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Mayo on an Italian hero? Yes
On mine? Yes.
On yours? Don't give a fuck
i like sub because the sandwich submits to my hunger
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Yes mayo, yes!
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mayo is good on sangwicks

grinder is the only appropriate namenology, on account of the required chewing
I moved from Michigan where everyone says sub to Pennsylvania where everyone says hoagie and I think hoagie is starting to grow on me
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Why do people hate Mayo so much? I'll never forget when someone on this very board suggest using Mayo instead of butter for grilled cheese and it was great.

I've heard tell of people frying chicken and fish with mayo as well. interesting.

I have a recipe for sammon cakes I've meaning to finally make and it's sammon, bread crumbs, parmesan, and mayo. and you just pan fry
italian subs are the worst
not traditional but id try it. ive had mayo on a cheesesteak before and it was good
how could you say such a thing? what is your sub of choice then mister fantsy pance?
no idea mayo is great. many store bought mayos suck ass so I can only assume they've only ever tried bad mayo
any other traditional sandwich meat or chicken. I like all the italian cuts on their own I just don't think they make a good sandwich.
I've never met someone with this opinion before. It makes me suspicious because my world view is being challenged.
I got an Italian hero at Safeway yesterday. They put too much mayo, but it was still surprisingly good.
Yes, but with extra vinegar too. And some oregano.
Too bad your life isn't.
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Nice. For me it’s a veal parm sandwich with lots of marinara sauce and, of course, lots of mayo!
tried it once
never again
don't get it, i like every individual component
i'm sticking with oil and vinegar
did it have a lot of vegetables? i hate mayo on sandwiches and burgers unless they have a lot of vegetables, otherwise i just want mustard.
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ölle and vinegar is the superior option. I love the way shredded lettuce sops up the ölle and vinegar and hangs on to it.

you go for red wine or white?
i like all vinegar, but I get packets of the red wine from publix, if i make it at home i use regular white vinegar
and yes shredded lettuce rules. i like to soak it before hand in the oil/vinegar with salt and pepper, with the sliced tomatoes, and i never toast or grill the bread
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toasting subs and grinders, certainly italian ones, is unholy, unwholesome, and haram

when i was a Sandwich Artist™ I used to always daydream about pissing in the lettuce. I never did it though, or did I?
When I worked at a pizza place I cleaned and bleached the toilet, then this hot chick with a fat dumper went in and shat, and I went in after and noticed the smear stuck in the bowl, so I fingered it up, smelled it and jerked off, and ate it
o-okay y-you too
based insecure anon
kek you fucking idiot
eat a cum sandwich next time bitch
yes. and surely you checked to make positive that the smear was indeed your beloved's before you decided to eat the excrement, didn't you, Anon?
so just how were you able to tell it was hers, my dear boy? the world lends you its ear now as the bowl did her rear then

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