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Thanks what's a decently inexpensive cut of steak you'd recommend for stir frying?
Will pick some up and white wine next time I'm out
stroganoff is jail food
I usually use sirloin. I would avoid round.
oof a tad rich for my blood.
sorry I don't eat slav food

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One time I ate McD's in a Connecticut park on a crisp fall day. There was no one else around and it was so lovely.

What are some good meal memories for you?
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I need to try this sometime
Obviously its gross as an adult, but thats a kids diet. The reply is coming off as if he had a perfectly healthy diet as a child.

Kids ate like garbage cause they can
just be careful, I needed it but 3 other people I know all had bad side effects post procedure.
I just stick with glasses, my eyesight is my livelihood
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maybe I should just get some contax and glasses. I'm just using off-the-shelf pharmacy reading glasses right now which is pretty pathetic for a working young adult.

Still, the allure of laser correction is hard to pass up
why does your hand look like you're 60

which one's your favorite?
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Turkey, spinach, hummus, tomato, and cheese for me
>bacon sandwich
>which ill defined sandwich do i love bestehat goes grilled chcicken turkey or eggsalad sandwich? i know what a reuben, pbj meatball, or frenchdip are, therest are vague
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coming to the end of my vacation in scotland
i've gone out of my way to try every scottish food/snack i could find
now imma rate them

>Square Sausage/Lorne Sausage
>Tattie scone
>Fruit pudding
9/10. Where can i get this in the US?
>Stornoway Black pudding
10/10. Best black pudding i've had. Combine this with lorne sausage in a bun with brown sauce and it's glorious.
>Cullen sink
8/10. It's a smoked fish chowder, but scottish style.

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Must not have been a big city.
>awful in wat way
Read the thread, the rural scenery is nice but the towns, cities, people and food are gutter grade.
Scotland produces a lot of high quality produce and most Scots never eat any of it, preferring instead the same fattening processed slop you can find anywhere else in the British Isles. thousands of miles of coastline and the most exotic seafood you can find is farmed mussel from Shetland; some of the world's best hill country and the only lamb eaten is stringy mutton from the bossman takeaway
then there is whisky, appreciated the world over for its quality and then the average scot drinks tennents or, if they've not yet had their third child with a soft fontanelle, buckfast
everyone is weirdly proud of how bland and crap and fried and awful their diet is, I don't get it
some individual foods are excellent as you noted. cullen skink! haggis! clootie dumpling! morning rolls with lorne and tattie scone and a hangover

almost makes me miss home. at least i grew up rurally, and not in some central belt dystopian city or crap forgotten market town where the main event is an annual Orange march
Almost all of scotland us better than glesga, you need to have your brain mri scanned or something.
everything I hear about scotland food sounds miserable but the liquor is ok I guess

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I tell you, sometimes there's nothing like a nice indulgent croque madame.
Too bad this isn't one
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Might as well while eggs are cheap again.

Well, just looked 1.49 a dozen is still cheap. Good protein and I'm all about being pro-teen and preteen.
It sure is.
I agree anon. It's a great sandwich. The first time I had one I thought it was weird to eat a sandwich with a fork and a knife, but it tastes excellent

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imagine eating this good.
there is nothing more authentically caucasian than food that comes from a box and if you disagree it means you're anti-white

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What is the most hams in one room you have ever personally witnessed?

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oh well. I've done worse I guess
hoping for 4, knowing i still cant lose
Why do Jews not eat bacon?
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>stacked directly on the floor
the dark one in the center is nice but she should lose the gross tattoos

Why the hell can’t I season this properly? I put it in the oven but then the oil smokes up and sets off the fire alarms
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>non-stick smart pan keeps asking for my birthdate and mothers maiden name
>he connected his non-stick smart pan to the wifi
Enjoy your government spying on your food.
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but thats how you unlock the non-stick feature, for only $5.99/month
Kept my cast iron so well for about 10 years and then let them sit on the stove dirty for a few days while depressed and absolutely fucked the seasoning.

It was so sad. Need to steel wool and redo every piece of cast iron I own now.
>dear subscriber, you don't have to tell me, but I'm keeping ALL the eggs
>*burns eggs*

Well, okay. This is okay.
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The old political paradigm is over. We were already a dictatorship laundered through endless layers of bureaucracy. Now there's no pretense and I don't care.
>clickbait UUUUtube videos
That's a nope from me
Julia Child stopped eating McDonald's fries when they stopped using beef tallow

I love how we're at "not significantly better" now instead of actually saying slop oils are ok.
>fast food sloppa should be ____
>women owe me sex
>anything that offends me should be banned
>war is bad when it's against our adversaries and good when we're invading our allies
party of small government, ok see you guys in 3 days

Likewise, what about Italian ones?
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I don't like how light they are, I prefer my desserts to be dense
Really? I'm not that guy but you're being absurdly retarded. Are you really saying that white refined sugar is the most significant part of the american diet or obesity epidemic. It's HFCS, not refined white sugar. How it's processed and how it stays in the body is different. Stock jerking japan off when their staple is white rice which is ridiculously low nutrition value with a steep fucking glycemic curve when you compare it to something like corn, if HF Rice Syrup were a thing, it'd be worse than HFCS. Fucking azuki beans is the difference in their shape? Jesus christ the average nip consumes more white sugar than azuki, they just didn't have access to white sugar.
really? i'm the poopiest pants on the block and you know nothing about poopy pants. gtfo until you've stunk your house for 24 hours plus.
Most of pastries are overated, but french ones are decent enough, especially the ones with creme anglaise
Best dessert is a cheesecake or good old (insert your favourite vatiation) applepie.
>japanese pastry sweets
No such thing.They simply make European style pastries.

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Post what you made for your valentine, or what they made for you, or what you might have made for each other if you had met.

I'm going to make some pancakes for my valentine (me) later.
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why is the text on the video the dude larping about being a married woman?
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that pic is genuinely creepy
>two clocks on different times
>crimson red and white cake acting as a stepped podium for her pelvis area
>preparing a cake on a dining table
>one handed piping
>masculine arms and jaw
>redditor "woman" acting as if it portrays the apex of femininity
and she's left handed
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amheekin must be a janny

what do you use to season steaks

>inb4 salt and pepper
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My mother was impregnated pretty immediately after my sister was born. Supposedly it was all part of the plan so that we would be able to help each other through school etc.
I probably should have gone to kindergarten earlier but instead I went to Kindercare.
honestly that's admirable

I hope you're both still close. Nothing beats a bro/sis combo
Actually we both went to kindercare, I am not sure if there was a preschool program with the state. I think my sister was in "preschool" longer. I don't remember. So long ago. My parents didn't talk much about us as babies.
Fuck. I don't know. Wouldn't that be funny if we weren't blood? Haha! We could have fucked and shit? It would explain some things.

She got the parmesan rotary grater.

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So can we safely say that the "vegan meat" trend of the late 2010s/early 2020s is over now? Why did it flop?
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I prefer megetables.
This is the answer right here. Why buy fake meat products if they are 5x more expensive than the real thing?
Because I don't want to hurt the fluffies :(
peak delusion
seems like it turned out well though?

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it fuckin awful
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it's true though.
nothing worse than a dessert that is too sweet
because you're scared of food that didn't come out of a cardboard box

Who butchers their own chickens?
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hehe it's south-america shaped
By knowing whatever you're killing would happily kill and eat you if it could realistically do it. Chickens are dinosaurs, if you were small enough for them to kill and eat they'd do it in a heartbeat. The only truly innocent livestock animals are cattle but they still kill more people than sharks every year through sheer retardation and stubbornness so they're fair game too.

There is little more cathartic on earth than lopping the head off a rooster that's woken you up at 3-4am for the last half a year, especially if they're a niggerbird that's attacked you or your family on top of that.
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I'm more of a pheasant guy
his ancestors are smiling at him, Imperial, can you say the same?
Was the pun intentional?

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