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What have you seen in a kitchen that most people don't know, or will shock people who never worked in a restaurant?

1. Everyone bangs. Especially in any establishment with a bar. We would make bets who got to bang the new server girls first. It was so easy to give them a bit of wine after shift.

2. I never eat shrimp at a restaurant. The shrimp is not going to be fresh. The shrimp get thawed in 5 - 10lb batches, and that batch can last for two weeks, in and out of the fridge. At one week, the tub would smell so bad it could only be handled with gloves, or your hands would smell for days. At week two, the liquid has turned white and viscous. We had to rinse the slime off shrimp every morning when they started turning white.

3. Fryer oil is the most disgusting thing in the world. We would often have rats drown in the fryer (huge fryer, so it was still hot in the morning) and we would fish multiple rats out of the oil when we started reheating it. Once even found a deep fried bird in there.

4. Yes, if you mess with us, we mess with you. It is super easy to tell who is not going to leave a proper tip, and yes, your order is going to take longer, or might contain some specials.

5. Most of the things you think are so much better at a restaurant than they are at home are shit you can buy ready made from the store with some salt and butter added. Nice sauce? Salt and butter. Nice vegetables? Salt and butter. Good steak? Precooked, thawed, heated in butter, salt on top.
He looks like a typical gay British asshole that I try avoid because I don't want to be backstabbed like the rest of Europe
Not really the topic, retard.
>The shrimp get thawed in 5 - 10lb batches, and that batch can last for two weeks, in and out of the fridge
bullshit it has a 3-5 day shelf live and it gets tossed if it smells of in any normal non shit restaurant
>Fryer oil is the most disgusting thing in the world. We would often have rats drown in the fryer
Sure bro yet 99% of restaurants filter it and either leave it in 30L pots covered or back into the fryer after cleaning it them and cover that too
>Yes, if you mess with us, we mess with you.
You are a nigger i have never fucked with anyones order in 20 years in the industry
1 and 5 are true though but you should make like Bourdain and kill yourself
A ghetto kitchen doesn't fall into the classification of professional kitchen, pipe down kid
Fryer rats/mice are really common. Note the comment: "They float to the top" not the first time for that restaurant, not the only restaurant with fryer rats.


They try to get to the crumbs, and can't get out.
>Everyone bangs
Everyone banged except me* :(
If you buy some fancy fish, you are actually getting something completely different and cheap. Same goes for all seafood really. You are not getting the expensive kind of crab, lobster or scallops. It is from Indonesia, and it is a completely different species.

Also, "Sushi grade" does not mean anything.
Yes its normal for sleazy drug addict chefs to fuck middle aged single mother waitresses with alcoholism. Shrimp will be fresh if youre eating at a restaurant that isnt a shithole. Fryer oil is easy to replace but again, OP only works at dumps. Even the shittiest restaurants ive worker at, ive never fucked with anyones food, im not a nigger like OP. #5 is true.
Ya it is

Brit fagtard

>“Manager manager manager, there’s a dead mouse in the deep fryer.”

>“Expletive,” she said, as she put down her paper. “Not another one. I’ll show you how to take care of this.” This was a teachable moment, apparently.

>She took a look into the fryer at our dead mouse, and said, “Go to the pantry, and get that biggest stainless steel spoon we have. You know which one it is?”

>“Yes, Manager,” I said. I assumed she wanted me to get the spoon that was larger than all of the others. As it turned out, it was a real beauty.

>When I got back to the kitchen, she said, “That’s it. Now scoop out the dead mouse, but get as little of the fat as possible. It’s too expensive to waste.” I scooped out the mouse with very little fat. Then she said, “Take it across the street, and throw it in the dumpster over there. We can’t have people thinking that we have mice in here.”
>If you buy some fancy fish, you are actually getting something completely different and cheap. Same goes for all seafood really. You are not getting the expensive kind of crab, lobster or scallops. It is from Indonesia, and it is a completely different species.
absolutely retarded and also illegal everywhere that matters.
we lose our ass on halibut, mero, branzino, monkfish, etc. and make it up charging through the nose for al la carte veg sides, desserts, etc.
>It is super easy to tell who is not going to leave a proper tip
starting a rock band called Fryer Rat
Fast food does not count
Next example please
Waiter drops the bread on the floor and puts it back on the tray.

Night cleaner was lazy one night and threw the frying oil down the drain.
already knew most of this. 3 in particular. always made jokes with my family that the reason a certain restaurant in south florida was so good was because they used the same fryer oil until a new hurricane came through
This and this
1. I banged a few but most of them aren't worth it
2. The most I've seen is a week and that's bad brother, we'd wash it with salt and water
3. You're lying or working at a chinese restaurant. Some places filter it every night and toss it every few days. Usually I see it go a week unfiltered at max
4. Are you a waiter too or something? I did it for 12 years and I only got a tip once. I don't see customers unless it's an open kitchen. I make food for faceless souls who will almost never take the initiative to tell me how it was
5. Add shallots to that list as another basic ingredient, they're delicious
Why would the kitchen care about who is tipping? That’s on the servers
What kind of scum kitchen were you cooking at
The filthy shit I didn't believe until I moved to Spokane. I have been a chef my whole adult life, I have lived and worked all over the country, not a single restaurant I worked at was truly filthy, grease might be cakes on the ceilings at a few places that had high ceilings no one could reach, but other than that, extremely standard to filter fryer oil nightly, or twice a day if it was a place that was open for more than just dinner service, always changing the oil as soon as it starts getting dark, everyone takes cleanliness and food safety seriously. In Tampa, in Miami, in NYC, in Chicago, in Minneapolis, in Anchorage, in Seward, in Omaha, in Billings, even in Cody, Wyoming, this was the standard, and yes there was a lot of thawed shrimp, but never thawed more than was needed for service (it takes like ten minutes of running cold water over frozen shrimp to thaw them), no one was keeping bad product past its expiry, this just wasn't done.
Spokane restaurants are fucking disgusting, I work at the least disgusting one and it's disgusting, no one gives a fuck about temps, the coolers barely fucking work, constantly sending out pork and chicken products that have been hanging out at fucking 62 degrees for hours, people just wipe shit with a dry, dirty rag, not even using sani, and God holy fuck why did I buy a house here, why do I keep working here. It's also a very popular restaurant. When I moved here two years ago, I noped out of so many interviews after I saw the kitchens, until desperation had me taking the job I have now.
Guys I'm being extremely serious, if you ever go to Spokane for any reason, do not eat ANYTHING here. I wish CDA jobs didn't pay like shit, I'd rather have lived there, I'd even commute there daily if they didn't pay like shit, those restaurants are actually kept to a decent standard of food safety and hygiene.
>threw the frying oil down the drain
not his problem
Based swamper. Literally not his problem.

Yean, I read Kitchen Confidential once as well.
When I worked in bong land tips were rare and small so even the serving staff didn’t give a shit about them

Honestly preferred it, grovelling for tips is humiliating and prick customers could not power trip over 19 year old waitresses by threatening to withhold some greenbacks
ex restaurant manager, caught a woman employee on CCTV pissing in people's soup and sticking things like corn and carrots in her vagina, needless to say the publicity of it all closed us down and made everyone unemployed. She went rogue because the owner was stealing her tips and calling her a whore everytime he checked in the place, now I just sit at home all day, browsing this shit hole because no one will hire an ex manager without references. But of course Ramsay sits comfortably in his billion dollar mansion, not having to worry about where his next cheque comes from,sad.
I hate that faggot so much
Combine points number 4 with 1 and you have your answer.
happened just before covid hit. got a training position while in school.
>manager is a chubby kid from business school, doesn't know anything about food or service
>all about cutting costs
>micromanages food and counts ingredients
>changes olive oil in salads to cheap vegetable oil
>reduces size of every portion
>worst customer service I have ever seen, goes to tables to ask if people are done and ushers them out to free up a table in a half empty restaurant
>a few days before the one month training ends get called into his "office" and told I don't need to come in again there is another trainee starting tomorrow
>turns out the manager was constantly looking for new trainees because no need to pay them if you let them go for not fitting in before one month is up
Nothing revelatory, but I have come to the conclusion that restaurant food is a massive vector for seasonal flu and cold. Chefs routinely work sick and come in close contact with hundreds of people's food every day. I've seen guys take naps in the corner between checks because they were so out of it, working with a fever.
You got to work for Elon and you still manage to complain. How dare you? I bet you even expected pay. WTF? How arrogant can you be?
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another one from two years ago, this is more surprising than shocking
>box standard italian restaurant
>owner is nearing 90, but works from dawn till dusk
>tells us his family is pestering him about selling the restaurant so they get an inheritance
>dude tells we close down, will try to find everyone a job with friends, because he literally knows every other independent restaurant in the area
>no need to work, but you can come in and help clear up, box everything sale worthy, we all did
>what could not be sold was given to workers and some of his pals who helped, this included all the food stuff, all the wine etc.
>dude sells everything, leaves the property empty
>gets me a good job, better pay, much safer situation and smoother operation
>the absolute chad sold everything, said hes moving to italy and hopefully lives like a fucking breeding bull with nonnas in some vineyard
i would, unironically and with full gladness, go buy a nice pen and good stationery and write him a hand-written thank-you letter sent by mail.
we wrote him a letter together on the back of a group photo
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>box standard
let's make this diamond dozen a beggar's dozen
That's really hot, I want to fuck that girl and let her piss on me
If the shrimp are so rotten then why doesn't everyone who eats them get sick?
A 20 yo mulatto virgin typed this, and expected me to be impressed even were it true.
A kitchen is where you are to rot. Do so quietly.
>In 27 years of working kitchens I can think of one time someone messed with a customer's food. We brought him into the walk-in, where there are no cameras, and kicked his ass. Made him quit do we wouldn't have to pay unemployment

cool story bro, now share more of your power fantasies
I worked in a cafe very briefly. It had been my favorite coffee shop since it opened and had really good muffins and soups. The original owner sold it, but a lot of the staff was the same and one of the women who worked in the kitchen there was a family friend. They were looking for help so I started doing cooking and was immediately dismayed. The tins they made the muffins in were so disgusting, ancient with flaking teflon and even the pots they made soup in were gross. I instantly knew I'd never eat their food again and after about teo weeks just quit.
bread is a dry product so it does not pick up anything off the floor
Old kitchen workers are ridiculously antisemitic. That's all I got.
Why do all restaurants suck now? I've never worked in one, but it seems everyone is incompetent now. Even michelin starred places serve me shit.
ok ill drop bread in my cum on the floor and you eat it
Why do you cum on the floor
1. biggest challenge is stopping people in hospitality fucking each other like one big incest family.

2.Youre mentors and seniors are impactful knowledgeable men and women who can give you a wealth of skill, but are usually too jaded or burnt out from chasing their profession for 30 years to give it to you, be their friend.

3. Nobody will understand your work, ive lost 4 relationships, a move to another country and alot of social life to get where i am, youre family will not understand or accept why you didnt go to their wedding or why you couldnt have that date night, be willing to be the bad person in that regard.

4.a problem shared is a problem halved dont always ask for help, but know when youre in the shit, service is service you have guests who depend on you to make their night and memories, food is a vehicle for memories you are a part of solidifying some of the most enjoyable moments of a couple or family's lives, its thankless but you know its true.

5. know when to look after yourself.

6. Drink water, im not fucking joking, ice coffees from that one waitress who you think wants your dick but is already getting 3 other dicks is all good, but just take a sip of water brother.

I could go on forever.
If you can't tell the difference between different fish you honestly deserve to be scammed
More like experiences from a cum guzzling homosexual. 1 is often true, 5 is often true. Everything else is bullshit. If you serve 2 week old shrimp you will get closed down. Every commercial fryer seals tight enough to prevent birds or rats entering. It has two openings, one is a valve the other is the top. The top has a cover. Fucking with people that you don't think will 'tip decently' just means that you gave shit service to black people. You are a faggot with a cum addiction who possibly worked a summer job at a hood burger shack. What a retarded cunt you must be to LARP as a hospitality worker.
>The shrimp get thawed in 5 - 10lb batches, and that batch can last for two weeks
the customers would instantly be able to tell the shrimp is spoiled and if they somehow ate 2 week old shrimp they would probably fucking die and you'd get closed down
Experience from a person who did maintenance for shitty bars: The ice machines are fucking horror shows. I would advice against getting ice in your drink in any place that you are not absolutely certain is clean.
To clarify, they are moldy.
>biggest challenge is stopping people in hospitality fucking each other like one big incest family.
What is hospitality? Do people just fuck on the clock? How in the hell do they even get to fuck their coworkers lol. Everything else you said is either boring or basic.
Im sorry you feel that way.

staff parties, nights out front of house and BoH, you might get it one day.
Bank of Hawaii? lol anyways, it sounds like it's just frat parties and stuff if you've ever been to one of those. Except maybe the people at your parties are all workmates or fellow linecooks so the food is actually edible.
Nice input Chef, put it on a podcast next time so I can unsubscribe.
Out of curiosity, what makes someone want to persue a career where literally anyone old enough to give you advice and knowledge are completely burnt out and that systematically destroys relationships? I love cooking which is why I have a decent job that gives me the time to enjoy it.

Do you want to work for min wage (and many times less than min wage), under sweaty dangerous conditions, with no meaningful upwards mobility, questionable coworkers and bosses, military level time constraints and have no social life?

Shit pay and conditions attracts a certain type of person that might not be the most motivated
in their career excellence.
Wow, they even pay min wage at michelin star places? Who gets all the money you pay? It's a rip off. Even 15 years ago there were some good restaurants, they're all shit now save for maybe a few 3 star places, even there I've had inconsistencies. Standards have dropped across the board.
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>Who gets all the money you pay?
OP is obvious former kitchen fag that no one liked, and got fired. So now he posts his faggot larps about what he thinks he missed out on.

So there's really no point in restaurants anymore?
Which 3 star restaurants did you enjoy five years ago that have npw gone to crap?
Troisgros isn't as good anymore.
What's gone downhill?
Sauces, consistency of cooked meat/fish.

Some places you even have to pay to get staged.
Some places you get paid nothing while you're a stage.

Having the Michelin Star experience on your resume is invaluable and entry spots are competitive.
>Professional kitchen
You clearly didn't work in a professional kitchen, you worked in some mid level chain restaurant or some shitty restaurant by someone who didn't know how to run it, but you did not work in a professional kitchen.
Aren't those just entry level positions, though? There should be more senior levels making sure my food is perfect, and rejecting the shoddy work. Surely the whole kitchen isn't staffed by unpaid/minimum wage people. If so, it proves my point, they're cutting corners.
fryer rats are the midwestern msg
Every place I've worked would cover the fryer after turning it off, and at most it would be drained, cleaned and oil filtered or thrown out every night. This is why I don't eat bar food, you fuckers are lazier than the fast food teenagers and certainly aren't being held accountable.

The two places I worked in (small boutique places with maybe 300 customers per day) had 1 real degree chef with a few underlings that had no formal experience.

From what I heard from friends, it was also the same experience in other fancy places, sometimes without even the head chef (ie: endless Diploma of Culinary Arts students on rotation) overseeing notable 5 star hotel menus.

This is one of the few fields that has very little oversite on the qualifications of who makes the food. Not even I had done any formal education in cookery and yet was working on top billing places.
We make sure people who serve alcohol had more training than people who use dangerous tools for things that you consume.
I had to replace my home ice machine because the old one STILL had moldy areas even after multiple full vinegar rinses
Why does Jon Taffer think Michelin Star aesthetics are all you need to save a bar?
>It is super easy to tell who is not going to leave a proper tip
Elaborate on this
I'm black (I know blacks are known for not tipping), but I tip very well, usually.

How can you tell?
Use thin bleach dude. I used to work at a fishmonger and we'd clean the ice machine out morning and evening with bleach.
Bourdain yourself you melaninated monster
Fryer rats are NOT common, you live in a fucking slum, there's a difference.
When you work the front of the house, you just know.
I worked as a bus boy in a Japanese hibachi place when I was 13.

The cooks were gross, everyone was smoking constantly, people sneezing on food they were about to go serve the customers, and a bunch of illegal immigrants living in the building.

The food they served everyone who actually dined there was complete dog shit in comparison to what they would make themselves for dinner after the nightly service was over. Those meals were what got me into expanding my horizons in food.

I don't recall anyone banging while I worked there, but it was all dudes really.

The general manager would drive his 85 Chrysler New Yorker home sauced out of his mind on sake every night after unintelligibly singing Happy Birthday to five tables and evening.

I'm glad I did it when I was young because it taught me I never wanted to work in the restaurant business, ever.
Yeah, OP said that
Repeating it is not elaborating
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nta, there are things in this world that money can't buy, and that funny enough, all the billionaires in the world seek constantly: life experience. the best experiences come from the times and places where you're suffering the most. not always, but it's a good place to start. we weren't put on this planet to make money, we were put here to live.

that being said, you don't have to work in a restaurant for minimum wage. just do what makes you happy.
Had a friend who worked at a chinese restaurant and he said he’d see the cooks smoking over an open wok dropping ashes in people’s food. Pretty sure he was Vietnamese though, so he might have had a reason to make the chinks look bad, but it’s also perfectly believable.
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cringe. you wont do shit and i will not tip and you will bring me my food with a smile on your face you fucking faggot.
i don't know how anyone could be surprised by any of this when there is a TV show by this guy that showed exactly how utterly incompetent most restaurant owners and workers are
I wish I could do any of the 5.

12 hours of clean, prep, cook, repeat incoming
My experience from a professional kitchen
>Asshole head chef
>Everybody hates each other
>Restaurant closes
Thuh. End.
>It is super easy to tell who is not going to leave a proper tip
Complete and utter bullshit.
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Fuck that shit, the assholes who pretend to pay people in work experience and references should be in prison
It's funny because I mostly agree with you but it all ends up reinforcing why pursuing cooking as a career is a waste. I want what I struggle for in life to be meaningful. No matter how much I pour into being the best chef possible, sacrificing my life, health and relationships the outcome at the highest level is mostly cooking for the super rich who eat your pristinely prepared dish and inside just wish they were eating Kraft easy mac.

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