I think I genocided my guts biombe with this spicy noodlesIt tasted so good but now I cant poop well and my farts sink real bad.I dont think we should be eating these guys. honest injun I dont
Eat shit
>>21104372Those spicy Korean noodles give me bloody diarrhea. Yeah, they are absolute gut destroyers.
>>21104523But you bounced back after a few days right?
gut biome permanent ph imbalance speedrun goofy Korean noodles any%
>>21104587I dont understand
>>21104501did you read the op post? she just ate shit and now her stomach is fucked.
>not even 2x spicyim disappointed op
>>21104645Dont misgender the OPThere are no women on 4chan
>>21104666you just replied to one sweaty
>>21104372drink whole milk, a base and an acid combined produces salt water
>>21104372I feel you OP, I hate foods that taste good but give me bad rumblies (like these dried soup mixes)
I've never had issues with these noodles lolyou can "feel" the spice in your gut which is a pretty weird feeling but it goes away after like 2 hours. never had stomach problems afterwards and in fact my shit weren't even particularly spicy afterwards.t. ate them like 4 times on different occasions
>>21105001I ate them for a whole summer before I started having problems
Some chili-infused instant noodle things were on sale at my local GrossOut, 50¢/pack. Are Buldak noodles also made with chili directly in them or just in the sauce?
>>21105631just in the sauce, if anything it's atypical for instant noodles not to be plain and unseasoned before you introduce the seasoning packet(s).
>>21105637That's what I thought. I bought Buldak back when they had them at GrossOut (honestly, my family and I generally only buy junk food there since the meat and produce is comparatively expensive) last year and I didn't remember the noodles being chili-infused but I coulda been wrong so thought I'd ask. I bought the chili-infused ones, btw, despite knowing none of us will like them, specifically because I checked the price online and the cunts are about 3× that at Walmart.
>>21104372Industrial Korean food and fast food is the absolute unhealthiest food on the planet.
>>21104372Thumbs up op. I hope it gets a lot worse
>>21104678Milk is acidic
drink kefir
>>21104372Drink kombucha, raw milk or kefir and you’ll be righted
>>21104372I can hardly eat half of one of these spicy noodle packs even with 2 pints of cold milk. I like wasabi and Sriracha and spicy curries and soups but those things are fucking biohazards man. Excruciating.
>>21107042where do you get kafir?
>>21104372i did this with flaming hot nacho cheese doritos
>>21105631Tried these for lunch today (with greens, tofu, oimuchim and a fried egg). Not even remotely spicy lmao. The Nissin fire bowls are spicier.Gonna have pork curry for dinner tonight. Had to mention that before one of you faggots jumped down my throat about eating tofu.
>>21107227I will so be an woman!!1!1my nippley areas are already getting lumpedy
same i think, not touching that shit>>21104645>>21104501actually eating shit or rather injecting shit through anus could help with gut biome but whatever
>>21105709Huh, I thought it was a base
>>21108252iinm, aren't organic bases pretty fucking rare? Basically, if something is organic IE from an organism (not the marketing definition for organic), then it's acidic 99 times out of 100, iinm
>>21108244>actually eating shit or rather injecting shit through anus could help with gut biome but whateverI know. That was the joke.I'm glad that you at least understood it a little.
>>21108328i thought that was a joke but i was doubting whether eating would actually achieve the same effect
>>21108252milk is totally based, you are correct
killing your gut fauna is good every once in a whilestaves off stomach cancer
>>21104372I had these for lunch for 4 days. Shits were completely fine, didn't even feel spice anywhere outside my mouth and my heat tolerance is not high. I drank water the first two days and milk on the others.
>>21110237where did you heard this?
>>21110542In an interview with the guy who won a nobel prize for curing stomach cancer.Forgot his name but it was pretty fascinating.No one believed hostile bacteria could even survive in the stomach acid but it apparently they can and were the cause of stomach cancer which can be prevented by simply killing them with antibiotics.Before that was known people were self-medicating by chugging down a ton of Pepto-Bismol which turned out to help (a little bit) because it killed some of the gut fauna.I might not be remembering it all correctly though. Was a while ago.
>>21110563Was it stomach cancer or stomach ulcers?
>>21110600the bacteria causes ulcers, and the ulcers can cause cancer because repeated inflammation or something
>>21110604Well that does not sound good
>>21104372>honest injunkek
>>21104372Eat yogurt every day, buy multiple brandsIt will help repopulate your gut with healthy bacteria
>>21110732kafir is even better
>>21105001You ate your shit?
>>21104666devil's trips of truth
>>21104523Same it’s pure liquid with it mostly being blood and stomach acid
>>21110732I eat Greek yogurt daily