Tonight we’re making tongue, let’s go.
>>21110406Ok I'm interested in how an Italian cooks beef tongue. This is gonna be good.
Ingredients:TONGUE>veal tongue (fresh): 850 gr to 1 kg>for the broth: 1 big carrot, 1 big onion cut in 4 parts, celery to taste, black pepper grains to taste, cherry/pachino/ciliegino tomatoes cut in half at least 5, other aromas of your choice and 1 glass of white wine>coarse salt 1 tablespoon SALSA VERDE AI FUNGHI>tomato passata (you can make it with water and tomato paste) 80 gr>dried mushrooms 30 gr - I used porcini>1/4 onions>1 clove of garlic if liked >apple vinegar 20 gr if liked >3-4 anchovies on oil without bones if liked>capers and olives on oil if liked >water 100 gr>EVO oil or your desired oil of choice >parsley leaves 150 gr>salt, pepper and vinegar to taste (to adjust the finished sauce)
Put the dried mushrooms in a mixer/blender and process them until they become small pieces.
Cover the base of a 24 cm pan with oil and heat it, add the minced onion, the garlic and the anchovies and fry let them take some heat, add the mushrooms and let them absorb all the oil.When you hear the oil frying add the tomato purée, when it start to boil add the water with the olives and capers: simmer lid on for 30 minutes.After this time uncover (if the sauce dries meanwhile add a bit of water to keep if moist) and raise the flame, add the apple vinegar and let the sauce become thick.Transfer to a bowl and refrigerate until room temp at least, it HAS to be chilled.
This is the finished porcini sauce before being chilled.
>>21110420anchovies, capers and olives? with beef?ngl, I'm skeptical
When the sauce is chilled, put the parsley leaves in a mixer with the sauce, add some water to help the mixer do its job and start mixing while pouring oil from the top as if you were making a mayonnaise. You want to make an emulsion, do not heat it because you need to keep the bright green colour.Taste it and adjust with salt, pepper and vinegar, then cover with plastic wrap and again in the fridge to keep the temperature down and stabilise.
The finished sauce.This sauce is a big dose, it exceeds your needs for the tongue so you can use half the dose of the sauce ingredients.>>21110436You can skip them, as I did, but they’re good because they make the sauce salty.Also check vitello tonnato and maionese tonnata, literally tuna mayonnaise. It’s deicuous.
Take a big pot and bring water to a boil, enough water to submerge the tongue.Let’s pretend that the pan I used is not flaking giving me cancer.Blanche the tongue for 20 minutes and skim the white foam.
At the same time take another pot, the one you will cook the tongue in, and start the veggie stock, keep it simmering and ready while the tongue is blanching.I used a pressure pot because half the cooking time and better results.
After 20 minutes transfer the tongue to the pressure pot with the boiling veggie stock and add the glass of wine, let the alcohol evaporate and close the lid.Cook 1 hour and a half from the hissing or 3 hours in a normal pot (you need at least 2x the weight of the tongue in water).
When the tongue is ready, release the pressure and smell that stock, then immediately transfer it to a fucking surgical table and peel the skin while it’s hot (do not let the tongue cool down or this step will be difffult), also remove small bones/nerves from the base of the tongue if present.Transfer the cleaned tongue back to the stock and let it soak to absorb the flavour and becoming super soft. The more it rests the better, I suggest at least 30 minutes lid on so it stays hot.
It looks like some horrid shit but boy this thing is good and fatty
Cut, plate and cover with my version of the salsa verde.Enjoy a perfectly soft and moist tongue that melts in your mouth.
>>21110476Thaanc!Sorry for the ugly plating but this is the best I could do working in a busy home kitchen.
>>21110481Don't worry about plating, what counts is how it tastes.
>>21110468>>21110470A-anon what the fuck
>>21110491It was amazing desu, I’m very happy.The sauce could’ve been better, next time I’ll aim for a less silky texture but taste wise it was good. If you skip the tomato and mushrooms with onions (and capers, olives) you can add a hard boiled egg for a very fresh parsley sauce aka salsa verde. It’s ok to skip the egg too.Pesto works as well.
>>21110472I probably couldn't eat tongue, just feels too ironic.Looks nice though and the Salsa is top tier.
>>21110470I wouldn't eat it if I had to cook it myself
>>21110540It’s actually one of the best bollito misto meat parts, it’s soo soft and fatty that the pairing with the green salsa is refreshing and mouth cleaning, it’s like they’re made for each own.Also I’d like to think that the poor veal is giving me a kiss. :’(
>>21110406i love tongue wish my grocery had it
Do europoors really?>>21110468>>21110470>>21110472I would immediately turn 360° and walk away
>>21110406Gigabased Mokafrà, best /ck/ anon.
>>21110557Aww the kiss of death.. you've won me over, I'd try it if you made it.
>>21110436I believe it. Beef with anchovy in the broth is (oddly enough) also a Korean flavor profile and it works well
>>21110598It's not in the broth though, it's in the sauce.As I mentioned above, look for vitello tonnato (literal translation is tuna'd veal) and especially how they make the sauce here: works good because it boosts the saltyness since veal is not quite as strong as beef.
>>21110616>It's not in the broth though, it's in the sauce.Splitting hairs
>>21110616>>21110618Shit, wrong timepost.>>21110618Nope, it changes a lot!
>>21110622Is broth not merely a watery sauce? A vehicle to convey the flavors but wider and more all-encompassing?
>>21110406In Russia food tastes you back
>>21110627>tfw when you eat the tongue you experience all the things the veal has eaten in its own life
>>21110632I don't feel like tasting that many antibiotics
>>21110643Antibiotics don't stay in the tongue anon.The best offals are heart, tongue and liver (if you like it), someone also like lungs.Steer clear from brain though, it can be dangerous.
>>21110651You're so based anon. You have such good taste. Chicken hearts are wonderful and I miss them. Brazilian BBQs have them
>>21110658Thank you anon.I never had chicken hearts, however I always wanted to try beef kidneys even though I fear them tasting like piss if cooked improperly lol.Here in Italy, in some regions, toasted bread slices with chicken liver patè is considered a delicacy.
>>21110666It's time to post BASED Luca Pappagallo.
>>21110658>>21110666Chicken hearts are detestable. 2/10
>>21110666>I always wanted to try beef kidneysYou're literally me. I want to try britbong kidney pie so badly. Only place you can find kidneys around here as an American is at the Chinese market
>>21110681I have them readily available, will try.
>>21110703Godspeed, I hope it tastes good!
>>21110406Lengua tacos are great but the tacquieras that have it usually know how to use it so this >>21110417
>>21110571You can find tongue in any legit Jewish deli on the east coast
>>21110417Lingua is an italian dish you can find from north to south. Usually a homemade, family meal, it is more common to find it in restaurants in northern Italy from Milan eastward to Trieste, where it is a local dish and they serve it with kren, a horseradish delicious sauce, italian wasabi.
>>21110472Bravo anon, zia tier deliciousness
>>21110866Grazie :-*
Why are some people weird about tongue? Because it looks weird? lmao
>>21111030Because most of them think that beef only equals to ribeye, roast beef and tenderloin steaks.They’re called NPCs and/or cooklets.
>>21110681>>21110703Enjoy your piss pockets
>>21110472that looks more like a pesto than a salsa verde
>>21111076I will
>>21111747Yeah, I had a problem with the mixer and over mixed the sauce but it doesn’t matter because it’s only a texture “issue” since the flavour stays the same unless you manage to oxidize the greens by heating the emulsion.
>>21110472Bravo, salsa verde coi funghi non l'avevo mai sentita, generalmente mi attengo alla ricetta piemontese. Non so se hai mai provato, ma da amante della lingua ti consiglio di farci delle polpettine da friggere, strepitose.
>>21110681Steak and kidney pie is fucking absolutely abysmal, let's take a nice beautiful rich gravy full of tender beef and fuck a load of slimy rubber piss lumps in it. It always has the unmistakable taste of stale piss.
>>21110406Lickitung sisters....
>>21111784Mai provato, ma grazie del consiglio
>>21110571you mean 180 anon turning 360 means you get seconds
>>21110472i'd try it, mostly because that sauce looks FIREi gotta try tongue some time, everyone says its good but the thought of it is kind of grosslike french kissing a cow corpse