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Times when you've been bamboozled?

This was by the gravy but is just A1 sauce, it's a better tasting version of the product but it's the same product
I have no use for it since I actually know how to cook meat, so what's the purpose?

What products have tricked you?
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So it's the latter? Post bingo wings, Mary.
I made brown sauce out of my ass this morning. It smelled a bit to vinegary tho.
brown sauce on a pie? christ I wish the germans won ww2
No offence, but what the fuck would you know
might be me trying to justify buying picrel, a whole case for shops to resell, but I like how this one tastes. It's not JUST salt like ichiban. I liked the nongshim spicy seafood too but it was quite overpowering in flavor, making it hard to eat more than like twice a month

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I finally decided to try one of those meme cans of premade cocktails I see every time I'm in the store. Time to see if I just wasted $5 or if I'm in for a pleasant surprise.
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I personally buy pint and half pint bottles of liquor because they are easy to conceal under clothing when I go out for entertainment.
Holy shit that's a lot of sugar for 5 ounces. For comparison, a 12 ounce can of Mountain Dew had 46 grams of sugar.
>Why do you blow money on the little bottles?
Hadn't tried this bottle yet so I only wanted to buy the little bottle to try it.
What a rip off.
Flasks are a thing..

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Why haven't intestines caught on as food in the US? I see a bunch of liver shills, but nobody ever shills intestines here. They're on of my favorite animal parts to eat.
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for me it's chicken hearts
The whole giblet pack is pretty good if you ask me
Because they poop from there.
Wait until you find out what happens in muscles
Japan, South Korea

How come no other fast food chain has attempted to make their own version of the baconator?
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sounds pretty gay
Men have compulsions to put meat into their mouths, and get genuinely upset at those who dont eat meat at all.
>food is gay sex
nah that's just you
Nobody mentioned gay sex
Well, you can, but as a marketing tool and regular menu item. Wendys has made a sort of brand out of it.

I also find if you custom make a burger at like McDonald's it costs more.

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I know they have vegetable goyil and stuff in them but damn these things are so freaking good. The best waffles imo.
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>vegetable goyil
go back
eggos are dogshit. every store brand utterly mogs them
Take your meds, schizo

I used to say that in the 90s, every morning there would be an epic fight in my house to eat the Eggo, my sister and dad would try to steal mine and vice versa, because we only allowed one serving to be made. And we'd all say LEGOO MY EGGO

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Git yer asses in here my fellow Southerners!

Post good food!

Yes, TX git in here!
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Jesus what an astute observation from this fuckin genius over here:
>boiled legumes are similar to other boiled legumes when I discount everything else that goes into each respective recipe
>when I discount everything else that goes into each respective recipe
since you're such a genius, you should already know that you can ALSO boil blackeyed peas in overly salted water with cajun seasoning.
If you come to GA go to Pendergrass Flea Market (AKA La Vaquita Flea Market). Was White for a long time but as you see the name changed to a Hispanic name and it pisses off us white folks here. I don't mind Mexican stuff but god damn it, why do they gotta take over! I don't mind blacks so much it's the fuckin invasion of the fuckin beaners on everything.

But there's been a peanuts vendor there in the front at the food court for like 20 years. ALWAYS packed. They make bank. I used to work at the flear market with my dad.

Why must you hurt me like that?
Sure, I COULD know that. I could also know that no one does that and unless you want to boil me some right now like the bitchmade blackeyed peas enjoyer that you are, I'm instead going to purchase a can of boiled peanuts and eat them. You know what? Perhaps I'll look for a can of boiled blackeyed pe- oh well would you just look at that, turns out no one except for this retard has ever made such a thing. Sounds like a business opportunity for you, anon. I promise I'll buy the first can off you if you promise to kill yourself once you make it.
stroke victim

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>Hey sis do you want something? I'm ordering delivery.
>Sure Anon give me a salad please I'm not that hungry right now.
Food arrives
>Wow nice french fries anon yoink!
>Damn, I'm actually pretty thirsty, good thing they gave us 2 straws, slurp!
>Hey Anon you wouldn't mind giving big sis a bite of your burger right? Haha, chomp!
Why the fuck are women like this? My mom does this shit to me too. I hate it so fucking much!
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I’ve seen someone say they like to eat off men’s plate because the instinctual need to be provided for
Also the possible fear of gaining weight so they don’t want to eat a whole thing of whatever, “just a bite of yours teehee”
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>if I got anything extra, we wouldn't be able to finish it.
Then why the fuck are you complaining about her not asking for extra items?
were that the case, they could just ask if that was ok before op ordered the food
then the ball is in op's court to decide whether to allow it or get a small fry for them or whatever
because faggot

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Thoughts on pre-made bacon grease?
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Did you know that even a hundred percent free range wild auroch steak butchered by the light of the full moon according to slavic pagan law contains chemicals
it clears acne better than any bullshit chemicals you can buy
supposedly rendered animal fats can make pemmican last decades but will go rancid in the fridge after a few weeks

someones lying
It that pic OC?2282x
I'm not sure what that means...

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Y'all got any cool knives?
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i don't understand. pull-through sharpeners make a knife plenty sharp, they just kind of fuck up the blade in the longer term and don't stay nice and sharp. but there's no reason that a knife recently gone through one shouldn't be plenty sharp.
>bottom of ceramic mug
This dude fucks
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This one makes heads spin at the Chinese restaurant, I smirk and am like "yep, heh"
I agree, it's like with audiophiles. These guys don't even like music, they just like buying equipment. Same for people who give a shit how "cool" their cookware is, they don't care about cooking, they just want to consoome.
I bought a $2 pull through sharpener and it makes my shitty knives sharp enough to do that retarded "trick" where you cut a thin tomato slice without holding the tomato. Maybe your dad just doesn't do enough pulls. Or you're a retarded snob gear queer faggot who is full of shit. I'm kind of leaning towards the latter but i will give you the benefit of the doubt.

>b-but it destroys the blade!
Cry about it, knives are tools and they're disposable. My shitty knife sharpened with a shitty sharpener is still fine after many years, as I said before.

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My mom said microwave popcorn causes cancer.
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TFW I got it during my 2 year sentence in the popcorn mines.
What was your offense?
Used the popcorn button on the microwave...
even the fumes cause cancer. that's why i filter them through a cigarette.
You're a funny guy.

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>he doesn't own an airfryer
literally one of the greatest cooking gadgets of all time and some of you are too snobby to understand how useful a miniature convection oven that heats up extremely quickly is.
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>weak electricity
Lol, based on what? Can't wait to read this one.
>electric ovens
no fucking way
Love my air fryer

All metal Princess bought for $50 from some lady who got it for christmas or something but didn't want to stop ordering home deliveries. Cooks anything in 12 minutes. Even has a spinning basket for when I want to make fries
its giga practical and perfect for lazy neets
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Can you be a chef/work in a kitchen properly if you are bad at yelling and have a very soft voice?
You only need to yell when you must "motivate" slave laborers, conscripts etc. - peole who are being outright exploited and cannot just quit and look for better pastures so their only way of self-preservation is slacking off. Business operates on different principles altogether and yelling isn't recommended there.
You watch too much reality tv. There ideally shouldn't be any yelling in a kitchen.
yelling is the equivalent of hiding someones tools on a job site since "thats just the way it is"

Is working in a professional kitchen really that bad?
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are you esl?
kenji alt is a disgusting mixed race muttoid turbo shitlib retard faggot cunt who wears nail polish and shrieks hysterically about trump all day, all of his cooking vids that i've seen have sucked fucking balls, he makes mediocre food and i hate having to hear his disgusting mouthbreathing and chewing when he goes in for a "taste test" of whatever noxious slop he's whipped up, fuck this carebear faggot retard and his concern trolling about what far better chefs have done in their careers
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working in a professional kitchen is like posting on 4chan, if you stay in that environment too long you end up having things about your personality/the way you interact with the world be off
many people in the industry, particularly lifer line cooks in higher end restaurants, are just fundamentally unpleasant, difficult people to be around because working those hours, existing in a high stress environment constantly, and having no real successes in your life makes you a bitter, annoying shell of a person.
this could be said of literally any job in customer service
kitchen work is particularly bad because you dont interact with the customers at all and arent forced to keep up any facade of normal human behavior, which exacerbates things.
as with bartenders and servers, the hours worked also basically just funnel people into constant alcohol/stimulant use

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was recently in the hospital and this is the grape juice they had, and it was heavenly. I hadn't had grape juice in many years because it's expensive sugar water, but ever since my hospital visit, I can't get it out of my mind. I was also severely dehydrated and was just grateful to be able to drink anything and keep it down at the time, so that may be why it seemed so delicious. it seems this particular one they only sell in bulk for places like hospitals and schools. has anyone else had this and know of a similar tasting brand I can buy in the store?
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Based fellow EMT, I also live off of the apple juices.
This is an 18+ site, alphag.
My favorite treat at the hospital was the uncrustables. They are so good…
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>baby's first attempt to fill a reaction folder.
I'll help. It's all yours my friend
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Is there ever going to be another cooking show that can possibly compare to Good Eats
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I don't want competitions with arbitrary time clocks. I don't want some asshole yelling at people constantly. I don't want a camera showing only bowls and gay finger nails. I just want someone competent and charismatic enough in front of a camera and in a studio kitchen to make a dish. Is that so hard to do anymore. Also, isn't don't want it to be aired at 6am.

You missed out that the addict was a spoiled rotten rich boy who solved every single problem he encountered by flinging his family connections and/or money at it, including trying to bribe his whore of a girlfriends accuser.
Nah, still good. The way the skits tie into introducing concepts/cookware/different methods is great, and his episodes about cooking without a kitchen are very well thought out.
>Tasting History
>Aaron and Claire
>that one ajerbaijani dude who cooks in the woods
...all mog the shit out of everything that came out after Iron Chef switched from subs to dubs

>Actually explained why and how cooking techniques worked and the chemistry/physics behind them instead of just saying "you just do this"

That alone made Good Eats better than anything that came before or after and if you disagree, you are wrong.

I like Babish and Tasting History just fine but Good Eats is what I'd show someone who actually wanted to learn how to cook without just following a recipe.

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