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how nice of you to treat your grandma to a diarrhea burger

Remember when McDonald’s had soup?
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Up untill COVID McDonald's out in Hawaii had Saimin. It's like Ramen.
Cant you basically get the same thing at burger king these days?
I'm barely old enough to have had McFries before that switch, but they also did another switch in the '00s where they got rid of trans fats and removed the beef-based flavoring they were still using, and a lot more people here probably remember that one.
I miss that. At least we still have the spam/Portuguese sausage plates and fried apple/haupia/taro pies

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This thread is for discussing teas, tisanes, and other herbal infusions.

info: types of tea, where to get tea, how to brew tea

previous thread: >>20409957
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Now scroll down to the Japanese tea table
If those are tea types then yes it does say 9,5 g but the site I bought the tea from says 5 grams. There's also no fucking way I'm paying that much to drink tea if its 9,5 grams per 475 nevermind the fact this is a 4chan made chart so who knows how true it is.
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I brew stronger than that, also remember that you're brewing at least three times, I do 6g-7g / 300mL depending on the sencha, and brew it three times, so the end result is around a liter of output total. Try following the table when you do this, 75C is a little warm to start but also not hot enough to get full extraction. Try it at least once, it'll only be a few cents.
>this is a 4chan made chart so who knows how true it is
I am more autistic than you could possibly imagine.
I'll try next time

What are the benefits to deep frying food? Anytime I tried something that's deep fried I always regret it on taste alone.
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>looks like cheap craft singles cheese
>isn't even melted
I can forgive everything else
It makes them crispy
That's a man?
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You can cook things straight from frozen extremely fast. Fries that take 20 minutes to cook in the oven take just 6 or 7 in a deep fryer and the result is objectively better. And you can produce large quantites of fried food from a single batch of oil.
It's not worth it outside of a commercial setting, unless you do it outside or something. Your house will smell of frying oil and a thin layer of grime will accumulate on all the surfaces of the kitchen. It's like having a dog, everyone notices the smell except you
would you recommend it?

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What makes different types of cheese taste so different?
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Kill yourself kike/mudslime/hindu poop pedo
Can someone name the different cheeses here please?
I'd like to try them
I only recognised brie, gouda and parmesan
Different female virgin feet bacteria.
all abrahamic religions are judaism anon, not a pajeet either
the one on the far right is easy cheese spray cheddar

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*gives you the worst hangover you've ever had*
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Theres the body hangover but i’ve stopped drinking heavy because of the mental bs that comes after. Its usually this feeling of nails on a chalkboard or getting rear ended unexpectedly, sort of primal sensation its hard to describe but definitely not gud.
used to get some fucking dirty hangovers on red wine, major acid too
it also stains one of my front teeth comically bad, teeth would be stained for days afterwards
never again
I'm beginning to think that anything alcohol related is just god playing with dice, because people make threads like this, yet I get nasty headaches, sleepiness, bloating and hangovers from beer where red wine does none of that and feels nice.
I tolerate gluten just fine but it could be because it's liquid? idfk
Polish or British + water is the best solution. Salt + protein bomb and water to put the liquid back in your body.
Problem with wine is too much calories. Vodka and whiskey is on the lower end

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what are your favorite drink mixes? alcoholix or not everything is welcome
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best possible mid workout chug
I make a drink called the Drunk Doctor where I mix Dr Pepper with Vodka, it actually tastes great.
I make a drink called “the Chad” where I drink liquor from the bottle then find someone naming they’re homemade cocktails and hit them in the head with a hammer
Good taste. Try adding a little lime cordial to it, works wonders.
that sounds really gay

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ITT: Foods that are bad but people pretend are good.

90% of eggs are slimey, overcooked or taste like nothing. People will scarf this shit down with a straight face like they didn't just eat something nasty.
>japanese food
if you get meme'd into enjoying any food from japan. Just know you got PSYOP'd. Sushi is ridiculously bad. Most dishes taste like nothing. Maybe ramen's alright. Asian food in general is a thing that is bad but people pretend is good.
>most of seafood
clams smell and taste like taint juice. Crawfish is a meme food that southerner's pretend is good. They've dissect each an every crawfish to eat a shit covered half inch slab of meat before sucking it's brain out and urge you to try it.
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>ITT: foods that are bad
>reason: me thinks yucky
Quality post as always
Most store bought tomatoes are objectively awful
>add egg because...... LE JUST BECAUSE LUL XD
you know it doesn't add anything to the dish. Thing is if i ever am forced to eat japanese food i will also pretend it's good so i don't get publicly executed by everyone in the store. But i don't believe my own lies.
i can safely assume you aren’t white
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It's spelled sugers

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Is it childish or based to eat 'za with your hands?
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Do it in Pizza Express and they ask you to leave.
a pizza is a sandwich and is eaten in the same way
The best thing about NY style pizza is you start eating it with knife & fork because it's too hot. After the first piece, it will have cooled significantly; then, you can eat by hand.
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>the virgin entrée vs. THE CHAD FEAST

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Has anyone tried one of these?
I ordered a chempejack and a red custard apple because they're in season now and I've never tried one before
Anyone know what these things taste like?
What other cool fruits are available fresh in the US?
Anyone know how to get fresh Açaí?
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That looks like jackfruit to me. If that's what it is, it tastes like the bubblegum candy flavor, and extremely chewy/fibrous.
My general experience with exotic tropical fruits has been underwhelming. They usually look really cool and exciting, but when you actually taste them they're generally pretty bland or mild. This applies to starfruit, dragonfruit, longan, rambutan, jackfruit, guava, soursop, mangosteen, and a few more that don't have English names. The only tropical fruit I've tried that is actually worth trying is durian.

I guess it makes sense. The tropical fruits that are actually worth exporting are already exported, e.g., bananas and coconuts. Nobody would buy imported starfruits because they're just not worth the price.
There's some Mexican fruit I've had once that was pretty great, it's brown with orange sweet potato stuff like inside and a big black seed in the middle. Might be called custard apple in English, I don't remember the Spanish name anymore. Persimmon is also very good but that's not that exotic anymore.
Bro wtf, I had that exact same fruit in Uganda and It grew on palm trees and it looked like a young coconut but brown. Inside was the orange fibrous flesh like you described. I've been trying to find a name/description of it online for years.

Well I found the one I've had, it's mamey or sapote. They sold them at a Mexican store here in town that's since gone out of business.

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Americans, what exactly is flavored water? Is it just a trendy new term for juice? Is it noticeably different from the likes of Kool Aid and Tang, or is it the same thing?
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That cut to the fat bitch drinking it at the end is amazing comedic timing
She doesn't even show the flavors she pumps
every pump 1 step closer to a heart attack or diabeetus
>new term
shit's been around for over 30 years, anon.
I wish I had biceps that thicc.

What are some cheap and good food chains around Tokyo and South? Anything I should really try when I am over there for a month coming up?
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This guy has done YouTube shorts of like every cheap chain in Japan, and even some regular restaurants and stalls around Tokyo. Unfortunately most of his shit is around Kobe and Osaka so you'd have to dig through the videos to use them as a reference for Tokyo outside of the major chains.
Family Mart
Buy your packaged food at a Don Quijote if you can. Strong Zeros for <200 yen, and onigiri for like, 100 yen at most, as well as liter bottles of drinks and chips and puddings.

If you're in Shibuya or Shinjuku, Chibachan is an izakaya chain that offers jumbo sized shit for good prices. You can get like, a 1L beer there for 1000 yen, and giant piles of chicken for about the same.

IF you're not a fat fuck it's easy to get filled up by 2 konbini chickens and some chips, you'll be too busy walking and sight seeing to worry about hunger.
yakiniku, you get to cook your own meat
Golden Gai is fun but crowded. Spend some time in Shin-Okubo. Check out Edy's Bar

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The greatest vegetable of all time (besides potatoes)
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I totally agree, grains are vegetables
Those are drugs, not vegetables
Culinary terms for drugs is vegetables
what's your best recipe to mix those 2?
broccoli is great but it doesn't flavour other ingredients like the mighty onion

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How do Jews season their food?
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Another delusional term made by morons. They literally made up a term for hating white people based on lox bagels. IDK what the fuck they did it.

What's your opinion on mustard and honey mixes? I love this stuff. It works great with kabanos kiełbasa.
I use a lot of garlic onion and paprika.
I'm not Ashkenazi, as said in >>20437074

>mustard and honey mixes
Not a fan but why are you asking?
>Not a fan but why are you asking?
It's known as a "Jewish mustard" where I live.

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Lab-grown insect cells could be the planet-friendly ‘meat’ of the future

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>Tikkun Olam.
>World repair

Still not eating bugs.
where the fuck is this "bug eating" shit meme coming from?
i've heard of someone legitimately suggesting eating bugs maybe once, a decade ago, possibly more than a decade ago
every other occasion i've heard of the idea it was from someone on /ck/ having schizo meltdowns about "them" plotting to force everyone to eat bugs
this is not something i've heard anyone talk about anywhere else
sounds great
i really dont see what the issue is and theres plenty of benefits
people are too attached to what they know in my opinion
you are edible

i could imagine your thigh after a couple weeks in an 8% brine pickle
It was posited as a sustainable option during World Economic Forum a few years back. Basically the idea is that there's too many people to live long term eating high cost foods such as beef or chicken without fucking up the planet. Maybe 1% or so of the population can do that, but the rest of us will have to switch to another option. Bugs are our best bet there because they are rich in protein, and are already consumed in most of the world. It's not some kind of conspiracy theory, it's simple facts at this point.

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