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Don't you just love a classic roadside burger and hot dog stand? Pure Americana. If you don't like them you're not a patriot.

Got any around you?
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Oooh, hungry truckers are often super horny as well and don't ask me why but some of them have massive clocks so yeah what I do you could call that a kinda roadside stall for hard ass truckers lol
>jesvs fvcking christvs you holy phoneposting faggot KYS
>only posts sitting down
kys luddite, desktop only poster
i have a standing desk
make no mistake, you are nothing but a plight
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one of them is right outside a strip club. if you're into that sort of thing

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all right /ceekay/, I'll be livering today.
I've got
>cow's liver
>small onion
>an apple
>some white wine
>salt, pepper
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looks good
Looks good, liver rules
>oh boy i cant wait to eat something that filtered a cow's piss for 15 years
why are people like this?
>carnitard trying to make meme organ offal taste "edible" episode 10
Nice, I don’t normally eat liver but I’d try this

Enjoy your natural sausage casing / poop tube!

DO NOT insult Hannibal Lecter like that, otherwise he and Trump are going to come to your house for dinner, and all they’re bringing is a bottle of wine and some beans.

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Made a pizza, please rate, don't hate
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Pretty much. People don’t understand you need to cook pizza very hot and very fast so they overcompensate by adding too much cheese when it’s more sauce they need.
Even pizza chains manage to fuck this up.
Have you eaten it yet?
I like to shred a bit of white cheddar and mix it in with the mozzarella, not too much, enough that you can taste it but still predominantly mozzarella so it melts well. I've done taco pizzas with leftover taco meat and done the same thing but with pepper jack, also works well.
I have, but I can make another one just for you babe <3

Last night i made this https://nomnompaleo.com/post/150016559668/cantonese-crispy-chicken-thighs

And some roasted kohlrabi with brown rice on the side. I scooped up a little of the left over brothy stuff + vegetables from the pan and put it on the rice (not sure if this still counts as drippings cause of the broth). Everyone loved it but my mom got mad after I explained how i made it taste good. She even told me i have to use no skin no bones chicken next time. (Not to be rude or ungrateful, but her chicken is always incredibly dry). Does anyone know the nutritional value of the stuff on the bottom as well as the skin? My mom is overweight and likes to be stingy with me when i cook, but her alternative is processed packaged food and deli meat, so how does this meal compare to that?
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It's fine, ignore her.
Stop cooking for her if she's that picky and ungrateful.
this. tell her she can cook for herself if she doesn't like your food. end of story. don't simp for your parents.
>cooking for a fat ungrateful cow that wants processed slop instead of a homecooked meal from family
yeah I'd stop cooking for her altogether
>She even told me i have to use no skin no bones chicken next time
Skin would add a bit of fat but the bones would add negligible calories. Dinner sounds healthy and yummy and all she’d have to do is eat a little less if there’s concern over extra calories.

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What is the biggest steak you have eaten? I can't eat more then 12oz

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I'm perfectly happy with a 500g steak, some nice potatoes and some steamed greens.
imagine the shits
use real measurements
I haven't even eaten a single steak in my entire life, I hate being poor
I'm so sorry anon.

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What is the strangest pizza topping you like? I like shrimp and even lobster.
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Ever heard of a tuna melt ?
Caesar salad dressing disagrees.
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fish is not seafood
nice nose, how many coat hangers can you fit on it

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How can we make it contain more fat and sugar?
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Beer milkshakes were a thing like a decade ago but it never caught on
Make an ice cream float with it.
Ask harry potter
Use ginger ice-cream and a bitter and chocolatey porter or stout; thank me later.
>go to cookout, party,etc
>almost entirely shit like White Claw, Truly, or garbage meme beer like peanut butter
>the only people who ever have normal drinks are my boomer dad and uncles
I hate this shit. Cider can be refreshing sometimes, I suppose.

In your opinion, should Scones be treated as bread and therefore used as sandwiches or should they be treated as cakes?
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Maybe the Angloids I've met are retarded but they treated it like bread, serving it butter and salmon. idk
The only scones I make are pinwheels. So they're loaded with cheese, onion, Marmite, bacon etc.
The bear is the tiger of dogs
I'd classify scones as a cake, whenever Bonglanders have cream tea they'll have tea and scones then some sort of small sandwich as a savoury option
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this is the foundation of bickie and grickie

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for some beef short rib at a neighbor’s house.

When we were all ready to eat I asked the hostess if the short rib was Certified Angus Beef. She answered no to which I immediately got up overturned the table upon which dinner stood knocking it to the ground and headed for the door. Before exiting I turned back at all who were aghast and said “Nothing touches these lips besides Certified Angus Beef.” Then I departed. The end.
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It was the neighbor’s wife anon.
Are you posting from 2005 or something? Angus has been a dead meme for ages. Wagyu OTOH probably has a couple years left, even if it's mostly nonsensical bullshit like "American Wagyu" or "Wagyu burgers".
I raped my neighbours female toddler and two Jack Russell puppies in 1998.
Hereford beef > Angus beef

Angus is literally all marketing and always was.

Wagyu, *real* wagyu anyway, is at least a genuinely superior product. "American wagyu" is a rip-off, though. In the majority of cases it's only second or third generation wagyu-cross at best, and in any case it's raised using the same conventional American industrial ag methods as the other beef on the market, and fed the same shitty, corn-heavy diet.
I lick the cum off the bedsheets of the mental institution I work at

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What the hell do i do with a whole goats neck?

Should i cook on low heat for hours?

Same size as the picture.
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Make a curry with it. Yes to low and slow.
No niggers allowed.
>What the hell do i do with a whole goats neck?
Cook it
take the sandnigger pill
>cut small
>marinate all night in vinegar and sugar and spices and stuff
>put on stick
>grill a long time

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/ck/ i think i have a problem.
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These and cape cod reduced fat regular chips are the only potato chips I get.
the kettle king
I'm waiting for pubelix to add that to their store brand kettle chips flavoring lineup. They've already got salt&pepper, jallapino, and sour cream n onion.
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Make way for the king
>lust provoking image

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my mcdonald's sprite is looking extra spicy today
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Would you describe it as zesty?
How fat are we talking?
I fucking hate these flimsy nanometer thin plastic cups everyone is switching to. Your drink gets warm so fast and it feels like it will shatter if I grip it too hard. Everything just gets cheaper and worse. I hate the antichrist.
It's over for your liver dude... being curbstomped right now.
i love mcdonald

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God, why would anyone bother bringing salad to a potluck?
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>takes all the cheese
>leaves the rabbit food
>refuses to elaborate
caesar is sss tier bud
Who the fuck even goes to a potluck? Cook your own damn food, wagie.
Likely some vegan / vegatarian twat that wants to push an agenda but the real question is why have or attend office potlucks in the first place?
Are you fuckers professionals or first graders that need "team building" excercises?
wait till you hear about the jewish role in capitalism

you're a fucking idiot

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>Japan-Style 7-Elevens Are Coming to America and That Means a Vastly Improved Menu

“We believe that we need to change our business model from one that relies on gasoline and cigarettes to one in which customers choose us based on our products,” Isaka told Bloomberg. “The key to this change is fresh food.”

Isaka’s company is reportedly building out a supply chain that can deliver fresh food daily to American convenience store locations, as well as seasonal offerings and those that cater to regional tastes (two other areas in which the Japanese stores excel). And Seven & I Holdings isn’t necessarily finished with acquiring other businesses, either.

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They'd have to learn chopsticks first
Japanese 7/11s are Indian ran too
IGA price gouge dairy farmers a lot. Fuck 'em.
They completely changed aus 7/11s.
Super cheap espresso coffee and deals with a range of muffins and shit.
The stores went from being shitty late night convenience to people lining up in the mornings for the coffee. Probably qudripled revenue, if not more
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Forgot pic

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If you bring cheesecake to a gathering you should be shunned and never invited again
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Wtf, some faggot jannie deleted anonette's strawberry cheesecake thread just before I saved the recipe
true and it's made with condensed milk, but I have had a key lime cheesecake that was very good too
>tf when dumbass only read the highlited part and misinterprets in the most deluded way possible
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Correct. You should have brought KÄSEKUCHEN
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