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None of these are spicy. These are all kinda bland and flavorless except for mild which is just taco sauce.
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Why would anyone throw away non-expired food?
>never had tb breakfast
Breakfast crunchwrap is probably my top 3 fastfood breakfast items. Sausage McMuffin (no egg/with folded egg) and Baconator round it out.
Last time I went to a TB at breakfast they were out of the hashbrown.
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This stuff is way too spicy for me
They all taste the same. Diablo just tastes like black pepper sauce. I wish they would just give tobasco packets since that's actually better than all of them. When I worked for food delivery I would always give the customer fire because I think that's the most decent tasting one.
I'm an autist so I carry a hot sauce bottle in my pocket if I'm on the road lol.

Do you like McDonalds burgers?
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Nah too expensive. Not worth it.
nigger this isn't Jeopardy!
That's really none of your business.
There is something addictive about their ketchup. I would always dip my spicy mcchickens in it.
I like them in the trash. Simple ass

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If a ground meat patty between two burger buns is called a burger, and a piece of fried chicken between two burger buns is called a sandwich, then what is pic related called?
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I just call everything a burger to piss off the autismo people
burger sandwich
A cram burger
i would think a burger sandwich is two pieces of bread with lettuce and tomato and mayo and a cheeseburger as the meat

Post bread that you've baked, or bread that you'd like to bake, or questions about baking bread.

I made a light rye loaf last night, this is my second attempt at it and my first time successfully kneading by hand, up until now I've just been doing overnight no knead stuff. The dough really can smell fear.
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And the best part is, here are all these anons who are not only eating Cheaper and healthier, they will also carry this traditional food preparation to the end of their days, and also pass it on to their progeny.
I don't even trust most supermarket "Bakeries" anymore, since they just get frozen shipments of pre-fab dough with conditioners and other "Additives" already in them.
Nice spread, very inviting.
Whole wheat flour is a nice pizza crust for home oven baked pizzas. gives a nice hearty, nutty flavor.
3½C water to 2C flour seems backwards though.
not my choices for toppings either, but it looked like it turned out well.
Using a cast iron dutch oven? use brickets on the lid if you weren't already.
I already do that, but with coals. Like I said though, I don't have anything to make a good fire where I'm camping. Best I can do is stovetop atm.

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I dislike Bacon.
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Same, but only crispy bacon. Floppy bacon is decent for breakfast.
I like bacon but like cheese I don't like it on anything because all i can ever taste is the cheese or bacon
Crispy bacon sucks ass. i dont want to eat shards of glass for breakfast i want nice meaty porky bites
>shards of glass
Crispy bacon is only brittle when its overcooked.
When cooked properly (and given a few seconds to set after removed from heat) it won't sag when held aloft, but it will have chew instead of being brittle. And using thick cut gives you a meatier bite.
And you also have the option of getting it cut even thicker.
i've had terrible bacon and terrific bacon
usually its mid, which tracks
chewy boys rise up

Are these things worth it? My ex I had to throw out has my kitchen aid, which I never really liked, or used in the first place.
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That one you posted looks EXACTLY like my mom's Kitchen Aid from 1984.
It only came with 3 slicing disks, but it's still chugging along to this day.
The Robo-coo I'm familiar with is the all stainless one.
I honestly never use one. anything that needs to be pureed gets the stick blender, and if you have a mandolin and good knife skills, I can't see any reason for these antiquated counter warts.
If you don't have one, just get a good stick blender, many of them come with a processor cup now anyway.
Isn't my personal preference, just an example.
The robo-coo was renown for being high quality commercial kitchen equipment, I'm not sure if that's still the case.
They work, i've used them in restaurants. The average home cook might not find a lot of uses for it though.
Only if you're making things that justify cleaning it. Maybe salsa, lots of grating, spinach pasta... possibly a pastry dough... actually not a lot of things come to mind. Definitely not pesto, you want to use a mortar and pestle for that.
>you want to use a mortar and pestle for that
>Only if you're making things that justify cleaning it
dishwasher, barring that, make the woman clean
you cook, she cleans, it's a perfect symmetry
you decide what to cook and get to eat whatever you want
read harder friend

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How hard do these fast food corporations need to fuck you before you learn to cook, anons?

>It turns out that Chipotle customers were right in their complaints about skimpy portion sizes at some locations. On Wednesday, CEO Brian Niccol disclosed that a company investigation found that 1 in 10 of its restaurants were too meager with their servings.

>Chipotle looked into the issue after rumors of shrunken portions circulated on social media, including from influential food reviewers on TikTok who shared images of small helpings. Some customers claimed they got bigger meals when they filmed workers putting their orders together.

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They're likely not paying for it, remember the biden / kamela debt begone stuff so why should they care?
It seems like another scheme to get people engrained to the democrat party, forgive debts, let in as many illegals as possible, of course the democrats will get more voters.
Almost no states use the federal minimum, can't even think of one but i'm sure there's some new mexico ass shithole still paying seben fitty
I work at chipotle and since this trend started I've been putting prolly about 2/3rds MORE shit in peoples orders then usual and I've been making some crazy tips from it, earlier this week a dad slipped me a $20 after I made all his kids food I never felt so appreciated in society before. And it's not just me, some of my co-workers are doing so as well and our manager thinks it's great cuz our reviews went from 3.5 to 4 stars since may which shes been wanting us to do for like a year now, plus we've been getting a lot more repeat customers to the point I've memorized some of their orders. I am getting a raise to $17 an hour next month and I think it might be because I spearheaded doing this.
So the stories seeming to differ tremendously from location to location certainly checks out. I live in one of the whitest places in the country BTW
>i have some news for you about the federal min wage
If you do not receive the federal min wage, you are receiving money without tax you are getting money "under the table". Otherwise it is USSC violation and you can be making millions. Unless you are aren't in the US legally and therefore violate all the protection at the state and national level.

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pork n beans, boys, pork and beans
looks like schnitzel and salsa

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Are there some alternatives?
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>aren't that great anyway
Bullshit. I fucking love hard-boiled eggs.
Cheese tastes like foot fungus, why would you want to replicate that taste? I guess blended up mushrooms mixed with nutritional yeast and a lot of salt?
Cheese is made from milk, you can't make cheese without milk. It's impossible to make vegan cheese.
Thats not vegan, thats an animal based product.
this nigga never had dick cheese

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All I need is a simple wrapper for breakfast sandwiches I make and freeze
>parchment paper
Too stiff, doesn't stay folded
>aluminum foil
Not microwave safe
>paper towel
sticks to the food
>newspaper/paper/brown paper bag
toxic/possibly flammable in microwave
>deli paper
Too stiff, doesn't stay folded
>unwrap them before microwaving
Requires additional dishes and/or cleanup
>paper gas stations use to wrap their sandwiches
Impossible to find for purchase online

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This is the correct answer
These are feds trying to poison you
These are poisonous too
Aren't you supposed be on your meds?
I'm contacting your doctor right now.
>anime poster struggles with a simple everyday task
Why is this such a common sight on this board?
Did you notice a sign on the front of my house that says Sandwich storage?
Bet she eats it too and then regurgitates to anon like a mom to a little birdling. Isn't that cute?

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I find the weird apprehension towards generic brands to be a sign that food prices aren't actually that big a deal and people are just retarded.

>Oh but they're worse
They're really not.
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Incorrect, Ingrid but congratulations on your shiny new vagina
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>doesn't recognize tourettes guy
>unhinged tranny projection out of nowhere
First day as a woman and already that time of the month, Monica?
kys oldtroon
they've gone up 30% in the past year. you're just fucking retarded.

I got some “ramen” takeout. Both my parents say cilantro tastes like soap, but I don’t. Can someone who understands genetics tell me whether or not this is normal or if in a weirdo who likes soap?

Thanks. This shit is good, by the way, but tastes like fancy [protein] soup.
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Care to give some measurements? I could go for some kraut or kimchi recipes.
I'm sorry to inform you your parents are tastelets
cilantro tastes like how stink bugs smell to me
The genetics thing is just picky eaters trying to back up their quirks with science, exactly like all the people who use Adhd as an excuse to be lazy
Honestly, I know a girl that suddenly became "allergic" to mushrooms a few years ago and swears she can tell if there's even a tiny amount of mushroom in a dish because it makes her throat swell up. She actually can't because i've seen her eat food with mushroom sauce and other things. It's only if the flavor of mushroom is prominent or if she sees it she suddenly can't eat it. I told her to just admit she doesn't like mushroom and that's fine but she insists she's allergic to the flavor.

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What’s the weirdest fruit you’ve tried? How did it taste?
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I've seen them for sale here but at I've no idea wtf to do with them and the fact that they were quite pricey, I didn't bother buying them. That same store has fully edible pumpkins right now. Skin, seeds, everything. All edible. Buying some tomorrow morning.
>strange fruit
Was that an on-purpose reference to Billie Holliday or accidental? Cuz that's what the song Strange Fruit is about.
Yes that was a very purposeful reference. I'm glad it was recognized.
Maaaan I've been wanting to try the monstera deliciosa fruit for years. I've got two plants but they're pretty small, don't see them fructifying any time soon. I need to go out with a machete and find some in the wild lol
man my dad had a few of these little trees that grew dragonfruit and they would vary from literally flavorless to ever so slightly sweet and juicy
It's a shame that the super cool looking dragon fruit tastes like almost nothing while the dull looking pitaya is delicious. Nature is weird...

aahhh.... nothing beats cold Japanese beer after a hot bath...
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Drop the third bomb.
You don't actually believe that's why they went bankrupt is it?
based non-learning nigger
you know why. everyone knows why.
Japs are the Irish of the chink world, with their consumption anyways. Yeah, they get pretty drunk on a single beer, but they'll drink all night long, get absolutely blackout wasted, piss and shit on themselves, pass out in the street and wake up two hours later and head to work for 15 hours or more, and do it all over again.
Seriously, I've lived and worked in both Japan and Ireland, and saw the same shit in both places, except the micks don't work nearly as much.

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my bitch gf doesnt like onions it makes her gag how do i fix it
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>how do i fix it
Can't believe no one gave you the right answer. BREAK UP WITH HER.
to prove she likes them, because everyone does
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who tf hates onions? make a dish with it and put some drops of pheromones in it idk
Yeah she totally is a “fox”. That’s why I banged her when OP was at work
My wife used to hate onions, but after a powerful trip on psychedelics she now magically likes them and can even handle raw onion. 2C-B was our particular choice

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