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Meat lovers for life
sæfood or bust
your mom's motto
meat lovers may actually be the worst pizza. worse than hawaiian. worse than supreme. worse than pepperoni or cheese. I dare say, worse than barbecue.
Sounds like you just don't like pizza. What goofy shit do you like to be speshul, ARTICHOKE HEARTS ONLY MADMOISELLE
>still pretending not like hawaiian pizza
you don't have to do that anymore anon
I don't like Hawaiian because it was my abusive step dad's favorite
therapy can help you to enjoy life more fully anon
ha ha you little queer
Lets be honest, people dont like pineapple on their pizza for a reason. I dont blame people for not wanting pineapple on their fucking pizza. Ham is also the most useless meat you can put on a pizza. Bacon is the only top tier topping on a Hawaiian pizza. If you like Hawaiian pizza thats fine but dont pretend like its normal. You have a fucking fruit and a fucking pussy meat on a pizza with bacon.
Kek what an abused bitch.
Your dads gay for liking Hawaiian zah
Pineapple on pizza is popular enough that literally all pizza chains in the US sell it, otherwise they wouldn't. I get the childlike aversion to the idea of "fruit....with savory? impossible!" but it's really that, a childish idea. Ham is fine on pizza but I agree bacon is better. It's just about the more explicit porcine salty taste, that gets covered up with spices in shit like pepperoni.

Though, like sweet/savory, sweet/salty and sweet/spicy are also good combinations, so jalapenos or green olives also go good with pineapple.
for me it's double cheese with a cheese topping and a cheese sauce and one or two vegetables
For me its italian sausage, green peppers, and oinions. The perfect pizza. Maybe its just the slop pineapple chain pizza places use but its too sweet and not as savory with all their other slop ingredients. Im sure a chef with fresh ingredients could cook a pineapple pizza that i would love but Im not ordering that shit at fucking Little Ceasars or Papa Johns, maybe Dominos.
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you're not a "meat lover" because you dump $1.50 of tasteless frozen sausage on a grease disk. You're just a fatass
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>the simpsons
Such poor taste in animation clearly translates to poor taste in pizza
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I had a chicken supreme for the first time the other day
Pretty good, honestly
I never realized how badly the processed beef and pepperoni were messing it up for me
The actual chicken breast really evened out all the other ingredients and gave it a nice mild flavor
I just realoze I have never had chicken on a pizza before. Which is kinda fucked up seeing how common they are. Your review has convinced me to try one. I bet it would be great with pineapple and jalapenos
>I bet it would be great with pineapple and jalapenos
NTA but it is. Other good chickun combos include tomatoes, parm, and romano......bacon with a little bit of a cheddar mix in the mozz, and chicken with tomatoes, peppers, and feta on top
Alright fellas its on its way
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It's good broaz. bit heavy on the sauce swirl but breddy good overall
god i love biscuits n gravy
You know it's shit yet you saved it and waited to post it in this thread. Why did you do this? Can't you just participate here normally?
Its been eons since I last had a hawaiian pizza. Love sweet + savory but I keep thinking the pineapple chunks would easily overpower the cheap thinly sliced ham.
I wonder if using pineapple jam instead of chunks would be better.
Was it worth the 40 dollarydoos you probably paid for it?
for a one-off special treat I would say yes. today was a coy hungover day relaxing at home and ordering a pizza really elevated things
Whats the sauce?
peri peri sauce. I think it's mayo-based
If that's Jet's, then any image of them is cheating.
Italians bois lookin zesty.
I worked at a jets years ago, the all meat pizza was just about the only time the beef topping got used. I don't think I ever saw anybody order it, but it went on that pie.
Its just a name, you pedantic fuck.
no i'm a meat lover, call me meat loverboy.
words mean things
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Folks don't like to admit it, but Pizza Hut did it the best.
Yeah, and meat is still meat no matter how "high" or "low" quality it is, ya soccer mom
>meat lovers may actually be the worst pizza
there are objectively worse ones
alas, I know this from experience
Boston Pizza 'Meateor' is fucking gross, sausage and ham are way too thick and large chunks.
>Boston Pizza
>no locations in Boston
>no locations in the USA

Canadabros you don't have to do this. What's wrong with Montreal Pizza or Vancouver Pizza or Edmonton Pizza?
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don't know why they don't sell crumbled bacon (specifically the one used on pizza) in stores. it's good.
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like I said, specifically the one used on pizza. not that salad shit.

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