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i dont get it
That's a small pizza
The joke is autists are often picky eaters who depend on "safe foods" which are usually somewhat bland things or sweet things, generally soft in texture and not reminding much of actual animal or plant matter, and coated in fried breading, heavy fats, or grease.

Hope this helps.
I would dig right into those Spaghetti-O's. Not gonna tell lies.
i got an aspergers diagnosis but i grew up with a dad who knew how to cook professionally quality food (cook in the army and later on restaurant chef) so all that looks like bland shit to me. wouldn’t touch that pizza, i despise spaghetti os and other canned pasta foods, waffles for a separate meal. for the remaining i need some honey mustard, ranch, and/or barbecue dipping sauces. but honey mustard would be my #1 choi.. what the hell are those things under the dinosaur nuggets?
For you
im high level autism but i dont have much food sensitivities. i dont like squishy foods like mushroom and tomato and okra. i can generally eat most foods i think
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>what the hell are those things under the dinosaur nuggets?
curly fries
you have autism
sorry you had to find out this way
I just realized the spaghetti-O's are for dipping the other trash foods into
How disgusting
True, I rarely use seasoning. I enjoy the "bland" real taste of food. My wife always has salt and pepper ready at the table
>Dad was an army cook
>Doesn't like canned food
What's your major malfunction?
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Another high functioning autist here without significant food sensitivities. It's weird how many people I know who are fussy eaters aren't autistic. I suspect that autistic kids probably are more fussy than non-autistic kids but it's a minority for both groups. For adults, most learn to mask well enough that they are able to either deal with some food they don't like or organize their lives to where they aren't typically in a position where food they don't like is what's on offer. This of course only applies to autists who are high functioning. Those with profound autism might as well be toddlers.
This is a plate of pure nostalgia, these are the non risky kid foods I would eat when my mother would let me have friends over, or if I was going to a friends house for dinner it was usually what their parents made us.
I mean I'm probably autistic or whatever, but sometimes I will just get this stuff and cook it to enjoy it again, I'll even cut up razor blade sandwich ham into squares and put it on those little pizzas, just like maw used to.
The plate is missing fish fingers.
oh im not high functioning, im high level, which is low functioning, but my communication is ok
>sampler platter
It's a Chicago Town Deep Dish one. Used to eat them all the time when I was wee.
it just said that it has aspergers, also i dont think retards are human if you were wondering why i kept refering to that poster as "it"
why do so many people without autism pretend they have it nowadays? is it for attention or is autism actually based?
No, it's because people like to self diagnose themselves because they like to put their flaws under a blanket - see bipolar, OCD, neurodivergent... They like to attempt their failures of being a normal, capable person on some sort of disorder.
Same reason there's so many tags and trannies around these days, just like everyone suddenly had a gluten allergy ten years ago. Attention-seeking behavior coupled with an illness/aberration of being that's seen as either socially acceptable, trendy, or extra-sympathetic that social leeches can claim to have. It's not a new phenomenon, they had "dancing plagues" and shit like that back in medieval times that I can almost guarantee stem from the same root cause.
i really dont like self diagnosed people. they often think autism is just quirky but its really fucking awful and makes my life super hard.
why did you selfdaignos yourself then?
i didnt, im high supports needs.
Funny how they're always some pre-made factory food too from what I've seen.
Real autistic people can't use the internet. You are just the same as the self diagnosed ones. Real autists cannot comprehend they have an issue. If you UNDERSTAND that you have an issue, then you can fix said issue. Your "autism" could have been fixed as a child with better parenting.
Because it's consistent.
>Another high functioning autist here without significant food sensitivities
Same. I was "picky" as a kid, but it was pretty specific things. Whole tomato slices were bad, but that was just a texture thing, tomato sauces and such were fine, anything spicy, onions. Tbh I think it was mostly normal kid stuff, I didn't have issues with most food. I grew out of most of it by the time I hit 18. Probably helped my parents never forced me to eat stuff I didn't like, I'd just pick onions and stuff out, and that was fine, and mom never made spicy food. Now I put onions in almost everything lol.
Ah true, fair enough.
>If you UNDERSTAND that you have an issue, then you can fix said issue.
Ok well your issue is you know less about autism than if you had skimmed the wikipedia article but you're on a soapbox.
Fix issue.
Wrong. If I can beat you to make you act normal, then you don't have autism. You just had shit parents.
why do people pretend to have it? because its a great excuse to shirk responsibilities, pretend life is too hard to cope with, and act like a discourteous asshole.

real autistic people, especially those that also have ADHD which has a really high rate of comorbidity with ASD, live a life of hell. they know theyre fuck in the head, they wish they werent, and they cant help themselves. they end up struggling through life and hating themselves all the while.
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My roommate who identifies as autistic and ADHD is the most insanely picky eater I've ever met, and she has seemingly gotten worse and more picky as she's gotten older.
For example, she used to be able to eat things with tomato sauce, but she has a story about how
>she was eating a slice of pizza, and she accidentally pulled the cheese and toppings layer off, so she was looking at just the crust with sauce, and it "looked like a brain" to her
And since then, she won't eat anything with tomato sauce and she lies to people and claims she's allergic to tomatoes to avoid doing so
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who is picking smiley face fries over tator tots? NO ONE
>No Hot Pockets
Literally Screeching
>If you UNDERSTAND that you have an issue, then you can fix said issue.
Most retarded shit I've read all week. Thanks, man.
>If I can beat you to make you act normal
Beating doesn't actually fix anything. It just teaches kids to bottle it up and hide it, and then it causes a bigger problem down the road.
just say you dont like food
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tater tots :/
tater tots, French :o
Should get her to only eat your sperm imo
i suspect ADHD and autism but I'm careful to make it only a point of interest and not "waaahhhh I'm so special"
I had to repeat my final year of HS 3 times because of not doing work (despite getting good grades). I'm definitely 'off' in someway, like having to force myself not to speak formally 24/7. I have anguished over how my brain works and wished I could just do stuff like everyone else but not anymore
My cousin has asperger. He's pretty picky too. For some reason he eats blood sausage and other stuff people often don't eat because it's seen as kinda disgusting.
Anyone with autism and an IQ over 70 is considered high functioning. Is your IQ under 70?
Nope. Real autistic people can't hide anything. They don't have the capability to understand there is anything to hide. You do realise that all those new symptoms that you use to self diagnose were added to justify labeling more kids as autistic, right? 20 years ago kids weren't getting diagnosed with autism just because they were lazy and undisciplined, like they are today. 100% of autistic people online would never have been diagnosed 30 years ago. Every single new symptom they have added can also be explained by shit parenting.
Give one example of a character flaw that cannot be fixed if said character were aware. Every new symptom they have added to justify putting kids on more drugs can be fixed through discipline. You are just lazy and didn't get beat enough.
thankies anon!
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The solution is simple. Replace children with pets. My dog will eat just about anything. No more worrying about fussy eaters.
I had a cat that wouldn't eat shrimp. Ungrateful little shit, every other cat i've ever had or met go crazy over shrimp.
Maybe autism is on the rise because they used to not be able to eat unprocessed peasant slop except bread
The way to not have a picky eater kid is to just not give the option to have something else. Three time-structured meals a day, at least two of which are home-cooked, and no snacks (snacking is a terrible habit anyway so this kills two birds with one stone). If they don't like the food, they can say so after they've finished it and you can adjust future food schedules accordingly. Keep in mind that tastes change over time, especially in kids and teens, so eventually reintroduce foods you've stopped giving them. Normal people are capable of finishing a meal even if they don't like it and extreme aversions to leaving the food comfort zone are due to lazy/enabling parenting.
Also ask how they feel after eating meals they don't like. A lot of kids don't know how to describe allergy symptoms so they just say they don't like the food.
>tastes change over time
This. A lot of people didn't like something as a kid and refuse to try it when they get older. Brussels and other vegetables with a bitter flavor is one of the most common kind of food that kids are sensitive to. I didn't like it until I was about 8 but my parents kept having me try it, now it's one of my favorites.
Forcing a kid to eat something they don't like, doesn't help picky eating, it makes it worse. Their sense of taste is far more sensitive than an adult's. I'm not saying you should pop tendies in the microwave because little Timmy doesn't want the whole meal, but if it's specific ingredients like sliced onions, and they're willing to eat around it, it's better to just leave it at that.
All I can think of is how to design slaughterhouses in the most efficient way possible
Autists eat like kids.
br*tish be like
>here's your breakfast sir
What are these premium deluxe tots? I want to make...
Autists are subhumans
they're just croquettes
I didn't say the kid should have to clean the plate, I said don't give him another option, as in don't make something else for him and don't spoil his appetite beforehand with a snack. Do this from the age when they're first able to eat solid foods and by the time they're even capable of objecting to meal over some hangup about texture or the look or whatever picky eaters do, and your kids will be disciplined enough to be able to at least finish a meal they don't like.
No one was wondering.
Nice typo.
Just the one asperger? I've got dozens.
First time i've seen croquettes that aren't round. But they taste amazing so make them.
get that pepperoni OFF MY CP NOW
Also this heavily correlates with children (boys) raised by single mothers / absent father homes, because mothers lack discipline and are lazy, the child lives off of this slop that can be bought, put on an oven tray, baked for 20 minutes and then served immediately

i love my mother but she was sometimes like this, at least she would come home from work and take her anger out on me/her boyfriend who lived rent free in our house
For me as an autist this would actually overwhelm and disgust me and I actually prefer homemade artisanal foods rather than questionable biege slop.
When i was a kid i would demand certain pizza toppings then scrape off the toppings and cheese and just eat the bread and sauce part until my dad hit me
if you buy smiley- or dino- shaped foods you are either an overpaying retard or an unfortunate parent
I have hated seafood and onions since childhood and I still refuse to eat anything that tastes like either. As an adult that just means I don't buy them or products with them, and avoid places where I'd be served them.
I am not autistic.
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dat shit luk gud nigga
I'm a sperg that used to be a very picky eater as a kid but grew out of it and I'll eat mostly anything. This sounds more like a maturity thing than pure 'tism.
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>everything is in the yellow-to-red color spectrum
I tend to eat very small portions, so me being unable to finish a meal can easily be misunderstood as me not liking it. Sometimes I really can't bring myself to gulp down something I think tastes abysmal, or I leave something sus on the plate if I suspect it's rancid, which can definitely be the case with how much expired shit my mother has in her kitchen. I'm used to trying canned shit a decade past its expiration date, so I can tell you those dates are just rough guidelines but I still draw lines in the sand unlike my mom. Especially with meat. She prepared a hammock on Christmas which smelled particularly sour, I almost threw up. No clue why it turned bad so fast, but pretending it's fine won't make it so.

If anything, it's my mother who is legitimately autistic but not low IQ enough to have been diagnosed, and she's picky in the sense that she loathes food prepared by others for tasting slightly different from what she is used to/expected. She's also mentally ill enough to truly believe she's the only sane one surrounded by idiots because she's clearly always right despite contradicting herself and having violent tantrums every day over the most trivial shit. I have met lovely spergs, but my mother is irredeemable. If only she'd chill the fuck out if administered something like dino nuggets, I'd outright pamper her to make her stop maltreating my Parkinson-ridden father. Fucking 70yo boomers with undiagnosed issues are the worst.

I'm 27 and still get filtered by brussel sprouts.
You little shit, lmao.
I'd try those if I were feeling like eating some junkfood. I'm European, so trying American junk would have a bit of novelty to it, though it shouldn't be all that different from the shitty canned noodles in tomato or nuggies I've had before.
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>For adults, most learn to mask well enough that they are able to either deal with some food they don't like or organize their lives to where they aren't typically in a position where food they don't like is what's on offer.
Sadly, this is me. I've made significant strides in the past 10 years in breaking down the mental block to try new foods, though. It's actually getting kind of annoying hearing my parents or siblings constantly say "I didn't know you ate that" whenever there's a get together.
>Has smiles and waffles for dinner#
>Has a gf

Women think this man is a loser they should mock when hes really living the dream
>"safe foods"
I thought it was any prepared high carb+fat+salt food that is quickly heated and doesn't require utensils other than at most a spoon to eat
i dont know why you would think that. you dont need intellectual disability to be autistic, so why cant the internet be used?
oh, well high support needs, idk about functioning actually my iq is normal
Incompetent parents are responsible for both their children growing up maladjusted, AND their children being given frozen deep-fryable garbage as sustenance. The correlation is unsurprising
Never got the autistic association. As far as I can tell I'm not autistic but I'm stupid picky with food to the extent that I just warn people that my palette is that of a child to save any headaches.
>Never got the autistic association
It's an actual thing with scientific studies and everything:
But fries, spaghetti-o's and pizza give you the shits more than anything
Of course you don't. But in case you want to know, it's like warm apple pie.
At best all I can say is I have some autistic traits but not autistic like most people here. Guess I'm just immature food wise.
I was one of the pickiest pieces of shit as a kid. When I was approaching adulthood I realized how embarrassing and retarded it was and intentionally tortured myself with food I didn't like until I liked it and did the same thing again for building up my tolerance for spicy food. Now I can happily eat almost anything. You just have to bang your head against the wall for about a month or so.
>Yo lemmie grab a fry real quick bro
>I enjoy the "bland" real taste of food

you just let the 'wppo dont season they food' meme take control of your psyche
you're disgusting and probably a woman

I'm autistic and I hate bad food like sauerkraut, mustard and fish in general. Why eat something that tastes bad? Just eat good things like steak, steamed veggies, pasta, pizza and mayo instead.
that looks yummy as fuck

t. in Japan for 4 months
Are there autists in Kazakhstan who only eat plov? Why is traditional autism food only generic-western? What do autisms eat in Brazil?
Autistic people in third world countries end up offending someone and get murdered. That probably reduces not just the number of autistic people in the population but also ensures less of them reproduce.
It's also highly dependent. I am autistic and find pretty much all the foods there utterly repulsive. The first time I was given mcnuggets when I was 11 or so they made me throw up.

I am extremely picky, but like simple foods in the sense of fresh fruits and vegetables, meat and etc.
>she was sometimes like this, at least she would come home from work and take her anger out on me/her boyfriend who lived rent free in our house
>70 year old mother
I was raised mostly by a single mother who was then and still now has always been a terrible cook. The result for me though was the household rule was always she was making one thing, probably charred meat, burnt rice and over boiled broccoli. If I didn't like it I could make a sandwich or something. The result is I learned to cook and now it's a regular part of life. I eat cheaper and better than most other people.
We fetishise and glorify failure and weakness, mental illnesses are easy to fake. Like, you can't really bullshit being a cripple, but being BPD?
I ignore people who make stupid silence-filler comments like that. If you're going to speak to me, make it meaningful and insightful. I don't hold YOU hostage with banal verbalised thoughts, don't do it to me.
I don't get women either
>food that tastes good and isn't troublesome to eat
>this is an autism thing now
Fucking what is next? Gonna tell me yogurt is autism food? This shit is just trying to make everything a disorder so they can sell you a treatment. I'm going to buy at least some of the things on that plate tonight.

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