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why haven't you picked up your $5 hot and ready pizza today anon?
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I wish buckets o' spaghetti were more common. The only place I've ever seen them besides Little Caesars is shitty "Italian" places in the Midwest.
Because I cooked breakfast, we went out to lunch, the missus cooked dinner and none of us like Little Caesars
How much was the NEWS 25 TORNADO WARNINGKBUSTER VIDEO pizza! pizza! DEAL?
>why would you buy the cow when you can get the sex for free?
dominos has been running $6.99 deals for like 2 years now and thats about as much as I'm willing to pay for any goyslop chain pizza. anything else I'll eat some $4 frozen shit or a $12 one at the local pizza beer pub

hell the grocery store just had a sale on digiorno stuff crust so I picked up 4 of them for $3.80 a piece

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what are you having for lunch? I'm having heart disease
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I'd prefer wood over the cheap plastic ones that deform and weaken if the food is actually hot
People in glass houses should not throw stones. There is absolutely no substitute to toum when it comes to shawarma/kebab. Yogurt is for gyros.
>Illegal in the UK.
Rent free
looks like elton john farted on it
I haven't had poutine in way too long

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This thread is for discussing teas, tisanes, and other herbal infusions.

info: types of tea, where to get tea, how to brew tea

previous thread: >>21089728
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if one gong fu session is 6 grams, it will take you 61 sessions to finish a cake. so if you have a session every other day, it will take you 4 months
that makes sense
I understand, i dont mean your life specfically, im saying you would look elsewhere if you were taking your health seriously
What is this blatant sweeping just buy organic if you care about pesticides.
Immediate deflecting just makes you look like you're involved somehow.
>you wish to not consume poisons, yet you are not a professional athlete, curious. I am very intelligent.
Fuck, people are allowed to care about things you don't care about.
>What is this blatant sweeping just buy organic if you care about pesticides.
im addresing their concern, which i percieved as their health

>Immediate deflecting just makes you look like you're involved somehow.
involved how? what do you think this is?

>Fuck, people are allowed to care about things you don't care about.
i never said they couldn't, stop projecting, im not your dad yelling at you

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What are you currently drinking /ck/?
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local IPAs and Sierra Nevada Pale Ales
I prefer the more niche microbrew Belgian ales, stouts, etc. but they don’t sell them in stores
No you're just gay for hans
you guys have a lot of good imperial stouts though, these are harder to come by over here
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I've been really enjoying this stuff lately.

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The Sonoran hot dog is the king of hot dogs
nah nigga
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You have autism, it's a hotdog.
None of that makes you special or better than anyone
Most of the problems in America can be instantly fixed by exterminating people who live like this.
That’s a funny way to spell Completo
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had this bad boy in flagstaff
as a Cincinnatian, Skyline cheese coneys will always be my #1, but if I had to live anywhere else in the world, I would easily choose Arizona.

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This is a great answer. Thank you.
in the UK there's some regulation that anything marketed with alcoholic branding has to be treated just like full strength product all the way through the supply chain
probably some similar rule in whichever country you live in
so here at least 0.0% beer has the same restrictions on advertising, shelf displays, ID, you name it as full strength stuff
Beer tastes good. If I could drink na throughout the day without coworkers looking at me weird and smelling it on me I would. Tbh NA is probably better for you than Gatorade or most other electrolyte drinks
Why is non-alcoholic beer not safe for alchies? My dad was a massive alcoholic before I was born and quit because he wanted kids and my mom wouldn't let him unless he stopped being a drunk all the time. He's been sober for longer than I've been alive, but I've always seen him drinking shit like O'Douhls.
heh, was buying beer at the local gas station and they asked for ID, first time that has happened to me in decades, my beard is longer than my forearm, i was flattered

fun fact, same gas station i bought my first bottle of liquor legally (2L Jack Daniels) at 15, laws were different back then

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>Drink coffee
>Start going schizo
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That does sound pretty hilarious honestly. Real flex on his part too. "Yeah my balls don't work but this woman still loves me after all these years, what a dumb bitch amirite"
do you drink alcohol? I recently stopped drinking and have been able to enjoy coffee/caffeine without it causing any issues anymore, I think alcohol and caffeine is a horrible combination
My hobby is drinking coffee until I get schizo
Because schizos are affected by most drugs a lot more than non-schizos
That's actually pretty clever, did you come up with that?

press F
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They're usually at Dollarama but nobody buys them
My dick is now erect.
At least it's not SheIt.
i remember seeing these stocked near the cashier lanes. i tried them once, and i thought it tasted mildly alcoholic. anyway, wasn’t much of a fan of them.
Hi hammered, I'm anon.

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Do you ever eat a LOT of food just for the fuck of it? I mean more than necessary
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Last time I went to an Arby's it was a liminal space
for $20 a piece you could have had those two broads suck you off on the counter. they probably wouldnt even notice if you stole that neon sign and you could sell it on facebook for at least $100. it's a win-win.
No, never.
God I hope you murder your parents and then kill yourself tonight.
never arby's though yikes!

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can I have some good ideas for roasting beef or pork - any cut. I planning some roasts all next week as its gonna be cold weather time and I want something warming.
>ideas for roasting beef or pork - any cut
Use an oven or open flame
A method that's always worked for me that I would reccomend would be to place the beef or pork in an oven. The meat will then cook in the oven.
I forgot to mention that you must activate, or, 'turn on', the oven.

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I've never desired asparagus soup as much as I do now. I've never had asparagus in my life, since perhaps the 90s when my mom made it. I saw pic related on /fit/ and for some reason, I just thought about the taste of fucking asparagus, and I've ordered a batch now to make it tomorrow.

What the fuck is this phenomenon?
I like the smell of your pee after eating asparagus, being about to smell is genetic and some people can't. Guess i'm blessed
its definitely an strong indicator for extreme faggotry. instead you should go buy a top round beef roast, put it in a slow cooker with some Italian beef seasoning and once its done drink mugs full of the au jus to begin correcting your affliction.

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I just ate barbacoa tacos that had corn tortillas infused with Big Red. Polished ‘em off with a Big Red.
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Unlike retarded browns, you're supposed to fry them. You're eating a raw ingredient otherwise which is why it sucks.
fresh corn tortillas are not too different from popcorn. storebought corn tortillas that have been sitting on the shelf taste weird though.
what's the OPPOSITE of cumming? cause that's what i did when i saw that shit, OP
What's the deal with San Antonio and Big Red, anyway?

I moved to the city a couple years ago and gave the stuff a try, but it just tastes like an even shittier version of Mountain Dew Code Red.
Show us your diabetic rotten foot.

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(everything organic)
raw unpasteurized cider
"arkansas black" wild apples
sumo mandarin
blood orange
seedless green grapes
small red potatoes
about $40 (berries are fucking expensive)
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>about $40
fuck me that would be a lot in europoors
they chop strawberries for you at your farmer's market?
We went, like, 8 hours ago so it's all put away. Lemme see if I remember all we got:
Chingensai 2lbs
Mature spinach 3lbs
Green finger chilli 1lb
Yellow potatoes 5lbs
Button mushrooms 2lbs
Cherry tomatoes 1lb
Carrots 5lbs
Green onions 4 bunches
Monkfish 2ish lbs
U15 shrimp 1lb because the price was ridiculously low ($6/lb)
Instant noodle gamjatang 5pk
Lunch at the food court (stir fried tofu for me, spicy pork stir fry for the missus and my son, as usual, got a variety of dumplings; came with several sides, as Koreans are wont to do)
A pair of bedspreads
Different store:

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Forgot the smoked trout.
At the last store, I got a package of smoked trout. Blue Hill Bay or something like that. It's good stuff.
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No, I prepped it all myself so I can do picrel (cuppa greek 2% yogurt + fresh fruit + tea) tomorrow and early next week

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Greece:Akis Petretzikis
France: Bruno Albouze
China: Made with Lau

got anyone else?
not one

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i dont get it
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tumblr popularized self diagnosing
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Because they need something to make them interesting as they have no personality; but they're not game enough to cut their dick off.

>JustinRPG doesn't have autism because he can use the internet.
You're all manner of retarded, except medically.
Wroooooong. It really depends on the brand of the waffles. The cheap ones have 0 flavour
I’d love to scramble every item on that plate into a giant chaotic pile.
I gotta Tard Card

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