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There are 10 threads on the catalogs about burgers right now. United we stand but divided we fall, fellow Burgmunchers.

Why did Hungry Jack's go to complete shit? First, they ruined the Tendercrisp in 2018 when they replaced the bread and the chicken with something new and fucked up; the bread no longer had the flour and the chicken was no longer crispy but soggy and shit. Eventually, they got rid of the Tendercrisp entirely, leaving us with the tinier, even soggier "Chicken Royale". Today, they've got the "Jack's Fried Chicken" which is an admittedly good burger, but is twice as expensive as the Tendercrisp even when adjusted for inflation.
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why come no one told me pickle just spice cucumber
it’s brined first and foremost
No if lettuce were in the place of chicken, that would be lettuce and mayo
first and foremost it’s brined
more likely it would be lettuce+mayo+other vegetables+plus spices which is, and I hate to break it to you, a salad

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Enhances your coke
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what's the point
Enhances your picture
fuck off doomer
>dissolves the enamel off your teeth

what is a cheap, all-in-one food I can eat for 30 days while I'm trying to finally pay off a debt?
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Beans, cabbage, beef, and sweet potatoes in a stew flavored with chipotles along with a side of sweet and savory oats.
Rice and beans
A bag o' rice and a bag o' beans.
like baked beans?
Sure, you can bake those beans if you want.

you're a fucking retard if you disagree.
what exactly makes that persian?
Golden rods snd red carpets.
Its Gormeh Sabzi you uncultured fuck

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>two types of dressing
This is a salad.
nigga I don't see no goddamn dressing, I see fries and sauce in bowls.
If it was mixed together yes, but as is, it's an ontray with sauces and garnish

Thread for all things tofu related, tofu recipes, and tofu appreciation.
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>first generation
When you get all nutrients in your childhood, only then your skull will develop the way its intended. Majority of japs have eyesight problems, thats not genetical. Tofu is peasant food.
>In 1 generation? No, of course no
More can change in 1 generation then you might think, like >>20983307 says, it's happening in a lot of countries right now. But the thing is that you need to be eating this diet from an early age. If your body has stopped growing, then switching up your diet isn't going to suddently make you taller or change your bone structure. But when you start eating a healthy diet from a young age, a lot can change in 1 generation.
>The Chinese noted with surprise and disgust the ability of the Mongol warriors to survive on little food and water for long periods; according to one, the entire army could camp without a single puff of smoke since they needed no fires to cook. Compared to the Jurched soldiers, the Mongols were much healthier and stronger. The Mongols consumed a steady diet of meat, milk, yogurt, and other dairy products, and they fought men who lived on gruel made from various grains. The grain diet of the peasant warriors stunted their bones, rotted their teeth, and left them weak and prone to disease. In contrast, the poorest Mongol soldier ate mostly protein, thereby giving him strong teeth and bones.
― Jack Weatherford, Genghis Khan and the Making of the Modern World
My mum makes tofu egg rolls that are pretty good imo. Basically asian salad mix, tofu seasoned with chinese 5 spice, maybe some onion and fried egg in the same pan. Fill egg roll wrappers with the mix and fry in cheap olive oil.
The best tofu I ever had was from, gulp, P.F. Chang’s.

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>walk into fastfood place
>see that it's staffed entirely by indians
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doesn't help if you whipe with the gloves on
lol yeah
in the last few years literally every fast food place has become 100% indian. You can walk into the food court in a mall and literally every single employee in every restaurant is indian
Those hairnets were on for exactly as long as the camera.
This image is frightening.
It was the same at local BK.... Fucking Jeets everywhere. The place looked really clean, I could see them cooking my burger and fries fresh, it was a gourmet king (pretty delicious). They were polite when they served me, as quick as they could be. I didn't have stomach problems afterwards. Yes I'm white. No I'm not affiliated with any political party. No I've never even visited reddit. Everything I said is true. I'm sorry.

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Onion rings? They're godlike. Jalapeno poppers and mozz sticks are nice, but onion rings are just old faithful.
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Beer batter, the carbonation makes it dry up quickly
Horseradish sauce.
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For those who have an issue with onions sliding out, onion nuggets are a good alternative
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>mozz sticks
that sandwich seems way better than a mcrib

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A place to post honest reviews of your local restaurants. Maybe recommend some places to eat and/or avoid.
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I ate at Kann. Awarded best new restaurant in 2023 by the James Beard foundation I figured the food had to be good, and it was. The service was weird because it felt like I was getting skipped over while the people to the left and right of me almost felt like they were friends of the staff. Once again the food was amazing but not enough to outweigh the expense, dealing with reservations, and odd vibe that would make me want to come back.


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Grills are overrated
Cold searing steak on a ceramic pan is peak
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They were very young/ small. Squash almost always looks like that. Plus delicious
>cold searing
Based. Straight from the fridge to the pan. If it's a really thin cut, straight from the freezer
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Why does one even have this gif
Too many hours spent on chink games.

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almond powder
icing sugar
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I will await the update
Would eat
They look good.
Ooo yummy!
hello fellow American. Tarts are different from pies.

Never in my life have i woken up and thought that today would be a good day to have a pastry. Garbage tier food.
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Simple as.
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In Argentina we tend to eat some of these for breakfast, maybe it's not the healthiest thing in the world, but I'll be damned if they're not tasty and cheerful to eat.
I must admit though I prefer cream rather than marmalade or chocolate for sweet breads.
rare antagonistic bait thread I actually agree with
>You have to do 2 hours of eliptic cardio to burn 400 calories.
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Australian here - not even kidding, if you dislike meat pies and sausage rolls you're a fucking retard. my ex was american and we went to a bakery and she only wanted to have the chicken pot pie because she was confused and that was similar to home, she started loving fucking frozen meat pies after

you're delusional if you think good meat and gravy between pastry is bad and I'll genuinely fight over it. you're likely a performative retard. I'm not even anglo descendent and I love this shit. faggot szukas

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do you know what i could do with half a gallon of mcrib sauce?
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can we please talk about cooking you insufferable faggots

get in there bud
Oh mama

Does anyone have any recommendations for boneless rib patties like the McRib? You can not get a boneless rib sandwich anywhere in my city so I would like to make them at home
The McRib has always debuted in November. I don't know what's happening but I'm scared.
Charge the URL to say xcancel and it will bypass the log in
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popped while I was opening a tin of beans
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But do you have a loicense for the tinny
>not knowing the glory that is the USA made EZ-Duz-It (formerly known as Swing-A-Way
Why did most can opener manufacturers replace the spike with that stupid wheel?
Because proper built can openers with geared cutting wheels (like the inventor of it, the Swing-A-Way) cuts with a fraction of the effort.
Everyone else copied it poorly because of patents, or because of being cheap.
Now its a problem of chinks selling chink garbage
I'll buy that specific brand later today then. Spiked openers always work but tend to last a year and a half and the one time I bought a wheel one it slid off too often and only lasted a year.

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What gluten free bread have my celiac nibbas been cramming? I've been stuffing that Canyon Bakehouse. I only use it for egg sandwiches, that shits too pricy to eat casually. Once Target had their freezers die, and I was able to pick up 7 loaves for a dollar each. That was breddy cash money, had bread for like two months. I wish stores wouldn't keep it out on the shelves, it goes moldy and it's hard to tell from outside the bag.
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They's actually a GF bakery near me. If I made better money I'd pick up a loaf from there every week, but it's crazy expensive and only open from 10am to 2pm 3 days a week. So I save it for the occasional confection
That looks pretty good but similarly I hate paying the gluten free premium.
Whole Foods 365 gluten free bread is good, and I'm not even a stomachlet.

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