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It was very good I’ve cooked it before
i approve of everything except the plates
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Why doesn't your mom have a wedding ring?
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I made it in the early afternoon I like it because you can prepare everything and then just put it in the oven to finish
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I put a ton of egg yolk in the potatoes I like egg yolks
That looks really nice anon. Would eat two portions. Good job
Looks good but I like carrot in my shepherd's pie. Also looks like beef so that's a cottage pie.
That, the pils, the bathtub of water and the wine glass shape. The food looks good though. Which begs the question, what's it doing in Rothaus?
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I found it on her night desk i think sometimes she takes it off that ring is over 100 years old it belong to my great great grandmother
i put 3 carrots in there but they are grated with a cheese grater You can still taste it also yes i used all beef i dont like lamb
Pretty based. Also nice cooking for your parents, that's a nice of you.
>mom is wearing a thick sweater
>dad is wearing a fleece pullover
turn up the heat nigga they're old
Some people prefer to keep the heat low and wear layers.
Whoa looks amazing! The beefy under mash layer has great thickness
why is dad holding the beer like a complete fag?

Must be nice to be born into generational wealth and class. The only thing my parents left me was emotional trauma.
>They said they want to shepherds pie tonight.
nice of you to oblige
you dont think rich people expose their kids to emotional trauma?
>being able to make dinner for your parents means you have generational wealth and class
are u fr rn lmao

>boohoo muh trauma
the only way that could be true is through sheer tard force of will, because bongs are a race of pigheaded retards that are so insufferable that you love to correct people as a hobby but are arrogant enough to never check your own shit
Ooh lovely forking.
how poor exactly are you?
If you used beef, then it's a cottage pie mate.

The cross section looks good. Maybe too many peas but I would surely eat that.
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>I put a ton of egg yolk in the potatoes I like egg yolks
That explains the yellow colour.

I keep my mash simple but I do add a lot of white pepper I like white pepper.

9/10 OP would eat
Shepherd "A shepherd is a person who tends, herds, feeds, or guards flocks of sheep.". I don't why that's so difficult to understand. The reason you distinguish between a shepherd's pie and a cottage pie is the meat in the filling. If someone called a hotdog a burger, there would be confusion and outrage. It is, without a doubt, ridiculous to think a shepherd flocked cows. You're a weak little bitch
who cares
so cottages "flock" cows then, gotcha
my mistake
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Based, and quarter zip-pilled dad.
Are shepherd's forbidden from eating beef?
If you can't see the wealth and class in those pictures than you have never experienced either.
>fr rn
Oh just a larping zoomer, well that explains it.
calm down buddy.
Americans don't have decent Lamb and can't afford it anyway.

Don't waste your breath.
mental illness, what are you even rambling about?
beef = cottage pie
lamb = shepherd pie

shrimple really
I don't know, someone is screaming about it. Either way, you're acting like a nonchalant little faggot, yet on another subject you'll tug at your little ballbag.
No, a cottage pie was for any ingredient as the filling for poor people, because poor people lived in cottages. It was almost a pejorative. It tended to be beef. I'm glad to have educated you. You prissy little cunt
Shephard sounds cooler so we have culturally appropriated the word deal with it.
If you aren't poor, and you don't live in a cottage, then it's just shepherd's pie. Got it.
Im going to force my wife to make this
I'm going to force your wife to take this
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>Im going to force my wife to make this
>Im going to force my wife to eat this
"must be nice" are the worst type of personalities, fuck off
I'm pointing out the inconsistency in your folk (a polite way of saying incorrect bullshit) etymology and you're too retarded to understand.
If you truly wanted to be autistically correct you'd make it with leftovers from a cheap roasting cut because both originally were synonymous for a humble dish, but that would be too much effort to be authentic so hence the fake etymology where cottage = other meat and shepherd = lamb (as if a impoverished shepherd would be eating the most valuable form of sheep, yet more layers of retardation)
So it isn't nice to be rich and comfy?
Looks good. I was recently at Aldi. They sell a delicious shepherd's pie but it is rife with awful anti-human ingredients including soybean oil, bread crumbs, corn starch, caramel color, and guar and xantham gums. I do not know what we plebs did to make them hate us so much. Meanwhile I'm looking at your pie that looks just filled with real ingredients fit for human consumption and I'm thinking about how that's a win+win: good taste and real ingredients. Compliments.
Stop posting.
Is correct.
you're having a meltdown lol
>Verification not required
Good but needs carrots
>Good but needs carrots
Read the thread dickwad, OP put carrots in.
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Faggots here crying about beef or lamb while me being the superior being use sausage. You will never know what you are missing.
That's a crammers pie
Why is there a line of cocaine on the table though
sounds like you deserved it
If you're poor and don't live in a cottage then even if you're cooking lamb, it can be a cottage pie. If you're cooking beef, then it cannot be a shepherd's pie. I forgot that Americans lack a decent education and they find things difficult to grasp, especially linguistically. Like 5 year olds. It's tragic to have to outline.

There is not a chef on earth that doesn't abuse drugs in some way.
Who deserves their birth?
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>I forgot that Americans lack a decent education and they find things difficult to grasp, especially linguistically. Like 5 year olds. It's tragic to have to outline.
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Yes we have good lamb, and yes we can afford it
The fuck are you whinging about Nigel
I hate the heat so goddamn much. It's way comfier to just put on more layers or use a blanket for lounging or something.
heated air is suffocating. much comfier to use layers.
aren't you the same guy that posted his mom's tits in that other thread
>you dont think rich people expose their kids to emotional trauma?
Ok and? They can give me their money if they don't want it. Oh right retard.
Plaintive violin music intensifies...
Good for you anon
Where is this from? Looks bit like some East German suburban family in early 1980s.
Post recipe and method, fag.
Good son
Why are your parents two dudes?
maybe instead of screeching about sneed oils on 4chan you can spend time actually learning how to cook /pol/yp
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Thank you again for making this wholesome thread.
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lmao made his mom hide her tits this time
looks good , nice pan too
The wine costs 7€, this looks like a standart lower class german household.

How poor is your country thirdie?
It looks good, but I never understand people that put peas into the shepherds pie itself. Worse still is people that also add sweetcorn. Carrots, celery, onion and maybe garlic, should be the only vegetables in the dish, since they form a nice base, but peas that will inevitably be overcooked, are too overpowering of a flavour, that infuse into the sauce and detract from the meatiness of the dish. Instead, you should serve peas on the side. This way you can cook them properly and toss them in some butter, so they taste better, and you have more contrast and variation in flavour.
not my business so i'm sorry if this is intrusive, but it looks like its worn really thin, if she's so worried about it snapping that she takes it off maybe she could go to a goldsmith to get it reinforced
they basically attach a smaller ring under it to give it more thickness so that it doesn't completely erode away
although i understand the sentiment of not wanting to tamper with a family heirloom, it'd be nice to preserve it in some way if she'd like that and maybe give it even more longevity to pass it down
Shepherds guard sheep so it makes sense to call a pie with mutton a "shepherd's pie". Cowherds guard cows so a pie with beef should be called a "cowherd's pie". Cottages guard people so a proper "cottage pie" should contain human flesh.
Do German dads really act like such femboys?
Good looking pie.
I'm sorry about the pommy cunt ruining your thread.
Can you tell your mom to wear brighter color next time, i cant see her tits
It is. So make sure you can over more to your children than your parents gave you.
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>If you can't see the wealth and class in those pictures than you have never experienced either.
I grew up with that shit being normal for me.
My family comes from a peasant village in Yugoslavia, and were the victims of ethnic cleansing during WW2.

So spare me the sob story faggot. Generational Wealth is my grandparents and my parents striving to rebuild a lineage that was almost exterminated in gunfire while faggots around them seethed about wogs buying all the property while at the same time mocking my dad for buying a house at a young age because HURR MORTGAGE SLAVE AT 25

Not our fault your parents are fucked. And the fact that you're seething at us, rather than striving to rebuild a lineage almost destroyed by your parent's selfishness and stupidity proves you're as big a loser as your parents. Fuck you faggot.
>I grew up with wealth and class being normal for me
Not sure you are making the point you thought you were.
>Not sure you are making the point you thought you were.
I didn't make the point that the wealth and class I grew up with was entirely from my family fighting back from the brink of extinction in the backwoods of the backwoods of Europe?
I didn't make the point that my family fought for everything I grew up with and it's not my fault that that faggot's parents didn't strive to survive?

I dunno, I guess my point is have your family be massacred and then maybe the survivors will understand the importance of family.
Nothing bonds like shared suffering.
you made mom wear a black turtleneck thus time, didn't you?
you got 2 dads, mate?
Shut up retard
A good son
nice but tell her to wear something different next time or my Tannanzäpfle will be unhappy
>cheap wine
>wood countertops
Or you’re just poor and middle class looks like the megarich to you
>The beefy under mash layer
Beef = Cottage Pie
Lamb = Shepherds Pie

>turn on the heat
>air becomes stale
>can't wear your fashionable sweater
>can't feel the comfortable fabric on your skin
>have to sit there and be hot
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Came here to post this, kek
I wonder if he showed her the thread...
>If you can't see the wealth and class in those pictures than you have never experienced either.
That is middle class shit at best. Sure, better than a poorfag, but no where near actual wealth and sure as shit isn't a multi-course meal with proper table settings, which would indicate actual class. I mean OP didn't even bother placing the utensils properly for the main for fucks sake. No soups, salads, bread, sides, desserts. Just a struggle meal for a poorfag with water and some cheap ass wine & beer.
Mom's gonna be droppin a big one tomorrow
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