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Food gore, good cooking, whatever you want
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that's the fake video. here's the real one.
holy shit thats too much sauce. fuck off. also the bun looks disgusting.

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Thread for discussing coffee and coffee related topics.

Latte edition

If you're new and confused start here: https://pastebin.com/UEzwuyLz

If you're old and confused have you dialed in your espresso?
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To be honest I didn't even notice the light and dark roast blend kek. Absolutely bait.
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>I’ll take a chance on $20.
You can say that again!
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That’s why I bought it, had to try that out. I would say it’s more of a medium roast mixed with a dark roast. The flavor profile description was very accurate actually. I wouldn’t use these for a pure espresso but it did make a really good flat white, very chocolatey. This would be great for milk drinks in the winter months when it’s cold outside.
You see, anon, getting that perfect medium roast is hard so if you mix light and dark you get medium!
Tasted like apple pear fritter and nougat btw

Do you use a food processor? Ima thinking of getting one.
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you FUCKING idiots. PROCESSED FOOD BAD! Have you learned NOTHING?!
>mogs modern technique in your path
The biggest problem is that it takes more effort to clean the food processor than the time it saves compared to manual tools. It's just not a very practical tool unless you are cooking huge portions.

>>soups (although immersion blenders are better)
immersion blender is also better for mayo
>>chopping cabbage
takes 30 seconds to chop with a knife
>>slicing meat
>>shredding cheese
maybe if you need to shred a kilogram of cheese
>>making meatballs
it's not a good substitute for a meat grinder
>>chopping nuts

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Yes, I cut vegetable in it and make dough. Love it.
I see, no wonder i never felt the need for one.

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Let’s say you give a bunch of three star chefs the task of making a dish with human urine as an ingredient, could it be made to taste good, and if so how?

The rules are you can’t dilute, or use just a drop of urine, it needs to be tasted in the dish, you also can’t attempt to completely neutralize the taste of the piss. It needs to be a central part of the dish, you can add other ingredients, but the pee needs to be present

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How do you feel about plantains?
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pretty muchall the caribbean countries eat it
>retard cooked (op pic)
all good. all two forms are great.
Why does it have veins?
The sweet ones are good in almost any preparation. Green plantains are too astringent for me to really enjoy them much, but they're okay when fried into chips or tostones.

Yes, they're pretty similar. I think ripe plantain has a bit more flavor than ripe banana though.
Nigha, that's bananas.

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Thoughts on polish food?
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There was a Czech restaurant in my old neighbourhood but they didn't have zurek or anything like it on the menu. Streamed bread, tho.
Did they, though?
Can you give me any specific polish venison recipe that you're familiar with, off the top of your head?
It used to be really prominent in the polsih courtly cuisine, and what it was known for throughout the Europe back at the time, yet nowadays it's almost entirely absent.
It's not even that there are no surviving recipes or cookbooks from 500 years ago or earlier, it's just that no one reads or cooks according to them anymore.
Bigos that wasn't even hard
But the decline in use of venison in Poland is easy to understand, all those years of gun and hunting restrictions did a lot of damage to hunting culture in a lot of that part of the world, I'll give you that for sure
that was not steamed bread, those were bread dumplings

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Beef back, cut in the half but the way it stays whole, tenderized, sprinkled oregano and rosemary, salt inside, rolled. Cooked in oven, added mustard and black pepper to meat juices for sauce. Anyone else believes that splitting a huge piece of meat and rolling it is better, because you can get more variety in terms of it being more bloody in the middle and nicely browned on the outer layers?
*slurps the juice up from your plate*
The technical term you are looking for is butterfly cut

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Any time a cooking video features black gloves I just want to teleport to the video's overproduced set and punch the soyfaggot right in the mouth. Like try my knuckle sandwich, you son of a bitch.
Must be nice being privileged enough to get mad at gloves
It is, get good or an hero to try and win the genetic lottery in your next life.
This. Black latex gloves are for porn, not food.
Try mixing meat in a bowl without gloves
I do that all the time

The western breakfast is a bullshit meal largely composed of singular ingredients treated as though they were dishes unto themselves (or worse - literal cake).
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Fuel for manual labor
For breakfast I have oatmeal topped with yeast spread, a poached egg, green onions, hot sauce, and sichuan pepper.
guy on the right is vince gironda, bodybuilder and trainer who would literally tell people to eat up to 24 eggs a day because he believed it was akin to using anabolic steroids.
im guessing the woman on the left is some fat inflamed pile of edema who says eggs are bad because le cholesterol or whatever.
they should blow both up with hydrogen bombs
You shouldn't be eating eggs.

Eggs in general aren't good for you, cholesterol, menstrual shedding, just to name a few.

is it cheating to use these?
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Why would it be? You are still cooking it on the hob. It's faster and, depending on the brand, it usually works out cheaper than making it yourself.
Jarred curries all taste the same and they never taste good.
Cheating in what? Are you enrolled in an ongoing game of competitive meal prep? It's food. You buy it, prepare it, and eat it. Or if you don't want to, you don't.
Not "cheating" just stupid and lazy
>You didn't beat the cooking

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Why is Guga generally considered the best chef on the youtube platform?
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in my (correct) opinion its probably andy cooks tbqh imo
big beast got shills in here.
But he isn't
hi guga
>I dry aged a steak in cum and this happened!

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Lunchables are finished.
We all eating Lunchly now, with Beast Bars and Prime it's guaranteed to fill that lunchtime crave!

>The Lunchly kits available on the company’s official website contain Prime drinks and Feastables bars, in addition to a choice of pizza, turkey stack ‘ems, or Fiesta nachos. The Lunchly website features a side-by-side comparison of the meal kits and their Lunchables equivalents. Lunchly boasts that their products provide more electrolytes, contain fewer calories, and offer “big gestures,” in comparison to their competitor’s “mid moments.”

>“We’re bringing the biggest creators together to do something that’s never been done —disrupt the lunch market for kids with healthier, better-tasting options,” Donaldson said in a statement. “Lunchly is all about giving kids a fun, grab-and-go meal that’s not just delicious, but also good for them. We’re here to change what lunchtime looks like for the next generation.”

Yeah, we're all #LunchlyLads now.
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I see these fags, I don't buy.
The main reason why water in most of the US has fluoride in it is shitty parenting. The justification they use for adding it is that some parents don't make their children brush their teeth so by putting fluoride in the water, some small amount of it will flow over the teeth of those children with neglectful parents, reducing the number of cavities they have to endure.
Would you rather a kid watch Bluey and Sesame Street or Mr Beast and the Paul Brothers.
We have the ability to give poor kids with shitty chip-on-their-shoulder parents PBS programming but instead they go onto a YouTube with minimal regulation on "kids content" and content creators more interested in making money than educating children.
Like Raffi and Weird Al had it made, they had a major label deal and producers and musicians above and below them all of whom were compensated just to make silly songs kids like.
The chick singing a silly song on her guitar to kids, she needs every income source she can get to keep her apartment, bills and feed herself, if some company wants her to advertise to kids, she will.
Just look at teenage tobacco use rates from the 90s and aughts against today, they went from declining to returning to similar levels as they were in the pre-PBS and Ad Council era.
>Mr Beast Burger
>Turkey Stack’ems
I HATE how this faggot names his stupid products
Not to defend him or anything, but you can find worst stuff on blue boards

/fit/ here, will this really turn my protein shakes into ice cream? What's the catch? Seems like magic.
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it works but the ice cream tastes like protein shake
its a little gay. just get a normal ice cream machine?
how long does that take
/ck/ here, will this turn my butter sticks into butter ice cream? I'm doing keto and I'm looking for ways to eat more butter

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>Frozen fish is safe to eat indefinitely
is this real chat?
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Depends on the prep method. Flash frozen fresh fish (say it quickly) can probably last several years provided they are kept frozen but will eventually rot.
It will give you brain freeze if you eat it too fast.
frozen anything will never rot you absolute dipshit. whats with this board and straight up disinformation recently? is this is the chinese interference fox news warned me about?
What the fuck, no?
You can only eat it once before it has to be replaced
>(say it quickly)
i dont get it

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Where can i find a beer thats not bitter? I just want a cold refreshing beer that doesnt have any bitterness to it, are there beers like this?
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I never had the Bacon Maple version but the regular Rogue Doughnut sucks ass beyond reason.
pussy light macro beer, pleb
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>pussy light macro beer, pleb
are you absolutely sure you aren't equating bitter with sour?

you can try to trick your palate with something like a stout that has either heavy coffee or chocolate notes as those flavors are tangible where as "off" notes in cheap beer are usually something daily drinkers will not notice, but a novice will focus on.

also the cold beer meme is for normies. if you can drink macro warm, you'll see that cold isnt helping the flavor. if you insist on the needing it to be "cold and refreshing" you should try cider, shandy or white wine spritzer.
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Not my cup of tea but this isn't bitter

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