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Going to Braum’s in 38 hours. I want you picky ass eaters to decide what I’ll order. Don’t want ketchup on the burger? Say so! Extra pickles? No onions? Extra mustard? Say so. I want to experience your specific order. I’ll use a random number generator to determine the winning order, then I’ll go and order the food and I’ll post pictures in this thread…

So tell me: what should I get from Braum’s?
Request Braums sauce for the cheeseburger.
Chicken Strip Dinner
1st order
2nd order
Four cheese burger combo with fries and a vanilla shake. Small bowl of chili on the side if you're hungry enough, otherwise skip it.
I would respect them more for lying and calling it 1/4lb
#3 with fries and a chocolate malt

Tomorrow’s lunch is going to be delicious
Get the chicken strips and post pics of you cramming them up your fat wife's ass.
1/6 lb burger, 40z of the local chili and 13oz Coke with crushed ice.
jalapeño pepperjack cheeseburger
bowl of chili, extra cheese
small Reese’s mix
Are braum's burgers still massive? i had it 1 time ever, pre-covid, and it was the rare instance where i was unable to finish the burger.
get a cherry limeade

How big do you think the cheap burgers are at regular places? It's not 1/4 pound.
Whatever you get, get a seasonal flavor milkshake
Unfortunate that you waited until now to try Braums. They switched their food about 10 years and everything is so much worse. I was working for them at the time so this isn't just guessing I was there when they told us what they were doing. The burgers used to be wide like Whataburger, this works so much better for topping distribution and ease of eating. Now the burgers are small and build up so you have to unhinge your jaw to eat them.
It makes for a sloppier and much worse eating experience and the quality of the ingredients such as the buns went down a lot. Still they are one of the better places you can get a burger in the south.

Avoid the meme burgers, most of them aren't worth it. The best thing you can get Is a Bacon Cheeseburger (two patties if you want any amount of meat the meat patties are thin), extra onions and lettuce if you like those things. Make sure you ask them to make the fries fresh, they are already terrible being crinkle cut the worst kind of fry. If they are old too they are a horrific experience. They give you a shake with your combo no extra charge but its small might want to ask for a bigger one. I highly suggest the mint chocolate chip, dip a few fries in it. Get some braums sauce on the side, it's basically a burger sauce thats really peppery. Chicken strips are not great, I don't recommend them. The fry oil is changed very rarely, you are going to get some real nasty stuff most of the time.
Make sure you check out the market afterwards, braums still has the best ice cream in the south.
Almost forgot, for their shakes they stopped using milk and use this nasty sweetened premix. It gives the shakes a really off putting taste. Be sure and ask them to use real milk for your shake, sometimes they won't do it but most will.
Shut up tard, it's still the best and most reasonably priced fast food around. I dearly miss the South and Braum's is one of the reasons why
>Still they are one of the better places you can get a burger in the south
Learn to read before you start crying next time retard.
>for their shakes they stopped using milk and use this nasty sweetened premix
this is simply untrue and really shows how completely schizo you actually are

it's concerning how willing people are to make up shit like this for what seems like zero actual gain
Nigger I fucked worked for them for 5 years, I literally stuck those bags of shit into the hoppers a hundred times at least. Get the fuck out of here you fucking fraud, you don't know what the fuck you are talking about.
why are you lying like this?
you can watch them make the shakes with ice cream

what possible 'premix' could there be

you should really get some help, or please keep taking the meds you are prescribed
they stopped using MILK and use this nasty sweetened premix
no, they didn't

their whole thing is the fresh milk they use
they don't use some weird sweetener
wtf are you talking about
there's no milk substitute, that's fucking retarded
what the fuck are you on man
If you happen to see this thread before you order don't fall for the gaslighting. Just ask them what they use to mix the milkshake they will tell you its a premix it's not milk.
The people claiming it isn't haven't worked there they have no idea. Just watch a shake being made, they scoop ice cream into a cup and then stick a metal ring over the top and then stick that cup under a rubber nipple that dispenses mix from a bag.
They blend this up and there is your shake. But what is behind that metal fridge wall isn't a bag of milk, it is a sweetened premix. If you ask a regular employee they might even be willing to open the door and show you.
When I worked there we were encouraged by our managers to tell customers we couldn't use milk anymore but if someone got pushy we would do it for them. I always used milk if it was me though because fuck that shit.
Just like fries at mcdonalds people have forgotten that they used to taste better. Why would I make this up? It's a simple fact anyone can check if you just go there and ask they will tell you.
>But what is behind that metal fridge wall isn't a bag of milk
it's condensed you mongoloid, it's got like 50% more fat than just skim milk
any powder they add is fucking malt, if you order a malted milkshake

or, I guess if you want to live in fantasy land they use some kind of artificial conglomerate of chemicals that resembles milk
So you admit that it's not just milk. Sad that it took this long.
If you don't believe me just order one shake with the premix and one with normal milk if they will let you and taste the difference.
Bag of junior burgers but you stack them into one massively tall burger. Also a cinnamon roll
is milk that has water removed not 'just milk'?
I dunno, at mine they just use half gallon jugs of milk out of a fridge under the counter. Are you sure you went to Braum's?
No one liked it, they don't like hauling the big bulky bags and setting them up. Plenty of times when I was working there we would just use milk when we could. Sometimes we would just be out of the stuff. Maybe they stopped using it in the last few years. I don't know but it was 100% a thing when I was working there 5 years ago and it completely changed the taste and not for the better. It wasn't just "condensed milk", it had added sweeteners. It was gross stuff, nothing ever changes because its better for the customer. They made the change from whole milk to that shit because it cost half a penny less.
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I’ve done order4me’s at Braum’s in the past related pic


I’ve watched, they still use milk.

11th Kek

I’m going to ask about the milk bags to see if it is still milk. I might even ask for a small cup of milk from the milk machine. This has to be the most interesting thing in this thread is the conspiracy theory that a giant dairy in Oklahoma that runs an ice cream store somehow skimps out on milk….
Do you really believe that a giant corporation wouldn't make their product worse to pinch a penny? Please tell me you aren't that gullible. They already changed their burgers for the worse, what makes you think they wouldn't do it for their shakes as well?
Also I never said it wasn't milk, I said its a mix, they add and subtract things. It's not just raw milk in a bag. The flavor is completely different, like I said get two shakes one with the mix and one with whole milk. You can taste the difference.
Milk frequently gets dumped by dairy farmers when it is in surplus. Braum’s is a vertically integrated business, they supply their own milk and beef. Why would they add things to a 4 gallon bag of milk when they literally farm their own milk and raise their own cattle?
That's a great question, sadly corporations do stupid things that hurt their customers and sometimes their profits all the time. Like I said just try one with the bagged substance and one without. You can taste the difference.
>companies do things that are worse because... they just do! ok!
>i'm just some idiot saying it's this way and you should trust me because I said so!
For you:
>jalapeno pepperjack cheeseburger combo w/ root beer

For the obese wife:
>double quarter lb cheeseburger combo w/ diet coke
>6 piece chicken strips
>bowl of meat & bean chili
>companies do things that are worse because... they just do
We already went over this, they do these things because they think it will save a penny. Try to keep up with the conversation.
>you should trust me because I said so!
Again try to keep up, it's because I worked there, I saw the bags, I tasted the product. Myself and everyone working there there wasn't a single person who liked the bagged version over real milk. But I guess we should take your word over ours. Like I said, I'm just giving you the information, you can taste and verify for yourself. Pretty humorous that you are dying on the hill of white knighting big corpo. You really shouldn't be defending them though, it was a horrible place to work for. Terrible for the employees and the customers. They really aren't worth defending.
4 cheese burger with a side of cottage cheese and a vanilla shake

Braums is really one of those based fast food joints, they refuse to expand because they're happy with their little operation and alot of their ingredients is fresh
If only they hadn't shrunk their burgers and they had good fries. Imagine if they had curly or steak fries like kfc used to have.
Oh yeah they do have the best cottage cheese ever
Fries are trash yeah but makes up for their ice cream
Their fries are good, they've got crinkle cut fries and that's their thing.
If their thing is having shit fries I agree. Crinkle cut are the bottom tier of fries, there is nothing worse.
The fries are the perfect size and shape for dipping in milkshakes. The crinkles maximize dippable surface area
Any place that doesn't have onion rings as an option instead of fries loses points. There is no reason to choose fries if you have the option for rings. They are the superior side carb option.
30 cottage cheeses
Blech, greasy slimy onion
Braums fresh market tip, a lot of their stuff is wildly overpriced, like the name brand stuff like babybel cheese ect. But their own brand stuff can be a good deal. Their sausage is 50 cents cheaper than the same kind you can get at walmart.
For those who don’t know Braum’s: https://youtu.be/-ge2FBItQrc?si=VZcwwqYHbl-gdUvx
They have their own youtube channel:https://youtu.be/Vt7HyZO1r9w?si=FVsRT6A-sKOVk1ii
Fucking retard kid
I’m feeling bad today. I’ll have to go tomorrow. Please post any other orders here.
Do you ever ask yourself why you're such an attention craving faggot?
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Why are you so heated? Are you too ashamed to dip your fries in your milkshake?
Hooray! You recovered! You better get the chicken strip dinner. I gots to know what it look like.
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It’s here
If you don’t get the Chicken Strip Dinner, I will reply to every future post you make in a very rude manner. Don’t flake out on the Chicken Strip Dinner like you flaked on the meet up, bucko.
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This is what it looks like. Maybe next time…
Ok so I have the vanilla milkshake and the milk machine is actually milk. Not some weird mixture, but real Braum’s A2 milk
>2nd order
That’s your reply to my Chicken Strip Dinner request. Did you lie to me on purpose? Stop being a faggot and get the fucking chicken.
That’s for the purpose of documenting which order is assigned to which number. The 3rd order won today.
You didn't eat the first and second orders?
You never indicated that. Today you have made an enemy, Order4me.
my brother in christ, do you know how to read?
>I’ll use a random number generator to determine the winning order, then I’ll go and order the food and I’ll post pictures in this thread
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Touring Winco
I admit I did not read OPs post yesterday and made assumptions I shouldn’t have. But he is still my enemy for making me think he was going to get the Chicken Strip Dinner.
Nice, if you see something good there keep in mind that they don’t take credit cards (have to use cash or debit)
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Checking out has been the biggest shitfest ever. Card read error. Chip malfunction. Aaaaahhhh!!

Next thread: decide what breakfast cereal that I buy.
>best ice cream
Their ice cream is noticeably worse than it was 5 years ago. Their burgers are still fine. Youre a fucking tard and everything you say should be disregarded aside from the fry oil.
Why don't you let your wife make decisions regarding your food purchases? Asking a bunch of anonymous alcoholic losers on a Trump supporting fast food message board what to buy is weird. Your wife is supposed to be your best friend. Ask her what she wants.
Sorry about your rough day, we all have them. Hope things get better for you soon. :)
Grim, 4cheese is one of the worst options, no other toppings and they rarely care to melt the cheese enough. Also I doubt you actually saw the bag of shake mix. Next time I go I'm going to ask them. Maybe they stopped doing it in the last few years but it was certainly a thing and it tasted bad. Happy if they got rid of it.
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You’re obviously unfamiliar with traditional women and their inability and reluctance to make decisions on certain things. Plus I like engaging people to tell me their choices as it forces me to try different things. It’s part of the fun to let you guys have some influence in my life.

I forgot to mention: Braum’s chilli is some of the if not the best tasting fast food chilli.
I’d say they’re in line with average sized of most fast food. Whataburger has the big burgers that have a larger circumference.

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