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Japanese curry is the highest form of curry.
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anyone from there will say tegksus
including mexicans and texmexicans
Thanks anon I will. I usually really like Vietnamese food but I've never tried their curries
True, nothing can match curry that is folded over 9000 times.
this might be weird but i like to put quartered garlic cloves in it
maybe gochujang, or green bell peppers near the end, just so they soften.
in autumn i add red kuri or mushroom
Japanese curry tastes bad.

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Thread for discussing coffee and coffee related topics.

Latte edition

If you're new and confused start here: https://pastebin.com/UEzwuyLz

If you're old and confused have you dialed in your espresso?
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Bought some natural ethiopians today. I've got some high hopes for these beans.
I guess I should do them as a pour-over first before using them for espresso
>Bought some natural ethiopians today
Man, I miss those times.
The ritual of drinking coffee and the psychological effects of it can't be understated.
I wasn't talking about interbreeding of varieties or other forms of genetic engineering, though that is happening. Labs in Kenya for example develop very hardy cultivars. Exotic varietals are being discovered and rediscovered all the time, and the market for them is growing rapidly. This is especially important in coffee compared to cannabis, as the former is still grown mostly outdoors and is thus susceptible to insects and fungus, with monocultures leading to widespread crop devastation. The lack of genetic diversity has been identified as a problem in this regard for decades now, hence the farmers pursuing it like I said.
Thanks for the recipe, will definitely check it out.
Beautiful stuff, as always. (:
There's still tons of great natural Ethiopians out there. Just because you can't get Harar like you used to doesn't mean those days are over.
>There's still tons of great natural Ethiopians out there.
I know, Anon. It's just... I don't know if I can find someone like her again... or if I can even feel as strongly about anyone else...


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Let's have a chili thread.
Beans or no beans can fuck off, no one cares, don't be gay.
Also if you don't use dark red kidneys and maybe black beans you are doing it wrong.

Garlic in chili, yes or no? I see some recipes that call for five fucking cloves and that seems insane to me.
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extra lean ground beef
taco seasoning
add a can of roasted tomatoes with herbs
add a can of beans
some frozen corn
a bit of smoked paprika for heat
top with shredded tex mex cheese

simple as
chili can have beans. chili con Carne does not have beans
I have some habaneros and what's the best time to add them to my chili? Should I chop them and saute them with the onion and meat or should I add a whole one to the chili once it's simmering?
I like to hit them with the immersion blender along with some fresh garlic and add them quite late in the process.

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Spaghetti with chicken Kiev — try it!
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Total pigger/zigger death
chicken Niggeriv
Some young people say it that way, too.
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i still pronounce it kiev
don't tell the authorities haha
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>chicken Kiev

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Any time a cooking video features black gloves I just want to teleport to the video's overproduced set and punch the soyfaggot right in the mouth. Like try my knuckle sandwich, you son of a bitch.
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OP was bitching about people on youtube wearing gloves, so >>20845619 has a point
That's great, but I didn't reply to OP
when is this 'soy' 'faggot' hate speech bullshit gone fucking stop?
you guys ruin everything like fucking 4 year olds
>when is this 'soy' 'faggot' hate speech bullshit gone fucking stop?
When you get the fuck out and go somewhere you're actually welcome
You're supposed to use black gloves over white gloves when working in high abrasion risk environments. The contrast makes it easier to see if the outer glove has been damaged.

Though I kinda doubt that is what chefs are doing.

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How do we deal with picky eaters who expect restaurants to change the menu to cater for their pickiness?
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Shit on a plate and give it to them.

It works out exactly the same no matter what the kitchen does.
Just cheaper, faster, and funnier.
Probably a better online review too.
Send those fuckers to basic. One month of starvation and heavy exercise and you'll be eating rocks like they're lobsters.
I can't believe you niggers are falling for this shit. It's clearly fake I mean the man's NICKNAME IS ONIONS.

I get picky eaters and people with food sensabilities but nobody writes a passive aggressive diarrhea letter for the chef. You just talk to the waiter and explain "I'm allergic to peanuts" or "I cannot eat tomatoes" and they will do it ESPECIALLY if you offer them a tip. That's how you get the food you want. Say a tip is in it for you and they will get you the right order.

This reddit ass list of manchild retardation will do nothing but get your food spit on or your drink poisoned so NOBODY would ever say or do this. The internet has posioned your critical thinking skills into thinking everyone is a completely hopeless autistic stereotype.
We don't. You don't have to do anything personal to deal with another person's life. Let the business handle it.
"Sorry we can't accomodate you we wish you the best"

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meatballs and acorn squash and langhe nebbiolo
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Oh, never mind. It’s you, Stewart. Are you staying at your little brother’s apartment again? I know your parents don’t let the house they let you live in get that filthy. And why do you always have to tease that poor dog with food? It’s downright mean.
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hes a stewart, and hes an insufferable little prick
once truffle season starts i'll make a thread of me feeding the dog white truffle, don't worry
I was wrong. That’s Stewart’s little enclosed outdoor area next to his pool where he eats, teases his dog, and watches futbol. He is not at his brother’s apartment. The dark threw me off.

Couldn't even sell my grill pan for 5 bucks. People have realised those stripes meant shit and meat needs plain surface, high temp and resting.
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i hate this shit, can't get maillard reaction. bitch to clean too.
>'t get maillard
of course you can
few stripes don't count. i don't like eating grey steaks
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it's not for stæk anon we can agree on that. but it's good for lots of things.
>not using griddle pan for sardines

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This absolutely does something. Got a few branches from my father's garden and tossed them in a lentil soup. Huge diff
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Of course it does something you fucking muppet. How the fuck are people letting themselves be gaslit into thinking that a flavorful leaf put into water somehow doesn't do anything?
I think they get a bad rap because people have been led to believe they are ultra-potent by recipes only calling for a single bay leaf or two in giant 6-8 Qt recipes of pots of soup, stew, beans, etc. You really do need at least like 6-7 of them for the quantity of cooking most people engage in with these types of recipes that end up being made a lot of on the weekend and get eaten as leftovers for the next week.

A giant half pound bag is 10$ on Amazon that probably has 200 or so individual leaves inside, whereas most grocery stores sell them in jars with like 6-12 each for $5 that makes shoppers instinctual want to ration/skimp on them, then get the impression that they don't do anything for being such a pricey/niche ingredient.
I like making tea with it. It's great for indigestion and gases
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>We aren't on good terms
>So I guess I'll just steal from them

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What is the correct way to make pizza dough?
I looked up pizza dough recipes and every damn one tells me something different.
For example some say to mix the yest in with the flour directly when kneeding, others say to activate it in warm water first, then some say to let the dough rise for 10 minutes on the counter, others to leave it in fridge over night, etc etc.
So what the fuck is the actually correct way to make pizza dough?
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Mix yo shit.
Beat yo shit.
Rest yo shit.
Cut yo shit.
Roll yo shit.
Pretty simple, anon.
>literally the recipe i posted >>20825007 aside from a .5% diff in yeasties.
You didn't include any instructions for how to assemble the dough.
>how to assemble the dough.
thought that bit was a lil self-explanatory, love.
you mix it together using whatever method you have.
>hand mixer
>stand mixer
you put it in and mix. i guess the info needed here would be when its "velvety smooth" its ready to proof. i use a hook on a kitchenaid so i go low to incorporate, 2 for the next 30sec to mix then up to medium speed 6 for 3-4 minutes until its ready.
after you make it a few times, youll know when its done, its smooth, no lumps of gluten, its very velvety in appearance, it looks like dough should when its ready, if it doesnt then mix/knead more
Do a little experimenting??? make different batches? Leaving it in the fridge is an extra step you can take if you have the time it improves the texture and flavor of the dough but is not necessary. Just mix your ingredients, knead, let rise on counter and voila you have a pizza dough.

forget about the japanese meme about folding rice for 15 years, corn tortillas are the real deal. i can't figure out how to make them stop breaking when making tacos even if i make them fresh. tell me abuelas secret
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Wrap them in a warm moist towel it keeps them perfectly supple.
Make sure your Masa to water ratio is correct also.
Between these two videos, anyone should be able to make perfect corn tortillas.
https://youtu.be/4JBHQS-DEbI https://youtu.be/FzRgwUO5Gd8
Use flour tortillas instead. Corn tortillas taste weird anyways
fucking new worlders, its tortiLLa with a hard /ɟ/
in the pan, that is how they make crispy tacos

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Thoughts on polish food?
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wish I had some rn
Tomato tosteamedbread. Calling it a "dumpling" doesn't suddenly make it stop being streamed bread.
I hope I can go to Poland next year, I am literally going to go wild eating polish food, especially FLACKZY
You know it's literally a tripe soup, right? Euros are fucking disgusting.
yer mum's a tripe soup, m8

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What’s your favorite cult-based food/drink? For me it’s Sleepytime tea
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Teddy bear tea is my favorite. I was drinking some when I saw your post. I've been embroidering something close to this.
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I don't care if they beat their kids with sticks, best muffins I ever tasted in my life.
That's an extremely high quality embroidery, anon. Good job.
Cult like how? This is the tea your mum buys but never drinks.
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Good shit

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*makes your food taste worse*
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Even a lot of unground black peppercorns are unfit. I really didn't "get" it until trying picrel brand, "Drogheria & Alimentari". Maybe I just got lucky with a fresh jar but it was like discovering a new spice.
I love grinding child corns
it's like you people are in a competition to have the shittiest takes
Actually a good observation desu. Seems like it should work but the pepper overpowers it really fast
Pepper is great. You just have the palate of a child. Go microwave a hot pocket faggot loser bitch

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ITT: proof that healthy food can be yummy at the same time
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I do, scumbag.
>nutrition/$: expensive
>I do
like I said, nobody
Why are you pretty sure of that?
They are poisoning you in the USA. Sorry.

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