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The most disgusting cereal ever made.
It's just something to eat.
Congratulations. The worst take on the entire internet. Wow.
you just reminded me of a childhood favorite:
big biscuit shredded wheat
one or two spoons of sugar
drown the sucker in milk
go to town

the little ones just aren’t the same
you have to let it soak a bit first
Who cares we don't eat cereal, we're not kids.
Not enough sugar for you, cavity boy? It's the best cereal next to the full size wheats.
*gives you enough room to walk past, salutes you and wishes you a great day*
You're nuts. That's a delicious cereal. When I feel fancy I'll add bananas or blueberries to it. It's a treat.
Childhood is crying over the yucky and icky boring cereal.
Adulthood is understanding that your pic rel, and stuff like corn flakes are a blank canvas for which you can add things to and make it entirely your own.
You didn't even pick the most 'disgusting' one, steeping those in milk for 5 minutes releases all the flavour.
mentally you are a child though
Tommy, stop getting angry... You know you get cranky when you need a nap
>he just keeps on going
>go to town
What for? And when can i return to eat my cereal?
If you go to town, the cereal will be soft enough to eat by the time you get back
So it'll match your hard-on level huh?
Yes exactly. I've never had the desire to fuck a bowl of shredded wheat, but each to their own I suppose
Frosted wheat is even worse.
lol like a stuffed doll or cartoon drawing of a girl is any better
shut up, makes for good snack
I love em but I can only find the ones that are as big as a bar of soap, which makes me feel really really small.
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eh no
that was my favorite cereal as a kid for some reason
I eat these dry
I kneel, especially to the blueberry ones.
The milk needs to be heated for these.
you're supposed to add something to it they even show you on the box

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