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>is the best bang for your buck bourbon
This shit is extremely good
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i dont want to become one of those "i hate da globohomo gubmint!" guys, but ffs it's getting tougher by the day
No, I just drink the regular EW
Its nice, but its a shame its only 40% abv in the UK. On the upside, its often on special price which makes it good value.
I just saw a bottle of this at an indian liquor store near me for $80 kek it was great when it was $25 but those days are gone. Plenty of other good choices in the $30 range.
Buffalo Trace Kosher is better and it's Halal

Do you sit at the head of the dinner table? Or are you a beta?
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What's the color of your father?
Table leg is placed to make that really uncomfy (with bashed knees and ankles) so I sit on the side like everyone else.
The table leg is proper solid oak. You don't argue with that stuff!
What colour is yours?
What benefit have you gained from Taint's teachings?

Champ, if he can convince women to degrade themselves for him, he can convince men to do the same.
You're not immune to persuasion. You're not ungriftable.

What colour is (You)r bugatti?
$10 million or a chance to wait this table?
my family leaves the head of the table open for me because they know it’s my spot

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POV: you have aspergers
if your kid freaks out about food touching other food just have them euthanized
That's more of a habitual or control compensation thing. It could be considered part of something to do with OCD at times, but not often. In any case, I'd rather deal with kids going through a phase of that than them not caring about what they eat at all and just shoveling whatever down their gullet.
I have some mild tism and it just depends on the foods, some stuff it doesnt matter if it touches or it is even preferable.

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I love the foam part of the beer but I don't really care for the liquid
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move to the netherlands
small foamy beers
Just get any beer, drink it with a straw and see what happens.
what? it's about how you poor it in the glass. if you don't tilt the glass it will be a lot of foam.
This, but unironically
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if you go to a place thats still uses wooden barrels every time they opaen a new one the tap gets hammered in, the first 10-20 beers are mostly foam and will be given out for free.

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Is this true
>bug, sea
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Le 4chan Archivist has arrived!
>le seafood is bugs poster is seething!!
The regular shrimp is sort of delicious when you eat it.

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i call it aztec coffee. it is a spiced faux-mocha. here is the recipe for anyone who wants to try it.

TLDR ingredients
32 grams dark roast coffee
500 grams / ml water
1/4 square 100% ghirardelli
1/4 large mexican hot chocolate tablet
1 pinch or 1/16 tsp cinnamon (in coffee grounds)
1 pinch or 1/16 tsp cayenne (in coffee grounds)
1 packet sugar in the raw (optional)
1 tbsp heavy cream or whatever milk product you want to use

32 g of dark roast coffee and 500 g/ml of water. makes about 16 oz of brewed coffee. i use peet's major dickason. french press ground, brewed in french press. just off the boil water, for me that's roughly 205 F. 30 second bloom with 150 g water with an aggressive swirl, then the rest for 3:30 for a 4 minute total brew time. preheat the vessel. i'm using store-bought whole bean so it is probably a little stale. if you use freshly roasted beans they will brew stronger coffee likely and you can maybe back off the coffee amount to 30 or 28 g depending on your taste. you could use coffee brewed a different way but i don't know how that would turn out. at home i only make and drink french press.
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It's missing a vital ingredient: salt.
Just a pinch will make a huge difference.
>coffee drink
>chocolate drink
You can't even make up your mind on what it is.
What I think is that you're a faggot.
you can if you want to. i added dark chocolate to it because i want the flavor to be bitter forward. salt counteracts bitterness so adding salt would kind of defeat the purpose of the recipe, but you can do what you want with it.

if you feel that it needs salt i would recommend using either an extra quarter of a mexican hot chocolate tablet instead of the dark ghirardelli or subbing that it for a half square instead of a milk chocolate %. you could also use a medium roast coffee instead of dark roast or brew the dark roast at a lower water temp like 195 or 185 F. in my experience, brewing it at these lower temperatures and making a mellow tasting coffee makes the taste too weak and mellow where it gets drowned out by the chocolate and dairy and you can't taste it anymore. making it how it is in my recipe makes the flavor of the coffee strong enough that you can still taste it with everything else.
tiramisu is a faggot food it can't make up its mind if it wants to be a pastry or coffee

that's you

food service niggas need to shut the fuck up. insufferable.
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Also based for making brunch eater's have a shitty mother's day because the restaurant can't keep up.fuck Sunday brunchers.
No, client is not the focus. Profit is always more important. Not serving some faggot who orders french fries and water at closing and probably won't tip
so you mean he's using the term correctly, right?
I've only been to a Mother's Day brunch and it was a complete disaster. Took like half an hour to order mimosas, buffet looked like a tornado hit it and they couldn't keep it stocked for the demand, cost like $45 a person and took almost 3 hours. I watched multiple parties throw a bitch fit to the manager. Never again.
>win free stuff
>jewish community finds out
it's pretty possible

I love this chocolate like you wouldn't believe, but I haven't to brush my teeth for 3 minutes after I have my daily square. It coats my teeth in an wicked way. Much like pancakes, but not like bread, funnily enough
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How's the tummy egg chan?
good, but my heart is aching. I like a girl but I'm trapped in my current relationship. Going to get milk and cigarettes is looking like the only option at this point
>11.4 litres of ice cream
for what purpose
mennonites usually have 5 to 15 children
be honest with the first girl, going to get milk and cigarettes is a nigger thing to do.

As someone who eats out a lot, should I be filling out the guest experience survey I get on all my receipts? Will the workers know it's me when I submit feedback?
let me guess, you've never worked an entry level job anywhere in your life?
that shit is for upper management to bitch at lower management for, and if the workers somehow knew then they wouldn't give a shit anyways
I thought the workers were told to ask everybody to fill out their dumb survey, at least that's how it is where I live. Never once filled one out btw.

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It's fucking hilarious how people pretend to like eating this nasty ass sea bug. It's literally prisoner food.
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The musculature is exactly the same but on a smaller scale for the smaller terrestrial arthropod. Go back to eating pizza casserole you fat fuck midwit. No more (You)s for you, Cletoid.
You're beyond retarded, just like every dipshit that keeps trying to push this moronic "shellfish are LE BUGS" meme
Why are we complaining about idiots not wanting to eat shellfish? Lower demand means lower price I have to pay. I'd encourage it. Shrimp prices need to go down.
No one is complaining about them, just accurately calling them retards
gambas pil pil is damn good

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Hey /ck/. What foods pair well with salt & vinegar crisps?

Various flavours of salted snacks go well as a side with different types of foods, but I got a few packets of salt and vinegar at half price and they don't really pair that well with cold cuts/deli meats.
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Corn chips go with dip. Salt and vinegar potato chips don't pair well with anything.
It compliments the flavour of the white bread, butter and mayo.
>lime juice
>chili pepper
>olive oil
Salt and vinegar chips are the perfect complement. Some go for boring ol' tortilla chips, but S&V gives the whole thing a lil' razzle-dazzle.
(Crisp, light beer to drink)
ALL crisps should be salt and vinegar or prawn cocktail (and recent 'sweet chili this that and the other flavours I hate)
so I don't eat them cause I'm concerned about my weight literally every second

thought they only ate rice and shit in those countries and not crisps after a bunch of pints or like 10 bigmacs in murica
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>one (1) cheeky anchovy
If you like the salty...Turkish oil cured olives are amazing for something like this.
Might be too much for Salt'n'Vinegar crisps tho-
Maybe some finely diced, like 1/8th inch, tomato would help even it out.
I'd try it, even if it was so salty it was like Bastard Ham.

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The best preparation of eggs. The battle was won long ago.
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How to make over easy eggs without breaking the jolk?
Your hollandaise is starting to split. It's acceptable by home-cook standards, but you should try to improve your technique.
You use poached eggs.
What makes you think OP even made that?
Thats not a french omelette, I'm confused.

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let's make this quick, I heard some American restaurants such as Little Caesars adds honey in their pizzas I wanna try this out but where should I mix it with? like with the dough or the paste? and how much should I add
This looks way raw in the middle bro
Honey and goat cheese is a classic European pizza topping. Also honey goes great with mozzarella cheese in general. Maybe this is not common in land of the free but here it is.
I used a mix of mozzarella and edam cheese with a 1/2 spoon of honey I think its fine
Honey is drizzled on pizzas in many places.

I recommend first trying it as a dip to see if you like it. Add chili (I prefer sambal oelek) to some honey, microwave it for like ten seconds, pour it on a small plate and dip your pizza.
Make a standard pizza dough. Stretch thin, then brush with an herbed olive oil. Sprinkle mozzarella on top, but not so much it completely covers the crust. There should be gaps. Crumble gorgonzola cheese over it next, don't overdo it because its strong as fuck. Then sprinkle chopped walnuts and dates(leave fairly big chunks). Cut a couple of brussel sprouts in half and then cut out the root so they aren't held together. Sprinkle the separated leaves over the top. Bake in a pizza oven until crust is finished and b-sprouts are just starting to char. Remove, drizzle honey across the top in a zig zag(be stingy, don't want to overpower anything), then slice and serve.

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This is now considered double stuffed. Class action lawsuit anyone?
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that's actually fucked

I haven't had a double stuffed in probably 15 years and they were at least twice that stuffed
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I hope you actually plan on letting the company themselves know and send the picture to them that you got ripped off and want a refund instead of just posting to social media for clout?
The company would call out the lie immediately. Only social media will accept it as fact.
>Call it a lie with photo evidence

That would be the dumbest move for any PR for a company to make.
I'm pretty sure they did say it's a lie. Like for real they said it like that.

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>Be me
>Be longing for a nice, thirst quenching beverage
>All of a sudden, a can of Coca Cola appears

My friends, let me tell you. This Coca Cola was some of the best tasting drinks I have ever had. The flavor is bold and tasty; nothing has tasted so sweet and so refreshing, and it's delicious, hydrating qualities instantly cured me of my thirst. Not only that, but the whole drink was only 150 calories, so I can enjoy this amazing beverage without fearing of any health concerns. I urge you to try out Coca Cola the next time you have an itching for a cool beverage!
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I know it. When I'm thirsty, there is nothing more refreshing than an icy Coca Cola. It's a great pick-me-up and such a taste sensation. My friends all agree. It's one of the great pleasures, and it's so affordable, too.
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I like pineapple soda
Ah, the totally spontaneous and grass-roots thread.
Get fucked, shills.
You too can be the coca-cola kid and partake of the dark & bubbly.
I’m genuinely going to buy coke today because of these posts. Cheers.

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