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I must learn Georgian cuisine.

the country
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I tried to make the khachapuri yesterday. I didn't feel like waiting for the dough to rise again after I made the boat tho
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>the flyovers are finding out about georgia: the country
What kind of food trends from 15 years ago will we see next on /ck/? Korean perhaps?
peaches and soul f-
>the country
you win this round
>the country
europeans so desperately want to be us that they named a country after our state
>the country
naw tell you what Mississippi is REAL country ya hurd *spit* *spittoon sound ping*

It finally clicked why Zabars has such vile disgusting cheese. It's kosher. Instead of worrying about the taste, they're worried about some abra cadabra magic tricks from 5000 BC. Why is this still a thing? Why can't religious people get a grip?
idk try asking a rabbi or something

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do you get filtered by tripe?
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We enjoy this in the Balkans and we are subhumans so if the shoe fits...
I'm vegetarian so yes I suppose so
I like it fried and kinda crispy
Where are you from? I want to know where they make such divine dish
Not him, but I know Mexicans do. Tacos de tripa dorada are fantastic.

Five Guys is rated America's most unhealthiest burger. Fekking kek. I'm guessing the astronomically insane price range of these burgers was literally divine intervention, for the sake of keeping some of middle class America from an early death.
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>five guys: some triple meat monster
>mcdonalds: the literal fucking happy meal burger
OK, I am of the lol.
My man Jack with the 0 sugar burger. Hell ya.

You wouldn't.
Best low saturated fat burgers? Something with a bit of meat, not a basic McDonald's cheeseburger.
>most unhealthiest
First time on the English speaking side of the internet?

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Yes, it's okay to even eat humans.
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Yeah, that's pretty consistent with what I said.
Glires are cladistically super to the orders lagomorpha and rodentia, with scandentia serving as an outgroup.
Looks like a lotta work for not a lotta meat.

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Egg Thread
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how's the weather down there bruce
you had one fucking job
maybe just use powdered egg or something equally horrific
Based egg thread.
Simply eggsquisite
It's no eggsageration, the eggsperience is divine
i noticed that when I cook omelet style eggs, they turn out way bigger and more filling than if I had scrambled them. what's going on ?

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Why didn't anyone ever tell me about this hack?
If you want your rice to be restaurant quality, you need to try using parboiled.
Every grain is individual and chewy, it's never sticky or mushy.
I honestly feel like I just discovered some food biz secret they don't want you to know about.
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i will try this, thank you. the little pot I like to use has a vent hole in the lid. I've covered it with tape before for things that needed the steam to stay inside. I'm gonna assume I'll need to do that for this as well, right? Or does it matter if the steam vents out?
Unless you have the hatches to secure the lid in place, it doesn't matter, since the steam will escape anyway.
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I just put the rice and water into a pot with some salt (and maybe some seasonings I might want them to absorb as well, depending on the dish), get it up to a boil, wait a minute, then turn it down to low and cover it, cooking until the top is no longer wet, then I leave it covered off heat until the rest is ready

Perfect rice every time
This is a long, elaborate trollpost.
>simmer for only 15 minutes
Severely undercooked rice.
>Severely undercooked rice.
Do you use a wax candle for a stove or what?

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>a dash
>a pinch
>a sprinkle
>a handful
>a splash
>a glug
>a dab
>a hint
>a drizzle
>a cup
>a glass
>a drop
>a bit
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I love bpueberries
Yeah, that's how density works. How are you struggling to understand grade-school level science?
>add to taste
>mfw I have poor taste and no face
based drug dealer
>a bit of Monica
>a bit of Erica
>a bit of Rita
>a bit of tina

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You got 5 pounds of Pork Shoulder/Butt and need to make 3 distinct meals. What do you do.
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Make it all at once in a slow cooker with a bottle of an Asian Barbecue Sauce Kikkoman has some good ones that are fairly cheap and easy to find, some carrots, mushrooms, onions, fresh garlic, a liberal helping of a tougher but nutrient rich green like Bok Choi (I sometimes use Kale as a substitute because it's easy to find and cheap), a couple tablespoons of salt. let it sit on high for about 8 hours. Put it on rice with some green onions and you have a great rice bowl. Put it on a bun with mayo, pickles, carrots and greens and you have a great Banh Mi, boil up some ramen, mix it in add an egg and you've got fantastic pork ramen.
You can also do some Fusion Tacos, get some corn tortillas, warm them up, do the meat, cilantro and diced onions and cabbage for asian street tacos.
And all of those are relatively easy and quick to do.
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next time you give it a go, try to make your crust edges more uniform. that'll stop the littler bits from drying out and burning.

hot water crust is pretty sturdy, too. you can shape it like playdoh without using a tin if you want.
it'll also take shape from fancy molds if you want to play with that.
that would feel awfully good to cram...
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Boston butt / pork shoulder steaks
Better than pork chops.

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>wake up hungover
>order two large Domino's pizzas
>eat both pizzas
>4 hours later
>order two more pizzas
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a true hangover will leave you in bed or hunched over a toilet all day and only able to drink water or gatorade
I can't stand when people are like "Im SOOO hungover teehee" when most they probably have is a slight headache
It's a yangtze finless porpoise
me on top
You literally cannot do this unless you puke to make more room
i want to be your toilet anon OwO

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Do you velvet your chicken?
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>grow up thinking I’m white
>everyone I encounter treats me as if I’m white
>it says white on my driver’s license
>my family’s immigration record says they came from Chur, Switzerland
>one day on /ck/ I find out that washing your chicken is a black thing, and that’s how my parents always did it

>tony c

Is there any real benefit to doing this, or is this just another "black people wash they chicken" meme?
This is a real thing, Chinese food places do it with meats and it’s what can make it so tender.
>Is there any real benefit to doing this
Yeah, it browns on the outside easier while sealing more moisture on the inside, makes it more tender. That's my experience with a more chinese style of velveting, at least, using an egg white and a bit of corn starch.

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Pep, Bacon, and Sausage to me is the winning trio of toppings. But if you could take away one of these, and add one other topping, which would you take away and what would you replace it with?

Looking for inspiration for my next order
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No, no, you need bacon and onion together, it's the best
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If the place has crumbled bacon like picrel then replace it with red onion. If it has actual bacon replace the sausage instead.
I made a Detroit-style pizza with pineapple and bacon for lunch today. That's a winning combination.
Remove sausage
Add black olives
Pepperoni, jalapeño and onion for me pal. Sometimes a good Italian sausage, mushroom and green pepper hits the spot.

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Ahh… now that’s a lunch!
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Ingen begriper vad du pratar om för du skriver som en snorunge
Swedish potato dumplings with meat filling and cream and lingon sauce, called "Kroppkakor"
>gå och ät en kebabpizza din jävla slaskbög
halva bilden är ju slask din mongofitta >>20843597
helvete, varför tror suedi att allt hens polerade bajs är världsunikt och värt att berätta om? in sweden we fika bulle allemänsrätt jaaa hahahaha
>höhö allt är möh REDDIT och dåli :((( TYP
har geek- och suedibrevandet spridits sig till hela reddit eller? har alewis skov blivit ett stort fenomen?
varför är du ens där och brevar alewi? för inte fan vet jag, läser inte tråden längre. och inte heller är jag en redditör
många som svarar på mina brev här är definitivt det, DOCK
t. kock
det har du rätt i
Det imponerar på Amerikaner som inte har någon matkultur öht. Svensken söker allt mer desperat efter moralhöjande då Sverigebilden är i botten.

Åt mjölig falukorv till kvällsmat. Ni då?

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I got me some banana bread in the oven. will post it after its done.
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I don't understand, Anon...
Is your oven out of order? You can use my oven, but only if I get 25% of the finished banana bread. Deal?
He'd bread her oven with his banana.
op its been so long where is the bread op
Not done yet
What if OP actually died or something, like got a heart attack or stroke or fell down the stairs, and this is a legit sad thread? Kinda like the Black Panther fiasco when Chad died

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It’s been all summer long that I’ve been practicing cooking unique dishes for lunch, in order to pack in a single plate the whole lunch with all the flavours, but most of the times I end up with flavourless bowl of food which tastes like nothing but salt and I’m beyond mad.

Here’s an example of what I do:

>pan, olive oil, onion: sauté everything until the onion becomes translucent
>add rice or whatever cereal I’m using, toast it for 3 minutes
>cover with whatever liquid I have (veggie broth, stocks, the cooking water under the steamed vegetables, normal water infused with herbs)
>add salt e and a bit of oil
>let everything simmer until most of the liquid is absorbed
>add the cooked protein (today it was leftover cod from yesterday’s dinner)
>when the liquid is gone, turn off the stove and add oil, mix
>put the steamed veggie, a zucchini, in a mixer with oil and salt and mix until a cream has formed
>dress the rice and other ingredients with it
>wa la

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I'm not really sure what flavour profile you were aiming for, and what were your expectations.
From what you described, there's just not that much going on there, flavour-wise.
I don't read any browning going on. Translucent aromatics taste like nothing to me but brown onions are like candy enhancing even the blandest of slop. But what do I know I'm bored of low heat slow cooking too.
don't just mix everything together. I prefer to make some plain white rice, and a savory stew or something to eat side by side. and like others said you should brown your meat and veggies in oil first thing.
Use chicken bullion and also a decent butter.
You can also try blanching your veggies instead or steaming them for less time.
You probably need more onion, garlic, etc. Most recipes never use enough. More acid like >>20843750 says too, that's something else that a lot of recipes underutilize. I've had people tell me my beef stew is amazing and the only difference from what they did is that I added just enough vinegar.

Soy sauce is also a really simple and easy flavor enhancer that can be added to almost anything.

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