fuck bros soul food is just too fucking good. literally cannot get enough of this stuff. Them brothers really know how to cook
turns out if you just glob butter and sugar onto regular ass food it tastes really good
>>21112486envious white fella
>>21112489what do you want, 300 posts of the SAME FUCKING THING we have any time someone mentions soul food? whats the point?inb4 you play dumb.
>>21112507Where did you get this picture of me?
>>21112486>ass foodi guess you eat it by the inch.
>>21112486I remember watching some documentary on old southern US cooking and one of the people they talked to was this old black lady and the secret she had that made her food so popular. She just laughs and says "ohh I put sugar in EVERYTHING!"
>>21112482Why do you think ninjas are so fucking fat?
Very good, but very bad for you. Lots of fats and sugar. Its more of a treat you can have every once in awhile. I usually make soul food on Easter or Thanksgiving.
>>21112482>soul foodmy nigga
>>21112482nothing in that picture looks like food.
>>21112482That’s too much food for one meal.
>>21112578We don't use that n-word here, chud.
i like having cookouts and cooking ribs. im one of you people
I like tosteal
>>21112482It's called soul food because if you eat too much you get turned into a spirit
>>21112482So long as they're cooking white level foods, yes, but once they start cooking turkey necks and boiling hooves I'm outta there
>>21112482I don't like how lines connect from one person's plate to another person's plate. Blacks and whites are on completely different hygiene levels, that much is evident.
>>21112486>>21112537sugar softens meat, makes it fall aparthoney even more so
>>21112482My only qualm with soul food is that it is typically heavy and demands a nap afterward
What is that stuff
spine stew?
>>21112482I'd much rather have a platter from a Nica fritanga special, carne asada, hot marinated pepper and onions, or some chimmichurri, gallo pinto, plantains, and queso frito slabs.
>>21112507Someone needs to create the hot sauce greenbelt version of lawrys
>>21113272my guess:>smothered oxtail>mac and cheese>roasted honey'd sweet potatoes
>>21112482Collard greens are disgusting and animal feet are for savages.