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Everybody who hates pineapple on pizza has never tried it
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it's great, especially if it'a cheap pizza and it's gonna be mediocre anyways
In your opinion. It's a popular pizza choice, so your opinion doesn't really make a difference.

The whole point of pizza was making do with what ingredients you could when you're poor and don't have much.
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>The whole point of pizza was making do with what ingredients you could when you're poor and don't have much.
Everything you said is backwards. Ham does go well with pineapple, but pineapple on regular pizza is foul.
Never forget ham is not kosher.

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is this piss in my mouth or actually good?
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is piss in your mouth universally bad?
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I drank that stuff when I was like 14. Mixed beers and so called "alcopops" where all the rage back then. If you are 14 yo or too retarded to mix your own beer it's ok I guess. I resort to V+ Curuba every now and then when daydrinking so I wouldn't blame you, but that at least has the abv of a real beer with that sweet sweet taste of pop - the junkies in the city love it. Dunno if you have that stuff in the states tho. Sorry for my rambling. It's cola and beer with dragonfruit apparently and a heftier price than just mixing it yourself. What are you expecting?
>carbonated + carbonated
carbonated + uncarbonated is better (cola + red wine, beer + lemonade, cola + spirits)

Do you like McDonalds burgers?
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That's not a butterburger. This is a butterburger.
Me? For me? My favorite McDonald’s burger? Well for me, if you asked what my favorite McDonald burger is, I’d say well for me, it’s gotta be the double quarter pounder with cheese or the venerable Big Mac.
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McDonalds got expensive as fuck in my euro cuck country. Almost the same price as Five Guys
I rarely eat fast food but the last I went to mcdicks it was like 12-13 USD for a combo meal desu
Nah too expensive. Not worth it.

wtf is this?
Hormel Au Jus and Savory Sauce, Beef Roast, Slow Simmered. It looks like creepy Brit shit and no wonder they're usually the first to get attacked by a some zombie outbreak
its cheap cuts of beef cooked en mass and vacuum packed
what's so confusing?
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OP discovered beef roast. he just escaped out of a lab. how were the desiccated sustenance bars in there?

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Eating in bed is a sign of intelligence and free thinking. Your parents told you not to do this, because it offended their antiquated notion of morality, even though it's all convenience with no downside. Are you woke or broke?
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>I engage in faggot behavior whenever I feel like it
It shows.
Comfy, are you reading, watching, or playing?

Bed bros it’s time to feast!
I'm reading Being No One: The Self-Model Theory of Subjectivity and eating microwaved white castles ( in bed)
You can't just post a thirst trap without posting your penis.

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i can't for the life of me understand why a place devoted to the discussion of food has so many people eating fucking pepperoni pizza. it is about one step up from chicken nuggets, and a step down from plain marinara pasta ("im a baby please no basil!!!")
if you're over the age of 18 and dont get any vegetables on your pizza i'm sorry to tell you that you should start taking HRT and wearing knee-highs because you are a femboy
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no thats hotdogs
>a popular, delicious food doesn't appeal to my autistic taste buds
>i must seethe
I thought this was Doors lyrics
>replace meat with faggy veg
>y-youre a femboy
just shut the fuck up lmao
>phoneposting cretin
>wants to graze on weeds because "he" can't digest meat
You are prey

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Where did you eat the best pastrami you ever had?

For me, it is Johnny's Pastrami on W Adams. No half sours, though, so that's kind of bullshit.
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>go to a restaurant to have a sandwich
why are americans like this?
Kelly's Korner in Palos Verdes. Best sandwiches in general.
>There's mustard, just in smaller amounts to enhance rather than overpower the taste of the pastrami. You're probably used to vendors who know their product is subpar so they have to come up with ways to deceive the consumer

This weeb is incapable of enjoying anything not produced by beautiful and superior Nippon hands
Just looked this up. I can't believe they gentrified Johnny's haha.
Back when I lived in LA Johnny's is where you went for a pastrami sandwich with like a whole fucking pound of thin-sliced pastrami, or a pastrami burger with a massive mount of pastrami, twice as much pastrami as burger, sticking like 5 inches out of the bun.
It was where you went for ginormous, cheap portions.
Back then the pastrami sandwiches were all like the french dip one they sell now, except significantly larger. They were like 5 bucks then - fuckin' $20 now, shit goddamn.
Now they're selling all this, and I hate to use the word like a commie, but for lack of a better word, bougie shit haha.
It's funny because the neighborhood it's in is absolute fucking ghetto.
Used to always be a dude selling bootleg DVDs out of the back of a van in front of Johnny's.
I was almost always the only non-black person there.

Wrong, I enjoy high quality craftmanship, the Japanese just happen to be really good at that. If Americans step up their game I'll happily give them a chance.


This 訓読み is considered archaic. Use 「にほん」.

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*solves fruit*

*Literally easier to find gold by panning than to find a perfectly ripe watermelon in store*

*If it's even a little over ripe you are suddenly eating sour sand*

Don't get me wrong, perfectly ripe watermelon is God tier but for fuck sake. I have to spend $15 and throw away three of them before I find one that's worth it.
Just buy a precut quarter/half so you can actually see inside before buying

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Is Chicken at 165 Overcooked?
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I only eat chicken tartare. just like a true adult
I thought chicken breast sucked until I had it cooked just to 150
Still not better than thighs but at least now when I cook a whole chicken and enjoy every bit of it
Fry it until its brown on high heat, then put it in the oven at 100°C for 10 minutes
>over double
Surprised it’s not cremated, cooklet.
>I can't understand units
Oof, sucks to be so retarded you can't even infer basic contextual information.

You're SO retarded your simple mind didn't even take the fact it's "over double" and think for half a moment "hmm, maybe it's a bigger because it's a different unit if measurement"

I hope you never breed.

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When is it too much?
when its so greasy the wooden pick/prop they use splits in half

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Do you think this is worth 36 bucks with tax etc??
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Nice. I'm a little jelly †bh.
Rockport, MA
oof prime fucking spot. betta than the cape
place was called fleur cuisine. Easily the best clam chowda i've ever had
lobster isn't even cheap in Maine anymore, everything is frozen and sent to Asia for rich Chinks to overpay for

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what should i make with leftover egg yolks?
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i made some egg white thingies
oh my god that looks YUM!!! it reminds me of those cake jars people make and now i wanna make one
oh cool. you could use the egg yolks in homemade ice cream, or a custard.
custard is a great idea

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Do you guys still take psyllium husk after the lead scandal?
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I don't eat modern foods. What would you suggest I eat?
Ironically, people who don't read are the ones who get their boosters
By now I think plenty did, go drink another gallon of butter with slimjim chunks in it.
I already have. Thank you kindly for your concern, bitch tits. Make sure to vote for the orange bloated man next election!

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Whats the best way tò brew It? I got gifted 100g of Mehmet efendi by a Turkish tourist with his family from edirne. they were heading from Florence to Pisa and stopped at a gas station south of Empoli, I tried It the First time but fucked up because It boiled right after the foam, then the second time I half-fucked up and got a semi crema in Pic rel buy not in other two cups.
How do you do it? And what coffee Is your favorite?
Im not a turkish coffee expert. Ive bought preground beans like mehmet efendi and al ameed and enjoyed them, but to save money ive been trying to find some good whole beans to grind myself. You need a grinder that can do consistent, espresso-level fineness. Anyways, my usual method has been to stir the ground coffee into the water and then let it heat, but this morning i forgot to stir. When it foamed up it had had the most crema ive ever gotten. So theres one tip, just dump the powder in and dont stir.
And yeah, if the coffee full-on boils its pretty much ruined, that brings out the harshness/acidity.

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i want a sweet treat so bad but im sick and i dont want to wait more than 10 minutes please help what can i make easy and FAST and delicious and i only have brown or powdered sugar :(
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more ki-chan kino boyos!
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>i want a sweet treat so bad but im sick and i dont want to wait more than 10 minutes please help what can i make easy and FAST and delicious and i only have brown or powdered sugar :(
so mean and true im fat so what
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I'll check it out a little bit later, Ki

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