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You will eat ze bugs, one way or another.
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No, why would there be a singular peppercorn embedded that deep into the muscle of a pig? Same goes for an insect. It's most likely some sort of cyst.
its a cigarette burn from the guy at the deli
and yet you are here and not there
>be wrong
>>hey you're wrong
Your classes met in those trailers at the back of the school, huh?
this type of “ham” is a processed sausage, it’s nearly baloney at this point. look at OP’s ham, it’s full of air-bubbles too

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Fry Bread is the best shit I've ever had. There are some foods like it but good fucking god none of them come close to how good this shit. I don't understand how something so simplistic can be so good.
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It's all yours, friend
the goes on to bitch about jews doing the same to him and how evil it is
why is it that every single one of you white supremacists is a hypocrite?
the its only evil when it happens to me and mine mindset is the exact reason why i dont feel bad for any of you in the current political climate.
What are you talking about? Jews don't give anything back to the societies they destroy.
just looks like flat donuts AKA beignets.
"fry bread" is just donuts huh, just more freshly made and not sitting in some case all day.
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viets have somethin similar. see pic

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Which way, drinking man?
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red is always better tho
never had white or rose ;(
all the reds i've had were terrible
I've never tried it but heard the Wild Irish Rose is ok going down but will give a crazy hangover.
guy at the liquor store i frequented suggested a 50ml airplane bottle of that "and a checkers banana milkshake for a good time" wtf try to sell me 9
they are the same. in double blind, blind folded taste tests people trying to guess which was white or red had the same success as guessing a coin flip.

Hello /ck/, I am baking pies this week. To get a flaky crust I will be baking them in a metal pie pan (not disposable). However, it will be displayed, so I am planning on transferring them to a ceramic dish (that looks similar to pic related).

What should I do to best ensure the pie fits into the ceramic dish after being baked?
Post pies
the way i pronounce pies sounds like "piss"

Is there a way to deep fry lasagna without making a mess in my kitchen and setting off the smoke alarm?
no, there's too much water in lasagna
Yes. But it’s no longer lasagna. It’s just meat, cheese, noodle, rolled together, and then dipped in egg and bread crumbs. Then frying. Making the noodles chewy and mouth cutting crispy at the same time as the cheese oozes out the sides and on to your hand scalding it with the intensity of a branding iron. Followed up with dipping it in a luke warm sauce.

Have fun.
You convinced me

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That's it! I'm done! I'm done pretending to hate this place just to fit in with you autistic retards. I prefer this place over every mom and pop Italian place I've ever had and I live in the north east.

>God tier value
>God tier Salad
>God tier breadsticks
>God tier soups
>God tier pasta
>Chefs trained in Italy
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the restaurants you're referring to get their ingredients from sysco so they will more or less taste the same
quality italian restaurants make better food with better ingredients
Bury this fucking hot head. Up to his neck in his mothers grave!
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I ate there 4 times in 1997 and once in 2004 and I always enjoyed it.

If I go will it be familiar or has it completely changed?
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I fucking love their lasagna. Such a satisfying plate of slop. The salad and bread sticks are fantastic. Honestly, the coffee is really good too. It's just a shame huge black families take over their dining rooms.

Last thread was well received, so let's do this again.

Ask an anon that works at a candy store anything.
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Haha, no.

A Breitling Navitimer. Picrel.


Taffy, freeze dried, and random hard candies like Napoleon. And no.

We have those.
I could go for some CLARK
>And has Halloween stuff already shown up?
My local Circle K already has Reese's Pumpkins for sale.
I mean I don't really care about where you actually work or your thread just want to discuss the energy drink that is ribbed for your pleasure :)
>bro straight up can't afford a 5k USD watch
I do not understand the point of freeze dried candy
>My local Circle K already has Reese's Pumpkins for sale
Front end manager spent this week getting out first shipment of candy set up in seasonal.
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>>20702370 >>20702865
nice goobuhs, mane.

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I forgot about these, I always used to try and get the the grated cheetos
Damn, where I grew up we had a place called Ponderosa. Which was like a buffet but delicious, I think you could order food too. Wonder if they are like the same
>battery acid
Poser exposed. >>20677008 were extremely watery and had hardly any flavor at all. You’re just making shit up. Entire post discarded
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Made it /ck/
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central michigan eh? watch out for white nationalist militias. lots of good food in ann arbor, but i haven't been there in ages. i bet a lot of my old haunts have closed and no one i know lives there anymore. 25 years ago i could have sent you to hang out with any number of bartender friends. i bet the fleetwood diner is still going. hippie hash. i got my nikon N80 stole there at 3am one night. sorry i don't have a better story. anyways, good place, especially late night.
Do yourself a solid
That some garlic sauce?
the beautiful garlic sauce yes its so radiant
Frita batidos , biercamp and HOMES brewpub are ok spots. If you are remotely close to lansing go to Naing Myanmar in the hood. Think it's still take out only but get garlic chicken and a pickled tea leaf salad.

What are some cheap and easy things to cook for a date? I had been thinking if making a 6 layer nacho dip but maybe I should do something else since she's making a peach cobbler after?
Just grill a couple bacon cheeseburgers.
anything with roofies in it
Blackened chicken Alfredo with angel hair pasta and a salad if she’s worth spending a few extra minutes on spicing up chicken.

Fried chicken and cornbread with green beans/okra if she’s got a big brapper so you can fill her up of elegant aroma.

Pasta salad, and split a huge grilled steak and a cold beer if she’s simple and easy to please.

German beer cheese dip and pretzel sticks as a warm up, with a schnitzel and jaeger sauce on top of mashed potatoes if she believes in the unification of the white race with an amberbock or Hefeweizen beer,

Take out if you just wanna bang.

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Do you like Newark style hot dogs?
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Okay, so I decided on Dickie Dee's, and it looks like my best bet is to take the PATH to Newark Penn and then light rail (which I've never actually taken before, we killed it all here in NYC ages ago) to the Bloomfield Ave station. Might be a fun trip!
when did normies start calling hot dogs "glizzies"? is this a zoomer or gen alpha thing?
DC slang, dumb observation that an extended glock magazine is roughly the same size as a hotdog
popularized by some faggot rapper, caught on on social media because it's completely retarded sounding
of all the places for verbal diarrhea mind virus to originate, DC is one of the stupidest (silicon valley is the worst).
Yes, my GF made that post.

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made som chicken katsu curryraisu ^_^
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>>>20705503 >>20705545 >>20705548 >>20705578 >>20705603 >>20705614
who uses a tray at home?
swedes apparently
I have a dozen McDonald's trays at home. I usually use them to carry meals to the basement so I can eat without hearing family members watching cable news.
The autism is strong with this one.
Still looks like some really good food, though.

Sometimes a simple snack is the best.
Gay snack
Good cat
throw those mfs on some toast and youve got lunch
cat with tomato is good snack
hell yeah salt brings the flavor out

tomater season I make a BLT every day hold the L

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anyone able to replicate this shit at home? any time I make it smells and tastes funny. I want it mild as can be, contributing mostly that creamy texture and fat.
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>smells and tastes funny
not using lemons?
nah but ill try that thanks.
American mayo is disgusting
Hellmans is way too tangy. Mayo should be rich with a slight acid aftertaste, not taste like its half vinegar
use white wine vinegar

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Fuck these useless pieces of shit. I work the line at a decent local restaurant in north atlanta and they always come in demanding that we stop our flow and cater to their massive ridiculous order tickets while we have ACTUAL customers dining in with us. If you are a door dash/uber eats driver I hope you burn in hell…get a real fucking job
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Not necessarily his boss, definitely his employer.
That's how it goes, sell it as a side gig for the middle class, buy it back as a full time job for poor people, profit on the difference until you die.
yep, typical struggles of a j word business owner lel
You can make a living doing delivery apps. You just have to multi app and and do it during the weekend and at night. People don't call it a real job, but the money is real and I don't have to listen to a psycho boss and deal with lazy incompetent coworkers. No stoned idiot coworkers or gossipy dumb female coworkers. Just do it when I want and can choose the orders I take. It can suck but definitely better than working in a kitchen
how many of those are from VaxAids
line cooks get paid in emotional turmoil and drug addiction lol

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