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What causes this?
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coke zero is routinely sold out in grocery stores here in the midwest, while regular and diet never are. if there's a sale you literally will not get any unless you're at the store super early.
I never knew sprite was a "black" product until I was in my 30s
its an american meme, bro. blacks love sprite, mexicans are fiends for coke and bluecollar whites thrive on mtn dew. i think the blacks and sprite thing might have to do with black sportsball sponsorships, and blacks liking fruit drinks in general over cola. mexicans and coke is simply understood, it is the elixer of their people. idk how mtn dew happened
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Diet Mountain Dew needs to be pulled from shelves, who is still buying that trash?
The Zero Sugar version is so much better.
Just look at the name
Mountain dew used to refer to moonshine that was made in the hills in the wee hours. So essentially, it's just a hillbilly drink through and through

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what do you stuff inside your roast chicken?
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my penis weanus
Sometimes I do apple slices and prunes, normally more of a duck thing, but it still works, oranges can also be very nice
Another chicken
my dick and cum

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For those in the industry how did you survive Valentine’s Day? Was it crazy? Any good stories?
That's not from valentines day, it's from groundhog day. Emphasis on the "hog" part.
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I was in it for over a decade, you just cope
Look at this shit though, I took my gf out to this place and they say it's less than 24 hours for these stone crabs to make it to your table fresh from Florida, shit was cash
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Sales of our toys were up around 12.6% compared to last year.

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What is your go to “cheap beer”? Mine is Keystone. It is affordable and tastes almost exactly light Coors.
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brooklyn lager
i'm biased against keystone because a buddy of mine worked at a retail warehouse got a fucking pallet of it skunked when we were like 18 and we drank it all it was fucking rancid
Sometimes you just want to guzzle beers all day and just maintain a nice comfy buzz instead of get shitfaced

For me, it's Miller High Life
i wish bud dry was still around

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1. Open Google
2. Type in any year that you were in high school
3. Add the word "menu" to your search
4. Post results

ex. 2010 menu
>pic related
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>Type in any year that you were in high school
datamining thread.
sample size of about a dozen, what an epic mine
1995 time shreds us all
shizos must be genetically removed from the gene pool
It is possible. Buck V Bell.

>noooooo, you're not supposed to mix the spices prematurely, you NEED to add them discretely because... because you just have to, okay?

What are some other retarded /ck/ advice you've heard?
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Were you to leave, it would increase dramatically. ^_^
Not any of them, but I do have a genuine, question though, did you grow up speaking English? And if so, where? What you say is technically grammatically true but it's a very unusual way to phrase that.
how abt u fullstop ur heartbeet
P.S, There's a difference between knowing how something's done and forgoing it vs. being confidently incorrect about the implementation of a word. Sorry.
You don't know what implementation means.

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You like hot dogs right?
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Good quality ones, yes.
i have hotdog mugs and hotdog lamps.
they are the perfect meal.
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Me Din Dins

Chicken in a bag with Mediterranean vegetables, peas, and roasted baby potatoes
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>Chicken in a bag
It looks, in fact, that it is outside of the bag.
Thoughts on mushy peas as opposed to those regular ones you got there?
>fell for the vegetable psyop
fork goes on the right unless you are a poncy posh europoor
>fork goes on the right unless you are a poncy posh europoor

>If you don't do [insert thing], then you must be [insert insult]?

Most people do infact have the fork in the left hand, when presented with cutlery, it only seems to be Americans that do this weird juggling act with the knife and fork and constantly swaps them between hands.

This guy used to be everywhere, what happened? I noticed most of the new influencers are attractive. Is the food industry lookist?
You could have googled this
He got MeTooed
zoomers are just like that, look at comedy, average comedians used to be werid degen people like jim norton and rich voss now it's all douchey gym bros and brodudes who have nothing interesting to say but young people are like "lol he wear sweatpants and have dumb hairdo i like him"

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>like ginger
>think this will be a nice treat
>take one sip
>entire throat immediately burns
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luv me bundaberg
'ate 'stralians
i never found a ginger drink that was as hot as i liked so i just started steeping flaked chili in vodka and making hot vodka and bulk buying and juicing ginger, it's like $2/lb at the chinese and indian groceries, so i can make nice refreshing ginger drinks with anything carbonated. its great if you get colds easily
Vernors sucks.
>t. also Michigan
You sound like you're from Ohio. Someone who hates Coney Islands, Franklin cider mill, Cherry festival, and lakes.
Anyone south of Saginaw is not even a human being.

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*clinks glass*
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>I didn't know combining two legal drugs could have negative consequences!
>they're legal, so they must be safe... right?
I reiterate, the 21st amendment is a mistake.
I just tried this and it's unironically good.
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You more than likely have high blood pressure. Most people do, and are simply undiagnosed.
America was founded by Luciferians who codified their beliefs in a founding document we all still live under, with only small and infrequent breaks for sanity like the 18th amendment, yes.

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I'm so stressed everyday thanks to my work and personal life. All I think about is the bullshit that plagues my work even when I clock out and I want these intrusive thoughts to stop. I need them to stop and drinking seems like a good way to do that.
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Teetotalers have weird ideas about alcohol. A couple of beers won't even get you buzzed, let alone outright turn your brain off. In fact there's no alcohol in any amount that outright turns your brain off. All it does is make your head a little tingly, and if you keep drinking after that it just makes you want to sit down. If you're determined to have bad thoughts, you will continue to have bad thoughts while drunk.

I recommend going out and getting that six pack of blue moon just to dispel this illusion that it can medicate you. You'll find it's not such a big deal and realize that you have no choice but to rawdog reality.

I used to drink a lot. I hated my job and being drunk made it fun. I mixed vodka with energy drinks so i wouldnt get tired at work. At home Jamesons, for breakfast with coffee. I quit my job, i got another one. I started vaping weed. I was high all day every day for a decade. I didnt get hangovers with weed, I didnt do fucked up shit and make bad choices on weed. I stopped one day because I wasnt really high anymore, being sober was now my high. Being sober i could feel all these emotions and thoughts I had avoided for years. I realized I missed a lot, forgot a lot from being high all the time. Years that are gone. I still smoke every now and then, have some drinks now and then. But i dont need it anymore. I was running away from myself, i guess i just accepted reality and stopped running.
mostly it just increases your cortisol levels
There's nothing wrong with 2 beers after work. Alcoholism is when you cant stop after 2 beers. Your days off also will turn into drinking 15 beers to maintain a buzz all day long if you go the route of checking out entirely from sober living.

I personally don't think drinking is that bad if you stay functional and I'm not going to tell you not to do it. I would have killed myself a long time ago if not for alcohol. I was able to go to my brother's wedding because of alcohol. And go to a lot of social events that I otherwise wouldn't have been able to attend at all due to anxiety. Alcohol allowed me to live a lot of life that otherwise was totally impossible.
sounds like you need to focus on fixing your work and personal life, not be an escapist faggot bro. drink if you want, but if it hasnt been a part of your daily life or family culture, which it sounds like it hasnt if youre here as a working adult asking what you have, i would not recommend it, it will probably ruin you.

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Fill the freezer when there's a good deal happening. What are you taking advantage of in your area?
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It's good for you.
>shit cuts
??? no such thing. Pretty much every part of the animal is good for you.
wally world is still cheaper if you get the 10 pound packs of ground beef, and it isnt even a sale price
>that just renders into liquid
Don't tell me you discard the fat? You're supposed to eat it, or at least cook something else with it.
crisscross cut the fat and slow roast it so it renders and gets crispy
I don't really pay attention to the prices of stuff like this

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which is better?
chicken tender
sesame seed bun
pepper mayo
>chicken little
chicken tender
plain bun
plain mayo
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whatever happens to you in the future, you'll deserve it
I hope you choke on slimy sour cucumber dogshit, fag boy
The buffalo snackers for 1 dollar were peak kfc. I’d get high and order 10) have them for lunch dinner breakfast etc
isn't KFC legally required to not use the word "chicken"?

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How bad is too bad?
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This. Also I keep grits (because regular not quick grits are hard to find in Yankeestan) and any small quantities of specialty grains in the freezer where any weevils that might hatch in something else can’t get to them.
better than a low IQ tik-tok watching bug eater
>left partially uncovered and out of the fridge
Do retarded subhumans really?
You're thinking of pearly penile papules or ppp. Roughly 8% of all men have them circumcised or not
lots of americans just buy their meat pre-cut and can't imagine handling raw meat because it's icky and what poor people do (this is what mericans ACTUALLY believe)

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