Do you ever eat a LOT of food just for the fuck of it? I mean more than necessary
>>21113173yeah, in periods where I don't have a beautiful lady friend with a nice body whose butt I get to nestle my face betwixt on a regular basis
Living in a major metropolitan area, I have not seen an Arby's around in ages. I used to go to a more remote part of it a while back, which had exactly 1 arby's. It has since closed.
>>21113175I don't know what it is about eating a butt that makes me cum instantly. But anyway, to answer your question. Yes, I binge eat for the hell of it periodically as well.
>>21113173I used to but after some gut issues it’s exceedingly rare.>>21113190Were you disappointed the first time you went to “Outback” and realized it wasn’t a booty version of Hooters?
>>21113183Last time I went to an Arby's it was a liminal space