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The webm that destroyed /ck/
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I grew up across from a cow pasture and the cows would always come up to the fence and moo at me until I pet them whenever I was outside. Very loving animals.
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That's awesome. What country? I'm assuming it's not America?
>Vegans want domestic animals to be eradicated for climate change.
And it's funny and ironic because all this plant food farming is contributing more to climate change than a few cow farts.

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This thread is for discussing teas, tisanes, and other herbal infusions.

info: types of tea, where to get tea, how to brew tea

previous thread: >>20632525
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Thanks. I haven't been able to post here consistently in a while, but I try to share alright content when I do.
Pleasant, even 8 months or so after I first tried it. Spring 2022 hou kui from YS. Pic related, my journal notes from then. I used lower temp water and perhaps less material, and it's good. I picked it since I've been fasting today, and compromised to just have a little tea.
First time ordering from yunomi should be coming in the next few days
I remember trying it from a sampler - it had less sweet or grassy notes than the other ones in the sampler, but also seemed like the strongest in bunch.
been drinking some O-cha senchas recently, but gotta say I'm not enjoying them that much, they're just okay. maybe young raw pu-erh broke me
Update: great endurance in these cubes, and it becomes sweeter if pushed. Really refreshing cold if you make tea and get got by the narcolpesy demons five minutes later. The more I drink this the more I like it. It didn't wow me at first, but this is a grower, not a shower.

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What's the easiest way to transition from vegetarian to vegan in a household that thrives on eating meat ? My family are already weirded out by the fact I'm vegetarian so I'm wondering how to switch out dairy products while still being on a budget
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>instead of using cheese, milk, or butter, which comes from animals, I use alfredo sauce
Which comes from animals
From someone who grew up in a whole vegetarian household. Just don't do it. Being vegan will translate in both malnourishment combined with more foods that are bad for your health, the grains slowly destroy your body on the longterm, all replacement foods are processed to hell and back. Best thing you can do for the world and yourself is just eat everything in moderation.

If i grew up with a normal varied diet and whole fiber foods i would've made it a lot further in life,instead i almost can't eat anything anymore but vegetables and meat. By becoming vegan you will curse your offspring.
Well the doctor seems to know fuck all about diet and nutrition then, because whatever the "meathead" is doing (eating steak and eggs, which is full of nutrition) is working great!
Buying a huge dildo and craming it up your ass.
Sounds like a good time

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who makes the best sausages?
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Ever had Italian Sausage? It's so weird. That's literally the I only thing I prefer from England
That Brasilian one on the right looks lonely and out of place.
Never forget your suitcase of sausage.
germany btfos brazil 7:1 in the semifinal of the 2014 world cup
brazil were one of the favorites to win the tournament
also the world cup was hosted in brazil
Germany has excellent sausages. Hungary probably has the best salami and other cured sausages because their paprika is so good. Honorable mentions are polish. Danish red sausages and Swedish pork sausage.

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Would you try EntoMilk? Cow milk isn't sustainable so that might eventually be the best we can get.
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so, if cows are banned, people are going to start killing whoever's hawking this
almond milk is the worst shit I've tasted
I actually struggle to imagine maggot juice tasting worse
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damn straight
i dont give a fuck about the source. if it's not toxic and tastes good i'll give it a go.

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Why my cookie look lime this?
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You anons complaining about cookies need some chocolate milk. That cures a lot of ills. My favorite Byrne Dairy was out of stock so got my local Wegman's store brand. They're both good.
The cookie of judgement.
>judges you
looks like poop
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it came out breaded and while i understand that overmixing is the problem, it's not clear on how not to do that. then again mnaybe it isn't the problem and i'm just being gaslit by ratfaced zionists who want to force me and my peers into an algorithm ghetto where every facet of our lives are determined beforehand for peak efficiency on market outcomes in their burgeoning panopticon which they call technate.
>overmixing is the problem

I know this board would sure benefit from one, too

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I like that the age is lower for women, because it's a fact that women are smarter than men and so are more mature at a younger age.
It was bad enough when you were shitting up /lit/ you fucking schizophrenic nigger, now you're here? Lmao
yeah well also finding a mate as a single woman in her 30s is pretty hard compared to a man.
>20 year olds enter establishment
>having a consistent resting bitch face
>pay 50% tip while complaining about lack of plant based options
I'd ban them too
Based board watcher
>the Atlantic
Super cancer

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I have never ordered food to my home, and my social anxiety makes it impossible to order takeout food, or go to restaurants. Also I don't like talking on a phone, I ordered pizza like once maybe
I cook everything myself
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just write a script anon
why do you choose to live in fear when you can change yourself and be unchained
I never order delivery. I just checked it out these "restaurants" are ridiculous. Minimum orders 20 25 30 euros. Dishes are like 18euros for some rice and a couple bites of chicken. I recall seeing the 15 euros off on your first 3 orders coupons, I guess those must be required to order delivery then just create a new account. Nobody in their right mind would buy this.
I guess so. I'm foreign to the US and didn't mention it in the story because it didn't seem relevant.
Americans seem to find any activity done alone difficult. I think this might be why so many are overweight; they can't find someone to work out with them so they just... don't work out. Meanwhile, I just got in from a run. Alone. At 5.30 in the morning (started at 4.45).
>i used to fly alone at this age
Similar! In the summer earlier that year, just before my 14th birthday, my parents and I flew to Germany because there's no direct flight from where we lived in America at the time to Switzerland. When we got to Frankfurt, my parents looked into renting a car to drive down to Zürich. We already discussed that I would stay a few days in Frankfurt and visit with my cousins in the area then take the train down on my own where my parents would pick me up from the station. Despite some language difficulties (I never learned proper German since I didn't go to school in Switzerland beyond early education so I only spoke Swiss German), I was able to buy my ticket and catch my train, no problems.
And, actually, that train journey was the catalyst for my dad refusing to drive me to school anymore and the reason I had to take the subway and bus to school starting that following year which brings me back to the Chinatown/Vietnamese food thing.
>I thought fucking around in the forest and driving to cool places etc is what they do there due to movies
Yeah, I used to do that stuff. The only aspect of teenage life in American media that's inaccurate is the depiction of the "jocks" and popular kids as jerks. In my experience, popular kids were popular because people liked them IE they weren't jerks. I never understood where the trope of popular=asshole came from.
You know you can select "leave at my door" in your delivery instructions for doordash or uber eats right? I get food delivered several times a month and never even see the person who delivers it.

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>Imagine eating this good
Ethiopias national dish
>me when I run out of chips again

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Was given two $25 gift cards by my sister 3 or 4 years ago. wife and I haven't eaten at a restaurant in about 2 years. with all of the locations closing across the US, we figured it was use it or lose it, NOW.

Next up is $30 Groupon for Hooters. we bought it for $10 four years ago. our closest town still has one. better get on that shit, before it closes too.

finally, we have a gift card for a nearby, small (priavetly owned?) airport restaurant. an odd gift from my sister's boyfriend.

we haven't paid for a restaurant meal in 5 or 6 years. we haven't eaten at a restaurant (taken out by family) in +/- 2 years.

when we seated, @ 12:30 pm. there were 4 seated tables. over half the restaurant seating/tables was closed off. there were 12 tables available, 5 were in use, one of which was leaving, as we were seating. no one else showed up while we were there. we left at 1:30.
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Instant loser
Quite a pathetic thread
If it is real its just going to turn to shit
this isn't your personal blog you fucking faggot

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I generally avoid regular soda these days because it gives me bad breath.
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Does kombucha pose the same risks as soda? I enjoy it but it's also a carbonated sweet beverage so Im worried
diet soda is probably fine but it tastes like absolute ass. Water is definitely fine and tastes neutral. Easy choice
With sugar? Bad
Isn't bad in itself
Look at the list of ingredients. If it has citric acid, malic acid, phosphoric acid, bad
Even if something is generally bad for you it's probably fine in moderation (don't drink it every day)
>But if soda is your main everyday drink your teeth WILL eventually look like this and be sensitive as fuck.
It stops being a problem after you have almost a dozen crowns.
True, at that point you have bigger problems, but I'm optimistic and hope that you have some natural enamel left to protect

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>400g hard tofu
>dark soy sauce
>light soy sauce
>dash of rice wine vinegar
>schizo tears
>15 mins in air fryer at 200c
>season with sesame seeds
36g protein
12g fat
6g carbs
300 calories
100+% iron and calcium RDI
170% image board seethe

Perfection in snack form
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"Too much sodium" is a psyop. Just drink enough water.
>forgets seasoning besides salt
>burns it
>not a fresh vegetable in sight
so you’re a big fatty, right?
Now post your tits soytard
Red braised tofu is ok but I prefer to just eat mapo tofu personally
tofu belongs in soups and nothing else
they can make for an acceptable ground beef or scrambled egg substitute, but tvp is better for ground beef and scrambled eggs aren't very good anyway

Bonus if its something you made by accident

For me its Lemon banana.

>Be me
>Chopping bananas on a cutting board with the intent to make Peanut butter Banana sandwiches
>Eat the end piece of the banana, as is tradition
>It taste different.
>Pupils dilate
>Heart races
>Fireworks in my brain
>Investigate and learn my mom had used the cutting board a little while before me to slice lemons, and never bothered to wash it off. Residual lemon juice has merged with my banana slices


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shut up fruit
I cut kiwis on a cutting board that my dad cut onions on and it was one of the most awful things I've ever tasted. permanently burned into my brain as well.
I forget the name but there was a reference book that basically listed terpenes and amines of foods present from gcms analysis and by using that you could match up foods that would not traditionally be paired but would go together, like white chocolate and caviar both contain amines 2-butanone, 2-methylbutanal, 3-methylbutanal, and
pentanal. This isn’t accidental though
>This isn’t accidental though
what did he mean by this

Oi now that's a steal. A couple of faggots, shat peas, and chips all for 5 quid. How is your local scran?
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what’s a faggot
Balled pork dumpling
faggots indeed

What is the healthiest vegetable?
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>What is the healthiest vegetable?
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this gif is gonna pay for itself in no time despite the fact i didnt pay anything for it
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