Soy? Won.
>>21173052Do you mean aburaage?
>>21155913It only became a meme once Soylent took off, and specifically marketed to internet losers. So that whenever you saw a Soylent customer, it was the laziest, most maladjusted freak you've come in contact with that week.
Grilled atsu-age "fried tofu" is delicious.
>>21155913>another fence sitter retard who thinks everything is good in moderation
>>21156457asians eat a lot of meat and animal products, they eat raw meat toowesterners eat goyslop and other processed foods with 0 nutrition, then they eat another processed food (tofu) and think it's nutritious and healthy because its made out of plants and not le deadly meat but in reality it's just as nutritious as any other processed food (which is not nutritious at all)westerners are brainwashed cattle
Seedoilbros... our status?
>>21172881Sneed oil shills absolutely SEETHING lol LMAO even I keep using my natural lard,so easy to make at home,so much better than vegetable oil and it's free radicals,also food taste betterCope
>>21172933>>21172939they use vegetable seeds
>using sneed oilsI will continue using my homemade olive oil thanks
It's over, seed oil bros. RFK Jr. just pulled the plug and it's going down the drain.
>>21173238Your AI was trained by Bayer / Monsanto. AIs don't eat.
My girlfriend turned the heater on while I was away and my bulk fermentation of this sourdough loaf was tripled in size when I got home. I didn't cold proof and just baked it right away, I didn't get much expansion from the score or an ear, but I'm really impressed by this crumb.Post your breads m8s
>>21173875I think you can keep it in the fridge and then revive it.
All your pics look amazing. I feel like if I made this and showed a woman, I would get laid immediately
>>21169780You need to be like doubling those times at that temperature. Always go by size gain (doubling, almost double, whatever) rather than time
>>21175266It does work that way. Bake chads lay pipe
Jersey Mike's doesn't even possess the technology to create 6' long super subs. This is why I will always consider Subway to be superior.
>>21175659why is Blimpie collapsing? I went to a Blimpie once in North Bend WA and it was really nice, and such a nice change from the Subway I was used to. But they seem to be all closing now. According to Wikipædia their revenue 30 years ago was $140M and now it's $60M and with fewer locations
>>21175661poor management and marketing.subway is the npc programmed "this is sandwich shop".it's the same thing with mcdonald's.the food is garbage but the normies still go there because they're programmed npcs.
>>21175662I would think an investor would recognize the potential of a big marketing push by Blimpie and be able to secure maybe $15M to launch an ad campaign to get them back in peoples' minds
>>21175667you would need better marketing at blimpie to seek out such an investor.
>>21175674the investor would provide the marketing. a lot of firms specialize in this, surely someone could see the value in starting a new rebrand and campaign
I hope you anons are eating healthy. Take care of yourselves. What was your last meal?
>>21175202I don't put effort into food anymore because I hate my life and want to die. I skip most meals
>>21175438You should kill yourself
>>21175447After a good meal of steak, eggs, hashbrowns and toast. Like my man Ted Bundy.
>>21175202Last meal was some mushroom beef bolognese I was broiling for 4 hours, wine and all. Shit was so good it made me want to kill myself. I'm cold fermenting a wholegrain cuckloaf and I'm going to use it to fuck my mouth later, I'm quite excited.
>>21175202Half a pound of brisket with a jalapeno cheddar sausage link and some barbecue sauce with onions and pickled jalapenos and a side of potato salad. Was quite good, washed it down with five tallboys and six marlboro red 100s.
Sausages.What's your best recipe?
>>21175633I'm going to go ahead and say fry in a skillet with onion until brown, then add sauerkraut and fry a bit more. Serve with mustard and ale.
Or *MAY* as they won't be requiring labels. So stock up on your stupid smelly cheese now!
>>21154696Russians get palm oil in everything instead.
>>21173857Because you're a worthless good for nothing, goyim that exists solely to enrich my pockets. Keep up the good work champ!
>>21175387Yeah but you generally don't get to buy dried beef in bulk. With mealworms that seems to be the standard.
>>21175309The spirit of Naoyuki Kanno lives on strongBANZAI
>>21175604>what is beef jerky
When was the last time you had a hot dog?
>>21168569earlier today, 7-11 hotdog covered in nacho cheese, it's been my lunch 3-4 days a week for the past month or so (other days being those taquitos or pizza... from 711; mainly when they're out of hot dogs at the moment I come in), I usually pack a "nicer" homemade lunch most year round, but the weather's been fuckin brutally cold and wet recently so I want something hot and I'm a truck driver, and 711 is just there so...
>>21173018im serious. let me guess, you get a hot pretzel too?
>>21168569almost a year
About a week ago. Uber'd a chili cheese dog from a place near me. It was pretty good. Great sausage. I will probably get it plan next time though. I didn't get the point of the chili cheese, it overpowers the tasty sausage.
Why should I use anything other than stainless steel?>non toxic>lasts forever>easier to clean than cast iron>lower maintenance than ceramic>food doesn't stick if you just preheat it for a few minutes>works in the oven>cheap and sturdyWhat are the downsides?You literally don't need more
>>21173661what's better about carbon steel? Like a carbon steel pan?
>>21173521>food doesn't stick if you just preheat it for a few minuteswanna bet?
>>21173579But fat is good for you THOUGH.
>>21173660I just bought my first stainless steel pan few weeks ago, watched one single video on how to handle it and started using for my everyday needs. Never had anything stick to it and use only like a tablespoon of oil. You're so retarded you're basically one step away from forgetting how to breathe.
Nowadays tri ply is the cheap option desu. Everyone wants giga dollars for old cast iron on eBay. I have an entire set of five ply because dumbass boomers buy shit like this for full price and their kids dump them into the Goodwill when they're dead.
>Now add brown sugar, molasses, ketchup, mustard, Worcestershire sauce, vinegar, onion powder, garlic powder and smoked paprika.Why don't you just say bbq sauce?
>recipe for lobster thermidor>just add lobster thermidor
>>21174543So you agree. Cool beans.
>>21174543>BBQ sauce from scratch is so stupid simple I don't know why more people don't do it. Maybe it's just that molasses is a pain?
how does one acquire a derpina?
>>21174403Because then people won't use all of those ingredients, they'll just use ready made barbecue sauce and the recipe won't taste as good. Duh.
>you have to spin around anti-clockwise 100 times, stick your thumb up your ass, then stick your cock in the wasabiwhy are japs like this?
>>21171722dubs of truth
>>21173622Actually this is exactly like a steak restaurant putting up a sign that says you shouldn't order it well done or put ketchup on it. It's equally meaningless and really just comes down to telling people they should conform to norms and not rock the boat. The sushi restaurant could just as easily put up a positive sign that illustrates the traditional way to eat sushi and why it's considered the best. That could actually be helpful and informative to someone interested. Instead there is a list of rules that they say you aren't enforced, but breaking them is very disrespectful to their culture blah blah blah. I like my steak very rare with just a bit of salt and pepper. My wife doesn't care mych for steak in general and when she does have it likes it very, very well cooked and likes to dip it in something. As such we rarely go to steak places but it happens now and then for whatever reason. We give our orders and I remain polite, but if the waiter gives her shit on her order (which is over half the time) I make a point to leave zero tip and make a note on the bill that waiters are not there to lecture.
>>21173175Brother you still chew, it's not like you gawk that shit like a fucking snake.
Why would I follow the rules of a nation that was:>nuked twice>culturally and societally neutered by their worst enemies>drove themselves into a brick wall economically, fumbling perhaps the easiest economic recovery of the last century>is currently having all its women devoured by foreigners, ensuring long-term cultural desecration >is run, on both professional and governmental levels, by a weak cabal of obedient lapdogs>exists mainly as a polyp on the underbelly of the only Asian nation that matters, and even then an increasingly-irrelevant oneAre your women going to clean up after me too, Tojo?
>>21173822Bruv I can't even imagine a waiter ever giving someone shit for a plain order, one of the cornerstones of their job is being polite and accomodating. I know this isn't exactly a highlight of life but what exactly did one of them say? Like whats the point of ordering steak and then burning it till there no taste?
Why does this shit taste so good? It's like liquid bread.All I see is people saying it tastes bad, but it tastes better than any other beer I've drank.
I used to drink st ides all the time but cant find it anymore, steel is the only high % alch 40 they carry now so I drink that. I miss back in like 08 when the store had like 6 different 40os in stock
>>21170346The same people who say this is vile shit will happily chug an IPA
>>21174589Ive tried IPA etc... they all taste like shit compared to steel reserve unironically
>>21173368>>21172187uncommonly based--take out a whole water cooler of everclear and godspeed
>>21174593Agreed. I still buy IPAs from time to time because I always try new 8%+ beers I see. I also buy sours and other shit that comes in high ABV. They're always really gross compared to your standard malt liquor/high gravity lager. But braindead consumers only really care about marketing. The cheap 8% malt liquor is for homeless people even though it tastes like beer while the pricier 8% IPA or sour is cool and awesome even though it tastes like a piss filled ashtray or shitty cider.
I work at Papa Johnsas a driver, on the oven, on the makelineand as a managerask me anything except where I live how can we beat dominos I need your help
I wouldn't be able to sleep at night knowing I work for a company called papa john's after they maliciously fired papa johnYou need to rebrand to "The establishment formerly owned by papa john's"
>>21173843took the apostrophe out...
>>21173652Here are a few characters for the gameClumsy Cashier>(slips and falls a lot, sympathizes way too much with Squidward, hates when people pay with exact change)Ditzy Delivery Driver>(always forgets the extra sauce, gets big tips anyway, claims to never sample the customer's food but always has fresh stains on her clothes)Preppy Prep-pina>(believes that a strong foundation is the key to success, has to work in the back because her name is weird, brings her own pizza costume from home when it's her turn to go outside and spin the arrow sign)Tsundere Tablewipe>(doesn't work here, just comes and wipes off the tables, even though there aren't any tables, but that doesn't mean that she likes you or anything b-baka!)Moody Manager>(is only happy when things are going well, has to deal with upper management every day, drinks heavily)Baked Baker>(eats more than the customers, hotboxes in her car on break, has to take her piercings out before every shift)Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
I do appreciate you OP
>>21174122Baked Baker and it's not even close
British food Is top tier, and I'm tired of the memes saying that it isn't>Pasties (specfically cornish)>Beef wellington>Roast dinners (chicken, beef, pork with lots of gravy mmm)>Trifle>Scones>Bread and butter puddingMost dishes across the world can't beat these my friends.
more like poo ding lol
The face of used stockcube salesman.
For me it’s Cumberland sausage, mashed potatoes, onion gravy, peas, beer to drink
>>21165133“11% of British people carry gravy around on their person in a flask”
Can someone share some good spice mixes to make for beef or rice? Will try to mix spices myself. Also any other tips related to spices
Orange cats are wild
>>21171050black pp be like>wierd that strange beeping noise stopped
>>21172041hmm, I feel like both are important. Will try to make some garlic sauce based with yogurt for the first time>>21172037haha, I'm not that wild of a cook, I have hard time trying even something new
>>21171050You just know that little asshole was trying to find and eat the ceiling bird.*chirp*