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did I just never had a good croissant or are these things just very mid?
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Guess they were sold out then.
No i think you're making shit up
Go ahead. The cafes I was in didn't sell them though and the places I've been to weren't exactly littered with bakeries.
>What gives? I get better ones in almost every German bakery.

no offense, but they mix asian magic taste enchantment and soya flour powder in those. still tasty..
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I don't know about that. I had one baker tell me her Franzbrötchen didn't have sugar on them because the goverment wouldn't allow it.

Continuing from our previous thread>>21115069 which got to it's limit.
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Do you normally only cook with only all white flour?
That could be the problem. This was more me attempting to get back in the groove before I go out and get good (read more expensive) ingredients
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Yes, I don't like whole wheat and other flours. I've tried a few brands over the years and I chose one brand (it's a local brand made in my country) It's a white unbleached bread flour 11,8% gluten. Costs $2 for 5.5 lbs.
Interesting. Well mines just store brand.
Maybe yours just came out better. Less whatever's in there.
I'll keep this in mind when doing it again some other day.
mine is the most common brand in my country, probably the biggest flour producer here and one of the oldest
There are plenty of alcoholism and McDonald's/Taco Bell best of threads for your enjoyment as well. Stick with those so you don't feel as bad about the mice shit under your coil stove cover.

Looks nice

Why do internet recipes always recommend refrigerating dough to "let the flavors develop"? I don't really see the point. It always just makes the crust really thin and hard.
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the point is not for it to lose moisture. that's the opposite of what you want to have happen, which will make the outside tough and dry and it won't be able to bake up properly. always have it covered while in the fridge under some plastic, as other Anons have mentioned. the Anon you quote was talking about using a long rise instead of kneading to develop gluten. this is what those high hydration 'no knead' recipes are all about. when you knead dough you develop the gluten which gives you the stretch which then holds on to moisture to trap bubbles during the bake and gives you all that nice bread texture. basically you're using time instead of muscle power to do the same job. a long ferment also helps develop the flavors of the dough. if you're making a sourdough or something with a live starter then you are getting more nice fermenty flavors, but even if you're using commercial yeast your dough will still develop more flavor than it would over a short rise. the reason you do all this in a fridge is because if you let your bread rise in a not-cold environment it will get overproofed and then it will collapse when baking. the cold environment slows the activity of the yeast to keep the dough from overproofing while getting the benefits above. anyhow, go bake bread and have fun. it's good for your soul to bake bread and share fresh baked bread with your peeps.
I'm pretty sure that's because aromatic oils dissolve more readily into alcohol than water. Plus, any alcohol cooks out
I feel like this kind of advice should vary depending on the temp of your fridge and the temp of your kitchen. PS I highly recommending keeping thermometers in different parts of your fridge.
the alcohol mostly cooks out. most of the time it won't fully cook out
It's much better to keep a starter of soupy flour fermenting. Refrigerating dough is pointless, the flavors aren't going to develop over night, especially if it's cold.

Not only are American eggs expensive now but they are the only type of eggs that needs to be refrigerated.
Do they refrigerate eggs in your country?
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I look like this AND say/think things like this
I also love having an intact dick lmao
I do refrigerate eggs. I don't know if I need to but I don't see any reason not to
no, but i store them in the fridge anyways
>yurostani wakes up
>immediately makes a post about americans
why are they like this

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Making a slow cooker chili this weekend. Haven't done it in a while and I'm curious of fellow chili enjoyer opinions. It's going to be a typical beef, onion and 2 bean (black, kidney) base. I was planning on using spaghetti sauce my aunt use to use, some herbed diced tomatoes, and diced green peppers. What other typical (or non-typical) ingredients do anons add?
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I like to put lentils in mine
ground pork
>2 bean (black, kidney)
You should throw some pinto beans in there to contrast with the dark red of the rest of the chili. In fact, if you could only put one bean in chili, it should be pinto.

>I was planning on using spaghetti sauce my aunt use to use
Just use a tablespoon or two of tomato paste and a can of diced tomatoes. You're making chili, not pasta.

Consider adding chipotle peppers. They can be hot depending on the brand, but they (and the adobo sauce they come with) add a lovely sweet, savory, hot and smokey flavor. The smokiness can be substituted with a couple drops of liquid smoke. A pinch of MSG is also a good addition to any kind of soup or stew.
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kidney beans
black beans
baked beans
tomato sauce
chili powder
balck pepper
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30 or 40 habaneros

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>drink a cup of coffee
>5 mins later have to rush to the toilet
How do people drink gallons of this thing every day without shitting their guts out?
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I just shit my guts out everyday like everyone else.
sauce on the broad?
It probably does a bit. Coffee also inhibits absorption of nutrients like iron. Sometimes it's recommended for people to not have coffee with meals and to wait a while after eating before having it.
They build up a tolerance.
Taking shits is healthy, OP. Coffee shits mean you're not shitting enough.

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well, /ck/?
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For me it's rice grown on Chinese soil and harvested with cheap European labor. Taste of perfection.
So many replies!
This much attention makes me feel bad. : (
I don't deserve it.
Just feels like ill-gotten grains.

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Kaiser bread, brie, spring onions and curry powder.
AI Slop faggots get the rope.
cockmeat with gay nigger aids sauce with my ass cheeks as bread
Tuna Melt followed by an Italian Sub
A Kevin Nash, classic.

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Is Ruth Chris worth the price and label it gets as a high end mogger steakhouse?
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I think that’s just Big Hand
Ruth's Chris is decent for a chain yeah. It's not near the other "high-end" chains but their happy hour is (or at least used to be) decent.
Literally nobody asked
Mortons and Catch are better in my opinion. Keens and Empire steakhouse here in NYC are on a higher tier
the steaks are good but they rape you on the sides, it's really not worth it. they were charging $8 for a baked potato. the other sides are much more money but pre-made frozen crap. it's essentially a fancy applebee's with overbearing hospitality and pricing

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Have you ever made souffle? How did it turn out? Which recipe did you use? Some recipes make a roux before adding other ingredients, some make a pastry cream to which they add flour, some don't use flour at all. I want to try making Escoffier's souffle à grand marnier, but every recipe I found is different, so which do I choose?
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I also want to make the grand marneir souffle for valentine's day. i think i'll stick to chef john's recipe.
will try the recipe on sunday and see how it goes. backup plan for valentine's day is a chocolate lava cake which I know how to do by heart.
I think I’ve only made it once or twice.

Nice, good luck!
There is a pretty good recipe by chef Jean-Pierre. The only thing I don't like about this one is that he adds white chocolate:
Then there's also video showing how chef Banchet makes it, a very simple flourless recipe that seems to be closest to Escoffier's original:
And as a sidenote: I generally really like french cooking academy, but his souffle recipe is just too complicated. First make a pastry cream. Then wait for it to cool down. Then mix it again with another egg yolk, ...
Thanks for the Jean Banchet video. I could swear I've seen this before on twitch but couldn't remember where it was from exactly.

The white chocolate and the way he melted it into the roux was also what made me prefer Chef John's recipe.

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What is the best bourbon under $50 and why is it Woodford Reserve Double Oaked?
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Do we know what the availability is like in the UK? Last I saw Springbank 10 it was $110 and both the 12 CS and 15 were $200. Even the Campbeltown Loch blended malt doesn't last more than a couple of days on shelves.
the 12 is a buy for me. pour a couple 1/2 or 3/4 oz glasses a year and the price isnt Macallan tier.
I'll pass by the store that's carrying the 12 year, but I'm not gonna bother waiting in line, so I almost certainly wont get a bottle.
I still haven't tried it, but I can find it on the shelves for secondary pricing.
Though I can find Cambeltown loch for a reasonable price, I'm not sure how good it is compared to Springbank or longrow.
first batch was a miss because it wasnt particularly super value, but now the tune has changed, or so I hear.

heaven in a glass
hell in a glass actually. repent before it is too late.
you should one-man-one-jar it
i too love my cancer beverage
Full ov iron dat is

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Anticipation... almost as good as the enjoyment itself ^.^
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Aka culinary edging? My favorite part of eating out is looking at the menu and thinking about the different foods.

Do you eat salad the same way?
salad goes the same way. greens first, other vegetables, croutons, then whatever meat
>uhhh herro sushi-don, dere is a tuhrannyo inna da main darning harr

>howa do we uhhh getto reed of it?
It's more like culinary chastity
Often the expectation far exceeds the event. Particularly with women.

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Hot Take: BBQ Chicken Pizza is the best pizza.
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Eating and pooping is food related.
Makoto cooks, so that's also good related.
I'm gonna tie you to a lamp post on a freezing day and barbecue your cock with a blowtorch you big gay faggot
tell me more, tell me more
did you blow him real hard?
chicken, spinach and white sauce.
That's fucking bullshit motherfucker.

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>try making onigiri
>it's literally just plain rice with nori and a tiny filling (since the shape can't hold much to begin with)
What the fuck is the point? It's literally poverty food.
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I hate Japanophilia with a fucking searing passion
Let me guess, you NEED more?
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I make them for dinner from time to time. I intentionally over cook the rice, and I use a plastic press, so I don't have much trouble putting a substantial amount of filling in each one. Over cooking the rice helps it stick together with thinner walled construction and also prevents the rice from getting hard and unpalatable when cold, important because I always make enough dinner for lunch the next day. I use a zoji rice cooker, and when making rice of onigiri I put in about 25% more water than the setting calls for, plus a good amount of rice wine vinegar.
When forming, I press an blob into the mold with a slightly damp hand and shape it into a cup, then remove excess. I then add the filling and cap with rice before placing the tip piece of the press and applying firm and even pressure.
I usually brown them a bit in a stainless pan with a small amount of oil.
Like I stated earlier, the way I make them they have plenty of filling and they almost never fall apart until the last couple of bites.
hanging out on 4chan must be hell for you

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