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ITT: Food people only pretend they like
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I like breaded fried chicken liver. I just don't eat it because it seems like a bad idea to eat an organ whose job is to filter waste products.
I just finished a kilo of fried ox-liver and onions. It was fucking lush. I feel a bit sorry for you not being able to appreciate it, but not so much that I actually give a shit.
You... you don't like anchovies?! What the fuck is wrong with you?
I like how you called the other guy a retard while telling everyone how retarded you are. Gr8b8m8
I've had grocery store sushi many times with a tad of soy sauce and it's delicious. I believe the prices at local shops are ridiculous for 'real' sushi. Although I will say that buffet sushi is always nasty shit. My favorite grocery one is where they sprinkle hot cheeto dust on top.

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Post suggestions and recipes for sauces that don’t have tomato sauce in them, to dress pasta, rice and whatever cereal you want to eat with them.

Here’s one of them I made today: the base is a purée made with leek and zucchini (after cooking them in EVO oil with some shallots), anchovies paste to add the (((umami))), fresh parsley and hazelnuts tossed in the blender with everything.

The result was nice and delicate, I could’ve added tuna but it was good as it was.
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I love to make pasta with minced meat (or squeezed sausages) and some kind of geen vegetable (broccoli, green beans, leeks, zuchini) and then make a sauce based on pasta water, fennel seeds, garlic and red chili. Finish with pecorino romano.
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the darker color of the pasta contrasts so good with the green. Very good looking dish
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The same happens with brown rice pasta
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How can people enjoy this crap? It's like chewing on birthday candle shavings.
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I don't eat candles but I like the waxy texture of sprinkles
i cant eat icecream without jimmies
fpwp. they're called sprinkles you fruitbowl
answer the question buddy boy
I think it's just the appearance of it. you look at it and imagine it's sweet. we eat with our eyes.

Alright, the white bits went into my stir fry. What do I do with the green parts now?
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>What do I do with the green parts now?
Frizzled leeks. Use as garnish.
Braise in chicken stock until tender, then serve with hollandaise. Also nice on toasted english muffins under some eggs. Think eggs florentine but with leeks.
>Huh? I've always just used the green part like the other stuff, I didn't know it was supposed to be a nasty bit?
It is more tough, less tender, that's all.
yeah it's just slightly tougher, if you sautee it or cook it it will basically make no difference. Unless it becomes woody, which they sometimes do. Then I wouldn't recommend it
I only know that guy from the honey nut cheerios commercials they've been running for the last 7 or 8 years. figures that he was originally famous for a cram meme.

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You can keep your "upscale" Italian places.

Just give me a red checkered tablecloth and a heaping pile of pasta.
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It was called Cousins or Brothers, I don't remember. It was somewhere in San Bernardino county on the way home from summer camp in Arrowhead
Except "upscale" Italian isn't even "upscale"; it's just that it's made from ingredients that are harder to store (i.e. actual fresh vegetables), and the restaurant industry is rife with greed and overpriced bullshit, so most Americans begin to cling to cheap, shitty simulacrums simply because they are more affordable.

Actual fresh pasta and scratch-made tomato sauce are crafted from some of the most dirt-cheap ingredients anywhere. But it can't just be heated up in 10 seconds by some retarded teenager and stored for days on end to be re-used, so restaurant owners phased it out in favor of processed shit loaded with sugar, which most burned-out American palates would probably find more stimulating, anyway.

tl;dr: in America, you pay for everything--even the cheap shit--just because some greedy manager thinks his ability to put slop on a plate is an invaluable skill. Restaurant owner is probably the most worthless job in America outside of landlord.
Fuck I just know you have abysmal T levels kek
>24hrs later
>he still can't refute

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pic rel. most delicious bread in the world, tough and ryey.
why the fuck do other countries not eat rye? aside from poland and germany.
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No point in farming rye if your climate allows you to farm corn, wheat, barley etc. so people aren't used to eating rye bread out of necessity.
Because they don't have rye.
I live in america and the only time I ever ate rye bread in my life was from some coupon deal at arby's. was it 100% rye? who knows.
I would eat rye bread if it was available, but I live in a bread desert
>why the fuck do other countries not eat rye?
You're delusional.

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Are there any quick, low effort lunches that are super cheap to buy on a regular basis other than just cold sandwiches? And don't say canned food, I am not going back to Chef Boyardee. Recipe sites just keep giving me either cheesy shit (I am lactose intolerant to the extreme) or some really convoluted shit that takes more than 5 minutes to make.
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consider hot soup in a thermos
cold lunches are sad
Fried rice is 100% bang for the buck winner. Soy, garlic, rice wine, sesame oil, marinade with whatever meat is on sale, air dry your rice after cooking, two eggs, fucken let her rip, maybe add hoisin sauce watered down a bit
Try chicken hearts panfried in soy sauce and white pepper -- you know, the kind of powdery white pepper they put in congee? that's it, super simple, takes around 5 minutes if you cover the pan.
When you are cooking dinner just cook enough for a.serving for lunch the next day.
ever heard of west african pastoralists?

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Do you eat chicken tartar or are you a bitch?
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>He probably meant Tartares, whom the dish is named after.
Due to a stereotype most famously embraced by someone who never actually met the faggots. Meanwhile Mongolian BBQ got its name from nomadic horse people because everyone can make fire practically anywhere. Something doesn't add up there.
>raw chicken
>raw eggs
I'm genetically inclined to not eat that
>There's not even flavor in raw ground beef.
What's wrong with your taste buds?
What if you cut each piece into the size and shape of ground beef?
seems pretentious, I don't know where that's even available and I probably will never eat it. I'm not afraid of it i'm just telling you how it is.

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what are you guys having for dinner? I got tendies
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Where are the fries or tater tots?
Ja/ck/ used to have the same plates.
how do you prep your tendies?
lately i've been doing flour - water - flour and they're great
i got those same plates, maybe later when im feeling hungry i will prove it
in the sewer all alone (thats my home)

>more calories then a double Big Mac
The fuck?
For comparisson

So more calories and then even a double Big Mac?

Also what's so surprising?
Bigger portion size. 250 kcal per 100g is a normal value for fried foods and burgers.
Is that a box of mcnuggies and pizza pops?
It's disgusting, but I approve.
Europe is a mess
>deep fried mini hot pockets are unhealthy
do yuropoors really

Once again I prove you drybriners wrong. Over a decade ago some internet fags declared dry brining as the ultimate way to prepare steak. Now everyone preaches it as if it's word from God. You got fooled. Hoodwinked. Swindled. Bamboozled. Picrel is my rare/midrare picanha cooked with nothing but skill and love over charcoal. Maldon salt sprinkled AFTER cooking and cutting. This beats a dry brined steak any day, every day, always. Suck it, drybriners!
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Just using the words "finishing salt" mark you as a tastelet faggot.
The only things a steak needs is some olive oil and Montreal steak seasoning before hand. And maybe a dip in clarified butter after it comes off the grill, if you're feeling fancy.
"Dry brining" a steak is ok if the meat is bad quality. It's retarded to do it with high quality meat though.
your sear looks like fuckin shit dude
That looks totally fine for slow-grilled on charcoal. If you want the best possible sear then use a skillet.

What do you get from the premade food section?
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the only place i ever buy premade shit from is costco. even then it's pretty rare.
No, and we had the exact same catalogs, why are people defending Whole Foods? They suck unless you're shopping for meat or cheese
2lbs of beef is like $10 on the low end, $15 on the high end, plus onion garlic and other seasoning. then add the time needed to prepare cook and clean. not to mention the time and work for mashed potatoes. $20 + $1 for idahoan mashed tater poweder isn't bad all things considered. it does look pretty pathetoc though.
that doesn't mean shit. pizza dough is extremely easy and cheap to make, they have a bakery in house, there's no way they aren't making their own dough.
I have an addiction to the grocery and gas station hot burritos. they could have been sitting there for five hours yet I find them delicious.

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