Has anybody here ever tried recreating the (in)famous Spartan black broth before? I've been curious about this ever since first learning about it.
>>21174032>because America has always been very prosperous.kek
>>21168743In many countries there are bottles of blood in the freezer besides frozen meats
>>21172690>>21174044>poles would rather kill a duck and make a disgusting soup out of it instead of just telling a suitor to fuck offinteresting culture
>>21172690my ukranian landlord told me something similar but you just throw boiling water on him. he always left a bag of pastries hanging on my doorknob when rent was due
So what's the problem with cooking dried pasta in the sauce? Be it spaghetti or baking a lasagna?
>>21174565People have been doing this at least since 2003 when I first saw it on a food website. This ain't new.
>>21174565It's funny how children always assume they were the first ones to discover sex.
adding it to the sauce when its al dente to finish cooking with some of the starchy pasta water is the easiest wayif your sauce is loose (not a thick bechamel) then yeah you can cook it in from the startand no, al dente is not fully cooked
>>21173940That's just what youtube does when you search for a specific food in my experience. I guess a lot of people probably check a few different recipes.
>>21174891You only need one recipe for one food. People who modify long standing recipes from American Cookery or Good Housekeeping should be drug out into the street and shot and daughters brutally raped. Oops, I mean corrected.
Do you take that one slice?
>>21175848let's just say it wouldn't go amiss anon
Pasta is superior to every other side dish. I don’t see any a reason to use anything else. Do you?
>>21173883What do true knowers like you prefer?
>>21174692I don't know shit, but I prefer bread when the other food needs structure, rice when there's a good stock to absorb, and tubers when there's a lot of fat to incorporate.The only pasta I find notably good is penne in an acidic sauce that has been allowed to cool then reheated. The lighter parts of the sauce infiltrate so there's some variation, and the partially retrograded starch is a much better bite than the inconsistent al dente.
>>21174767Well that’s actually a good answer
you asian-boypenis-lovers need to just stop posting here
i'm an eatlet so i prefer bread because its not as filling as other starches. pasta is actually the worst. bread and green vegetables are king. tomatoes and cucumbers with meat or fatty dishes are also god tier
>italian restaurant >menu items are actually in italiani just want the food not the pretentiousness
>>21170746Did that at a soba noodle place in Japan, the daily special. Turns out it was a fucking carbonara
>>21174844and I’ll add that it was delicious.
>>21173571Some people don't like having to glare at their phones during an intimate candlelight dinner
>>21175171>>21174844>>21170746I did that at a Chinese restaurant and got deep fried pigeon. I'm not even joking.
i haven’t pooped in nearly a week
OP, have you probed in your rectum at all? Is the poo just sitting near the exit not moving or do you think the blockage is higher? One time I had abdomen pains and wasn't able to poop at all. After several hours I was desperate to poke inside the rectum and felt the poo near the exit but not moving. Eventually found the poo had formed a hard "hook" that had somehow lodged itself and blocked anything coming out. Once it was removed, was able to take a huge dump and the pain stopped. Scrubbed my hands thoroughly and showered afterwards.
>>21175836much better. Thank you.
>>21170503poocano? more like pookino.
>>21173617only if you use semen
LOVE these lil muhfuggasApparently they're healthier than regular oranges and clementines because of the anti oxidants, but I just like how they taste
I'm going to make some Kraftaroni & cheese.What protein should mix into it? I have ham, canned choona, various SPAMs, sausages, pepperoni slices, chicken (frozen will need to cook), raw choona steak, frozen scallops.I'll be eating my mac with strawberry oat milk, for anyone who fancies themselves savvy with food pairings.Help me /ck/, you're my only hope.
>>21174882I love that playing, would eat
>>21175391Oops, “plating” not “playing”
>>21174708The cheapest meat you got.
>>21175391Thanks friendo, I enjoyed the whole process.>>21175474SPALM cheap enough?
strawberry milk is underrated btw
If you don't like Dijon mustard, then you simply aren't an adult mentally or physically
>>21174941>I want to try some of this, where do you get it?Sweden
I prefer à l'Ancienne
>>21174215It isn't.If you want a strong mustard, you make it yourself.
>>21174362I looked it up. I'm not spending $15 + shipping for a small toothpaste tube of mustard.
>>21175780it's 2 for $3 though
Me BrekkieA nice big omelette
>>21175739Fortunately in Bongland 12 large free range eggs only cost me £1.50
>>21175741>technically, it's a spanish omelet, aka spanish tortilla...an omeletteThis is true anon, I've never really got the flipping an omelette right
>>21175745fantastic! let's just hope no Polish lorry drivers bring the chook cooƒ then
>>21175725Not bad for a bong, it's missing toasted bread innit.
>>21175741>no patatoes>no onions>spanish tortillano
You know that Paddington guy was on to something this stuff's pretty good
>>21175036I heard British marmalade is exceptionally bitter
>>21170879>this stuff's pretty goodlooks homemade. I like a chunky jam>>21171919>grapefruit and it's fucking horrible.I have medication warnings now, but otherwise I like a bitter yet sweet pink grapefruit.
>>21174895The journey is already over. First time making it, it came out a little chunky, but that's fine. Total coast was like $3 for this big ass amount.
>>21175090that's fantastic! what made it chunkie? there's no pulp in there right? just peels and pectin and sugar?
>>21175735Just thick pieces of peel. Next time I'll probably cut them thinner, but so far it's pretty good as is. Someone said I could even take some peels and put them in the food processor first, so I might make a mix of that and cut slices.I didn't use any packaged pectin. Just the orange meat, peels, sugar, a little lemon juice, and water that boiled down. After cooling more it thickened up nicely.
For me, its the triple whopper. The best meat/bun ratio of any fastfood sandwich. Is this the best or is there a superior alternative?
>>21174734>$15>feed you for 2 weeksHuh? What plant slop shit are you eating to eat for $15 for 2 weeks?? Plain beans and rice? That's terribly depressing. Anyway, I wouldn't consider that food.
>>21174725That looks so sad, no one takes pride in their work anymore. It's not like its even that difficult to make it nice. I miss my burger flipping job. Well not most of it but the act of making the burgers was fulfilling. I enjoyed the thought of customers being happy they got a well made burger. Wish a job like that paid enough to make a real living. It's something so small but it effects millions of people daily and almost all of them have bad experiences. I think the world would be a nicer place if people could get well cared for meals outside of their home or fancy restaurants.
>>21174725Even better with the bottom bun only. I'm not a keto lunatic but fast food burger buns are disgustingly sweet to me.
>>21174734I'm not retarded with money and it probably costs me about $15 per day for food just eating at home. And I'm a smart shopper.
>>21174725This looks rather sad, I'd ask for a refund idk.
Finally tried this and it was kinda fire ngl. Garlic, oil and red pepper on pasta is bomb af, italians do know what they are doing after all.
>jarred botulismno thanks
>>21175392do you even enjoy food
>>21175373It's great as a base for other pasta dishes too.Add a few cherry tomatoes and basil leaves.Or some roasted vegetables, like peppers, mushrooms, zuccini.Or if you like seafood a few clams or prawns and finish with lemon juice.
>>21175373you can fry 2-3 pieces of anchovies in the oil, they dissolve and you can't even see em in the final dish, it ads another dimension to the dish, if you are a fan of anchovies anyway..
>>21174272What sauce?
>>21174306The burger tasted very goodWhy do you think it would not?>>21174326Strange. The meat was not tough and chewy at all. It was very juicy, like a normal hamburger
>>21175023>posting original content makes the board less funLolOkay, I'll keep making it less fun for youFucking retard
>>21174873Yeah tranny, go complain to the senate about how Le bad words are making your tranime brain hurty hurt.
>>21175023Hey wanna make this board more fun?Kill yourself today.:)
Is corn good for you?
>>21174237Potatoes are filler, but they are "nutritious" enough to live surprisingly well on if even a small amount of dairy is in the diet.
If it is served with a steak then yes, lots of protein
>>21174163>Is corn good for you?Depends on what it’s used for
>>21174163good for mexican livestock
>>21174163It's good for her