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Abomination Edition

>chorizo baked from frozen
>instand mash potatoes with onion flakes, garlic powder, black pepper
>microwaved peppercorn cream gravy pouch
It's absolutely delicious and after 11 hours of work it wasn't a whole project.

Post your bangers, or just your working person's dinner ITT
Needs peas.
I made a giant pot of mujadara that I intent to eat for the next week so that I don't have to cook at all
Can you please stop posting British food?
It brings me a big feeling of shame
It's British/Spanish fusion.
I never post Bri'ish food and I am not Bri'ish. I understand your sentiment but I'm not the one pushing it. Sorry anon.

Noice. I have lots of soups and sauces in the freezer and usually have a lot to choose from, I just didn't want to babysit anything. Frozen snags can just sit in the oven while I do other things.

I know I wish I had some. I have some frozen veggies but cbf steaming them today
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Luv me bangers and mash. Add a good dob of Lurpak and it goes all creamy like.
lookin fine broskï
needs more mash but you can't go wrong with chorizo
I haven't had chorizo in a yonk or two and I have to say it was pleasantly smokey, well spiced, a little hot.

8/10 would choreez again
I want to make this with proper peas that are sauteed with onions and whatnot, but then there's no point in the onion sauce. What do?
the onion peas become the sauce anon
Why not just make a normal schnitzel and then make a mushroom sauce on onions and garlic and flour, and then normal mashed potatoes? Like, what's the point of the sausage? Is this something that people eat when they don't have real meat?
sausage is delishes, it freezes well, and it's easy to cook. one should have sausage on hand in the freezer at all times for a rainy day. today I was exhausted and it was either make slop at home or send for thurdie
What on earth is thurdie?
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I don't get it.
that’s a fairly small amount of mash for an average-sized person, I’d say?
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I'm watching my figure anon
How the fuck did this take you 11 hours dude?
allow me to rephrase. I was at work for 11 hours and this meal was not a project to put together, on account of I was tired and didn't have the energy for a big cooking project.

Also fast forward to now, I'm home from another day of my job and I'm eating leftovers. Love cold sausages with mustard and reslisch.
Kek's out loud
Forgot to take a pic, but I just had some pan fried chili cheese burritos. It's my favorite use for leftover chili, easy to make and very delicious (although you have to wrap the burrito tight, start it seam side down, and press the seam to seal it)
but why
I always assumed the mash in bangers and mash was split peas
I'm not sure how I feel about chorizo with gravy.
Are you guys still throwing breadcrumb in these sausages?
yeah it was a bit weird, but still good

that never happened
Every single element of that has a horrible choice of ingredients and is prepared terribly. I'm impressed, solid A+ troll.
it wasn't a troll anon but it was a compromise every step of the way. that was the point of my poast, sometimes you're tired and have to just makdü

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