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Trying this thread again, since it didn't get any helpful replies last time. Besides pic related, what are your favorite breakfast shrimp recipes? My buddy Omar (we all call him marfan because he has marfans syndrome) has a new boyfriend, and I want to make them a nice breakfast after our sleepover next weekend. Marfan specified that his boyfriend only eats shrimp for breakfast.
>Posting my bait again, because nobody gave me the attention I wanted last time
I'm sorry you don't have friends, but I want to make mine happy.

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What's "half a Twix"?
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But is half one bar or half of one bar? The two bars are intrinsically tied together, it seems wrong to look at one in a vacuum.
Stupid gay unfunny marketing shit where they pretend the two twix sticks are made by competing companies.
>it seems wrong to look at one in a vacuum
well duh, the vacuum will be full of carpet lint so that's not a place to put a chocolate bar
It's two halves of two bars

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is there anything better than the humble ham & cheese baguette?
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alright well that all checks out
The ol' poison sandwich trick, she'd never get away with it.
damn anon, i had the same thing happen to me with empanadas
why is it when your old lady tries to poison you it's gotta be with your favourite food!?
It's kind of spooky that we both did this at the same time

I'm wanting to make the most basic spaghetti sauce there is to "reverse engineer" the recipe so to speak, and understand what it fundamentally is and add to it from there. So in essence, spaghetti sauce are just mashed tomatoes with some salt, pepper and other spices, right?
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cook onion in olive oil, add garlic and let it cook for a minute, then add tomatoes
wa la
Look up "marcella hazan tomato sauce" and you'll find probably the simplest while being "Italian" spaghetti sauce. Also, spaghetti is just a type of noodle and any sauce put on the spaghetti is "spaghetti sauce". It sounds like you want the simplest "red sauce" or "tomato" sauce. I hope this helps, my autistic brother.
>add garlic
Most basic red sauce? Whole peeled tomatoes, cook down, mash, add pasta. From there you can add salt and pepper, then just get crushed to start with, then add flavor: basil, oregano, onion, garlic, fat, etc. Have a ball.
>(Extra Virgin) Olive oil
>Pepper and or chili pepper
>Add tomato sauce and or cherry tomatoes cut in half
>meanwhile cook pasta
>a couple of minute before it's "al dente" add it to the tomato sauce with some cooking water and some exrta olive oli.
>cook it for another couple of minutes and it's ready
Don't just cook plain pasta and then add the sauce on top of it, that's completely tasteless.

t. ItaliAnon

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>smells like literal horse shit
What is the use case for this substance?
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sometimes you need a hint of shit in your food
They don't call it "devil's dung" for nothing.
yeah, i find that it stinks like ass as soon as it hits hot food but mellows out very quickly, particuarly when its the crappy preground stuff
i have a small pepper grinder that i use just for white pepper, its nice to have on hand
yt pepper be racist an sheeit
w-why are you going around smelling horse shit?

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Thread for discussing coffee and coffee related topics.

Entry level edition

If you're new and confused start here: https://pastebin.com/UEzwuyLz

If you're old and confused how many clicks?

Previous thread: >>20660573
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He's a big guy
Jesus christ...
>thread devolved into shitty youtube spam
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>youtube spam
40 hours in between posts?

*enhances your mashed potatoes*
no thanks, I prefer butter and salt
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sorry guys posted the wrong pic
It makes your mashed potatoes fucking worse is what it does

Choose your Bussy Burger
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the plates are buttholes i guarantee it
>signature Bussy burger sauce
that sounds appetizing, doesn't it?
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I looked up the restaurant, it's a virtual brand (aka ghost kitchen). You can only order through Doordash and the menu items cost the same whether it's pickup or delivery (the delivery fee is tacked on at checkout). $18.97 for just a burger.

The whole virtual brand / ghost kitchen concept is just a scam to trick gullible zoomers and millennials into buying overpriced sysco-slop.

For me it's chicken breast sliced into three thin slices cooked in olive oil and butter on a stove with salt and heavy pepper. What more could a man ask for?
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Unironically I eat my pan-seared chicken breast every day.
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every single thing posted on the internet is instantly responded by some faggot who always has to act like there's only one solution and one option in contrast to the original statement. both breast's and thighs exist for a reason, enjoy both. both require different cooking methods, cooking times, tastes, textures, etc. if you can't enjoy both it's because you're not eating it properly, you're an actual immature tastelet or it's a skill issue and you just can't cook.
What herbs would you recommend and how can I include them?
I like to use fresh sage, thyme, and rosemary that grow in my herb garden.

Sometimes I'll also add a bit of garlic.
ones you like.
put them on the chicken.

in all seriousness, chicken breast is a super versatile meat, basically a blank slate. so pretty much any flavor combination you want will work.
basil+oregano, plus a squeeze of lemon for some mediterranean flavor.
thyme, sage or rosemary for a more earthy taste.
cajun dry rub.
the sky's the limit man.

anyway, personally I find chicken breast a little bland on its own, I only use it for incorporating into a bigger dish like pasta. but you do you man

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Gordon Ramsey steak for £38 plus service charge
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>Therefore you're a better cook than him
almost any of the home cooks on /ck/ are better cooks than him.
He's just a better TV personality. that's where his money came from.
Yes of course. He worked under Marco Pierre White, Albert Roux, Guy Savoy, Joel Robuchon. Anybody can work for them. They take people off the street. They didn't identify any skill in him. Just blithely took him on. And also, Michelin stars are memes and corrupt and don't mean anything. So it doesn't matter how many he earned. I'm not a fan of his, but people like you are so simplistic that your IQs cannot be over 80. You're literal mongoloids who can't consider anything past your noses.
He worked under them but he sure doesn't cook like it. He got all his money from TV, anon. This is an objective fact.
Not him, but even ignoring his awful grilled cheese, the eggplant vegan steak thing he made was such a monstrosity that to this day I can't figure out whether I think he's doing this stuff to troll because he thinks it's funny on some level or if he really is just a horrible cook who got lucky with fame.

Why aren't you foraging for food out in the wild?
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Because I provide labor to a society in exchange for their currency which I can then use to procure food at minimal effort. This is far easier, less time consuming and less dangerous than attempting to feed myself.
winnebago attacks
Vegas? Just move out, city living is for niggers, even the outskirts are better.
If you ever actually talk to people like this you realize very quickly they are just obnoxious attention whores and don't really believe 90% of the shit they are saying. They genuinely have nothing better to do with their free time.
worse, phoenix
that is the plan, but not practical at the moment

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i refuse to even buy them anymore because i can't control my self
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>canapés with proper garlic spread and walnuts or green grapes
This shit turns me into a labrador

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I just ate a pound of Bush's Best Baked Beans, AMA.
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Her genetic makeup is probably 50% bean
Yeah, just a little.
Yeah, I cried a little.
i;m thinking bout those beans
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Does anyone know any similar channels that aren't so fucking annoying to watch? The recipes this guy has are great but I'm so sick of the white self hatred and general arrogance
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based mandy
Souped Up Recipes

I like her normal Chinese dinner videos, the whole 3 dishes 1 soup thing like this:

Jason Farmer, too.
Maangchi if you want Korean.
lol, so you admit to being a sensitive little pussy bitch?
Cooked up recipe

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Fry Bread is the best shit I've ever had. There are some foods like it but good fucking god none of them come close to how good this shit. I don't understand how something so simplistic can be so good.
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I would buy that shirt in a second
Any time you see a book with a brown person on the cover covered in a bunch of medals, throw it directly in the trash.
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It's all yours, friend
the goes on to bitch about jews doing the same to him and how evil it is
why is it that every single one of you white supremacists is a hypocrite?
the its only evil when it happens to me and mine mindset is the exact reason why i dont feel bad for any of you in the current political climate.
What are you talking about? Jews don't give anything back to the societies they destroy.

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