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The latter but more because positivity is bad on 4chan and his life was too easy for him to be negative
No. He wasn't liked here before the "non-binary pals" sign off. It's because he's super progressive but won't acknowledge that he came from immense privilege on both sides of his family. His father and maternal grandfather both have wikipedia pages. And he chose to tweet about /ck/ calling him Kenjicuck which painted an eternal target on his back.
4chan doesn’t hate Kenji, he’s recommended here all the time
He's been clutching his pearls over Gordon for years, meanwhile Ramsay has successful, Michelin star restaurants and Kenji's restaurant closed down during Covid, then one reopened after the other owners fired him. KWAB
broken clock is right twice a day.
let not your idols be retarded brits or gay i secure fucking james alt named faggot who is too insecure to call himself what he is. the bond in the kitchen should be like goddamn soldiers. you live together and die together.

What happened to this guy? I miss jiroposting.
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It's fuckin sushi lmao of course its overrated. Only American retards would think raw fish on rice can be anything other than average at best lmao fucking retards.
I payed for the Mona Lisa, so I'm entitled to destroy it
Yes, fish on rice is on the same level as the Mona Lisa
Anyone know what the movie is called? I want to watch it now since I see this webm like 10 times a day
I spent ten years training to make this comment
Billions, season 2 episode 2

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What's the difference between the 50 types of seed oils? Which one should I pick? it feels like I have to choose the least shitty one but they're all bad. Are there any alternatives?

And no butter won't work for like 70% of the dishes
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I haven't done like a tasting flight of cooking oils, but I know what I like. I use olive oil for most applications, including sauteeing and such. When I need a neutral oil or a high-heat one I use vegetable oil. I used to use canola but it turns out I have that weird mutation where canola oil smells and tastes like fish to me, so I switched to veg. Been very happy with it since. I don't make a habit of deep frying, so I don't buy big jugs of peanut oil on the regular or anything. Basically if you own more than two, MAYBE three kinds of oil, you're posing.
Some people do Keto, I'm on Frito.
Canola oil is much more healthy than Sunflower oil because it has some rare vitamins that you normally wouldn't get. Sunflower oil tastes a little better though.

Clarified butter (Kerrygold or better) is an even better option when you need a high smoke point but it will be much more expensive and Kerrygold will probably be unaffordable outside of europe. Best flavor by far though especially for something like Schnitzel it makes a huge difference.
If butter won't work use coconut oil instead, also great for lube.
terrible misinformation. "vegetable" oil is 100% soy and sesame oil is for flavoring not frying.

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When I wake up, well, I know I'm gonna find you.

But I would walk five hundred miles
And I would walk five hundred more
Just to be the man who ordered you
And you fell on the plate.

Then I wake up...

Do you ever make your own breakfast sandwiches at home?
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On weekends typically. They usually involve some combination of bacon, eggs, potatoes, onions, and tomatoes.
No but I should start. Now I want a steak egg and cheese bagel. Mmm
damn that looks heaps good
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But I did eat breakfast
I buy a bag of frozen biscuits and a box of frozen sausage patties at sams. Most mornings I make two sausage egg biscuit sandwiches for breakfast. I never used to eat or woke up nauseous in the mornings but I started an antidepressant last year that has massively up-ed my appetite. The two biscuit sandwiches and a cup of coffee keep me completely sated for 4-7 hours depending on if I'm working/active.

Corr got an absolute whopper from chippy
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>love fucking british slags outside pubs
How many STIs have you caught?
>Burned fries
I don't think the chips are burned, as such, I think they're just greasy and soggy. Still not great but not quite as agregious as all that.
I maintain that tartar sauce is one of those condiments that can basically go with anything. I've happily eaten it with steak.
They have been chipped, you fucking idiot
every little parisian kid should have a rifle with snake shot supplied to them by the government. Rat problem would be solved overnight
Maggot problem might arise in the weeks soon after, though.

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>dude just eat at your local pizzeria it's better than chain pizza lmao
>this is the mediocre shit local gives you

i'll stick with my papa johns pies, thank you.
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>ate my local pizzeria
>pizza was $32 for a costco-sized XL
>tastes just like costco
>i paid $32 for a costco pizza

yeah but support local business tho
How about you stick to my dick. Faggot.
yeah, i forgot to add that the local kike families charge you almost double for their mediocre trash.
10/10 would eat. nothing wrong with that.
That is literally a papa johns pizza

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when will /ck/ admit that raw tomatoes aren't actually good?
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After my lobotomy
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You just never had a good one.
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I feel sad for people who dont have access to good tomatoes.
I have bought "heirloom" tomatoes at the store which look the part, but tasted just as shitty as all the others.
I honestly have no clue how all the tomatoes at the store are so devoid of flavor and crappy.

The only halfway edible ones ive bought at your grocer are the Compari tomatoes.
Very sad
I love eating raw, juicy cherry tomatoes that are nice 'n' ripe. :-P
If you still believe that after pulling one right off the vine and eating it like an apple then that's no hope for you

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What are some good foods for fasting?
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I'm hungry though.
The rice cakes are a metaphor.
What are some good ways to prep cukes besides pickled? I don't like them very much. Celery is okay.
Black coffee
Diet coke
Water and salt.
Coffee with MCT oil in it
If you are doing keto

Anyone else irrationally afraid of eating both processed and regular meat inspite of botulism? I probably should be more concerned of the preservatives they put but I can't stop worrying about the meat might be slightly uncooked or it was somehow accidentally underprocessed. Might as well become vegeterian I guess.
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The preservatives prevent botulism
If you're afraid of botulism, you should avoid garlic, leeks, and onions
Doesn't sound like you know much about botulism
wtf garlics should be stored in the freezer??? That's it fuck the fridge I'll never put anything there again
Freezing doesn't affect botulism
>Anyone else irrationally afraid of eating both processed and regular meat
>inspite of botulism?
it prevents it from growing and since it's a toxin and not an infection then it'll reduce the chance of severe cases. Just cook shit intelligently and cook anything sketchy to 212f, which destroys the toxins.

Would you?
Should you?
Could you?
Would I what? Buttfuck your mother? No that bitch is fat
>worked at Kmart
>store started carrying cheap single serve packs of junk food
>single serve spam slices for $1

Bought one, took it to the KCafe and asked the old black woman to fry it and put it on a bun with cheese.
It was just about as expected, but at least everyone thought it was funny
I do not like them, spam-I-cram

what is 815 calories of complex carbohydrates i can eat today
15 cups of rolled oats
'bout tree fiddy you fat fuck

Just like Italy
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when I eat these, I get this sinking feeling in my soul. My body is somehow nourished, but my I know in my heart that something is wrong. Doesn't stop me though
Eh, I don't buy it.
The old version was so good.

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>i will say anything other than the actual names of shit like this
that's called being a narcissist.
it's a part of faggotry.
I meant spicy in the capsaicin sense not the aromatic sense
>prepared mustard
Like I said, filtered by a celery seed

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>be me
>go to sushi restaurant with my friend
>me eating nigiri and rolls
>friend orders the fried chicken wings
>laugh at him and think it's going to be gross and weird
>try some when it comes
>it's legit better than 95% of the fried chicken I've ever eaten
>mfw I try to pretend I didn't like it
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keep in mind this was well before uber eats or really before smart phones
>be me fuck at least 20 years ago now, before bush's reelection
>road tripping for work, then gf and her brother come along because they wanted to do something along the way there and also we were gonna spend two nights in vegas on the way back
>the motel my work got me/us was in some shithole suburb outside of los angeles
>only restaurants nearby are a chain diner called Millie's, jack in the box, and some asian place
>jack in the box is open, but the teenagers inside say their registers aren't working and they can't sell us anything- but the cashier just stands there staring at us like there's literally anything else we can do
>gf's brother is a 5'8" gear head and starts to argue with the cashiers, plural, because despite them knowing their registers arent working there are two cashiers- but there was nobody back in the kitchen so idk why the fuck they stayed open but whatever
>asian place's door says they close at 10pm, although its 7:30pm and they are most definitely closed with the door locked and lights off
>millie's is the last option without us driving around aimlessly
>run of the 'mill' diner, nothing special
>try to order a burger, how could they fuck up a burger
>"sorry we're actually out of buns"
>I fundamentally disagree with buying salads from restaurants

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Many years ago, I moved into a new neighborhood, and there was this pizza joint nearby which served fried chicken, which is odd, because other than KFC, noone serves fried chicken in my state. It was amazing, and the best fc I've ever tasted. Of course, they went under a year later, and replaced by some cringe chain with a crap menu.
The place was probably staffed by Koreans, they make good fried chicken.
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Outback. hadn't been to one in over 10 years, and it was too far away.
moved near one, and damn they make good steaks, chili, and even chicken.

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