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it's time for breakfast baby!
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>more apathy and disdain than a minimum wage worker
>first thing the baby goes for is the only thing that resembles food in the applesauce
This guy looks like he enjoys life, he's probably got a short stack latina girlfriend with giant tits
Looks like a Puerto Rican Jew Yorker.
how the fuck do people like this end up with kids
Men aren’t too picky about the vaginas they blast in.

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cuisine thread
My mom made completely home made Salisbury Steak for me on Saturday night.
Holy fuck, it was so amazing. I had never had Salisbury steak before but I doubt it will ever be as good as my mom's

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My lunch at work

Spicy chickpea and tuna salad
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would be okay with say some tandoori pork and chapatis. No meat, no meal.
That sandwich has probably been sitting in the cafeteria for a month before you paid $12 for it today
YUK! Just Imagine the stench from that OP stuff.
It seems like some foreign stuff that humans stay away from.
Swap out tuna for kippers and I'd eat that.

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I'm an American and I like sugar on my pulled pork.
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According to Adam Fagusea you're doing it wrong and you should buy molasses instead of brown sugar. It sounds like a very Fagusea thing to do but I think he makes a good point.
I wouldn't trust that pathetic unironic cuckold to do anything correctly
I don't like him either, but you might want to watch that vid. tl;dr just buy normal white sugar and molasses, and you can make brown sugar on the spot. If you buy brown sugar it will clump up and it takes a separate space, it's easier to just make it.

But take it with a grain of salt I've never bought brown sugar nor molasses, I don't use it.
I'm not giving that CONFIRMED UNIRONIC KEKOLD a single view. You're pathetic for watching him in the first place.
okay edgelord

what's the appeal?
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It's something Britbongs eat when they start to yearn for the war.
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Try some loco moco. You'll get it.
Loco moco is a burger patty not spam ain't it?
Looks great but that isn't Spam
Stop Spamming the board OP
The chili cheese flavor was the only good Fritos

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what happens if you eat this
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The one with the fish?
I was more referring to John 6
Oh and verse 35 specifically
'Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life; he who comes to Me will not hunger, and he who believes in Me will never thirst'
That's not Arnold and Grace
That doesn't look very delicious, it looks like something that's thrown out of a car or truck window then run over by the next car or truck.

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I went ahead and ordered the least cost effective item at olive garden based on calories per dollar.
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the few times I've gotten chicken at olive garden it was appaling. eggplant parm was really good though
>healthy option menu item that costs the same as regular entrees but 600 calories
holy shit I hate that meme
also american restaurants making "healthy" items taste bad on purpose like bland chicken breast, sour vinaigrette on everything
mmm, hospital food
>chicken and broccoli with the random shit from the panty and vinegar
The normie really is fooled by the most basic shit
I personally do not see how it would be physically possible to make this at home. Oh well. Just have to suffer through inflated out to eat prices I guess.

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>had to throw away half of a delicious pizza because it was giving me food poisoning
I really wished that the owners of my local pizza hut weren't indians. they pretty much run every fast food place in my city these days.
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That pizza hut has been a staple of the community for decades. It's just that the Indian ownership of fast food places was a gradual change.
>This is why you should always inspect your burger and not chomp onto it immediately like a fatty
No they were inside the patty, very deeply embedded. I only realised when i took the first bite and then saw a bunch of hair peaking out
I really shouldn't have eaten the burger even after removing the hair. I feel violated. I guess this is how women feel after being raped

No i actually like their burgers and they're a local chain so i don't want to hurt them. My cousin dated the owner's brother
I think this was from the movie Fast Times at Ridgemont high where some guy hocked a lugie into some cop's burger, that was nasty.
I regularly eat at the grimiest greasiest food trucks near me and I never get sick. sounds like you have health issues.
sirs are ugly that's the only reason you need to not like them. it mean's they're evil.

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How to eat when youre poor
1. Grains. This will be the main component of your diet. Pick whichever you enjoy the most since you will have to eat a shit ton of it. Whole grains have more protein but also more anti nutrient making them harder to digest and i wouldnt advice eating them long term since you might actually run into health problems. Refined grains have less protein but also safer.
2. Something fresh to negate scurvy. This can be anything that is "fresh". For example something as little as having some raw garlic with your bowl of rice. Or a lemon with your water. Or a tomato with your boiled spaghett. Of course, the more you can get of this the better.
With these 2 components, you can go pretty long without dying. Youll probably be pretty weak and wont have much energy for most anything but youll survive.
To make your life a little more comfortable, you can add these 2 things:
3. Some animal food. The cheapest would probably be bones. Just get some bones and boil the shit out of it. Throw whatever vegetable scrap you have in there. Drink the water. Or use it to cook your grains.
4. Vegetables to add vitamins and water bulk. With the amount of grains youre gonna eat, youll most likely be constipated as fuck. You need vegetables to make yourself regular.
Et wala, with these 4 components, youll survive whatever life can throw at you.
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You can get vitamin c from raw meat/fish.
it's amazing someone can look at this person and have anything but negative thoughts
I make tortillas from self rising flour now. Refried beans from cheap pintos and northern beans plus lentils. Leftover tortillas become quick pizzas with the bean paste, a scoop of pizza sauce from a cheapo brand in a can I found, and fresh onion on top no cheese. Delicious even cold in the fridge

beans/lentils and rice

I also had bought a 50 pound bag of popcorn way back when I had money. I make so much popcorn and it still hasn't run out yet

I use Kool aid for vitamin c sadly. Waiting for the garden to grow in so I can have veggies again in bulk

Eggs and pancake mix are a splurge right now but help things not be mundane. Cheapest jar of peanut butter, eat by the spoonful with salt poured on.

I could make other bread stuff I guess but it's a little annoying to eat without butter or a proper soup. Guess I could make a loaf and make some kind of chili or taco soup with the beans
Just gotta eat less meat. You can buy large cuts of pork or whole chickens and just cut them into pieces. You only need a little per day to get your fix. That + rice + frozen vegetables. Eggs and toast. Oats. So cheap.
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found a taco seasoning packet and got bored enough to make a sort of rolls, so i guess soup and bread it is!

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Why are they so good? They are just flour, sugar, and butter.
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This. Butter is GOAT.
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god i love butter
>I don't think it's outlandish to take small steps or use modern technology to try and live a longer, healthier life especially if heart disease runs in your family.
>It's kinda like why the hell are some retards still using 3000+ old cast iron tech in their cookware
What if they're anemic
Refined sugar and starches can increase cholesterol levels by promoting inflammation, at which point the body uses cholesterol to try and repair itself. The butter is probably the healthiest part of an average cookie.
>words = bad
The internet is no place for the illiterate.

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I’ll say goodbye to potato, tomato sauce if done right is amazing, and Italian stuff is tasty
Potato can be approximated by parsnip or other tubers

Tomato is unique.
That's retarded. Why choose? Enjoy them both.
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Why not some carrots? Even Bugs likes carrots.

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I am on a veg keto diet. I don't have milk products also except ghee. what are my options?
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yes. I am asking for help here for more recipes of veg keto.
These hardline anti-GMO tards haven't thought that far. Arguing with them is Iike arguing with flat-earthers.
>Non-organic stuff is SOAKED with pesticides
Organic produce tends to use more pesticides overall.
Because that's how they measure in America
just eat some eggs nigga. you can cook eggs a million different ways

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What essential foodstuff important for soviet men you could buy for 3 rubles and 62 kopecks - price fixed by the State, that didn't changed for decades (like every other price)?
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None, I was underage then, lol.
Official Soviet - US dollar exchange rate was 1 dollar - 0.90 rubles, although to the Western markets, ruble was pretty much non-convertible currency.
What's the current price for vodka in your country? I heard that high liquor taxes are destroying the vodka belt.
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Most popular "peoples" vodka, meaning cheapest is around 6.5-6.7 euros 0.5 litre bottle here in Estonia.
Beer has suffered the most from liquor taxes and that is real pity.

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We do things a little differently on the East Coast. This is my favorite highway.
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what does a hazy ipa taste like? i see like 100 of them at my local store but i ain't never tried 1. maybe i'll give it a shot over lunch before i return to coding.
imagine buying this
I guess you could say that rye is a highway and you're gonna drink it all night long. Or something
I'm fucking sick of em but they're super hop forward but late and dry hopping so aroma and taste additions w less bitterness of mainly tropical fruit tasting hop varietals
then there's the abominations with pureed mango and lactose added that are like weird fruit smoothies
what he said but also the high protein content can give hazies a heavy body. There are a some good ones I come across now and then but really I wish the balanced ipa would make a come back or at least a standard pale ale.

>bottled in feb 2016
> 9.5% Tripel
honestly that might still be pretty good if it hasn't been exposed to much sunlight or heat

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do people really like pork? it is so inferior to beef.
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Much tastier meat.
fresh pork skin is entirely different from beef
i like pork, and it's extremely cheap
there are so many different ways to eat pork. I guess beef has tartare, and hamburgers are better than pork burgers but that's about it. I do like a steak dinner once in a while but there are so many more ways to eat pork

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