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>replaces your lunch
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Ayo what.
Guy at a restaurant I worked at would take rolling paper and tape another length of cigarette to the end of his marlboro. Eeexxttraaaa long ciggy breaks for him.
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No, they are for after your lunch.
In my cunt roll your own tobacco was pretty big and one night I got on the piss with a m8 of mine and I burst out laughing when I saw his ciggy. He would buy a pack of Virginia Strong Extra Long then roll a cigarette on the end of it. He explained it as you like to smoke more when you drink so I have one cigarette. I think the taley was ass by the time he got to it. Made me lol so hard and none of us tried it.

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Can someone share some good spice mixes to make for beef or rice? Will try to mix spices myself. Also any other tips related to spices
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Orange cats are wild
black pp be like
>wierd that strange beeping noise stopped
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hmm, I feel like both are important. Will try to make some garlic sauce based with yogurt for the first time
haha, I'm not that wild of a cook, I have hard time trying even something new
You just know that little asshole was trying to find and eat the ceiling bird.

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You like hot dogs right?
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Only Eckrich hotdogs
Grilled or boiled idc
The end goal of hot dogs
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Good quality ones, yes.

Japanese frozen pizza tastes like a pro level, and it is only $4.

You are missing the meaning of life, if you haven't tried this yet.
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Japanese pizzas are the world's saddest. Not because of the taste but because they're a quarter of the size and dough thickness.
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>pro level
I can't say I trust it. Japan making a tomato sauce? Probably based it on ketchup or replaced tomato with bean paste, they're also not a bread culture so the crust is probably some rice concoction

I know Japan has no cheese, but frozen pizza cheese is always gonna be kinda shit and taste mostly of salt anyway.
Japan has advanced freezing technology. You can visit a frozen food department in Japan, and you will feel future there.
>also not a bread culture
milk bread is one of the best breads imo

Who butchers their own chickens?
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this genuinely makes me sad. what the fuck. how can you do something like this and still be okay with eating meat?
Nothing 3 hours in a nice pot won't fix.
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Post the webm.
Wow you killed a bird we get it edgelord super hardcore

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Jersey Mike's doesn't even possess the technology to create 6' long super subs. This is why I will always consider Subway to be superior.
when I worked at subwhey it was fun making those :3
That guys nose and face look bizarre, I wouldn't have hired him
When the customer forgets an apostrophe in their 6” sub order, you HAVE to make it
Is the customer right Subway bros?


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Whats the most fucked up restaurant environment you have ever worked in? close seconds and other fucked up restaurant industry stories welcome as well...
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the slip into 2nd person mode after a few mouthfuls of spirits is comfortingly ecstatic brehs
>work at little caesars for three years
>half the staff had a felony on their record, some violent, most for drugs
>three of the staff were low level drug dealers that made most of their money selling to people they worked with and their friends
>manager was barely hiding the fact that he was a white supremacist, had tats and everything
>dipshit teenagers fucking everywhere being retards
>everyone smoked weed in the walk-in and behind the store when the manager was in
>nearly everybody was fucking someone they worked with myself included
>massive roach problem because it was next to a chinese buffet, will never eat at one again after talking to their cooks on smoke breaks
>people stealing money out of registers constantly
>multiple fights in the lobby and at the drive thru window, one time someone got fired and brought a gun up to the store threatening to shoot the place up
>nobody ever cleaned the make station or dough mixer or dishes worth a fuck unless me or the manager did it
>saw ramekins of toppings go more than a week before they were dumped and cleaned all the time, would've killed someone if it wasn't going through a 560f oven for eight minutes
>dough guy was a violent meth head felon built like a brick shithouse, beat the fuck out of one of the drug dealing cooks that stiffed him on a drug deal, nothing happened no charges filed just showed up to work the next day like it never happened
>I had to beat the fuck out of the same guy for cornering my now wife in the freezer and trying to make her get drunk with him
>the week after he quit someone broke in overnight and stole a thousand pounds of flour and we had to shut the place for two days until we could get another shipment in

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Also when working for pizza hut I got held at gunpoint by a veteran with severe ptsd for ten minutes until I got him to calm down. Apparently he did some spook shit overseas and was worried I was sent to his house to kill him. I quit the job a week after that. Their kitchen was a lot cleaner than lil caesars and they only hired felons with drug offenses but they didn't replace the batteries in the bathroom soap dispenser until i'd been working there for eight months. I asked them to do it the day I did orientation. Nobody was washing their hands with anything but water that entire time and god knows how long before that.
Lmao americans are retarded.
Idk man from what he told me it was a pretty valid concern, he killed a lot of people and there's been data leaks and breaches since then his info was in. I'm just glad he didn't shoot me, gave him a hug afterwards and made sure the store marked his address as do not deliver. It was my mistake since he had the same address as a street over.

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Thread for discussing coffee and coffee related topics.

GuP collab edition

If you're new and confused, start here: https://pastebin.com/UEzwuyLz

If you're old and confused, make your own water

Previous thread: >>21157836
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>by AI Root
didnt expect Kusunoki-san reference here
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expect the unexpectable!
the grinder is way more important than the espresso machine, say what are your coffee preferences and location so i can try to help
>go on espresso reddit for some laughs
>find ANOTHER retard with a k6 that is somehow struggling

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How the fuck do americans get through a whole double gulp cup? wont it go flat? thats almost 2 liters
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It's just like any other drug, start small and keep consuming to get the same effect.
You sound like a weak person that cannot have an hour's worth of soda.
I'm the anon that had three double gulps in one day. I'm not diabetic or even particularly fat but I'm a huge dude at 201cm tall and 141.5kg, a regular sized person going through that much soda in a day would be a lot crazier than me doing it.
You forget that you lose quite a lot of drink with the Ice.
My dad used to import classic American cars. They used to have an extra tank, about 5 gallons, just for soda in every American car before 92'.

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>just bread with hole in the middle
>you pay more for less bread
Gee, I wonder who could've invented this.
Any other food that confirm stereotypes?
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I can't, I live in the netherworld.
pizza, easily. Food in a circle? not for me, buddy. Did you know that the slur kike comes from a jew’s misinterpretation during immigration. Kike is short for circle
pizza is italian anon...
Why are you buying tasteless dough, though?
Is it like a "support the kikes" thing, or...?
The Jews stole it (of course) from the Poles. And the Polacks started making bagels because they heard that it was healthier to make bread with "hole grain".

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Things we love I'll go first: milkshakes
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gluttony rules
indulge once a day
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>Things we love
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Thai panang curry.
fried egg made by mommy

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Food nostalgia thread
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well, granola is healthy, but it's not very tasty, so the idea is that you make granola more like candy to make it appealing, but at least you'll get a little more nutrition than a pure chocolate bar

Honestly, they're not that bad if you're actually active like hiking, or running around all day as a kid or playing sports etc.
>be a drink made for the inner-city kids
>literally water, sugar, artificial flavor and food coloring
>get named little hug to embarrass and humiliate the nigger demographic
i honestly feel bad. you shouldn’t look at stuff like it’s a service that it’s so cheap, this is horrible stuff to feed a child.
My metabolism didnt really slow until my mid 20s, I could drink all kinds of sugar as a kid and never gain a pound. I think it's probably worse today, now that kids live mostly sedentary lifestyles on tablets and phones playing roblox and watching spider-man/elsa dissection youtube vids
their movie gave me a scat fetish
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>go to grandma's house
>fridge full of squeez its
>has pokemon cards for me and my cousins
>spend all day playing vidya and jumping on the bed

Tomorrow, on the 15th of February, all of Vanuatu will honor John Frum, the bringer of canned meats, distributor of cargo and Messiah of the most /ck religion of all. Let us mark this day of SPAM and glory by posting canned meat recipes.
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As a proud Jatravartid, I follow the teachings of Humma Kavula who preaches that the universe was sneezed from the nose of the Creator, the Great Green Arkleseizure, and we are to fear the end times, The Coming of the Great White Handkerchief.
As a follower of the one true faith, I've no time for John nor his meats and don't care where he's Frum.
Happy John Frum Day, OP. May you receive much cargo.

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I just bought one of these. What should I do with it?

Iirc I used to cook it with pan-fried red potatoes and carrots with onion. I'm not sure that's fancy enough. It could be so much more.
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feel bad for the people who dont live around good kielbasa
That is dried meat aka jerky sausage, not sausage that you cook. you only eat that on a tray with cheese.
When I was in high school I'd slice them into coins. pan fry them, then eat them with ssamjang and rice.
disgusting bro, you have to cook the low quality jew stuff so you can't taste the people.
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Thats not true, I eat these cold, always

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>pinching the blade bullshit

You don't do that, do you?
And they always wave it around to show how much control they have over the knife, nigga I have just as much if not more control holding it where it was designed to be held, the fucking handle.
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This is how I hold my knife I learned it on WikiHow.
you stick up old ladies with that grip juan?
Drop one right now.
Where do you hold a pencil when you write with it?
I hope I'm one of those images and some years later I'll be reminded of something I had long forgotten.

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