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I made this a while ago but forgot to make an OC thread for it
Hang out with me
Or don't
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What you learn quickly is that all food from any place is just the same ingredients put together in different ways. Italian, for example, is all just a bunch of different shapes of pasta and different colors of sauce. I'm not greek, so I'm free to not give a shit at all about the specifics and technicalities
I'll have to look into fastslappimg myself, I've not heard of it. My method now is pretty slow
It was delicious yes I look forward to making it again in the near future
oh my gosh its so cute!! this thread is really good, i love how much effort you put into this!!!
so beautiful
ughhhh yessss sesame seeds!!!! i would love to eat one o_o
im not sure why i feel like baking with pastry is so daunting but this made it look way more fun and less complicated as i thought!!! thank you for showing me this thread! you did a really good job and it looks like youd find this in a cute bakery
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Hi ki :D
Thanks I'm glad you enjoyed it
You should give savorybaking a try some time, it's super fun
one literally cannot fatho eating that good it seems
I certainly cannot

>not filling at all
>zero taste
>lowest protein among carb staples
>not even cheaper than flour

Only retards and heritage rice farmers should be eating this shit crop
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i can only eat this shit if it's fresh out of the pot cooked. I only need salt to enjoy it. similarly I enjoy popcorn this way also eating it straight out of the microwave shoveling it into my mouth
>not filling wrong
Rice is so bland and disgusting it's hard to eat a lot of it and when you've eaten one plate of rice you're ready to kill yourself
>And you dont need a computer, but you have one. Miss me with your hypothetical nonsense
Are you retarded? Bread just needs flour, water, and some leavener. The salt is completely for taste. What did you think salt did? Man you retardation actually annoyed me lmao
>missed entire point of post
>calls others retarded
>Man you retardation actually annoyed me lmao

Last thread was well received, so let's do this again.

Ask an anon that works at a candy store anything.
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We rotate out the candy daily and all the candies are individually wrapped. I think it's fine.
Lemon and orange are S-tier and Mountainberry is as good as fruit punch
What's your 5 year plan?
So you just sell factory-made slop then? I thought you might have made candy for a second there.

How are you different from any other retail worker then?

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This is sloppa, not goyslop
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which is this
damn that's some high class sloppa
would destroy
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Todays slop is green chile and tajin chicken, bacon, ranch, queso fries.
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The money shot

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The taste of Italy.
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Anyone else instantly think of pizza when seeing the Italian flag?
I hate Italians so fucking much, and I hate third generation Italian-Americans even more.
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AHEM I believe you mean something like this.
Taste of Italy, prepared by India

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>hungry af
>need something thats gonna fill me up right
>see chicken broth, scrambled egg and white pepper
>its go time
>make egg drop soup in handled vase
>glass explodes
>shrapnel in face
>3rd degree burns
>soup on floor
>can't enjoy cuz in ambulance
why is egg drop soup so hard to make?
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i got it on aliexpress
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>image from yesterday.png
these both have the same diet
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Yes, my semen ;)

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Are food bowls really that bad?
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It's from The Onion, anon, it's not real
500 years back when people actually believed in god and shit they even baked a special flatbread to be used as edible plate
Food for peasants / slaves.
And then I'll whisper in their ears: "What's wrong? Isn't this what you wanted? You voted for this."
Man this image has been saved and resaved so many times the image quality is so much worse than I remember.

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I mixed a can of tuna with an equal amount of grated cheddar cheese and cracked 2 eggs into the bowl. I then added salt, pepper, chilli flakes, ground onion and garlic.
I stirred the mixture and then formed them into small nuggets and chucked it into the air fryer for 8 minutes at 200 degrees Celcius.
It obviously looks a bit shit compared to real chicken nuggets but it's great if you're on keto - tastes just like it too.
I was apprehensive about using tuna but the flavour of it is mellowed out - tastes slightly like chicken.
If anyone else has any other keto recipes that were delish, please share. I really appreciate it. Thank you.
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Ironic because you’re posting this like a schizophrenic, while OP is calmly talking about a meal he made
Looks great anon, making me wanna try that! I'm a ketofag as well. It's winter in aus so atm I'm making a lot of stew type stuff like boeuf bourguignon, you can easily swap out the mash for a cauliflower bake and instead of thickening with flour/roux, I use xantham gum - works a treat, just gotta use a fat like melted butter to disperse it without clumping.

As for a recipe, here's what my last week's meal prep was:
6x chicken thighs, skin on and bone in for 6 days portions (i'm also OMAD lad atm)
2x punnet shrooms halved / quartered / sixth'd depending on size
2x bunch asparagus, cut into thirds
18 brussell sprouts, halved
1x large white onyo, brunoi'd
1x large spoonful crushed garlic
~300 ml thickened cream
~200 ml white wine (i used sauv blanc)
~600 ml chicken/veg stock
asparagus and sprouts get coated in oil, seasoning and into air fryer at 190C for 15 mins, toss every 4 or 5 mins. Reunite at end.

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try it with mackerel
>pepper, chilli flakes, ground onion and garlic.
lot of carbs in spices
You can substitute pork rinds for breadcrumbs
Just run them through a food processor

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Mine had em when I left school in 2012. I remember the Dew-mocracy promotions from mountain dew and my school was the first place I saw that would get the new ones. I can still remember what typhoon and distortion tasted like
I forgot about these, I always used to try and get the the grated cheetos
Damn, where I grew up we had a place called Ponderosa. Which was like a buffet but delicious, I think you could order food too. Wonder if they are like the same
>battery acid
Poser exposed. >>20677008 were extremely watery and had hardly any flavor at all. You’re just making shit up. Entire post discarded

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What are your thoughts on the hoover stew?
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huh didn't know this had a name. One time in college when I was trying to clean out the fridge and cupboard I created something very similar. I ended up liking it so I named it "hot garbage in a dutch oven" and wrote down the recipe.
Why didn't she call it Bidenstew to be more relevant?
The name comes from Hoover vacuum cleaners, because people hoovered it down so quickly.
I don't care about poverty food. Youtubers should stop making ''feel a large group of people for a few dollars'' videos. People that poor don't watch youtube and if they do, they're not the kind of people who would make poor people food.
Show me how to make good food for 1 person.
>diced tomatoes
>sweet corn
what the fuck

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Everybody who hates pineapple on pizza has never tried it
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it's great, especially if it'a cheap pizza and it's gonna be mediocre anyways
In your opinion. It's a popular pizza choice, so your opinion doesn't really make a difference.

The whole point of pizza was making do with what ingredients you could when you're poor and don't have much.
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>The whole point of pizza was making do with what ingredients you could when you're poor and don't have much.
Everything you said is backwards. Ham does go well with pineapple, but pineapple on regular pizza is foul.
Never forget ham is not kosher.

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is this piss in my mouth or actually good?
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is piss in your mouth universally bad?
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I drank that stuff when I was like 14. Mixed beers and so called "alcopops" where all the rage back then. If you are 14 yo or too retarded to mix your own beer it's ok I guess. I resort to V+ Curuba every now and then when daydrinking so I wouldn't blame you, but that at least has the abv of a real beer with that sweet sweet taste of pop - the junkies in the city love it. Dunno if you have that stuff in the states tho. Sorry for my rambling. It's cola and beer with dragonfruit apparently and a heftier price than just mixing it yourself. What are you expecting?
>carbonated + carbonated
carbonated + uncarbonated is better (cola + red wine, beer + lemonade, cola + spirits)

Do you like McDonalds burgers?
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That's not a butterburger. This is a butterburger.
Me? For me? My favorite McDonald’s burger? Well for me, if you asked what my favorite McDonald burger is, I’d say well for me, it’s gotta be the double quarter pounder with cheese or the venerable Big Mac.
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McDonalds got expensive as fuck in my euro cuck country. Almost the same price as Five Guys
I rarely eat fast food but the last I went to mcdicks it was like 12-13 USD for a combo meal desu
Nah too expensive. Not worth it.

wtf is this?
Hormel Au Jus and Savory Sauce, Beef Roast, Slow Simmered. It looks like creepy Brit shit and no wonder they're usually the first to get attacked by a some zombie outbreak
its cheap cuts of beef cooked en mass and vacuum packed
what's so confusing?
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OP discovered beef roast. he just escaped out of a lab. how were the desiccated sustenance bars in there?

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Eating in bed is a sign of intelligence and free thinking. Your parents told you not to do this, because it offended their antiquated notion of morality, even though it's all convenience with no downside. Are you woke or broke?
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>I engage in faggot behavior whenever I feel like it
It shows.
Comfy, are you reading, watching, or playing?

Bed bros it’s time to feast!
I'm reading Being No One: The Self-Model Theory of Subjectivity and eating microwaved white castles ( in bed)
You can't just post a thirst trap without posting your penis.

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