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Do you like Ramen?
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Edging to extremely violent porno in a place where I would one hundred percent get jail for doing so. Like a library or a children's hospital.
only if this cute gril comes with the ramen
mentally unwell east asian women my beloved
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i prefer beef la mian, the chinese noodle soup the Nipps copied from the Chinks. Much more flavorful and full of aroma compared to boring ass ramen. Like most Japanese food, the original is much better
Thank you for showing me your meal, little boy.

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What would be the cheapest possible way to eat while still getting all essential nutrients? I was thinking about making gruel with flour, soy meal, salt, and tap water. Then taking pills for micronutrients.
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I think he's talking about generic mineral or vitamin supplements
How do you cook gruel? Like how many grams of flour per millilitre, and how long in the microwave?
raw eggs and lemon water.
Good idea, but to be honest, if he's not capable of getting a job, and just remains a neet, he probably couldn't work up the courage to demand walmart match prices of a competitor.
Well, never take drugs or drink excessively or smoke and you'll probably get more money than you need in the future.

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Will OJ become a luxury item in our lifetime? I havent bought a jug of this in years because its expensive as hell and the size keeps shrinking
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>Trump isn't blameless but his administration fucked up far less than the Biden administration did and this was when the US GDP contracted by TWENTY EIGHT PERCENT in a single quarter.

That's because Trump was just laying the groundwork. But hey, let's all come back to this topic in 4 years time. I'm sure Trump is going to do so many great things that you'll be drowning in high quality cheap orange juice! Good times are ahead!
Well I'm glad that you tacitly agree with me and are attempting to move the conversation to Trump 2 instead.
I have a big orange tree in my backyard and two big ones in my front yard. I get all the free orange juice I want in the winter and spring.
I wasn't him I'm >>20983724
Your country is ultra fucked either way. Biden isn't meaningfully different from Trump who wasn't meaningfully different from Obama who wasn't meaningfully different from the Bushes or Clintons. Globohomocorpstein runs and controls everything. But these problems now like orange juice shrinkflation will seem petty a couple years down the line when US troops are being sent to fight Iran on Isreal's behalf. Netanyahu and his daughter didn't call in their special congratulations to Trump for nothing lol.
>sample size: 2
>no accounting for metabolism, activity level, diet, genetics, height, any other factor
>conclusion: orange juice BAD

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/ck/ I'm being transferred to another location at work, I'm completely alone there. There is nothing there, it is at the bottom of the world. There is no kitchen in the location, microwave absolutely nothing. There is no delivery service or bakery either. Apart from my office, there isn't even any heating in the workshop.

I don't feel like freezing my ass off all day in the winter and eating nothing but cold sandwiches.

I can organize my time there freely, I only have to work 8 hours with a 1 hour break. I was thinking about buying a slow cooker so I could be there 20-30 minutes earlier to prepare a stew. then log into the system and work. so that I can eat something warm during my lunch break.

Slow cookers aren't that well known in youropoor, any recipes you can recommend? Is it even a good idea to use a slow cooker?
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Kielbasa & Sauerkraut
kielbasa ring
28 oz sauerkraut
12 oz beer, dark lager or brown ale (vienna lager, munich dunkel)
- add kraut to pot
- add beer (use stock or broth of choice or water to substitute)
- kielbasa on top
- cook high 4 hours
Chicken Soup (no noodles)
6 cups chicken broth
1.5 lbs cubed chicken breast
1 cup sliced carrots
1 cup sliced mushrooms
1 red bell pepper, chopped
1 medium onion, chopped
1 tablsp grated ginger
1 tablsp minced garlic
1 tsp salt
1/2 tsp red pepper flakes
1/2 tsp black pepper
- combine in pot, stir well
- cook hi 3-3.5 hours
Why on earth are they transferring you to some office in the middle of nowhere? Are they just trying to smoke you out?
>Is it even a good idea to use a slow cooker?
During work? Not the best idea. Consider an induction plate, it can be controlled by time, heat and power. I cook during work, only a few minutes needed. When the food is ready it beeps. You can e.g. cook eggs for 10 minutes and after the cooling down you can checkout for meal. Works very well forme (have two plates) and my espresso is made same way (with an induction suited can).
if you're planning on buying a crock pot why not just buy a microwave

What is your best grilled cheese sandwich recipes?
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I patty out hamburger meat and switch out sandwich bread with a bread bun to liven things up.
Me mum used to make it for us with buttered bread, Swiss cheese, and sugar sprinkled on top. It was incredible.
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what's the best cheese for grilled cheese
Kraft singles
whoever says anything else is a homosexual with no exception
Mozzarella and Gouda combined.. wait, there is something in my ass...

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I've made chicken and sausage gumbo tons of times and I thought for this thankgiving instead of feeling left out I made a small amount that is just vegan for one of my inlaws.

I looked up a few recipes but I didn't like them too much (including dice tomato or other things I wouldn't go for a cajun flavor).
So if you got any ideas that would be similar in mouthfeel or flavor to a chicken sausage gumbo I'd be down

My idea so far for about 1 gal
Typical roux and trinity (with garlic and jalapeno also added) I do for a gumbo with the usual beer to deglaze before adding the veggie stock
Some chickpeas and darkred kidney beans (15oz can of each)
Sliced mushrooms (may dice them and add them with the trinity to cook them down even more)
Babycorn and waterchestnuts (16oz cab of each)

I wanted to avoid peas and carrots to not just look like a stew
But am on the fence on cauliflower
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>but I can get the oil at a higher temp
Wtf are you talking about. Clarified butter or lard are perfectly capable of high temperature cooking. Any higher and you'll just burn the flour.
wait until you find out what those swamp frogs did to your pwecious mirepoix
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You need some type of smoked sausage for it to be gumbo. Get one of these plant-based meat products or look into making your own out of seitan, it's not difficult.
can't speak for chicken/pork alternatives, but plant-based sausages in my experience tend to be very firm in texture and would handle being seared and boiled.
I'll give it a try
I'll at least pansear it first just to be sure.
And I'll hold off on some of the canned veggies I aleady got to make sure it doesn't end up just looking like a crowded stew until I see hiw much space I still got.

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hi /ck/, rate my fat rendering setup
>top: wet method
>bottom: dry method
10 lb moose fat in total
love, /out/
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Based soap maker, I strain down my bacon grease and mix with the cheapest shittiest olive oil and a tablespoon of coconut oil to soften it and increase lather. 1/2lb of lard + 2 cups of olive oil is enough to make like a pound of soap that lasts almost a year.
How do you sell your soap. Use any add-ins, or just as is? I'd like to do the same.
haven't sold any soap but I plan to. winter market is coming up. I'm already selling moose meat
thanks for the coconut oil tip
I forget the percent but 1-2 spoonfuls of coconut helps create a foam when using the soap rather than the sticky sickness of Castile style soap. Like you said, animal fat is too hard, so it also doesn't spread too well, so if you're using cheap homemade animal fats for soap, it helps to make it much more useable.

The biodiesel stuff is cool as fuck too but that's above my DIY/chemistry level.
Hate to tell you this dog but your fate has been rendered null and void by a single typo. And you had so much potential too. Goodbye OP. I am so sorry.
yeah I'll probably have to experiment. I found this page on purifying: https://bumblebeeapothecary.com/how-to-render-and-purify-tallow-so-that-it-is-odorless-and-white/
TL;DR: use saltwater to pull out impurities. this is a common thing in chemistry as well, where two immiscible liquids and sometimes a salt are added to separatory funnel, shaken and then let settle and each layer drained off
>The biodiesel stuff is cool as fuck too but that's above my DIY/chemistry level.
it's not terribly complicated beyond having to heat it to around 50°C and leaving it for a couple of hours, then gravity separating

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Explain why you do not have one of these at home right now.

>can make restaurant quality food at a fraction of the price
>can use lard instead of seed oils
>I decide on the portion sizes
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The inside of my house will smell like the inside of your house. And I just don't eat fried foods like that. If I had it outside in a place where I can clean with a hose, maybe.
>vaporizes oil and makes your whole kitchen sticky
yeah im good
fry outside on your patio
>splatter everywhere, house becomes hazy and smells like oil
never again
I don't want to fry foods.
>>can use lard instead of seed oils
I question how one can be simultaneously concerned about healthy eating and interested in deep-frying food.

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goddamn i can't wait for these kinds of sandwiches
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Honestly putting the leftovers between bread adds nothing, and is a waste of time. there's enough carbs in the stuffing. Just heat your leftovers up and eat them with a fork, I say.
you’re stupid
I remember making these with my sister many years ago but instead of bread rolls we used Costco croissants. Turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce, gravy. So freaking good.
for me? it's turkey, stuffing and mayo sandwiches when you're half drunk.
>I genuinely though it was a fancy italian beef.

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What's your chocolate chip cookie recipe? I'm looking for a cookie recipe that spreads well when baking, has a nice chew and is gooey inside.
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I think they're on the chewy side yeah. Sadly I don't have any pic at hand.
I think it also depends on the shape you give em before putting into the oven. I usually make a big salami with the dough, wrap it, and refrigerate. After some hours I just cut it in ~2cm thick slices, and into the oven they go while they're still cold.
Maybe make half the recipe and try for yourself
Saving this, thanks cookieanon
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>browned butter
>cane sugar
>espresso powder
>baking powder
>baking soda
>mix of bread and cake flour depending on desired texture
>coarse salt
>chocolate chunks (dark and unsweetened mix)
i forget the ratios sorry. a take on a recipe i stole from /ck/. refrigerate the dough in spheres and bake when ready. pic related isnt my preferred thickness but they tasted p gud
i forgot water
and vaniller extract

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This thread is for discussing teas, tisanes, and other herbal infusions.

info: types of tea, where to get tea, how to brew tea

previous thread: >>20940293
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Solid looking cart
Would recommend trying that 2002 it's solid
If you like cheap smokey raw one of those cheap early -mid 2000s changtai bricks might be fun.
You should also grab like 40-100g of one of their wuyi oolongs. Maybe this one if you like a good deep roast
I know the Down the Rabbit Hole guy did some gong-fu sessions on one of his other channels (maybe twitch?) during lockdown that were fairly pleasant, if not exactly ASMR.
It feels wrong skipping BF sales, but I think I have enough tea for once.
It's exhausting chasing the tail of the dragon. I've found inner peace.
I've had this one. I liked it, but I'm far from an expert on yancha. I'll say that I liked the other ones from KTM too, a Rou Gui and Shui Xian
nice anon, good on you

would you eat this
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Hell yeah I love French cheeseburgers
>East coast roach
You can let yourself out.
This is how my brother, his wife and my niece all live. She's homeschooled because my brother is crazy and thinks all the bad things in the world will go out of their way specifically to attack his daughter. Meanwhile, she has zero social skills, has never had a friend and has literally never in her life spoken to anyone her own age.
Nigga dats a cheesestank

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it's all seed
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Yes. Love them. Always have.
They're good but it's hard to find fully ripe ones around here. The cactus leaves are much more rewarding, for me
formerly all chuck
we used to paint each other with them when we were kids
Yeah I use them for drinks

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The fateful day approaches. What kitchen gadgets do YOU hope to acquire?
Personally, I could do with a nice dutch oven.
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>in the microwave
Fucking how?!
I had one popty ping since uni twenty+ years ago but it b0rked a few years ago. Missus forgot to unplug it, picked it up to move it so she could clean under it and when it reached the end of the cord, it snapped out of her hands, onto the floor, breaking it and smacking her knee as it went down.
We've had this one since 2018 and it's been nothing but trouble the entire time.
At least I still have my minifridge from uni. It's still going strong. We keep it in the garage and use it for drinks.
are the instapot AIR FRYER and Pressure cooker worth it? It can do pretty much everything from what ive seen. I live out of hotel rooms most of the year and travel on planes constantly.
None. I am not retarded.
They're perfect. Start them cooking before you get on the plane and when you land, boom! Dinner's ready. I use them all the time.
pls check time to time the jungyard if the microvae will turn on without plgged in

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A crumpet is just an English Muffin. Hence "English" in its name.
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Crumpets use milk, English muffin = no no. Try harder
as someone who has made both. this is correct. same thing slightly different cooking method.
Exactly! It's like bread and pizza basically
They're the same
>They're the same, if you discredit everything that makes them completely different things

Kind of like how you and a piece of shit are basically the same.
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Looks good. For me it’s bacon, scrambled egg, and melted cheese

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