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chicken and rice slop with spinach and hempseeds cooked in a broth of better than bouillon tomato juice apple cider vinegar and olive oil, brita to chase. God bless
why do you keep spamming this shit
She is eating healthy and I am happy for her.

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Earlier, I was thinking Arby's. The Simpsons was wrong about them. It's good tasting.
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Arby's is good, they just have three major problems. Their pricing is too high for what you are getting, they retire good sandwiches and products but leave all the boring items on the menu for decades, and the cashier's always act like I am taking from their own personal stock of arby sauce and they are tight necked bastards that act like one sauce packet is all anyone will ever need. I still miss the Italian subs they used to sell, and would kill for one, but I'll just have to settle for a gyro every time now.
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>not dining in and abusing the sauce dispensers
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people who think the second one looks good, also blow hobo, and molest children.
Arby's is so fucking good on the right day. Best fries in fass food and frankly their test kitchen beats everyone else by far. McDicks and Brüger King try to push out new items every year or so and 100% of the time they fail and go away within months or a year or so because nobody likes their shit. Arbys has a gigantic menu that people don't appreciate and it's fucking amazing. The turkey sandwich, the reuben, the au joo, and so forth. Not to mention their classics literally reverse hangovers.
>bro! I got SIX tiny cups of sauce! take THAT shitty restaurant that still made a several dollar profit on my order in exchange for slowly killing me!

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Me car snacks tonight
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You live in your car?
Not OP, but one time me and the Jewish homie crushed a pack of smoked salmon cream cheese pinwheel appetizers from Wegman's in the car together. Good but the salt level was really high, even for lox
>Me car snacks tonight
My car snacks tonight. Britbongs sound so stupid when they say me instead of my.
>Not OP, but one time me and the Jewish homie
Fuck off you fucking hipster piece of shit.
Hipster website :^)

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Was buying a bunch of these when the new cashier girl laughed and said "Got your gooner fuel for the week?"
I was so embarrassed I didn't know what to say. I just ran out and left all of them on the counter. I already paid
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Contact the store and have her fired. Cashiers should not be making inappropriate comments about customers purchases.
Just play the boomer:
>"the heck's a gooner? Is it some new meme from tiktok or whatever? Sorry I don't spend much time online, what with wok and all"
Or just say it's to keep you awake for another 36 consecutive hours of coding to meet your deadlines and that you're pretty sure you've halved your life expectancy by now.
That's too bad because she was hitting on you. You just missed out on your autistic soulmate.

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Why do you eat McDonalds or fast food in general if you know it makes you fat?
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i think i would have sex with both the real girl and the cartoon one
You don’t get fat if you eat less calories than you burn, you anime incel pedophile
>it makes you fat
sitting around being lazy after eating fast food makes you fat.
If you cook your own food at home 99% of the time, it actually feels like a fun cheeky treat to get a hot, greasy, salty meal with no effort, even if you're probably spending close to $20 for a full fast food meal these days. My next one might be Arby's, or the shitty pizza place with the Sysco meatball sub.
it's what my ass worms demand

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Lately I've been making these tiny little beef patties. They're just ground beef shaped into bite sized chunks. Is there a name for these? I've just been calling them burger nuggets. Bugs for short.
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They're not balls though. I try to make them sort of patty shaped. Not flat, but pressed as you can see in the picture.
Ngl, I had a pound of leftover ground beef in my fridge. Last night I remembered this thread and made burger nuggets. I dipped them in spicy ketchup. Pretty tasty
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If you add a little seasoning you call them "kotlet" and pretend to be cultural (works for me).
Sure, but those clearly have bread in them.
Put it on a bun and you’ve got mikoyan cutlets

I want a definitive answer once and for all on whether fish suffer comparably to mammals. I'm vegetarian but am considering becoming pescatarian for another protein option, plus I admit I miss the taste. I've always been on the fence about fish because they seem pretty retarded and certainly don't seem to care that much when they're in the process of dying. Anytime I google this question I get a bunch of contradictory answers and most of the websites that say fish can feel agony are for vegan advocacy organizations.
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thanks for posting all that wrong stuff, really strengthens my points.
>Some people
oh, so we are going aaaaall the way back to Eugenics then? well, in that case, i can drink milk no problem. my skin is white and my eyes are blue, might have a bit of red hair, but who cant forgive the sins of the past

whole point is, humans are omnivores, the "vegetarian" life style is almost entirely propped up by the pharmaceutical supplement industry
>I want a definitive answer once and for all on whether fish suffer comparably to mammals.
You've come to the right place, anon, 4chan is highly regarded for its Department of Bioethics. Now, may I direct you to a photo of Nikocado's inflamed, sweaty asshole?
Man not him but its so gay you care this much
This website is a bunch of know it all autists just repeating the same junk
They suffer more. If land animals were slaughtered underwater the level of suffering would be comparable.

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Has anyone here ever had this French Christmas cake? Is it worth making it yourself
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Worth making yourself. Definitely does not use ice cream.
Yeah I make chef John's recipe every year, and before that mom would make Pol Martin's recipe.
>Is it worth making it yourself
I'm gonna say no, and it's easier and better to make a layer chocolate cake with a cream layer and choclate frosting.

Is it actually good food? Has anyone here even been before?
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Eat cheeseburgers?
Yes, daily.
Go to gimmicky tourist traps built around being a fatass?
Only in Vegas baby.
They knew what they were getting themselves into so it isn't a shock (also it obviously doesn't hurt almost at all), but you can still see that they're silently enjoying it.
Are you stupid or something? You have to have a serious mental deficit to get that fat.
Quiet, you’re gonna summon the vegan psycho who’s going to dump his “ackshully seed oilz r good” infographics
sneed oil

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>get drunk
>throw a bunch of garlic upon a cheeseburger
>it tastes like shit
kill me
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Garlic my balls.
not a fan of the blacks
blood sucking vampires on suicide watch
That seems a bit dramatic
I feel like light garlic butter on a toasted bun would be good though?

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Shepherd's pie.
Simple as.
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4chan is not one person. But yes I think you've master the slop-soup critical point.
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>4chan is not one person
yes you are
I think I got this at an asian supermarket, it has an airtight plastic cover too, it's pretty good. This was 1lb of minced lamb for reference btw, so about two small-ish portions. I of course ate all of it in one sitting last night.

Simple as.
IKEA has similar shit btw

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You know how real lee and perrins worstishire is really hard to find right now?
My mom bought some of the store brand stuff, which at first was unpalatable tamarind flavored disgusting, but I found that by adding thai fish sauce to it and combining, it tastes almost indistinguishable from the lee and perrins stuff, and even more so with every day that passes or the more you shake/mix/swirl it together. Like to the point where it was like "if I got this in an unmarked bottle, I would think it was that"

Try it and see for yourself if you have those two things. I tried using hondashi too, but it didnt work at all. Guesstimating I added like a 1:3 ratio of fish sauce to worstishire.

t. hapanon
i have some l&p wooshurshur sauce, what do you people
use this slop for
box curry, chilli, spicy mayo tendie sauce
I've never been to the store and not seen it on the shelf. it's also readily available on Amazon. I'm going to guess this alleged shortage is entirely inside of your imagination.
Every local store I've been to hasn't had it for a while here in commiefornia and its like 3x the price on amazon
I saw on google that some others have been struggling to find it too
>You know how real lee and perrins worstishire is really hard to find right now?
I see it all the time though????

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Now THAT is what I call a roast beef sandwich!

>Eye of round marinated with a splash of Worcestershire before assembling
>12 month old Wisconsin sharp cheddar
>whole grain mustard seed in scotch
>tiny bit of kewpie mayo mixed with horseradish

All layered up and good to eat. Delicious! Literally can't think of anything to make it better except maybe heat. Next time I'll put it under the broiler.
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>it would cost us $7.7 Dollars approx.
per lb
That would be nice but not incredible if I could get it at that price over here. Roast beef in the USA lost alot of prevalence the last twenty years over here. So much shitty ham, chicken, turkey people generally buy here.

It's odd because usually your food prices in the UK have always been pricy compared to ours. Oh well.
>your food prices in the UK have always been pricy compared to ours
You are free to check the interwebs and confirm.
I am surprised too, I thought that beef would be cheaper in the USA, I guess food prices must be hitting you harder and from what I can gather Canada is having a meltdown over food prices?
Yes we have had rises in food prices but not to get too /pol/ on this . . . .we have far worse problems to contend with.
I think it's just deli meats. They are always way more expensive than they need to be. But yeah, things like steaks, eggs and vegetables are generally quite a bit cheaper (especially in the Midwest) because we have so many of them. Yeah, prices have been going up gradually. I am still waiting for the $4.99 prime rib roast that comes around every Christmas and cut into steaks.

At least our electricity is cheap. I watch many britcoms and dramas (because it's my family heritage/Cornwall area) and I heard news about how your power costs are crazy.
I love how OP got exposed hard as a cooklet.

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Post comfy nostalgia snacks you used to eat as a kid.

I just had these bad boys
Honey bun
Cosmic brownie
Cheddar cheese crackers
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pollywanna sounds tasty. poly cheese sticks were amazing
i was getting too mad and didnt want to derail the thread further >>21015392
ok ok.
but besides that. do you have nostalgia snacks anon?
And do you have a transbian gf?
Get a load of these bad boys.

Circus animal crackers

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What's their secret?
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holy shit I didn't realize it was that large
And now they're on my consumer blacklist because I know they advertise on 4chan.
The perspective on this picture is fucking with my head
Looks like someone has had too much to Snack and Shop

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