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Also, all indian food has an acquired taste.
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>acquired taste
need to give your tastebuds stock home syndrome
Yes ma'am, indeed he does.
His favourite is pork with pickled mango which has a notoriously challenging flavour for most westerners. It's got that sinus-opening flavour of mustard plus a metric fucktonne of chilli not to mention the spices.
Only things he won't eat are button mushrooms (in all forms, including portobello, which is just grown up button mushroom, and cremini, which are just button mushrooms grown in light; other kinds are fine) and whole baby cuttlefish, which is weird because he'll eat squid and octopus.
I made a cuttlefish curry some time back with tomatoes, potatoes and peas, like a curried polpo a la galega and he really didn't like it.
No? You never changed your tastes since you were a child?
I never liked stinky cheeses back then but I sure do now.
nah, I think if you're lacking in certain things nutritionally that things that maybe taste bitter or unpleasant become good as your body desires it. For instance, I used to not care for liver, I'd have to puree it into a sauce or slather it in onions, now I smell liver being cooked and I begin to salivate and it tastes amazing.
I also think that if you force yourself to tolerate stuff, your body will just adapt. I'm not terribly fond of alcohol but when I was younger and wanted to be drunk, I forced myself to drink vodka and now the taste doesn't bother me, same with bourbon and what not.

As to indian food, it's like mexican, it's 90% slop and you can become accustomed to it, personally I don't much partake in indian food, except samosas, but that's basically a fucking dumpling, so they don't get credit. I also don't go overboard with spices, which are to cover up rotting meat, I keep my samosas simple.
Furthermore, I think I can make a good curry if I tried, not terribly inclined to but I think it'd be alright.
>I'm so rich and refined I avoid bizarre and unheard of things such as "mushrooms"

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Claussens suck dick now, quality control in the gutter. Who makes the best store brand pickles? I live in America.
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>>>20981451 >>20981479 >>20981647 >>20981883

One thing I've noticed since 2020 is pickles increasingly are bruised with un-yummy dark/soft spots. I mean EVERY jar. At first they said it was the weather and supply chain issues but post-Covid it's just worse. I also see a decline in quality in most bagged produce with rotting items in almost every bag--potatoes, onions, tomatoes...

I've noticed this in several states.
Anyone know what is going on? May explain the quality issue, OP.
When I was young my parents used to buy a huge sack of potatoes and they would last for weeks.
Now, after a few days they start to sprout.

I don't know about the USA but much of the food in Europe goes to the Netherlands, were it's kept in warehouse pumped with gas to artificially ripen them.

It's so supermarkets have a higher turnover and greater profits.
One gallon? wtf. Never seen those in my life
Grillos aren’t bad but they were mogged out the gate if you want that particular kind of pickle. Clausen just does it better
80oz, sorry.
The buckets are 5 gallons.

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So, what's the best flavor?
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8 years ago. In 2016 the normal American tubes cost $2.70 for a 150g tube. When they switched to Malaysia the tubes shrunk to 134g and the price went up to $3.
Fast forward to 2024, the Malaysian tubes are now $5.50 by default. The main flavours are still 134g, but any special event flavours (eg the current BBQ, Chipotle or Chilli) are 118g.
Woolies still sells 160gb tubes based on the american size tubes at $2.20 but only in regular or onion flavour.
Another thing that's shitted me off lately is the corn chips have all started shrinking. The big brands started first, but even the home brands shrunk as well while putting the cost up.
>the corn chips have all started shrinking
even MIssion? what the actual fuck man
Uhhh cheddar. I don't think I've ever seen cheddar sour cream.
I'm not sure about those actually. They've definitely increased in price but I don't think they've been shrunk yet, at least the 500g bags.
Mission has generally been a stalwart holdout against shrinkflation but nothing would surprise me these days †bh.

>t. American who now lives in Australia

I prefer Mission anyway and I'm checking product weights from now on because fuck Tostitos and Doritos if they're fucking us

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I shot a pretty big deer this year and have about 80lbs of venison. The backstraps and tenderloins I am leaving whole to sousvide and then do a reduced red wine sauce with rosemary. The roasts I am cubing up to do Venison cornish pasties with. what was ground up I am using for sausage.

I am now just struggling on what to do with these cube steaks. I am trying to drop some weight so do not want to just due Country Fried Steaks every night. I thought about velveting them and using them in stir fry but was hoping to do something western.

Put everything nicely arranged in a bowl and suddenly you’re eating like the upper crust. Post boals if you gottem.
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Based founding father
>You can even cook lentils and rice together as they are ready to eat at the same time.

this true? ive never tried lentils but if they can cook in the same pot ill def give them a go

I haven't had bad luck doing that. Now, regular beans like Pinto and garbanzos? Those ones take time and ought to be soft and ready before adding rice in there to cook if you want them to cook together.
Yes, they cook at basically the same rate so just replace 1:1

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The steaks are great, the pies are delicious, cheddar cheese has become the world's cheese, and the English breakfast is desired by all nations. Americans cook English recipes for dinner almost every night without realising it.
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Fish and chips, mate?
Nice clickbait bullshit article, even my nan would cook up mackerel,
Chicken tikka?
>Chicken tikka?
It's popular but it would have to be Fish and Chips or a Sunday Roast, to be honest we don't really have one.

FISH and chips you say?

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very special tonight!
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the last lamb shank thread was such a massive flop I didn’t even bother posting how it looked with the polenta, and instead just turned the dish (and the thread) into a thicker pasta sauce which came out okay. I have at least half a dozen dinner threads worth of pictures that I never posted because nobody wants to see me feeding the dog. Here’s a $400 prime rib I absolutely destroyed last Christmas. Shit happens.
Wrong. I enjoy his threads and every time I ask a question he gives an answer.

Op, keep posting I learn a lot from you
what special? baby human for pibble?
I never hated this guys thread but the samefagging and unreal amounts of rage just because people don't like him has made me hate him. What a fucking loser defending himself to a bunch of anons like his life depends on it.

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Is Kids Cusine bros are we back?
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>compress the wheat
>curl the cheese
you're obviously too assmad about your shortcomings pointed out to be a full retard. But unlike you, actual downies that learn how to use 4chan are forgivable - praiseworthy, even. You are impudent contempt manifest. Also dumb as shit
you sound like an autistic chud who seems nihilistic on life and seems deep down depressed wanting to kill themselves but at the same time has a superiority complex so everyone around you seemingly dislikes you but deals with it since you have to be in there vicinity

kids cuisine is good
that's some might big projection there, champ
I don't need a complex to know I'm superior to you. I'm not the one who jumped to IM STEALING CHILD LABORERS JOBS from 'hey, maybe try cooking'.
I never said tv dinners werent good. I don't think they are, but wasnt judging tv dinners or you for liking them. I judged you for being a technically functional skin walking as a full blown drooling retard by saying shit like
>curling milk
I know you're probably black and as a result take pride in being uneducated. That's ok, everyone knows you people get really sensitive about it. But if you're going to chimp out about something, maybe try your local waffle house instead of here? Thanks for understanding!
obviously he meant curdling
and the rest of the dumb shit he posted?>>20981931

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This thread is for discussing teas, tisanes, and other herbal infusions.

info: types of tea, where to get tea, how to brew tea

previous thread: >>20964654
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>Something other than flavor made Puerh the tea of the 2010s and we should talk about it
I think the 2000s pu-erh boom in China had something to do with it
also yeah, it is kind of the most fun tea to talk about and analyze, maybe with oolong in second place. what other tea has "famous teas" from certain years that are legendary, what other tea has so much regional variation due to naturally evolving local tea tree genetics?

oolong is the only tea that can match raw pu-erh in this IMO, because of the processing and because it can also be aged
I'd go for 2024 because it's a bit cheaper. the one I have is the 2022 brick. I like it a lot, but the material is more chopped up than a cake would be. maybe that's why it's cheaper than 2023 cake
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>there's still zero (0) scientific evidence that tea is beneficial in any way, shape, or form.
If you drink tea for health benefits you are doing it wrong
not true, ancient Chinese science has long since determined that cha qi affects your overall qi, with great benefits and double auspiciousness

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1 week til Thanksgiving, how are you making (You)r turkey?
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>i'm going to cook a whole turkey in my air fryer heh
Enjoy your ham, dumbass.
To be fair, a full (say, 14lb) turkey, unfrozen, should brine about 24 hours before roasting. I was just joshing. Although, if your turkey is frozen you need to give it about 3 days if possible.

A turkey overbrined (overbrone) to the point where it's basically ham is fucking delicious. Still have to cook that shit thoroughly though.
You don't know what ham is.
Roast turkey. I prefer various spices and dried herbs, mix them with mayonnaise and shove them all over the bird, inside and out and under the skin.
The spices include
• black peppercorn
• red chili flake
• rosemary
• sage
• black lemon
• chicken salt

Sides for the meal this year will be:
Cranberry orange sauce.
Butter braised baby carrots OR orange cauliflower stamppot

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Nothing better for hangover.
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Aww, kid. When you grow up you'll realise that hangovers are the boogeyman. Until then, stay febrile
You're American. Try drinking an actual alcohol not your fucking 5% piss.
I've been sober almost three years but one thing I miss is fapping with a hangover. Feels so damned good. I guess something to do with dopamine depletion.
Greasy diner breakfast or White Castle breakfast. Black coffee. Water.

Or alternately, another drink.

If you were a real drunk anyway, you stop having hangovers. You only get hungover if you get "white girl wasted" casually, actual regular drinkers stop getting hungover over time

I had the first hangover of my life this year since I was a teenager, because I stopped drinking frequently.
Sleeping cures hangovers. But I learned a long time ago its smarter to take preventative measures and just drink tons of water before and while you get drunk

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How the FUCK does anyone go through this much cinnamon? I love the stuff but this would still last me about a decade.
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it's food service sized. If you use large quantities, you don't want skimpy $5 containers that you empty out too quickly, silly!
>Aged up to 15 years
>Actually aged from distribution to time you bought it
>Up to 15 years, goy
I was just talking with my neighbor the other day that I don't cook anything with cinnamon. Told him about how we had the exact McCormick dispenser as OP for about that long if not longer. Never got used. Glad I'm not the only one baffled by this spice and how find everyday uses for it (outside of baking LOTS)
someone post that webm of the woman making candied yams or whatever it is pouring literal 10 or 20 kg bags of sugar into the trays and a couple of OP's cinnamon containers worth on top. the most impressive part is that americans do really.
>oatmeal daily, over the coarse of years
>yogurt too

alcoholic ginger beer
*mic drop*

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Americans do and it works out pretty well for us.
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Lasagna? Spaghetti with meat sauce, penne and sausage the fuck are you on about
>why dont italians do _______
They drank themselves retarded from a young age, irreparable brain damage.
The cheese isn't supposed to be melted, for textural reasons.
skyline chili is poop from a butt. pure diarrhea. only complete genetic failures could invent the abomination of chili (seasoned totally wrong btw) and cold cheddar served over spaghetti. I hope all you and your whole flyover garbage bloodline get swelled back into the earth and become the next great lake. The net worth and average IQ of the area would dramatically increase if you were all replaced with fish
...pasta con le sarde, lobster/crab/sausage ravioli, cod amatriciana, mussel tortellini, vincisgrassi...
Op is tripping

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Post your favorite graine-based food product
Careful, the tranny jannies will ban you for posting images of black people here on /ck/
Your life sounds like it's really pretty crappy.
Posting on /ck/ is a shitty life but someone's got to do it
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