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So every place is going to just copy Wendy's now?
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>$5 for 4 items that used to cost a dollar each
Because like >>20657316 said the franchisees lose money on them. Same thing happened with the $5 footlong. It's pretty messed up when you think about it; corporate gets all the benefits of running a promotion while the owners get screwed.
This 'deal 'is $10 dollars now
>franchise owners are calling corporate saying the deal will bankrupt them.
>source: trust me bro

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>the Lord's work
You're doing it.
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About 4 dozen
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Alright, I know this place is kind of a bumfuckistan, but I might as well as discuss this.

This is judged on freshness and flavor.

>Restaurant 1: Panther Dining Hall, Melbourne, Florida

Located on the property of the Florida Institute of Technology, the Panther Dining Hall is open to the public. At least once weekly they offer at least one of two kinds of chowder, clam and salmon. The clam is prepared New England style ("white/gray broth") and is prepared in large batches and is located at a self-serve stand devoted to soups.

The clams themselves are fresh, having the softer texture that fresh clams would when prepared in a chowder. As far as flavor is concerned, it is fairly traditional and the flavor, while good, is not especially remarkable.


The Salmon chowder is a little more interesting thanks to the unique flavor of the fish. It makes for an interesting, yet tasteful combination alongside the corn.


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You child fuckers remember how often subsurface craft brought into the port with preteens and coke? Escorted by the coast guard of course.
It likely existed until 2018, then it was demolished in favor of the new terminal building. I kind of miss the architecture of the old place.
Right. May had cancer and lived in the villages of seaport. Things sometimes line up that way.

I'm sure you remember the huge ass Irish place which was once a raw bar just opposite fishlips. Now just a parking spot ain't that funny?
Yeah. They use it as a venue for the boat races when they come around.
Boats are good. Boats... Atlantis is subsurface crafts back then. So much respectful guess what? We boys won!

Do you guys ever have any go-to abominations you make when you're blasted drunk? For me it's the chips and peanut butter and pickle sandwich.
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I never had a go-to meal while drunk. Well, if my mom had made some spanish rice and ground beef leftovers in the fridge then I will eat the entire pan of it. Very comforting.
Been a long time, but I got pretty adept at slamming together a box of kraft mac and cheese and not scalding myself, to death, with boiling water, when I could barely stand up or even fill the pot with water, in the first place. I did almost lose my fingertips, trying to grate some asiago in there with a razor-sharp grater.
i make buldak with whatever the fuck in there
>mix 2 different flavors
>add hot dogs and deli meat slices
>add cheese
>add an egg
>blast it with mustard
etc. just go buck wild
Same here man. When I first started drinking I'd wake up feeling super sharp and crystal clear the next day and ready to go again. Now I'm like 30 and the hangovers are deadly, keeps me down to about one good bender a month. If I get off easy without much overhang of course I'll drink weekly or more until I do get a good one in that hurts me bad enough to take another month break.
weird that happened to me too. then since i've turned 25 i just have horrible anxiety the day after

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Are these actually good or are they a meme? Does anyone here take them?
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>Generic store-brand is fine as long as the nutrition facts says it provides all of Daily Value (%DV) of the each supplement.
Not exactly true. Some multivitamins use beta carotene for vitamin A. Even if it says it's 100% of your RDA, it's only like 10% as absorbable as vitamin A from animal products. And some people just have genes that make them not absorb it at all. Bioavailability is a concern for manufacturers and the more absorbable forms cause less side effects too and can be taken in smaller amounts.

Iron bisglycinate is another fairly new form of iron supplement. It's about as good as the iron from animal products and can be taken in normal amounts while most other iron supplements had to be taken in huge amounts and would often cause severe digestive issues.
I've been buying Alive! Is there a better choice?
I don't have a good diet immorobably deficient in everything except protein without multi vitamins
>Are these actually good or are they a meme? Does anyone here take them?
I have been wanting to take these (or similar brands) of fruit and veggie capsule supplements for years but aside from buying them once at costco like 100 million years ago, I never bought them again.
(too expensive on amazon too)

These are the number one things stopping me from buying most brands:

>gelatin capsules
like holy shit just use vegan plant capsules

there is no way all these fruit and veggie capsule brands can cost so much

>high oxalate bullshit
remove the spinach, kale, beets, and chard if there is any. Various other healthy vegetables with lower levels of oxalates are already in there.

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I take potassium citrate every day to offset oxalate intake since I'm a peanut/peanut butter addict and also had low potassium once during a hospital visit indicating I don't get enough in my diet.
Most people don't get enough potassium if they don't eat potatoes regularly. The citrate prevents kidney stones from oxalate intake.
Potassium citrate is super cheap.
they make me poop better

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I threw away my rice cooker since it's so scratched, what other dangerous materials or chemicals did you find out lurk in your kitchen?
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certainly not cast iron/carbon steel that you season by polymerizing oil onto it, as POLYMERS ARE PLASTICS, I.E. MICROPLASTIC IS ON YOUR COOKING SURFACE AGAIN
>non-toxic non-stick
What's that? It's all PTFE as far as I know, or some new likely toxic material.
I don't buy cheap crap, at some low rent department store. Is there a quality difference, between my absolutely bulletproof Farberware pots and my newer, junkier Cuisinarts? Sure, but even the cheaper ones are five years old and going strong.
Ceramic and anodized are the more popular non-stick stuff that isn't toxic.

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Publix raspberry sweet tea is delicious
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so is there tiramisu
Publix chicken tenders are awesome
It's Gainesville.
Publix sells dry ice. I assume you could have it overnight shipped for less.
My local Publix has a Subway style eatery where you can make your own sandwich or order a menu option, plus a sitting area with a balcony. It is actually rather nice during the early hours of the night.

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>vegetable and seed oils are better than animal fats!!!
>umm actually, animal fats are better than vegetable and seed oils!!!
>there is an abundance of research to support both
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Look up a few posts. The original and the hilarious edit are both ITT. It’s a coma girl in a children’s hospital being gracious enough to provide the cast of the female Ghostbuster movie with a photo op.
Peanut oil is a seed oil though.
thst doesnt sound hilarious at all
They're a little early aren't they
Look at the pics ITT. It’s hilarious because they clearly don’t give a fuck about the dying kid in the background and the only reason they’re even doing a photo shoot at a children’s hospital is to promote their shitty movie. It shows have disconnected some Hollywood people are from normal human experiences.

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>1,387 calories
what were they thinking?
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Nobody is making you eat it.
They were thinking it's an appropriate amount of calories for a full sized grown man and not some undersized euro-asiaoid to eat in one meal.
I stopped going to Hardees once I saw this wasn't on the menu anymore. Take the delicious western bacon burger away from me? Fuck you, you will not receive another DIME from me until you put it back and add extra onion rings to it as compensation
>eat this with some fries and half a bottle of whiskey for my only meal of the day
What's the issue
>roadhouse king
>chicken fries
>large fries
>large onion rings
>large strawberry fruitopia
>hershey's sundae pie
my usual order

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>He doesn’t pudding-post
That's a lot more ominous given what we know today
Oh yeah, for sure. Tons of times. They serve this shit in daycare, public school, the army, cafeterias, the chinese buffet, the regular buffet, etc.

It's perfectly edible.
OP. Eat nothing but pudding for 24 hours and post your shit splatter on /b/

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The garbage disposal can have a small tangerine, as a treat.
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that's very Accomadasting of you, but I is NOT an FAGIT.
Brewed tea leaves are great for the disposal blades, they are just rough enough to sharpen the blades but not hard enough to clog anything. Just brew a few bags then toss them in, you'll notice a huge improvement in how quickly it handles the usual waste.
Good one!
Mine has been broken for a couple of months (i.e. a year and a half) because my wife dropped a plastic fork down in it and instead of pulling the guard off and fishing it out decided to flip the switch and power through it.

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Is there a more bleak style of restaurant than the redsauce eye-talian joint? Even the people who like it don't seem to really like it.
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>r8 my setup
All italian food is bland as shit, cant believe its popular but again most of the population likes bland shit
Its the zoomer special

Only thing ‘28’ about her is those 28’DD’s awoooga

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>Watches a youtube video about a pasta joint in Japan
>Their best seller is Beef Batayaki pasta
>Grilled thin-sliced beef on a hotplate of pasta
>They only season their beef with red wine and butter
>No salt, no pepper, no herb
Tell me again why wypipo got made fun of for not seasoning dey food while the Japanese are getting away with it
>hotplate of pasta
The heat of the pasta cooks the meat?
On the table there this weird bottle of blackish brown liquid
It's usually next to the container of little red sticks
You should try them semtomi
Post video

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I just ate a full Amy's 'za. One of the better one's out there.
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Kek. Fat is fat, they all get the rope
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Bro I could've lied to you. Fuckin chill man.
Im drunk so I will chill. But lose the weight, dont be fat.
The prosciutto comes separately and you put it on the pizza yourself so I assume they have to put "serving suggestion" on there because there's an element of user input.
Why they call it after a Western movie?

What the fuck am I doing wrong with my steaks? How come they never look as good as the ones being made on YouTube videos? I follow everything as closely as possible.
>You need to make sure your steak is thawed
OK, I did that.
>You pat your steak dry with paper towels
OK, I did that.
>You need to season both sides liberally with salt and black pepper
OK, I did that.
>You need to let that shit rest for about half an hour
OK, I did that.
>You need to pat your steak again now that it's sweating thanks to all the salt
OK, I did that.
>You need to pre-heat your stainless steel pan until it's hot enough that if you drop water onto it, it forms into water balls that dance around the pan
OK, I did that.
>The heat needs to be on high, otherwise you can't form a seared crust on your steak
OK, I did that.

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>drippings are all burnt black.

use an oil with a lower burning point. you only add butter at the end to finish it, not before.

don't use olive oil, use canola oil or peanut oil
Even some of the best chefs in the world admitted that it essentially boils down to luck. some steaks are cooked perfect and others arent.
Citation needed.

Broccoli looks a bit more done than I like but the steak looks appealing.
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>Before you get started make sure to season the steak well. Keep it simple with salt, black pepper and some garlic powder on both sides.
>You're gonna start by putting on a nice, beautiful sear
>Then you want to finish cooking it with indirect heat until the internal temperature reaches 135°
>The only way you're going to get a consistently good steak, every time, is by using an internal thermometer like the ones from Meater, our sponsor
haha oops ok just had to put in the last part.

Anyways it works

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