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Is there a non spicy option to replace pepperoni on a homemade pizza? Can I just use ground beef or cut up a pork chop into small pieces and spread on top and it will cook in time? Not only are pepperonis really spicy, I've found they drip red oil which makes a mess in the pan. What's the best alternative? Thanks,
Like the Lancaster Amish salami I buy? Good one, thank you.
Would you guys report me if I said the n-word?
I only report anti-Semitism.
I don't like jews at all for good reason anon.
Rinse old beef jerk in mountain dew to rehydrate it. And use it as a topping.
I love that nobody is acknowledging OP's dumbass bait post. NEVER CHANGE, 4CHAN!
Trolling is illegal gtfo
>Can I just use ground beef or cut up a pork chop into small pieces and spread on top and it will cook in time
If they’re separately cooked then yes. You could try prosciutto or just precooked bacon
Why can't they just be cooked in the oven on top of the pizza?
Pork chops tend to dry out and get tough on pizza, you need to marinate it in something. Ground beef needs to be precooked as the fat running off when it cooks is disgusting on pizza (even with 5%).

Sausage meat can be good on pizza, especially herby ones. Again, pre-cook slightly otherwise it'll flood the pizza with fat. Frankfurters sliced thinly are also under-rated. Don't use sausages with thick skin, it'll go chewy, use thin skinned or peel them.
Opening up some links of Italian sausage, peeling the skin off, and putting a few pieces here and there thinly might be a good idea. Then I can just hit it with the broiler at the end.
*kisses OP*
*unzips his pants*
Anon, the kids are watching...
You're right, we should get them to join in.
beef hotdogs and slice it thin
Good idea. But why beef?
Mild chorizo would work.
>meat releases fat when cooked
You don’t say?!
I'm not a nigger so no I wouldn't.
Because chickens are currently unsafe
Even if you cook it?
Isn't that Mexican and spicy? Pizza isn't Mexican food.
I'm talking about Spanish chorizo.
Ah... kinda exotic. Thanks.
Clam it faggot
Oooohhh... kinda kinky. Thanks.

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