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Is camel meal tea actually good for stress and anxiety or is it just a meme?
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>putting yourself in a situation you shouldn't be in
Like being ripped from the void and put into a meat bag called a human being and told that you can't live the way you want to because of money and shit, so you can either suffer immensely and be free and happy, or you can be comfortable and miserable. The only thing causing my anxiety is people, and they are unfortunately unavoidable unless you want to live a short and painful life alone. Tough decision
if you like being alone, be alone bro. you might feel better. i love to read and draw and sit in silence, and that's what i do with 88% of my free time. i go out with friends just often enough to keep the relationships alive. i also love sleeping, dont equate being isolated or relaxing with inadequacy and dont feel pressured to be productive in every waking moment. you also might be naturally anxious, some people are. try 5-HTP
try camel toe next time
If pills or ingesting something orally by drinking is an issue you could try heroin by hypodermic needle.
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>camel meal
Sure. Goes great with lemon.

what is the best chicken and rice dish?
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I prefer chicken with rice
Chicken Pulao/Pilaf
>what is the best chicken and rice dish?
I worked in a small rural town in Bongland and in 1982 the first Indian restaurant opened up.

It was my first experience of Indian food and as I had an hour-long lunch break, I used to walk down the road (about 5 Mins) and order something new, just to try it out and taste different things.

I think the Chicken Biryani was absolutely fantastic, I have never had anything thing like it since, the flavours just became alive, without being over powering, (although, if I recall it did have a lot of black pepper).

After a short time, I moved out of the area and never went back for years but ownership had changed and things didn't taste the same.

I call still taste it now.
Lemon chicken w/rice
wonder why the chinese went with lemon in england and not orange like the US

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What do you do with the oil?
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not my problem
Deenz "oil" isn't even real oil that would clog pipes. Just put a drop of soap if you are paranoid.
>but i bough olive oil deenz
Grade D olive oil deenz
I'm going to flip this place before it becomes an issue so in fact it is not my problem
NTA but we light prayer oil lamps and the cats have learned to blow the burning wick and lick the oil without toppling over the lamp. Impressive honestly

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Hanger steak, tatos, carrots, shrooms, red wine jus
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just when i thought it couldn't get worse, at least you didn't pre-cut your steak like a toddler
oh sick a stewgod thread
looks good but pitbull people are scum
Yes, Rajbindishwan, we tend to keep dogs as pets and not eat them.
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do white women really

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Things we love I'll go first: milkshakes
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Thai panang curry.
fried egg made by mommy
thats a good one
So funny every time you post this!
Makes me laugh every time ahha x :)

Do you ever do the "Dinner Lunch" swap?
That is, when you feel like eating your dinner for lunch
So you swap them
Yes, typically I’ll swap my dinner of four Steel Reserves to lunchtime.
Bonus: I usually forget to eat the lunch for dinner, which gives me lunch for the next day!
Its called proper lunch or proper dinner in my house. I guess it depends on hunger, whether I can be bothered, time. Sometimes its nice to have a big lunch and then something like soup and crumpets for dinner.
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i just eat pizza for every meal

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Gonna cook this after it warms up.

How do I get a "sear" that people keep talking about? Do I wait for the avocado oil to get so hot it starts smoking before putting the steak in the stainless steel pan? Do I need to use less/minimal oil? Am I supposed to push down on the steak in the pan? Do I take it out after burning both sides and then bake it, or swap to a separate pan on a lower heat? Should I just fry it in butter?
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What a fucking retard lmao
This is an elaborate way to say

Appreciate the flipping often, moisture absolutely pools on top of the steak if you leave it on one side too long.
Source for steak shortening your life? Epidimiological studies aren't scientific btw
>all these people getting angry over how to cook a slice of beef
carnists are funny
instaban, veggieboi

What causes this?
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coke zero is routinely sold out in grocery stores here in the midwest, while regular and diet never are. if there's a sale you literally will not get any unless you're at the store super early.
I never knew sprite was a "black" product until I was in my 30s
its an american meme, bro. blacks love sprite, mexicans are fiends for coke and bluecollar whites thrive on mtn dew. i think the blacks and sprite thing might have to do with black sportsball sponsorships, and blacks liking fruit drinks in general over cola. mexicans and coke is simply understood, it is the elixer of their people. idk how mtn dew happened
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Diet Mountain Dew needs to be pulled from shelves, who is still buying that trash?
The Zero Sugar version is so much better.
Just look at the name
Mountain dew used to refer to moonshine that was made in the hills in the wee hours. So essentially, it's just a hillbilly drink through and through

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what do you stuff inside your roast chicken?
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my penis weanus
Sometimes I do apple slices and prunes, normally more of a duck thing, but it still works, oranges can also be very nice
Another chicken
my dick and cum

>noooooo, you're not supposed to mix the spices prematurely, you NEED to add them discretely because... because you just have to, okay?

What are some other retarded /ck/ advice you've heard?
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Were you to leave, it would increase dramatically. ^_^
Not any of them, but I do have a genuine, question though, did you grow up speaking English? And if so, where? What you say is technically grammatically true but it's a very unusual way to phrase that.
how abt u fullstop ur heartbeet
P.S, There's a difference between knowing how something's done and forgoing it vs. being confidently incorrect about the implementation of a word. Sorry.
You don't know what implementation means.

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You like hot dogs right?
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Good quality ones, yes.
i have hotdog mugs and hotdog lamps.
they are the perfect meal.
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Me Din Dins

Chicken in a bag with Mediterranean vegetables, peas, and roasted baby potatoes
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>Chicken in a bag
It looks, in fact, that it is outside of the bag.
Thoughts on mushy peas as opposed to those regular ones you got there?
>fell for the vegetable psyop
fork goes on the right unless you are a poncy posh europoor
>fork goes on the right unless you are a poncy posh europoor

>If you don't do [insert thing], then you must be [insert insult]?

Most people do infact have the fork in the left hand, when presented with cutlery, it only seems to be Americans that do this weird juggling act with the knife and fork and constantly swaps them between hands.

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>like ginger
>think this will be a nice treat
>take one sip
>entire throat immediately burns
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luv me bundaberg
'ate 'stralians
i never found a ginger drink that was as hot as i liked so i just started steeping flaked chili in vodka and making hot vodka and bulk buying and juicing ginger, it's like $2/lb at the chinese and indian groceries, so i can make nice refreshing ginger drinks with anything carbonated. its great if you get colds easily
Vernors sucks.
>t. also Michigan
You sound like you're from Ohio. Someone who hates Coney Islands, Franklin cider mill, Cherry festival, and lakes.
Anyone south of Saginaw is not even a human being.

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*clinks glass*
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>I didn't know combining two legal drugs could have negative consequences!
>they're legal, so they must be safe... right?
I reiterate, the 21st amendment is a mistake.
I just tried this and it's unironically good.
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You more than likely have high blood pressure. Most people do, and are simply undiagnosed.
America was founded by Luciferians who codified their beliefs in a founding document we all still live under, with only small and infrequent breaks for sanity like the 18th amendment, yes.

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Fill the freezer when there's a good deal happening. What are you taking advantage of in your area?
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It's good for you.
>shit cuts
??? no such thing. Pretty much every part of the animal is good for you.
wally world is still cheaper if you get the 10 pound packs of ground beef, and it isnt even a sale price
>that just renders into liquid
Don't tell me you discard the fat? You're supposed to eat it, or at least cook something else with it.
crisscross cut the fat and slow roast it so it renders and gets crispy
I don't really pay attention to the prices of stuff like this

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