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What's with bubble burgers?
uniform holes are poked into the burger with (likely) a flavor solution
however, even if there's no flavor solution injected, simply poking uniform holes will cause the regular bubble pattern, it gives a path for moisture and air to escape and cook those thinnest animal proteins into a little eggwhite like slurry that is the same color of the meat
happens with every kind of meat if you have holes in it and a certain cooking process, but minces will do it more, any broth solutions (anything that allows proteins to tenderize and release into the brine solution) will be likely to as well
That's albumin leaking out of the meat. It's not bad or anything, just unsightly.
It's ground meat formed into a patty, you fucking idiot.
injection molded and pressed
cooked at low temperature, protein leaks out and coagulates. it doesn't indicate additives or quality or anything like that.
Nah. Those are arteries and blood vessels.
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>flavor s
thats where wasp layed eggs
So you're admitting you're talking out of your ass.

Does anyone who actually KNOWS what the spots are want to speak up with a source or are we just never gonna know?
why do retards chimp out when faced with facts?
cooking a burger too long on one side, the myoglobin comes out the top and cooks. basically a steamed burger.
bubba burgers still rock
and they're one of the few products that didn't massively increase in price over the last few years
Why? You can just buy 80/20 put them into patties for cheaper. Also you can season them with spices and semen etc while you are forming them and freeze.

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