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I have 13 dollars and 40 cents to last me the next two weeks. I need some help with a meal plan, ceekay.
6 dollar bag of rice and 7 dollar bag of beans
$0.40 leftover to give as alms to one less fortunate than you.
a sharp knife, to the jugular loser
go to the food bank and use the remaining money to buy lottery tickets
bingo, food banks rule, especially if you live near wealthy suburbs, lots of goat american goyshit.
Go to dollar tree and purchase 4 loaves of bread and 4 packs of bologna. That’s enough food right there to last you for 2 weeks
you could easily turn that $13.40 into a few hundred
12 dollars of popov.
And worry about food tomorrow.
This isnt a good idea. You need something fresh in your diet. Something as simple as some raw garlic, raw onion, some fresh herbs, a cucumber. Anything that is "fresh". Just rice and bean, if you dont die from scurvy, youd want to kys very quickly.
I was gonna use 6 bucks of it for that actually
>concerned about a degenerate gambler contracting scurvy in 2 weeks
Pure autism
2 weeks of rice and bean every single meal is a lot longer than youd think
> I have an hours wage to get me enough calories to last two weeks

Nah he'll be fine. He needs calories right now.
He can go forage some herbs or fruits in the wild. Or find some discounted items at supermarket.

bag of rice is cheaper than $6 I think. beans are probably @ $6. I say rice might be $3.

leaves $4 for meat.
That'll encourage him to budget for better food next paycheck
Right now simply getting calories in is what matters
Anything super cheap as it sounds you won't be used to fasting yest. Rice and beans is your best bet. For a few weeks it's fine, time to look forward though
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>$13.40 challenge
Easy. I hope you like beans!
Why don't you gamble it, but actually win?
>2.5kg of rice
>0.5kg of beans
>for 2 weeks
unless op is a midget, hed starve
imagine how much food you could buy when you win big in blackjack though
You can go a lot longer than 2 weeks without any meat and be absolutely fine
Im not saying he should spend 10$ on garlic and cucumber. But he needs something fresh like that in his diet. Even just for 2 weeks, with 0 fresh food would be very bad, health wise. Even mres give you vitamin c tablets or dried fruits. And they still constipate the fuck out of you.
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I did this once. Luckily my local grocery store had Oscar Mayer hotdogs on sell for $1 a pack. I bought like 8 packs of hotdogs and and as many .99 packs of buns as I could afford. I had hot dogs for breakfast lunch and dinner for like 8 days straight.

>t. Also a degenerate gambler
90% of gamblers quit right before they hit it big
You SHOULD go your entire life without meat and you'll be more than fine
Heavy gambling problem is worse for his health
An optimal heavy diet isn't the concern right now dude, it's about making sure he can eat for 2 weeks on 13 dollars
He can have some fresh food when he can afford it
I bet you already gambled it all away. Go to your local food bank, OP.
Time to parlay that $13 champ
Maybe. But i dont want to turn this into another vegan vs non vegan thread.
But our ancestors regularly go long period of time with no meat, simply because they couldnt afford it, and they survived.
Like i said, he can go forage some wild fruits if he wants to save as much money as possible. But he needs to be aware of his bodys needs for fresh foods. If he ignores his bodys signals and just eat rice and bean and nothing else, hed likely off himself from depression.
> hed starve
By my calculation he'd have to eat four cups of cooked rice daily to get through that whole bag in 14 days. Most people couldn't eat that much rice. They would explode
My guy if his addiction hasn't made him an hero yet I think 2 weeks won't either
What he needs is calories, that's all
No way a 2.5kg bag of rice can last someone for 2 weeks when rice is a huge component of the diet. I would know. Im asian.
No way to know this
Bouillon cubes, Frozen bag of Tortellini (Kroger has a bag thats 17 cents an ounce). Can improve on this with a mushroom and onion for the broth but that costs money.
>What he needs is calories, that's all
No sorrie thats not all. If calories was all that matters, mres would be nothing but rice and bean also.
Big bag of potatoes and a gallon of milk.
One time my mom fed the family for a month in the 70s by buying a 100lb bag of potatoes for 10 bux.
He's not in the military and he's not getting mre's for free
Literally all he needs is to stretch 13 dollars out for 2 weeks, whatever keeps him full that long on that budget is what he's eating
Its not a question of money anymore since ive already said he can go find some fruits and herbs in the wild. Its a question of the bodys needs for nutrients, it is not just about calories.
What he needs is more than 13 dollars for a good diet
But he doesn't have that. So he's gonna have to make do and buy filling foods to last him 2 weeks. It is 100% completely about the money. That is the point of the thread: how to make 13 dollars last until his next paycheck
You are just trying to force the issue to be about money when the food i suggest he finds in the wild costs 0$. It is because you have ran out of arguments. You cant argue that it is not just about calories anymore.
Anon you're not gonna fucking die if you don't scavenge for herbs and spices for two weeks. You'll be fine on any one hit wonder like potatoes, beans, rice etc.
Christ people are starting to get scurvy in leafland from the poverty, I should know.
I'm not forcing anything, OP said he only has 13.40 for food, how can he make that last
The solution is super cheap and filling staples
Anything else can be bought after he has money again
He probably wont die but it will be very painful for him healthwise. Both physically and mentally.
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>but I don't like rice or beans
Ok fat, how about an ALL PIZZA option
You could make a 10inch pizza each day using:
150g flour
Yeast, Salt
1 Tbsp tomato paste
1 sliced hotdog
Handful of shredded mozz

By my calculation this ghetto hotdog pizza would cost 82 cents to make with these ingredients. You could also pick up some italian seasoning for an extra dollar and this would help tremendously
Again, forcing the issue to be about something else just so you dont have to admit you are wrong.
How fucking soft would you have to be to be damaged by eating beans and potatoes for two weeks you retard?
Better yet keep the 13:50 and just go dumpster dive the bakery after closing time.
It's in the OP.
>being aware of the bodys needs for nutrients is "soft"
How soft are you that you would rather dive into a dumpster than go look for foods in the wild?
You can just walk away from an arguments if you are not man enough to admit you were wrong. This forum is anonymous.
You could read the op next time you read a thread
Did op say he is bed ridden or in a wheelchair and cant walk outside? No, all he said was to help him. I am helping him by telling him what his body needs.
What he needs is to make a razor thin budget last for 2 weeks. An optimal diet is not the priority. Having enough calories to last 2 weeks is.
I hope you fucking die when you eat a bunch of destroying angels and poison berries in the wild you dipshit.
It would probably cost more than 13:50 for op to leave town to go die trying to survive in the forest without any knowledge.
>I have 13 dollars and 40 cents to last me the next two weeks
Put it all on black a few times and then eat like a king
how is rice and bean and garlic and onion "optimal"?
>survive in the forest
If his neighbors had some fruit trees in their garden, and if op asked nicely, theyd probably give him cupsful of them.
The choice isnt "go live in the woods" or "dive in a dumpster". Maybe if you had more nutrients in your diet, youd be a little smarter and be able to firgure these things out yourself.
You've wasted money on 2 luxury items that don't have the calories to justify it. Neither an onion nor garlic will provide 3 filling meals for 2 weeks.
You are simply arguing in bad faith. I have given multiple examples of how op can find fresh foods for 0 money.
You are simply unable to say "you are right and i am wrong". Its very pathetic.
I live in fucking newark fat chance i'll be foraging for berries and nuts like im lewis and clark or something
Prove that you are op and not just a fucking larper
You neglected to read the op.
13.40 to buy 2 weeks worth of food is very tight. OP needs to be full for 2 weeks, not to worry about being healthy.
He can take care of his bodily needs when he has the money to spend on it.
Yeah im not gonna go in a circle with you.
0 money. Either argue the point or fuck off.
The point was in the OP:
>I have 13 dollars and 40 cents to last me the next two weeks. I need some help with a meal plan, ceekay
Wasting time, energy and money on frivolous luxuries runs counter to what he needs: making his razor thin budget last. Rice and beans will keep him full for 2 weeks. An onion and garlic will not.
six $2 scratchers and a arizona tea should keep you pretty full.
>finding food for survival is waste of time and energy
Yes. To survive on that budget for 2 weeks, he just needs rice and beans. I suspect he will not find those in his nearest forest.
I've seen a lot of mental retardation on 4chan, but this thread honestly takes the cake with forage boy
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Onions help a lot with nutrition (vitamin C) plus they would make this slop taste a lot better.
Rice and beans with hotdogs and onions, hot sauce for flavour. You could eat a couple bowls of this daily for 2 weeks and be totally fine
Would it suck? Well yes
Savenging is just doing what the other anon said and playing lotto while possibly finding no yield, and while wasting more precious calories. Better to just do what they said and put the change after food towards a ticket or 2.
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get me a can of ravioli a day and i eat like a king, they are only 1 dollar each where i find them
>Big Buford from Checker's
>1 baggie of weed
>1 baggie of crack
>MILF pussy from some rat's mom
$1.68 for hot sauce?? Go to taco bell and grab some for free
Holy shit fresh-anon, you are so fucking autistic.
OP here I live in the concrete jungle there are no plants to scavenge you autist
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let it ride
OP here again, going to put a little makeup on and try and whore my asshole behind the local dumpsters so I can eat tonight, wish me luck.
Few years ago this would have been doable but the price jew has been very greedy lately.
I'd suggest finding out where your local food banks are or decide what to pawn.
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In metric dollars you would be fucked

Raw rice everyday or go to a food bank or steal

If you have a gun and some ammo, try to hunt something and keep the last bullet for yourself in case you miss
buy a toy gun from the dollar store and use it to rob a Circle K
13.40 on WAS + Over 6pt teaser, that should get you to $22. Good luck.
bet 13.40 on the Broncos to win.
oh i forgot op was a gambler lol
If you gamble that money you could win enough to eat for two weeks
15lbs of potatoes, the cheapest bottle of olive oil, and free salt, pepper, and ketchup packets from McDonalds.
just do a trojan horse, it involves finding the cheapest product that has a large non see through container, dispose of the inside, fill it with goodies, go through self check out, profit?
I sure you already own a firearm. One bullet isn't that expensive.
This is genuinely good advice.
People will not die in couple of weeks but it is possible live on brotatoes alone for a while. Light scurvy symptoms will start to set in though unless having a reserve of vitamin pills.

he or she is not a pirate, anon.
You could probably order water with lemon for free at any bar if you swing it right like you're supposed to be there or as the sober one of a group.
We all are sailing one way or another.
>Just rice and bean, if you dont die from scurvy, youd want to kys very quickly.
lmao he's not going out to sea for six months, retard, he'll survive two weeks on this basic diet
He probably won't feel great but that's what the degenerate gets for wasting all his food money
OP please drop your cash app, beg on reddit, beg with someone you know, or go to a local soup kitchen/food pantry. Otherwise go to a store and explain to the manager. You can pull off a 15 dollar budget at a local gas station if you say you have no money.
Just gamble idiot. You will win big.
You SHOULD go your entire life without posting ever again, that would be more than fine.
Degenerates in this thread will tell you to eat slop like rice, legumes and flour for two weeks
But let me tell you brother that the correct way to get through your predicament is to commit to your faith and engage in a compulsory fast (fard)
Give yourself to Allah and you will be saved wallahi
buy oatmeal. not sure what they cost in US but here they cost to what amount to ~3 dollar per 4lbs. with 8 lbs you should have more than enough(tho very fucking boring) for two weeks
how am I going to fast fard without the beans???
go to the food bank
You need vitamin C but two weeks without it would not be “very painful” in the slightest
>it will be very painful
he's a big guy
>food he finds in the wild
OP is surely some urbanoid bugman who would have to spend more in gas getting somewhere he could forage anything than the value of food he'd get out of it, and would spend more energy looking for your little late-october berries and edible mushrooms than the calories he'd get back out of it. you are a retard
you shouldn't say that, it's not kosher
A scratch off could get you up to $50 bucks which would be a lot better to work with for the rest of the week
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I miss when I'd walk into a gas station with $30 and get myself an Arnold Palmer Arizona, a pack of Camel Crush, and $20 in scratch-offs. The Loteria and crosswords ones were my favorite :]

(I have since quit gambling, and only smoke socially when I'm drunk)

This might be the play
The day old bread stand at Wal Mart has loaves for like $0.60, buy a pile of those so you don't die because we know you're going to spazz out and spend the rest of the money poorly even though you know it's an emergency situation.
Just go doordash for a few hours and make $60 or something. Retard. Or a food bank. No excuse to go hungry in America
please get out of this very desperate situation and get help
Id do another pack of the franks tbqhwu
why? I'm still gonna be a ugly short loser
Hope he didn't, you two are shit
What cookery and heat do you have

You're an obsessed hypochondriac. Not only you don't have any actual wisdom and knowledge, but you're also conditioned like a Pavlovian dog when you hear something that triggers you. No, he won't get scurvy in two fucking weeks, human body is very efficient in reusing Vitamin C. Read on the topic you're trying to push sometimes.
Why do people always recommend rice to starvefags
AP Flour has more calories per dollar
You're right, but many people here are lazy. AP flour is actually amazing, but you need to spend some time and have a bit of imagination to turn it into something amazing.
I was in a situation like that once - no money, but 3 kg of various flours, spices and oil. Used to mix the flours with water, salt and spices until I got the consistency right and poured it on heated oil. Turned it from one side to another in order to obtain sorta flour cutlets. They were insanely tasty and filling for such a poverty food. And, no doubt, they had more protein, micro and macroelements than fucking white rice.
But like I said - while flour is many times better, you need to actually not be lazy.
well guys and girls, that is it, i blew my last cash on a scratch it and lost, think i will take a long walk.
I will never get gambling. At least with drugs and booze you never strike out. Hell, you could've probably turned that $15 into a 30 rack of the cheapest beer and "ate," for two to three days.
You revealed the answer yourself- you used spices and oil to make it edible. 13.40 doesn't leave much room for those.
I'm kinda fucked. Was living paycheck to paycheck and lost my job at the start of the month. I tried to apply anywhere but fast food, caved last Thursday. I had an interview on Saturday at a McDonalds where they said I got the job, but I haven't heard back from them yet.

I have like 5 bucks and food enough for maybe 2 more days. I applied for food stamps over 2 weeks ago, got all my paperwork in but still haven't got them turned on yet.

I'm gonna end up in a shelter by the end of the month even if I started work tomorrow. Gonna be a cold winter.
it cashed easily, what are you on about.
you discovered frybread. it's good shit.
No it won't you ocd hypocondriaque
Bags of flour and a cooking oil or butter. Mix flour in a bowl with enough water to make it doughy .Pan fry till golden brown on low heat. I ate that every day for a month. It works.
Go to a fucking food bank you retard
keep your head up and thank God youre alive in the 1st world

beans and rice.
If you boil tap water long enough it aqcuires a kind of taste. Usually metallic, but it depends on the water.
I see you watch Atomic Shrimp as well
>not eating garlic or cucumber once in every 2 week period is very bad health wise.
>People live for 6+ decades on the american diet which is 100% processed garbage

Get your vegan mentality the fuck out of here. If he had money and only ate beef he'd be healthier than eating garlic once in a 2 week period.
should have started planning for this about nine months ago, a good rape baby can sustain a person for weeks if prepared and rationed properly, and are obviously free
All well, guess I shouldn't be surprised the gambling addict has no foresight whatsoever.
ohh was that guy posting some retarded and faggy underage b& meme this whole time? i fell for it but im glad he wasn't that retarded for real
lead and gunpowder
if you don't feel like offing yourself spend it all on pasta
oil has calories too if you're just gonna live off fry bread. Rice and bread both just need salt
if you're going to go for a while you can buy active dry yeast by the pound and make actual bread and it'll still be cheaper than rice
it's an early Youtuber that simply teaches people how to forage and does food buying challenges where he'll spend $10 for a weeks worth of food
I knew your faggot rice and beans ass would be first post. No. You need to play in traffic, Dave Ramsey
Lol ok bizcuck
Beg for more money and immediately spend it on the things people have suggested. Youll have trouble selling flour, beans or rice for gambling money
>on sell
squirrels aren't that hard to catch. head down to little mexico and barter the pelts for eggs scramble em together. thats good eats.
>18 eggs for $3.66
man you can tell how old this picture is christ.
nowadays its $5.60 for 6 eggs
up your butt
Go to the res and buy some cigarettes, then go sell plasma or something.
>£20 left to last me all week
>about to spend it on weed
>got some sardines and vitamins in the cupboard for my nutrients
feels good man
go to food bank

supermarkets have reduced food thats about to expire, buy whatever is fresh and cook it

buy flour and make bread, buy eggs and you can make pasta or noodles

flour, oats eggs milk and vegetables should be your priority, eat porridge for breakfast or a snack and eat eggs and vegetables and pasta, pasta aglia e olio is really good

buy stock cubes and make a big stew with potatoes vegetables, use flour and milk and eggs to make dumplings
Condoms and KY.
Pimp your ass out my man.
once you buy staples like eggs milk flour and veg buy some coffee or strong tea. it's an appetite suppressant, brew it for a long time and make it strong. scavenge condiments and sugar from coffee shops and mcdonalds to boost the calories. look into foraging too, it will depend on the area you're in but this time of year there's lots of berries. look out for edible mushrooms too, but make sure you know exactly what you're doing, and eat a very small amount first to make sure it's fine. stinging nettles are edible as well as blackberries and aren't hard to identify. you can eat nuts from beech, hazel, chestnut and walnut trees, they're pretty easy to identify from the leaves. chestnuts are really tasty and will boost your energy. if you do it right foraging will pay massive dividends
last thing i'll say is water, drink plenty of it. because you really don't actually need a ton of food to stay alive, just drink as much water as you want, maybe even look into intermittent fasting, fast for a day or many many hours in a day and you can stretch the food even further. drinking water will help with hunger pangs but honestly once you've been feeling hungry for an hour or so you kinda just get over it.
>get munchies
>look in cupboard
One week more to go!
But for reals I'm seeing everything from 3-6 bucks for 18 eggs.
weak ass, unable to convert munchies into something useful
for you
Rice and beans + something (egg? , greens? , bologna?, plantains?) for mid-day meals

Rice-and-beans for breakfast (from whathever you didn't eat from last days meal)

Casado and pinto are a poor man's meal so it should work, It did for my gramps.
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If you live in Utah I'll give you 30 cans of spam for free

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