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Fellow Americans, the first time you bit into a calzone expecting a pizza pocket experience but instead getting a nasty ricotta cheese experience, how long was it before you could trust eating Italian food again?
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I've never been to a pizza restaurant that was owned by a person of Italian ancestry. It's always some random white person who just decided they were going to make pizza for a living.
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tuna w/ onions is good on a 'za. You should try it
No, I don't think I will. Onions sure, but tuna does not belong anywhere near pizza. Other fish are better for that
I hear that in new york all the pizza shops are owned by non italian browns now.
Most calzones the us just use mozzarella. Ive never actually had one that used ricotta

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What the fuck do I do? Kms? I can’t eat this shit or it ruins my gut, but it’s in everything good. Anybody find any decent gluten free recipes or products without sneed oils?
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these days supermarkets have gluten free aisles
You beat me to it.
I can't feel bad for anti-gluten people in 2025
its expensive as balls and like 75% inedible garbage but yeah theres plenty of satisfying replacements if you look
Eat meat instead. :-)
The only major loss there is bread. Everything else there can be replaced by a different starch without a notable change and quality. Gravy, soup, and beer work just as well with nearly any gluten-free base.

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Totinos started to suck when they moved away from the boxes and into those plastic sleeves
No it was when they changed the shape.

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Is prime good? Has anyone here tried it?
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How much money does it cost to get a product Rizzoli approved?
about tree fitty
Not bad
Money is nothing to these people. The real cost is paid by the children recruited by Jimmy "Beast" Savile Jr's wider operation.
Its okay. Tastes like coconut water with added flavour and artificial sweetener. Not a good performance enhancer imo since it lacks sugar.

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Im trying to get free food from a local place by presenting him with a slogan for his place. It is going to be there's no substitute for Al's Subs. Is this good? if not any suggestions so I can get some free food or money?
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>"Yes, It's Really Al"

I guarantee this one works
Not to be confused with AI, that's something completely different.
Al's Subs: They're toasted
And toasted!
The health inspector gave us a B!

Bland boiled chicken drumsticks. Good or bad? I never realized people hated it because I grew up on it and don't have a problem with it. When I've seen people describing bland chicken, they act like it's the most disgusting food ever. I don't understand it.
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if there's a dipping sauce then it aint too bad.
Nah, just very thickly accented
Wypipo be like
OI thats some proper scran innit m8
This is a bit different because there is a specific reason why the chicken is poached which is to allow the water that the chicken was cooked in to cook and flavor the rice. It also has a ginger and scallion sauce that is very flavorful.

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Whenever I make fried rice, no matter what I do, it doesn't come out with the distinctive "fried" flavor, it just tastes like rice with stuff mixed in. What am I doing wrong?
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Coating rice in oil does nothing. Even if you use deep fryer amounts of oil, your rice will still stick.
Just take the battery out of the detector

Use rice that is at least one day old. Let it sit and dry out in an open container in the fridge first, before you fry it up with your ingredients. That will get it to crisp up nicely and absorb the flavors.
>Rice pilaf
>Rice pilaf japan
what’s your deal bro?? nigga just tryna grub some rice

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I miss it bros
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the sub 12" footlong was a thing 15 years ago
i love soy
yeah but at least back then they'd be like "oh sorry bro, the bread just came out a bit small that time, have a free cookie" or whatever.
now its "suck it up bitch, daddy's bout to jizz all over your chin"
gets tiring complaining to corporate all the time because Jared McStonerfag cant bake pre-made bread properly
desperate wageslave trying to hold on to his minimum wage job
>5 dollar
>5 dollar footlooooong
catchy jingle that everyone remembers.

here's one for Kentucky Fried Chicken -
>the 99 center
>the 99 center
>2 pieces of finger lickin chicken
>rollllll and coleslaw
>orrrrr potato

those were the days

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Chili on burgers - y/n?
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but this is good
Why do people use mustard on chili dogs, but never on just chili?
too messy. literally impossible to eat this
Why are people so against beans in chili? They would work even here.

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Nuggets? Burgers?
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Imagine having the gall to say American English is more sophisticated. This is the dialect that uses phrases like:
>someplace else
>skim milk
>real good
>needs washed
>could care less
American English is barely a step above ebonics.
Chicken lasagne. It's in a white sauce made from flour, butter, milk and chicken stock. Topped with breadcrumbs and cheese.
nope, those are cast iron
I've never once heard someone say drink driving
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Pad kra pao

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When will you drink the nutritious cock milk?
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>What do you want, jewface?
stop shilling insects, fag
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Maloso vobiscum et cum spiritum!
I want geneticists to engineer cow sized insects with a lot of fat and meat and have farmers raise them like cattle
Lets see if liberals still like eating the bugs
Human civilisation has gone through countless famines and nobody ever farmed cockroaches.
Normies are Jonestown-tier headfucked.
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I'm not a shill, I'm unpaid. The idea of feeding bugs to poultry and farmed fish is what I'm really interested in, surely it'll be better than raising them on soymeal and shit like that. Soy needs to be shipped across the world but you could have a big warehouse farming bugs just about anywhere

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Another day, another failure
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Trying again. Gonna do more kneads during warm ferment, then give it an extra day in. Cold ferment to see if that smooths out the texture.
>did you fix the crumb?
>what did it cost?
>so your problems have to be mostly handling and crust related.
what do you mean by "handling"?
>How are you steaming this?
some water on to the bottom metal tray and spaying some water on the side of the oven walls. that's it.
you could get some gluten powder and adjust your flour protein %, it worked with me and my baguettes

also if you dont have a dutch oven you could try this https://youtu.be/6RUDa0FKplk?t=1204

it might give you a better result than just steaming your oven seems kinda dangerous tho
>just steaming your oven seems kinda dangerous tho
the bowl method seems that way, it can easily slip and burn you, not that different from a dutch oven tho, harder to hold

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I'm getting jaw surgery soon like the one in webm related and will only be able to eat liquid calories. Give me your best recipes
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Same, OP I hope your surgery goes well, your recovery is quick, and the results are everything you hope for.

Also I bet your squirting aim is going to be good if you use those bottles the whole time
I wish more people saved up and had health savings or investment accounts and just paid for medical care that way instead of having to go through insurance BS. Literally wipe out that whole sector from existence and let doctors compete for your business. Prices will become more affordable and stabilize and upfront costs would be transparent. Anytime we don't let the free-market work it incentivizes corruption, bureaucracy and socialism raising the costs for everyone.

Eh, who knows.
Milk + whatever syrups or honey or whatever you want if you tolerate it. Fairly nutritious with a good amount of calories and potential variety.

Steam any vegetable until soft and blend with whatever liquid to make a thin soup. Pretty much any kind of soup should work and not taste too bad blended up. Bean and vegetable soups would probably be good.

Maybe try blending nuts or peanuts, or using almond flour or something with liquid and cooking it like thin oatmeal. Should be drinkable and pretty filling.

Good luck, hope everything works out okay.

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Just got gifted this
Gimme some good recipes that this unlocks
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As >>21215531 said, they're great for heating up leftovers. They're also usually good for cooking up frozen junk food, because you don't have to wait for the oven to preheat. Aside from that, they're kinda useless.
Basically anything you can do in the oven, you can do in the air fryer as long as it fits inside, and it will be more energy efficient if that matters to you.
microwaves are more energy efficient
But they can't do everything you can do in an oven.
besides anything metal, what?

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>Not really worth it unless you're using the burrito sized flour tortillas.
I can only make 25 cm diameter tortillas, which is pretty small. I need a larger cooking surface. I love burritos.

Thanks, fine gentleman.
>I love burritos.
They're so versatile. Also yea that's why I rarely make my own burritos cause don't have a big enough pan to make them but at the store they're usually like like a 10-20 pack and that's a lot of big tortillas for one person.
Did you share some with the rest of the trailer park you trashy piece of shit?
No, your mom stole everything to get crack while I was fucking her throat.
If I cut off your tortilla supply, would you die?

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