5g per 100 millilitres are taxed at 18p per litre and drinks above 8g per 100 millilitres at 24p per litre. The measure was estimated to generate an additional £1 billion a year in tax revenue which would be spent on funding for sport in UK schools.[117][118] The tax raised £336m in 2019-2020.[119] Despite not being part of the United Kingdom the British Soft Drinks Industry Levy came into force on the Isle of Man on 1 April 2019 because of the Common Purse Agreement.[120] It was proposed that pure fruit juices, milk-based drinks and the smallest producers would not be taxed.[121] For other beverages there was an expectation that some manufacturers would reduce sugar content in order to avoid the taxation.[121]
Your blind hatred towards a country is preventing you from eating good food anon.
Fish and chips is literally just battered fish and fried potato.
>pic not related

It's about as fast food without getting fast food, and it won't mess up your bowels in the process. Just turn your brain off and boil some water. Throw some parmesan on the end, have a bread with butter or olive oil on the side.
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Need to at least have ground beef in it.
I do this pretty often. A jar of sauce, whatever has garlic on the label, a pound of italian sausage, and a box of pasta. Could be 4-6 meals for $7 or so and incredibly low effort. I'll add extra garlic and cayenne pepper to the sauce usually.
This, I need meat. Ill do ground beef or italian sausage if I have any. I rarely buy premade pasta sauce, Ive found its cheaper and better to get a can of tomato sauce, mixed with fresh sliced up tomatoes, peppers,onion,garlic then season to taste, throw some meat in there and there ya go. I usually do broccoli, green beans or asparagus with it. Sometimes brussel sprouts. Ill prolly do a pasta dish once or twice a week.
Just make sure you grill your sketti first
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I like buying fresh, fancy pasta and tainting it with kraft dinner cheese.

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