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So I wanted some extra protein with my meal and a cheesesteak wasnt enough. I think I invented a new food. While I was grilling the shaved steak I thought wait, what if.. so I cracked a raw egg directly over it.
and mixed it with the cheedesteak. Fast it started sizzing like oill. I kept it runny and fast scooped it all into a hoagie. Added chees whiz. It was incredible. A cheesesteak sub with runny eggs.
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We call that a Snapping Eugene where I'm from.
That's just carbonara
We call it a hot carl where i come from. Also for me its the mcchicken.
We call that a hot dripping shit in these parts and the mctourists pay a pretty penny for it.
Massive slop'o'shit

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I coughed up blood today
Tell your bf not to go so deep next time so it won't happen again.

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Imagine chedder mixed with parmegiano.

Do you know those hard bits of cheese crystalline in parmegiano? It has those.
Its dryish, brittle, the sour part of cheddar is way toned down, its pure of flavour.
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stupid, dumb, Fleming scum
Comparing the best of cheeses isn't easy because very few people have actually had the best of lots of types.
So stop worrying about "best" and instead go with "is very good".
>G - like you're gorgling spit
>AU - Like you're stumping your toe
>DA - Like russians say yes
> cheese crystalline
Thats MSG you fucking retard

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I'm so tired of stir fry, what else can I do with the same sets of ingredients?

I make stir fry like every week. Its getting really tiresome and uninspired.
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No, I'm just tired of stir fry and really have no clue what to make that also includes as many veggies other then a salad.
I mean just in general. For example what else can I make with a tofu, bell peppers, brocoli/cabbage/spinach. Basically what else can I make out of leftover veggies.

If not a side for meat or stir fry I really don't see many uses. Maybe a soup?
>If not a side for meat
I mean, you can just eat "sides" on their own. make roasted vegetables tossed in some oil & herbs, bulked up with some potatoes or hearty root veg. that's a solid meal.
or raw or sauteed veg with some hummus and pita.
veggie sandwich/wrap.
soups are great too. or a stew like a ratatouille.

just look up vegetarian recipes, there's a lot of people with veggie-centric diets, you can find all kinds of recipes.
Omelettes, quiche, stuffed peppers, Korean pancakes, bad tacos, bad burritos, pasta salad, decent quesadillas
oh yeah and also a lot of indian food is vegetarian. you could make curries and stuff. or mexican food, just sub meat for black beans.

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ITT: We develop new burgers that will save McDonald’s

Big Wac
>McRib bun
>WcDonald’s sauce
>large onions (not the dehydrated ones
>2 slices of cheese
>3 patties laid across the bun
>2 hash browns
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fuck the burger. These fucks need to bring back side salads. It was the perfect pairing to a double quarter pounder meal.
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This was Ray Kroc's big idea
No they need to bring back Buttermilk Tenders
Black sausage between two white buns
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>explosive hot sauce
>halal 1/4lb beef patty
>open sesame seed bun
>box unfolds to form papercraft "direction to mecca" sundial compass

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Has snacking finally gone too far?
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i like chocolate covered pretzels, so whats stopping me from enjoying these!?
>limited edition
I couldn't find them online...
Once you start eating Goodpoop like in OP's pic and eating lead paint chips then the snacking has gone too far but then after all that the eater likely wouldn't know.
these are good, its deep fried starch covered in chocolate, cmon
dairy free is where i draw the line. this shit is for hedonistic cult fucks. enjoy your koolaid.
Once I like eating my deep fried clam strips dipped in molten chocolate then am I going down the wrong route?

This thread is for discussing teas, tisanes, and other herbal infusions.

info: types of tea, where to get tea, how to brew tea

previous thread: >>20646992
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Based and Dry pilled.
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I always assumed gin was gin for lesbians
It's not just copyright and trademark law that has problems. You don't hear about it as much but patent law is also a mess. Besides the patent trolls and "obvious" patents that should never have been granted big tech companies often hoard arsenals of overly broad patents in a sort of MAD-esk deterrence against patent lawsuits from rivals. This likely also has the effect of deterring new competitors who have deal with working around webs of 1000's of patents and don't have have enough patents to counter-sue or negotiate a truce.
Holy shit. I am hype.
You can matcha emote in The Finals now.

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Kimchi ramen? I dunno. Would you?
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Commonish for Korean shops
>here's your sour rancid cabbage, bro
No ish about it. Every Korean cafe ever does that shit. After three different places pulled that shit on me, I put off every ordering ramyeon from Korean cafes. idgaf if there's banchan included. Wow. Boiled potatoes, rolled omelette and marinated fernbrake (also the kimchi in the soup). Totally worth paying $13 for instant fucking noodles. Fuck that.
Fuck would I. DESU I wouldn't even eat ramen. Because I associate it with estrogen filled manchildren weebs
koreans have it rough

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>I put two very large onions in every meal i make
no apologies, its an onions world.
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Even onions have gotten expensive. It is insane.
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i swear, every fucking meal i eat has fried onions and bell pepper in it. everyone around me thinks i'm autistic because of it and always asks me why? why? because it's delicious and it makes me very happy when i crunching into it with my teeth. i also like to add paprika and onion powder.
I like raw onion but it's good when cooked until soft and sweet too. I don't like onions when they're cooked less than that.
>the ol' caramel onion mixed with the caramel apples trick

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What's your favorite cut of meat? For me it's a nice roasted chicken thigh (though to be fair, I haven't tried that many types of meat).
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Just a slab of PURE MEAT, nothing else thanks
chicken thigh was on sale once and I ate it like crack. at some point I was just eating it by itself. would fry it in a pan.
Chuck roll. I use it mainly in stews but I love cutting it thin and cooking it in a frying pan as well
I’ve got some pure meat for you right here, pal

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I will be in Paris for a weekend soon.
What should I try? And where
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>button mushrooms
best from chalk quarries/caves, definitely not in Paris
Bretagne or South of France/Italy (purple ones)
depends on season, this time of year: Belgium, Germany, Netherlands
>Quiche Lorraine
in Lorraine, near the Belgian border/in Belgium
>black pudding
Belgium, Brussels in particular
in Meaux and Melun, definitely not Paris
>saucisson de Paris
Mortadella, aka Bologna, is way better. You get it in Bologna, Italy

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Go to the Plon du Cantal and eat delicious and soulful auvergnat dishes for cheap.
Avoid most brasseries which basically just microwave shit for tourists.
eating snails is disgusting
Frogs ass. Snail slime soup. Or whatever else those degenerates can come up with
I shouldn't have to mention this but I'm already seeing some questionable posts ITT; racism is not allowed on any 4chan board except for /b/, and it is considered a bannable offense. Please cut that shit out.

When it comes to the actual topic at hand, you can't really go wrong with Paris. It is in many ways the birthplace of western cuisine and it really shows. Experiment, try new things, it might really broaden your horizons. Even escargot is a culinary experience worth trying.

I also strongly recommend learning some French. You wouldn't like it if French people showed up in America demanding everyone to speak French (which they don't), so don't do the reverse.

It tastes less sweet compared to coca cola, and has different flavour notes, instead of just masking the actual taste with tons of sugar.

It tastes slightly peppery, has a very very mild bitter note, and has other indescribable flavours
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If you can't taste the lemon notes of pepsi or the cinnamon notes of coke you are definitely subhuman.
Is it actually from Afghanistan?
Sounds like any other mature cola I've drank. It's pretty disappointing stuff. Mature root beer also disappoints me. Sometimes pretending to hate sweetness is retarded.
Nah. My name's not mohammed

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unironically better than regular mac and cheese
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>chuddy mac
i've made both and im telling you right now mac and cheetos simply just tastes much much better. if you want it cheesy all you have to do is add cheese
Cheetos Mac tastes like wet noodles in a chemical bath of flavour!
It's hideous tasting, OP.
>I like thing

I hate not being able to eat out because all meals will have pic related and other trashy, processed ingredients.

Everyone just uses the lowest quality ingredients possible and sells at the highest price people will buy. It's disgusting.
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Picky eaters have ONE GENERATION to exist on this planet! Make it a good one!
>Bro its totally bad because /pol/ told me so!
The people that consistently eat seed oils are fat as fuck. You can prove this empirically.
Russians have been using sunflower seed oil for ages are not known for being obese.

The same for the Asians, who use soybean oil.
What about the people who do that and aren't fat as fuck? Like the majority of mankind?

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guys lets talk salads
what are some of your favourite salad recipes
would you put rice into your salad?
how would you spice salmon to put it into a salad with spinach and rice? how about chicken?
what other toppings do you like on your salad?
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If you didn't care, then you wouldn't have bothered responding.
my intent was to get you back on track, you puling Child.
Now then...
What does little Ralphy like to put on HIS BIGBOY salad?
I like cold rice and lentils added to a leafy salad, often with craisins, sometimes walnuts, croutons and usually a simple vinaigrette using olive oil and ACV plus herbs if I'm feeling fancy.
Almost always a cheese, and is it just me or are super big salads sometimes better the next day after the wilt? I'll often make my whole meal a salad and only eat half. I just refigerate the rest and add more fresh greens--like romaine or broken kale to bring back some crunch.
I love a good ceaser salad but. One of the best ive ever had was a warm pancetta salad. basically reduce big chunks of whole pancetta in olive oil until golden brown. take out the pancetta and blend the crap out of it. then mix oil/rice wine vin, ground mustard seed, and mixed together with pancetta, warm up. the salad was mixed greens, fetta, pine nuts, and dried cranberries. pour warm dressing on top and serve/eat immediatly....its so fucking good.
vegetables, salt, pepper, vinegar, oil
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sounds amazing.
I forgot to add, I almost always include a meat, usually chicken, but sometimes pork.
Fair enough.

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