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Mayo on an Italian hero? Yes
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Why would a whole country, let alone many countries, make "mayo" with egg whites? It's supposed to be the egg yolk, and it tastes vastly superior. Your nation hates you if the standard "mayo" is made with egg white
Mayo is French, so No. You need balsamic and olive oil and herbs.
what do you do with leftover egg whites?
I actually made that with canned salmon we had in our old family home and was surprisingly good, good way to use a shit ingredient
while I've never fried with it I have done a topping with lemon juice, mayo, parmesan cheese, and various seasonings to top some broiled tilapia or haddock, quite good with some rice and veggies
Reject their ideas and refuse to change or grow.

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Werther's is a god tier candy
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Uh huh. That's why it was marketed as "Riesen: the chocolate chew"
>Not "FEE FI FO FUM" as riesen means "giant"
>not liking something means you're le secretl-AAAACKKKKK

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Recently got a rice cooker as a gift, but the thing didn’t come with any recipes showcase its abilities. Any recipes you all know of that translate well to a rice cooker?
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Theres this guy on YT who likes to make shit in his rice cooker, I seen him make curry a few different ways. It's not efficient or anything.
>hit the button
Which one ? Duh.
So it should have come with an insert that lets you raise food above the water level. This is how you steam food in it - veg, meats, whatever. I know the one I got with the instapot was absolute shit - it was like some limited wire, no where near good enough to do similar to a bamboo steamer.

Just watch some YT videos for ideas.
Chicken stock
Chili oil
Curry powder
There are a few ways you can use it. Rice obviously.

The first is just steaming things over rice, so you can steam sausage, whole eggs, vegetables, for that one pot meal.

You can use most of these to saute vegetables, but I find the rice doesn't cook well if you do this. however toasting spices is bomb ass. So you do a biriyani or a plov.

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I had fast food today for the first time since I went on a diet and I feel like I literally put poison in my body. I feel so sick right now. How the fuck did I used to be able to eat this shit?
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You sound weak and fragile like a little old lady
Calorie counting, no more than 2000 a day. I work a physical job and then also take a 30 minute ride on my stationary bike as well as weight lift. I have been on it for three weeks. I need to get to 175.
It tasted good, its just when my body started digesting it that I started feeling sick. I ended up throwing up a bit and it was just this solid black fluid that came out. It looked like I spat up tar.
Must be the oils in the food.
That stuff can make you feel queesy and gross if you’re on a health food kick for a while. You don’t have to blog about it like a little bitch tou reforming fatty.
>How the fuck did I used to be able to eat this shit?
you had a stronger metabolism. kind of ironic how you gave up on fast food but you ended up ruining your health somehow anyway

>bro what if we took a regular burger patty and BURNT IT TO A FUCKING CRISP
Explain why this nonsense is popular.
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malliard reaction
Oh man you need to release the flavonoids of beef to get the real taste man
>it tastes different
you dont eat the same thing every day do you?
>Explain why this nonsense is popular.
crispy innit
smash burgs are a meme

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Looking to buy my first stainless steel pan. Can anyone recommend one? My budget is 60 max, 10”, lid. I would also ideally like a raised lip one like picture. Any help would be appreciated
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Do you have any restaurant supply stores around you?
i'll tell you if you Mr squiggle that shit
The type you look for is called sautteuse. I wouldn't buy pans with lids. Use a quality pot for things that need a lid. Also 8" is too small. Go for 10.
Look for used pans. SS is indestructable anyways. Maybe you can even get a copper one with ss lining.
stainless steel lasts forever, I just buy mine for $5 from the thrift shop and scour them with baking soda and a non scratch chux. It's better to have a good quality one with a few scratches, then a poor quality one which will get fucked up in six months. Thing about thrift shop ones is that being used, the poor quality ones will all look fucked, so you will actually get a good quality one for $5 which nobody could be bothered to clean
who needs 10" i got 3 inches of rock hard steel right here for you baby

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What's your favourite snack food?
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Sounds tasty but my current favorite is probably pita chips
Can't eat them anymore because they are harder than my teeth.

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I'm addicted to this.
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you know too much (how to have a good time)
That's right.
However, the form and concentration of umami varies depending on the ingredients
You like it because it tastes like bukkake beans.
I don't hate it, I don't like it. The strings make it a pain in the ass to eat.
skill issue

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Anyone tried the dipping burritos from Taco Bell?
Mostly wondering how big their are cuz I remember those cantina tacos were tiny as fuck.
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I dip the regular burritos at taco bell
They haven’t had a good burrito ever since the nasty grilled cheese one

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What those /ck/ think of my dinner?
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It cost less than a red baron, but honestly I would have preferred the red baron. I don't know what walmart is making their pizzas with but it's not great.
Shartmart really is hit-or-miss on many things. You get some stuff and be like: "wow, this shit is surprisingly good", but then other shit is absolute dog shit terrible it goes into the trash immediately.
It was so cheap I shouldn't really feel bad about throwing it out but damn I don't really want to eat this shit. I hate the thought of waste though.
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>like the city is wearing a uniform
wholly fucking poem pilled, so true

please reply if you see this
How do you know OP isn't a girl or a woman?

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Ooh… Husbant. You meal preppa the Korean pancakes…
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hallway always make that noise
damn, are those chives?
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i don't get it
Agreed they look a bit batter heavy but still very tasty, did you do a dipping sauce?

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Ngl, i make a descent fried cheesy bread
The path to hell is paved with this shitty Anon's cheesy bread
i shall let chernibog's cheesy bread lead me into the darkness
I like that fine grating, do you ever put butter or herbs on there?

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Don't want no cream cheese or avocado. Don't want no wasabi either. Just gimme some raw fish, slap it on some rice, and wrap it in seaweed.
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what's real nipponese 'sabi like?
how did 'orseradish manage to take its place in the us?
she can chop my stick iykwim
Don't care, I will clear my sinuses and enjoy my cold fish hot. Stay nigger, mad.
it is horseradish, it's just the one that grows there and we use the one that grows here
No, it actually is, for some reason it's been meme'd to be not as spicy. That is how they get away with horseradish with green food coloring, its very similar.

Because they taste the same, they are in the same plant family. Eventually Ethan will get some real wasabi and do a blind taste test next to horseradish and he's probably gonna confirm it.

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you suck on the plastic bag
Oh I see, by "tubes of sauces" you meant the squeeze bottles. You see OP, your 'desserts" are also in tubes.
It's browned, which shouldn't happen when steamed. Mailllard reaction and all that.
I can't deny that I'd crush the fuck out of it, but my reaction is still "what the fuck man"
Fuck am I looking at
That's some terrible wording considering how much fecal matter is in Brazilian food

Why isn't there a "dog food for humans." One meal that you could eat for the rest of your life and it would be healthy for you
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Makes sense, wet dog food is essentially beef gravy with meat and limited safe filler veg for them, which is exactly what that is.
Yeah I guess it was just more "dog food-y" in scent than other beef stews I'd had before. Just something about that specific brand really gave dog food vibes.
>Especially on top of some white rice or mashed taters
Yesss! Also with bread is good too.
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>put my dogs in the screencap
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