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This is like the worst candy
I mean, I prefer the classic hot tamales, but they're far from the worst.
the worst candy is those dots on a sheet of paper, followed closely by necco wafers
What does ice taste like???
Oh nevermind, I read the box...Chewy cinnamon...? YUCK!

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I always wondered why KFC is seen as this high quality, strongly growing luxury brand in China and Europe, when in the United States with the same ingredients and preparation methods/staff, it is seen as low quality horseshit and is quickly failing and going away in the country due to higher standards and choices existing
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KFC is the second most popular restaurant in the entire world, with only McDonald's beating it. You're a retard, a faggot, and likely a lying, deceitful, covetous, conniving kike.
Tucky is stupidly popular in Australia but the quality is paltry at best, but usually just plain shit
safeway friend chicken is better than KFC here lmao
popeye's is so hit or miss i don't even compare them to anything anymore
KFC is good, for fast food fried chicken I wager it's the best. The hate is a tiktok meme like how everyone hates Arbys because of an episode of The Simpsons, people are ultimately just lemmings

I recently tried KFC back to back with the main competitor people say is leagues better, Popeyes, and the quality was near identical with the main difference being
>KFC is more moist, greasy, and flavorful because it's highly seasoned
>Popeyes is more crunchy, but tastes way more bland because it's not as greasy, juicy, or seasoned

And don't get me started on grocery store fried chicken that always has the most minimally seasoned, limp batter and dried out meat from sitting around all day
Any KFC staffed by pajeets is low quality, low volume chicken terribly breaded and fried. KFC is horrid in Canada now.

Wtf I love salad now
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Triple digits
BMI has three letters, not digits, dumbass
Mines a 22.7 ;)
>triple digits
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I often post in simple jest. But to be candid for but a moment. This is my BMI

I do not eat salad, infact i mostly eat icecream and otter pops. This is not a joke, it is how i live. I have diarrhea often. On most days im in a slight calorie deficit so hence why im not fat.
>On most days im in a slight calorie deficit so hence why im not fat.

Oi m8 what you having from the takeaway
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I'll have the Chicken Chunks, a Spam Fritter and a Large Beans thanks luv
The classic chunk & beans supper
>ham omelette&chips
wait, you guys get to choose what kinda fish is in your fish 'n chips? I never knew...
sorry, were all out of crazy
do I have to bring my own skates or are they provided?

hey /ck/, Im gonna make try making Tonkatsu, they say to use pork loin, what about a pork sirloin, could I use that or would that be really dumb?
Any pork is fine, it's just going to be breaded and fried
k. I just like the layout of the sirloin more is all.
don't do this it creates mustard gas

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I wish pringles cans were just a LITTLE bit longer so they could fit pasta inside
fuck, for now, I just break the tip, man
they're nice, add a flavor, too
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They won’t let you buy those unless you show a valid party invitation.
Ever thought about gluing a used jumbo sized toiled paper roll to the top?
I wish they were wider too, so that my penis could fit inside them
how does one "use" a toilet paper roll
You can effectively wipe with them if there's nothing else.

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Why is it such a popular sentiment to pretend that well done steak isn't delicious?
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Properly cooked means there's a pink center.
you can remove the word just
Because well done steaks arent usually done well and come out a bit shoe-y
i prefer my rib eyes prepared in a manner which let's one believe the cow survived.
But there are other cuts and marinating/tenderizing processes where cooking it all the way through are appropriate
that looks poorly done not well done

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Isnt it kinda gay that chefs larp as if they’re the military?
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That's where you're wrong, bucko, it's not a larp
Kitchens don't run like this anymore, at least not in the USA
It's all been heavily simplified
Also one thing you have to realise is that a lot of cooks and chefs at the time of the professional kitchen's development had served in the army
Isn't it kinda gay that this goofball meme keeps being spouted here, no matter how many times it's explained to you? Not that you're even a human, I've come to the realization that I'm arguing with bots all day. But like, the guy who programmed a few bots to make these threads? That guy is 100% a faggot with a gaping asshole dripping cum and shit and blood.
You're going to receive extreme seethe from people who can't cope that better paid jobs also have better conditions and require less work. Sure glad I quit being a line cook and went to college lmao
Yes but the military is also mega gay
t. 10 years restaurant, 5 years mil

Whats the stupidest way you ever fucked up while cooking?
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there absolutely is, turdburger
The mouth cannot get to the Chocorbs without hitting a solid line.
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There is only one funny comic these days.
upper lip, bottom left
You are only supposed to find the path, the other paths don't block your path (think overpass on the road), but it just has to lead to the one you want.

Why do -they- put seed oils in everything? It's in literally fucking everything.
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They're only extremely unhealthy when used to fry foods (high temperatures) or if you eat too much oil and fuck with the acid ratios within your body.
Olive oil IS a seed oil.
It’s cheap. If you drive through any part of the rural southeast it’s nothing but soybeans, corn, and tobacco. It’s probably some kind of nitrogen fixer or conditioner for the soil, but I really can’t speak to that specifically.

All I know is farmers are incentivized to grow it and they grow a ton of it.
No it isn't
sniff check, labelling. /ck/ and other sites like to blow out of proportion how fraudulent EVOO is, it's basically a non issue for Americans if you read labels. I know someone is going to cope and say BUT THEY CHEAT IT, THATS THE POINT, but large scale fraud like that's actually very hard to do, and it happens more locally in Europe because shipping fraud oils is likely to bring way more heat onto the cartels.

olives are fruits, not seeds. the seed is inside the fruit, most of the fat is from the flesh if not all of it. totally different.

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Once a holdout on offering delivery for the casual diner, Olive Garden is reversing course and will use Uber to deliver breadsticks and pasta.

Darden Restaurants, the chain’s parent company, announced Thursday an “exclusive multi-year delivery partnership” with Uber that will begin later this year at a limited number of Olive Garden locations and likely expand nationally to its more than 900 locations next May if the pilot is successful.

Olive Garden already offers delivery through its website and app for catering orders with a $100 minimum, delivered by the restaurant’s employees. Moving forward, the chain will outsource the delivery to Uber Eats drivers. However the restaurant still won’t be available on the the Uber Eats app and food can only be ordered on Olive Garden’s website and app.

“Guests have been asking us for home delivery options and they continue to show they are willing to pay for the convenience,” said Darden CEO Rick Cardenas in a press release. He added Uber was a “clear choice” for a partnership because it’s giving the chain guest data and insights that doesn’t hamper its “competitive advantages and simple operating model.”

Darden has shunned services like Uber and DoorDash in the past, saying that splitting the revenue with third-party service erodes the company’s profitability and the food isn’t delivered to its standards. Even during the height of the pandemic, Olive Garden didn’t use the services, although the services benefited their competitors.

Olive Garden doesn’t offer many discounts, like its competitors do. Instead, its strategy has been to hold off on raising prices as much as it can, as well as bringing back promotions like its popular never-ending pasta deal earlier this year to help the chain’s bottom line.

i didn't even know olive garden offered in-house delivery until just now
>Uber was a “clear choice” for a partnership because it’s giving the chain guest data and insights
I think I'm just going to delete the Uber Eats app honestly. So tired of this bullshit.
>Once a holdout on offering delivery for the casual diner
I remember when OG was considered a little fancy. Not an extravagant thing, but a step up from other sit down places. Like the Outback.

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It’s night, it’s cold and rainy outside: let’s make stock.
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Trust me, it tastes good.
You can always cook it in the pressure cooker later simmer it with the lid open.
No. Bania called Jerry up out of the blue to collect the dinner Jerry promised, then just ordered soup. He's 100% in the wrong. If he wasn't hungry he should've picked a different time. Jerry didn't force him to go.
I do 45 minutes for pressure cookers 75 minutes for instapot high (they work at 12 bar not 15)
Can I eat your asshole?

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Uncooked instant noodles are delicious and I'm tired of pretending otherwise
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I like putting them in a cabbage salad with a sweet dressing. They give a good crumch.
Anon, I have bad news for you.
Most of these are pre cooked.
How do I make noodle flavor powder at home? Main ingredient is MSG and then...what
Based but you have to choose the right brand. Maruchan is decent, but those indonesian mi goreng noodles taste like farts if they're not boiled first.
Those noodles must be folded at least one million times.

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is this butter better than other butter? i just wonder whether one butter really betters another. is better butter fuller flavored, and so more savored, or is it furnished fresher, or is it fattier?
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>MoreFat brand butter
inb4 sneed oil posts
>18% seed oil
Cultured butter tastes better every time
>dis nigga butter be talkin opera and shit

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Where can i find a beer thats not bitter? I just want a cold refreshing beer that doesnt have any bitterness to it, are there beers like this?
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It says beer right there on the bottle, anon.
Are you guys NEIPA drinkers? Seems to be big among indie gamers.
As in hazy IPA? I don't like them as much as I used to, but when I do buy them, I go for the haziest, hoppiest ones available.
That looks pretty good. I just had two cans of TH just now. Very delicious. Almost too good. Don’t even notice the alcohol.
but also true. why can't we have the real shit. 6% is such a trash number i'd rather a ~4.5 that mimics light beer or the full 9

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