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Chocolate Beggars
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Some nuts
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More nuts
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Roast the nuts
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Oven roasting
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Freeze-dried strawbsraspsberries and iyokan peel confit
Beggars can't be choosers.
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Did you know Costa Rica contains extraordinary flora and fauna and with its tropical climate and environmental conditions, cacao cultivation is possible in all parts of the country. However, the export of cacao only plays a small role in Costa Rica‘s economy, with the export of bananas, pineapples and coffee as well as products from the high-tech sector being far more important. The political context of the country as well as its success in the tourism sector also contributes to the preservation of biodiversity.

They can
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I will be using a 70% chocolate from Costa Rica with a 72h conching from Finca la Amistad.

«Finca la Amistad» is a 95-hectare family farm in the north of Costa Rica which was founded by Ernst and Ruth Brugger and is now run by their son Simon. In addition to the cultivation and processing of cacao, there is a lodge with overnight accommodation for tourists. The finca can count on long-standing and experienced employees who carry out all the necessary processing steps with the utmost care, from harvesting to fermentation in wooden crates to the drying stage. This yields an extraordinarily aromatic cacao.
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Its unique flavor profile begins with a well balanced, mild cacao taste complemented through a discreet fruit acid note which provides a pleasant resonance between naturally fruity blackberry and sweet yellow-green banana.
The long lasting finish of this Costa Rica 70% begins with a high roast hazelnut taste which is rounded through an aromatic woody, raw coffee note.
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I will seed them as they will be consumed in the next few days
man i love Florentines, these remind me of florentine cookies
Nice, Felchlin is a good brand, do you temper chocolate a lot? I’ve done it occasionally but seems like I get it wrong more often than right.
Beggars are easier to make than florentines i'd say.

No, i've tempered less than five times more or less. I'm pretty lazy and end up eating the callets as is but i've recently bought moulds to make me less lazy. I know that with the seeding method the chocolate blooms faster.
Otherwise i've tried the microwave+seeding, or double boiler plus heatgun without seeding.
>I get it wrong more often than right.
Is it the temps or the result is not as you'd want?
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Pics i took while melting and making them as i had to hurry.

>Felchlin is a good brand
Yeah i like them a lot. I've ordered 14.5kg from them this year alone lol.
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Melt on double boiler
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Don't get it too hot
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Once melted seed it
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Too much chocolate i'd say, i'll maybe redo them tomorrow and fill the mould a smudge less.
Poured what was left
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No waste, warmed some milk to clean the bowl
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>Is it the temps or the result is not as you'd want?
Think the temps, was using a candy thermometer and it probably wasn’t precise enough.

They look really good, chocolate has a nice shine
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I took them out of the fridge for the pic, they were in for maybe 15min no more.
I'll unmould in half an hour or so, we'll see the results.
I've used meat thermometers (the ones that fold) and the laser one. But the laser has a EMS setting and i've let it at the default i haven't checked the chocolate one, i'm not sure it's 100% accurate but so far it's good enough.
Looks like i should bump the EMS setting a bit lol. Not sure if 0.95 or 0.93. I see >>21050623
i'm at 0.85.
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Just before unmoulding
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Unmoulded smoothly, the edges suck because there was too much chocolate, i cut them though so no biggie
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I'm no pro but it's acceptable for church gifts.
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They fit in the blister even with the fruit protruding. I was worried.
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Tomorrow i'll probably make some more.
I'll try them tomorrow too
i think beggars prefer cash
They look very nice, I'd love to get these from someone.
>I'm no pro but it's acceptable for church gifts.
I can safely say anyone receiving these at a church will be overjoyed. I understand that they might not meet your expectations but as someone who has been on the giving and receiving end of this sort of thing--you did an exceptional job.
Post the ones you make tomorrow. Good show anon.
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Cross section

Thanks bros, will shortly make another batch. Would love to gift you some.
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Latest fresh batch, will make another later
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>I will seed them
Seeding chocolate introduces pre-existing crystal formations which will help temper the entire batch
i would be pumped as hell to get one of these. well done
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Last batch, this time i did not put it in the fridge to try and mitigate the small white points i get like in >>21050761. My guess was blooming because of too fast temp change.

Like >>21052753 said it's to temper without tabliering.

Thanks bro i would gladly give you one
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I also made a few discs with what was left.
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Also no fridge
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Easy to unpeel
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The no fridge tabletts on the other hand would not unmould so i ended up putting them 20min in the fridge at the end.
I'm not sure this was necessary as they still would not unmould until i slapped the mould against the table. They may have unmoulded without the fridge, i'll know next time.
No white spots>>21050761 yaaaay!!
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Last batch done and almost ready for tomorrow (still have to pack them).
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I would devour one of these with a fat cup of coffee
NOOOOOOOO i don't want you to get sick bro!
You shouldn't eat one in one go!!! Get a disc >>21052868 with your cuppa instead.
Its when you nut in it
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that's nuts
Chocolate with dried fruits and nuts sounds delicious, and maybe nutrient dense, don't recall seeing these around me. Eh, I usually love fruit cake around Christmas but all the prepared ones had canola oil now and that causes me to bloat.
Haven't made my own chocolate before even though l love eating chocolate and want milk chocolate that isn't so sweet...how is clean up? I'm always worried it'll be worse than cheese.
Never understood chocolate elitism, all of it tastes good :)
hershey's is vile
so is your face but who's counting
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shit taste faggot because of all the anilingus
Hershey is on par with Nestle, the difference is that Nestle is a Swiss company that committed tons of crime against humanity while Hershey is an American company that donated proceeds to local children for decades without making it an ad campaign, one of the warning signs that Mr.Beast was terrible was him slagging Hershey but not Nestle when promoting his sugary junk.
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>mint chocolate
what I want is dark milk chocolate, as much chocolate as possible with as little sugar, but I want milk in it.
I wish I liked chocolate
walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds
...the white ones are pine nuts and the green ones are pistachio?
>A mendiant is a traditional French confection composed of a chocolate disk studded with nuts and dried fruits representing the four mendicant religious orders. Each of the ingredients used refers to the color of monastic robes. Tradition dictates that raisins stand for the black-robed Augustinians, hazelnut for the brown and white habit of the Carmelites, dried fig for the brown-robed Franciscans, and almond for the Dominicans' white robes.

>They are usually produced during Christmas. The recipes for this confection have diverged from the traditional combination of nuts and fruits to incorporate seeds, fruit peels, and other items.
from wikipedia

desu the chocolate is already made, i just melted it. roasting and conching aka making the chocolate is another whole ordeal.
the cleanup is pretty simple, put the dishwasher safe stuff in the dishwasher, the rest in the sink with hot water

how come you don't like chocolate?

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Hot choco in the making.
Dark choco
this cracked me up, but no idea why
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Some whole milk and whole cream
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Cinnamon and vanilla extract
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Boil and simmer for around ten minutes
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Add cocoa powder
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Filter to remove the cinnamon and add the chocolate
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Double expresso shot
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Serve and enjoy
I don't have a dishwasher, I usually soak dishes in ricewater, hot pasta water, if it's really hard then undiluted dish soap and dried sponge. So far the hardest thing I have to clean is cheese, I usually bake cheese with something underneath. Oh man, there was a Joyce Carolyn Oates short story where the woman who killed her five kids apologized to her husband in the note about not being able to get cheese out of the corningware lol.
This looks very pretty, how long can they keep?
Do i have to beg to get a bar?
That’s weird, we have chocolate beggars in my country but they don’t look anything like that
Well technically it's cow vomit because it's butyric acid which is found in their stomachs as a digestive agent.
But yeah I don't like Hershey's chocolate either. The vomit taste is not subtle and pretty hard to ignore.
Quality shit, OP! This thread reminded me of the stuff we’d put together at a Belgian place I worked at… almost makes me miss it despite having a better job now.

Hope the people you’re gifting these too enjoy them! They look delicious!
Hot water does the trick but havint a dishwasher if it's dishwasher safe i don't bother and use it.

First time i make them so i can't tell and it's eaten pretty fast unless you dislike chocolate.

No i'll gift you some.

Thanks bro, you can always reminisce by doing a batch at home, and it's delicious.
The people thought i bought them, so i take it as a nice compliment. They enjoyed them immensely and i enjoyed making and gifting them, so it was a win win.

starchy water is amazing for getting stuff clean.
They also have toucans.
I have baker's chocolate in the fridge...
To make chocolate oatcakes.
post pic
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You haven't lived till you've dunked chocolate in a cup of hot tea.
Just follow my nose!
here: >>21069261
Melted bakers chocolate with butter in microwave, stirred in oat flakes and stirred in some sweetened condensed NNGSVmilk too.
Ever tried Walker's dark chocolate coated mint patties?
>Costa Rica
they don't have an army.
How do I get Costa Rica chocolate in Canada? Especially the kind I can use to make my own chocolate? I usually like a lot of milk but next to no sugar and it's hard to find that combo.
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i've dunked these in the best of them anon
hot tea
hot coffee
chocolate slightly melted by the temperature of your beverage is a simple, beautiful pleasure.
I prefer McVities milk chocolate Digestives, leaves a mess on my finger tips but ti's finger licking good.
Where does one even get chocolate to make chocolate? I've only ever seen bakers chocolate in the baking aisle, used it for brownies just fine, but chocolate bars?
I'm in Canada and not in Vancouver s there is no Trader's Joe, I think we have Whole Foods in the suburbs.
we dont call those that here
Anyone tried dunking Kit Kat chocolate bars in milk tea? Freshly steeped orange pekoe tea with a little milk, no sugar.
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Got some from Sprüngli. They use Felchlin chocolate. The tartufi is made with gianduja and 65% maracaibo. The bar they don't say but based on the taste i guess it is the 35% maracaibo with apples and alpine flowers.
Both super tasty.
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Yesterday i made some lemon caramel ganache chocolate bonbons. Here are some pics i took.
Double boiler to melt the chocolate, basic 64% from supermarket.
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The rest is prepared for seeding.
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Filled the moulds then emptied
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Whilst cristalysing in the fridge i made the lemon caramel ganache
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Lemon juice in the caramel
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Add to the chocolate
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Emulsify and let cool a bit as to not melt the shells
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Filled the shells up to 1mm from the top
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Used the rest of the ganache to make truffles.
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Capped the shells with a thin chocolate layer
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First time making them, relly happy with the result.
Tonight i'm making gianduja ones.
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For the gianduja hazelnuts
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Oven roasted
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Icing sugar
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49% chocolate
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Removed some of the hazelnuts skin
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Mix with the icing sugar until a paste forms.
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Add the melted chocolate to the sugar hazelnut paste
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Gianduja is ready
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Shells pre gianduja filling
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Next time i'll fill less
would eat
Great job anon!
These looks nice, how many can you eat at single sitting?
what happened to this thread? I came in here ready to take a shit on everything but it's homemade and looks really yummy
Oh, basically it's just that you're a slight bit of a cunt. Nothing out of the ordinary
b-but the fruit looks so good >:3 >>21050628
Well I'm a muggle, what's the muggle way to do it? Just scratch at it with nails? Wait do you get hazelnuts raw and then bake it?
>Well I'm a muggle
sucks to be you
We invented all the yummy foods and the only the only thing wizards do is charm chocolate frogs to jump. Would you rather have a lemon drop or an acid pop?
>we got bamboozled into making yummy foods for the wizards
So I figure I'll probably get my fruits and nuts from John Vince foods, but what type of chocolate should I get to melt with the fruit?

John Vince Foods have the following dried fruits: apples, apricots, bananas, blueberries, cherries, cranberries, currants, gingers, goji berries, mango, papayas, peaches, pears, pineapples, prunes, raisins (several kind)

types of raisins: Raisins |sultana Turkish, Raisins Golden, Raisins Thompson Jumbo, Raisins Thompson Seedless, Raisin Thompson California, Currants


I'm surprised there is dried papaya..and goji berries, I probably missed a few before I stopped reading as the site got slow. I used t get dried bananas and kiwis from John Vince around Downsview, Toronto.
That's how strong magic gets
After roasting the skin can be removed easily.

It tastes really yummy too.

>what type of chocolate should I get
The one you like.
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Forgot to post finished pic.

Thanks bros.
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Was too excited with the gianduja i forgot to make a ganache with it and just poured the gianduja in the shells. Not bad but something to do better next time.
I know cake flour is different from not cake flour, so bakers chocolate I have is probably not the right thing to make chocolate bars with? I tried to make hot chocolate with it and it's a mess. Very good for mug cake though.

I know with vanilla you can get actual vanilla beans, seen post where anons made their own extract...well do people get chocolate beans or something to make their chocolate?
That looks tasty.
Nestle hot chocolate used to be so good but now there are all kinds of vegetable oils in it, it's in their chocolate bars too, blah.

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