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An all time classic

Kinda looks like a dickhead
why put the sliced lemons in the piss
don't they fall in the cups when u tryna pour?
I love lemonaids
the heat of the aids cooks the homo

Make sure you’re drinking the best water.
water? More like ASS SHIT

for me, it's coca cola, simple as.

ive been drinking only home distilled water for the past 10 years. Real water enjoyers understand the importance of waters purity.
Eat proper food and not goyslop this isnt an issue
paying for bottled water is a surefire sign that youre a fucking retard
or a trash tier thirdie ofc

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Nothing beats a fried egg sandwich.
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>$12 cad
We will save you just hang in there bud
imagine her sitting on your lap
the muffins don't look like that in Canada. And wtf, we don't have oatmeal with fruit either

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*ruins the taste of your meal*
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reminder god of soy loves olives
Go to an olive producing region and try them locally. Absolutely divine.
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and to drink? A ICE COLD lite beer, super carbonated. Oh yes, oh YES
Olives are one of the few things that make life tolerable
I find them quite good in salads.

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We do breakfast a little differently in the Midwest.
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I'll be in Iowa for Christmas, and I tell you, I can't wait to have a slice of this once more.
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Common Autumn Midwest Drive Thru lunch
that is a nice 'st 'za
you better not be a fucking dipper
And how!

Does anybody else do this? It's an annual custom of mine that's become a yearly tradition.
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Mashed potatoes aren't good after one mere week? You're a retard.
The French Revolution didn't kill enough
Don't be a Satanist, even just casually in an attempt to fit in here. Soon you'll get used to it and then, you'll spend eternity screeching. Nobody wants to hear that.
Yeah, ewwww
damn, euros really cant afford freezers?

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anybody else got a bone to pick? all bones accepted as long as they're pickworthy.
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>I will ever have no
Rack of lamb is bone kino.
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have you ever seen those little paper hats they put on the bones, or did that die-out in the 70s/80s?
I only remember the paper hats from 50s cartoon foods. I've only eaten lamb chops at my rich friend's house or at Texas de Brazil. In both cases no hats were used.
I have many bones, sorted by poultry, pork, and beef, but I don't think I'll be picking them. I usually just make stock once the bags are full.

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chicken and rice slop with spinach and hempseeds cooked in a broth of better than bouillon tomato juice apple cider vinegar and olive oil, brita to chase. God bless
Is this one of those preloads the board shits out automatically? Same image and text, same image file name, everything. Enjoy those seed oils.

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chicken and rice slop with spinach and hempseeds cooked in a broth of better than bouillon tomato juice apple cider vinegar and olive oil, brita to chase. God bless
why do you keep spamming this shit
She is eating healthy and I am happy for her.
kill yourself bray

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Is kneading to repeatedly fold the dough in on itself? or is it 30% that and like 70% squishing it? because when I just fold it in on itself over and over it seems to split or something in a short time, but ive incorporated just mostly squishing it and occasionally folding it in on itself and that seems to work better.
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Kneading continuously is superstition for retards
You're supposed to fold it once, then let it relax for 5-10 minutes, then repeat. It should be easy and soft, not stiff. And if the dough is tearing, you aren't kneading it, you're just ripping up the gluten.
>you're just ripping up the gluten.
yeah I felt like something like this was happening.
does this apply to pizza dough? and how many times do you fold before its done? just until smooth?
Kneading is stretching which develops gluten strands. You only kneed as a form of low-strain stretching because gluten strands will break if you stretch too fast.
>does this apply to pizza dough?
>how many times do you fold before its done?
None. Just mix it up, roll it into a ball, let it ferment, then pop it in the fridge for a few days. It'll do the gluten thing on its own.
i had the same problem when i first started out making bread. apparently there's a lot of bogus information online about constantly folding it. go watch some brian lagerstrom videos on bread making, you'll learn the proper techniques. also aim for ~65-70% max hydration as a beginner.

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new steve
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How dare you degenerates, Steve has already taken The Pledge:

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Of course he has that stupid freeze drier.
do all freeze driers look like fucking washing machines? Also you can't say if steve somehow ever ran out of MRE's he wouldn't be just fine in terms of content creation, this shit is great.
>wine bottle
French ration basedness off the charts again

now we’re cookin
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That seasoning is better than it has any right to be.
You have the best flavor of Tabasco so your meal is redeemed
Thanks John
Chef Boyardee absolutely btfo by your improvements, he’s now demoted to Dish Bitch Boyardee.
joke's on you, that's Heinz spaghetti, not Chef Boyardee

man, what is it with the japanese and tabasco?
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Umami doesn’t exist.
That's a Japanese market kraft parmesan container.
Yeah they should really be obsessed with Texas Pete
is that a euphemism like dirty sanchez
hot sauce on pasta rules. embrace it

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>eat a fish, it's pretty good
>next day, feel some pressure in the guts, fart
>wait a sec
>WAIT A SEC this wasn't farts at all
>run to the toilet
>take off everything, underwear stained BRIGHT ORANGE
>whatever, only thing I can think of now is taking a massive dump
>start shitting, to my surprise I don't even need to put in any effort, the turd slides out on its own with unbelievable speed and smoothness
>shit some more, look into the bowl
>the turd is there alright but the toilet is full of bright orange oil, floating on the water surface
>this doesn't look right, it ain't natural
>look for possible causes of oil shit on the internet
>everything is related to failure of internal organs and inability to process fats
>scared like a motherfucker, pants packed full of toilet paper due to constant oil-farts

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If you eat sushi you've eaten escolar or oilfish passed off as a different species. People just assume the notorious greasy sushi shits are from eating raw and let it slide.
I had escolar sushi once (labeled as escolar, they weren't trying to pass it off as anything else). It tasted fine and didn't have any intestinal effect. I think you're just a pussy
Self lubricating
So why is this allowed in the first place? Seems to me like they're selling a mildly poisonous food for money without any warning.
Everything is allowed until someone lobbies a politician to do something about it.

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