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Thread for discussing coffee and coffee related


If you're new and confused, start here:


If you're old and confused, brew hotter.

Previous thread:>>20900014
Always did Central American coffee. Switched up to Ethiopian and I kinda like it.
How similar is Ethiopian to Kenyan coffee? I know some people prefer Kenyan but I don’t remember the last time I had any
>still messing up the pasta
c'mon guys, it's not even long
Does anyone know of any attempts to chop up beans for maximum maillard reaction during roasting? Kind of like how we cube meat before searing it in some recipes. Or does it matter less, because you're not consuming the beans themselves?
Ethiopian coffee is often more "floral" compared to Kenyan coffee which often has more "red fruit" flavors but these are just generalizations. Ethiopian coffee is commonly natural processed while Kenyan is almost always washed
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Talking about Kenyan coffee, this stuff is pretty great. Sipping on it right now. Love living in a city with lots of local roasters.
if only we could pulverize the beans into some sort of powder...
I mean for roasting, not brewing. Technically, I guess you could grind before roasting, but it would probably stale too quickly at that point (and maybe burn easily during roasting). It would also reduce your brewing options if you went too fine. I'm thinking something more like a rough chop, halving or quartering the beans.
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For me, it's Member's Mark Breakfast Blend K-cups for the perfect cup of coffee. Contrary to what the name implies, this can be enjoyed any time of the day, and I often indulge in one or two in the afternoon.
greens are pretty hard. youd have a hard time making them any smaller than they already are. interesting idea, though. as i understand it, i dont think it would be worth the effort for most roasters, as commercial-grade drum roasters can easily heat a bean all the way through, and the reactions occur largely from heat transfer between beans rather than direct contact with the drum.
hey, as long as youre enjoying it, anon (:
if you froth the milk in the mug, and then shoot the espresso straight into the mug, then you have 1 less dish to clean.
based and efficiencypilled
Like a milk Americano
No. Like a latte Americano, baka.
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what does latte mean?
>Latte simply means milk in Italian
tldr everything to do with italy and coffee is retarded and we should restart from zero, wipe the slate clean and make new words for everything that actually make sense.
Well, in Italy the full name is 'Cafe Latte' directly translating to coffee milk, which is fitting since a standard latte is just coffee flavoured milk.
Coffee shops shortened the name to 'latte' since most people can't be bothered to specify 'cafe' when ordering a beverage from a coffee shop.
i hate italy and their stupid language.
Italy invented some pretty cool things dude.
they had some cool ideas
that were made good by other countries.
>italian pizza
made better by almost everyone else
>italian fashion
made better by the french
>italian machines
made better by almost everyone else
>italian coffee
made better by everyone else

they are the "ideas guy" who is actually useless in practice.
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I bought some coffee from a local roaster who's very nice and accommodating. He told me upon purchase, since I'm a loyal customer, if I don't like any coffee I get from him, I'm free to return it for something else.
So, the three bags I got were pretty awful and over-developed for my taste. I feel like an asshole if I went back to return all of it.
Should I return it regardless?
>Should I return it regardless?
just return 1 bag.
does he have a large selection or did you essentially try the full range with those 3 bags.
What does it mean when the espresso machine spouts more coffee on one side than the other?
The porta filter is brand new and I also cleaned the other metal filter you have to unscrew but it still does it. Should I do a descaling?
I found out today my bro has been grinding his beans with a $5 spice mill...
are you going to gift him a real grinder for christmas?
Is there a manly way to prepare coffee? The whole French press and pour over memes are excessively homosexual and pretentious.
I would if I wasn't unemployed rn...
Hell yeah brother
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Saars, i did redeem the goodboi points Saars.
How long did it take
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Cutting and glueing maybe 10 minutes because i wanted to be precise on the cutting.
Collecting maybe three years buying packets from time to time, last year i bought less than five.
It's 16 coupons per kg, 8 per 500g and 4 per 250g.

With Chicco d'Oro you can get an actual gold bean (pics from the web not mine)
Aeropress. Fast and simple
Big in the gay community.
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>some icky people might like it so I'd better not!
The guy asked for non excessively homosexual brew methods.
If you have to worry about being "manly" when making coffee, you have bigger problems
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I don't like coffee. It tastes like doodoo.
A bit testy today, aren’t you faggo? French press your anus
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Make it fun and be upfront about your preferences. I wouldn't return a product save a defect the roaster should know about. You can be a critical customer when you develop rapport.

In a pot on the stove or in a jar in a prison while looking your cellmate square in the eyes.
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Prisoners buy Taster's Choice packets. I'll ask my buddy exactly what they have next time he calls.
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In prison you would typically have a small slow cooker running all day that’s filled with instant coffee so that you could have a cuppa on demand. Some guys might throw candy bars in the pot to give it some flavor (Cadillac Coffee). We had Maxwell instant at my canteen
why were you jailed
I'm gonna be buying a La Pavoni in the next couple of weeks.

I plan on making 1-2 milky coffees at a time, ~3 times a day. Would the Europiccola or the Professional be more suited to my needs?

Also which do you think looks better? The classic shape or Stradivari?
Second degree robbery
whyd you do that
Cause I was a dumb ass kid. Listen to your parents anons.
how melanated is your skin? or is it spiritual?
>used medium roast beans
>no channeling at all, beautiful pull
Uh does roast level affect channeling
It could impact it through oiliness, and indirectly through bed volume and so on
Next question.
next question
How can I make a Dunkachino?
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different roast levels have different structures even after grinding.
you can read and see a bit here.
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The Hoff has you covered.
It looks amazing and is probably as temperamental as I am.
classic shape if i had to chose
Got this fucker around a year ago. Paid about £350.

Pretty good, easy to use, makes a good espresso. Only had to descale it twice so far (probably not absolutely necessary, but it tells you to when you boot it up after a while).

Pretty happy with it desu. Anyone else using something similar? Is the coffee from these mid-range machines actually any worse than the home machines that go for £1000+, or does it just have fewer features?
If I were wasting money on a toy like that i'd at least pay up for the version with a manometer for the brew pressure.

Otherwise you're having to autistically dial in the pressure by feel.
>Is the coffee from these mid-range machines actually any worse than the home machines that go for £1000+
for a normal espresso machine i would say yes
but in the world of super autos it can vary wildly
hoffmann actually seems to like that one.
my brother took first place at the rodeo today and wants to buy an espresso machine
the pastebin is telling me to watch 5 videos, which is ok, but feel free to make a recommendation
Depends if he wants to make espresso, or have espresso made.
He has a decent selection. I think 10 or more.
I think that's the way to go.
Is he shilling, or is this legit?
guys ive been drinking instant coffee my entire life but ive been thinking about buying a moka pot lately
i keep thinking the coffee will taste much better in a moka pot (assuming im using proper coffee too)
is the difference in taste and quality worth me buying a moka pot and taking the time to learn, or should i keep drinking instant coffee? i dont want to waste time for something thats barely any different
it will be extremely different and better in about every possible way.
watch these
also get a good burr grinder to grind the beans fresh for every brew.
even bad coffee will be better ground fresh instead of pre ground.
I miss the times when pastebins had all of this shit (in plaintext form to discourage shitters) linked and categorized. Sip'a coffee for the writers of old.
wonder what that rentry guy is up to
Barely any different. Coffee is coffee, anon. Coffee from a moka pot is just (very) slightly smoother. Not worth the time.
Much better, but you have to learn the proper technique and dial in the grind, otherwise expect burnt coffee to taste bad.
After seeing the moka pot responses I'm convinced coffee aficionados are retarded.
Moka is literally
>put normal grind in
>take off the stove once it starts warbling
take your bait somewhere else
you aren't welcome here.
they think its a hobby
Sure way to get a fucking shit moka pot
my glass v60 just broke, recs for a new conical brewer? Have a flat bottom already.
heard plastic v60 is better for temp, or else April brewer has fans. Switch? Thoughts?
Moka pot is mostly a frustration device if you're not a milk-coffee drinker. It can make great drinks but requires you to manage grinds, basket, and heat. The shot needs to pull not too fast or slow. If you're not consistent, the moka is all over the place.
Pour over, french press, or aeropress are daily drivers.
sounds like the pinnacle of coffee skill to master then.
Higher skill than working at Starbys.
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Is it weird to not like regular coffee (can't drink it without shit loads of sugar) but love expressos?
Work got a unic machine and was shown how to use it and I legitimately enjoyed it with zero suger but with some milk. Even after using the "worse" beans as they are out of the "better" ones (no clue what's in the grinders). I crave it almost every day now.

Or was I ever just exposed to such shit coffee throughout my life that it needed to be masked and this is the first time I've had something decent?
...that's not what I asked. That just gave me another idea, but with stuff I don't have in my house already!

But thank you.
Grinding fresh makes a massive difference. Even the best pre-ground can be beaten by stuff grounded fresh after a day. Espresso is also lower extraction, you’re using more beans and being more “wasteful” and not extracting everything (potential ashy and bitterness). Not sure what “regular” coffee is but commodity grade shit is vile, all broken, irregularly and full of insect damage. There’s too many factors, but it’s not uncommon for people to drinking swill all their life and think coffee needs to be bitter, ashy and disgusting to be “manly” or whatever the fuck. Experiment and drink what you enjoy.
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I want a Chemex to look /fa/ on my coffee shelf. It will rarely be used since I have other brewers, so actual cups of coffee made is negligible...

Do I get the 6cup or the 8cup? Which is the size you imagine when you think classic Chemex?
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Redeemed. New cuppas, Saars.
>not matching
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I know I'm sad i ordered a small one like the big one but they made a mistake and sent a small one with vertical walls.
>unic machine
nanopresso with heavy cream
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Used the last bit(5g) if my fancy coffee from a local roaster that has lemon and mango notes. Brewed it Hoffman style in a French press with a couple cardamom seeds. Towards the end I added 3 grams of ctcs assam tea and brewed for a couple minutes to make a concentrated dirty chai. Mixed that 10g sugar, half a cap full of orange blossom water and mixed it into sparkling water with hops in it(not the kind that reeks or bitter pine resin). It was good. Only bummed I didn't try it with a bigger dose of coffee. The hop water is pronounced but the coffee flavor comes through underneath, and the cardamom and orange blossom water go great with the tropical hop flavor.

The one coffee they offered I wanted is gone, so now I'm debating a Guatemalan dry process with plum and grape notes, or get their only dark roast offered so I can use my moka pot again. Miss my moka.
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Do you snobs rate Arabic/Turkish coffee?
Soon as I hit 30 I couldn't drink coffee anymore gives me awful acid reflex amd makes me more jittery :(
15 min repeating timer and no poasting make anon a dull boy
Arabic I’ve only had instant, and wasn’t impressed but the coffee in Turkey is excellent.
millennial genetics
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April is a flat bottom. They've also got a switchlike version coming out. Newest meme cone would be the colum. Sick nobypass cone. Otherwise I would be looking at an origami, cafec flower, loveramics, hakkalife, or ct62. My switch sits around unused ever since I got a sworks. Still use my origami for bigger batches.
We are in so much luck!
>moka pot
You will be much better served by a standard pot/saucepan.
You should ask that they rectify this mistake.
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>be me
>"damn, arabic coffee has to be the best coffee out there, no filters means none of the flavors get caught and a finer grind means higher intensity"
>try to grind fine with my hand grinder
>it's terribly hard, like pedaling on a bicycle uphill
>Give up and grind to coarse espresso
>make arabic style coffee in my smallest pot
>it's actually really good but having to grind it by hand makes it an inaccessible luxury.
also the pot I used was cylindrical so I got plenty of grounds in my cup, I would really like to upgrade to a set of ibrikis but I really don't know what to do about the grind.
put some cinnamon in my dark roast and sweetened it with some maple syrup
yummy goffee
why do worldsperms call it that
it's the same number of syllables as starbucks
idk. not my cuppa
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>but I really don't know what to do about the grind
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I called them and they did the needful. They told me to keep the wrong one plus quickly sent me the correct one.
Great service i must say.
Plus i got used to the vertical walled one (Opéra model) and i must say i quite like it too after some use. I was worried the curved ones (Barista model) were the same as my Trottet cuppas, that's why i chose the big big one (26.5cl) but they're not quite the same so another plus.
Happy little accidents is what life's all about.
I like it on occasion, but I haven't had it as a frequent thing for a long time. I have trouble getting fresh grounds where I live, and I haven't checked if I can grind fine enough with my DF64 to make my own. Maybe I'll give that a go just for laughs soon.
I got into coffee through Greek coffee (made for me in Greece by a client I was helping), and I still prefer those brands over Turkish, as it's generally more floral as opposed to earthy. Not that it's a huge difference or anything.
Wow! Amazing! Enjoy your cups, saar.
Good shot, good set
Cheers bros, enjoy your goffee.
i was asleep :)
Good morning
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I like my coffee with sweet cream. I always forget about the general today I didn't

Happy Sunday ^.^
good morning
today is kenya pour over.
it was good.
I don't have one of those sadly.
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I'm gonna make coffee at 1am
do it
Sirs, do not redeem the coffee
Walmart is going to take it back and like it or I'm climbing over the customer service counter.
I fucked up

I am down to my last 150 g of coffee, which at my rate of consumption will last until Thursday, and I did not buy more coffee yet. I've got a kg coming from Canada but it won't arrive til mid-late next week, and my local roasters are pretty disappointing. Is there any good specialty roaster that ships Monday or Tuesday?
I think coava roasts and ships twice per week out of Oregon. Not sure where in the US you are, but if you're in the northeast, speckled ax is pretty good and ships quickly from Maine.
How is the Colum better than an Aeropress? It too is 0 bypass and the plastic has great heat retention.
I'm tempted to get one.
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why did he do it?
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I had these. Less sweet than the other ones I ordered. Both good!
i dont think i have seen that one before.
i really like how five senses do their bag art.
buy some emergency singles
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Made some scones to have with these little jam Christmas advent calender things I got as a gift. I guess it's blasphemy to have coffee with scones instead of tea.
Yeah it looks nice, I've kept some bags that look good but I don't know what to do with them yet.
where is the cream?
To make point that coffee is awful.
Aeropress isn't a zero bypass cone. Its a paper filtered immersion brewer. Closer to a cleaner french press than a pourover. Holes in the wall of the cap allow side flow. Also they've had to change the plastic 7+ times over the years because they keep finding out it leaches estrogen.
I forgot to buy some ;_; I'll get some tonight. I'll whip up heavy cream with some vanilla.
Didn't have enough grams for a full pot of either El Salvador or Ethiopia open this morning, so I just mixed them 50/50 in my Moccamaster. A very good pot imo.

Kinda hate it when making a frankenbrew like this knowing I may not be able to easily replicate it again.
>Kinda hate it when making a frankenbrew like this knowing I may not be able to easily replicate it again.
thats the fun :)
I will now buy (You)r Colum.
I'd probably buy a colum if I didn't get a sworks this year. I almost pre-ordered it on ks a few months ago. I've been using his based melodrip for years.
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I've been wanting to understand bikes so I can get one. Know where I should look and start?
>whipped cream
Empty calories bro, you better work that shit off.
I lift everyday. Today is upper, yesterday I did core!
When is legs?
>only doing 1 part of the body each day
Tomorrow. It's so hot here though really lacking motivation
chicken and leek pie for dinner
bit dry but good enough.
This is your sign to take a short break.
>whipped cream
>on scones
Do Australoids really?
not from a can obviously.
yes you are "supposed" to use clotted cream but i have personally never in my life seen clotted cream sold at a grocery store.
only cream, double/thickened cream and whipped cream in a can.
so if i want scones i will buy double cream and then sort of do a lazy whip, so its not fully whipped but it has gained air and volume.
and then put that on.

i am sure clotted cream is sold here, perhaps even common but i, personally have never seen it.
nor have i heard anyone say they are using or buying or needing or wanting or have clotted cream.
>i have personally never in my life seen clotted cream sold at a grocery store
You're supposed to make it yourself.
You made the scones; clotted cream should be a walk in the park. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LDyyAb6lB48
>You're supposed to make it yourself.
Not cheap sugary shit Americans inhale from the can. I make my own "whipped" cream at home with whatever spices I like and heavy cream. Exactly as >>20923366 says. It's also good in espresso con panna.
I don't want to make clotted cream and the entire point of my scone making was to pair with my jam advent calender anyway.
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You're my weakness
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new square mile design just dropped
>didn't pay super close attention to my pull today
>pulled 2s/4.5g too much
>bitter :(
this makes me angry
bit fascist, no?
Based purchase. Different sworks though. Glass cone + delrin needle valve base + interchangeable screen bottoms like the new sibarist stuff.
damn that thing looks good
what the fuck is it
>two washed hondurans
why even make a blend at that point
let us know what you think of it anon
why is it called bottomless

fantastic moka this morning lads, need to get more filters for it before too long
>let us know what you think of it anon
it's the same as the one i got a couple of weeks ago (they don't change it every week)
i like it, but i'm not a real coffee snob like you guys, i just popped in to post the cool new design :)
oh well right on
its certainly a very english design
i dont consider myself a snob, just an enthusiast
i think its great that coffee can be so widely enjoyed by such a diversity of people who engage with it on different levels
im sure theres others like me here and the general hostility is probably like half just because of the expectations of this site
Filters can't get sucked down into the bottom and clog the flow. They sit on those screens just above the valve. Not a new idea at all, people used to cram mesh strainers into the bottom of waves for years before they realized flair pro2 screens were about the right diameter. Now you can just buy the sibarist/sworks risers to have a few options.
Another object that can be used to mod the kalita, posted in the comment section of that video.
>The Bialetti 1-2 cups stainless steel filter plate only costs around €4 and fits perfectly into the kalita.
i see now
kinda misleading though
it has a perforated bottom
but i guess im being pedantic
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The "cone" is bottomless. The screens sit on the valve and get held in place by a lip above the bottom of the cone.
Matt Winton went a bit more in depth on it in a lance video. Very different amounts of open area compared to the screen I've been using and the moka plate. Sib makes them for v60 too but you need to buy their filters or rig your own.
Get an aeropress
Dont fall for the italian meme
Can anyone recommend a good online decaf roaster in the Western US?
all minimalism is
For me, it's SkyeASMR. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mEaZIqsToO0
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Just finished the Blue Mountain a friend sent me. Fucking god tier coffee but at 40 bucks a lb I can't make a habit of buying it. What are some cheaper alternatives that have the same low acidity smoothness as Blue Mountain? I've heard Blue Haitian is a good substitute.
Sir, this is the coffee general.
Nice set. Keep us updated.
Do not undermine our valued frequent poasters
Valued is a strong word.
Guys, can you recommend me a good grinder upto 100$. Preferably 70-80$. Any advice would help. Brands, models, specifications, tips. Completely new to uding a grinder.
Kingrinder k6. $99 on amazon after the $30 coupon. Prime shipping.
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Today i thrifted a picrel for $2. What am i in for? Are bialetti rubbers compatible with this? Which size specifically?
Im reading this was shown at the MOMA, i think its permanently there, imma hunt art pussy now
Lucky thrift Alessi 9090 finder. Alessi makes gaskets. What size is it?
Thank you anon. I dont recall being this happy in many years. Diameter for the gasket thats in is 7cm. Its like stuck and burnt, any advice for taking it out? Maybe hot water? Seems to be silicon, not brown foam/rubber like Alessi originals.
I meant the size of the pot, 1-3-6-10cups?
>any advice for taking it out
I'd try a flat heat screwdriver or if it scraches the metal wood or plastic.
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Try driving a screw into the gasket and pulling it out with pliers. Use picking tools as necessary. Brass won't scratch the metal.
I picked out a petrified rubber gasket with this method after a lot of cursing.
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dunno why i thought the 9090 was standard sized. its a 6 cup.
yeah ill try wood
aight, yeah shit already became part of the metal, gonna be tough
Take your time it'll come off at some point. Did it also come with the reducer?
Richard Sapper really made some sexo designs.
no reducer
>Richard Sapper really made some sexo designs.
my life feels enhanced already.
Shame. You can also buy it as a spare part.
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That's why he used it
I've never had Blue Mountain but I remember it from ACNL. I want to try it however I'd be worried if it's as good as everyone says what if my normal coffee isn't tasty enough anymore
Does anyone have any site/store recs in Europe for decaf. I've looked through the pastebin links and none of them really have anything to choose from. Bonus points if they ship internationally aka to Balkan shitholes.
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I can hear the reeeees already.
synths and coffee... good pairing?
Reeeeeeeeeeeeee what's the point!
No but seriously how much is that fucking thing?
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You could have clotted your cream by now, Anon.
Is there a decent decaf out there so I can start drinking coffee at night?
>$887.18 aus bucks
Gross, also
Are you offering to clot his cream anon?
For 48mm burrs as well. Hence the
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Clot it for me anon-kun
I hope so.

this is a gender-neutral general, sweaty
Alright dude
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Give me (You)r one-to-one comparison between how you brew regular coffee (preferably washed) Vs. Decaf.
That webm is grotesque
Lower temperature, coarser grind for decaf.
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Shut up fag, I bet your ass is gender neutral.
What's the reasoning?
decaf is a pretty rigorous process, it makes the beans much more porous so they tend to extract more easily, hence the lighter extraction method anon recommended
I'm imagining a slow gentle pour as well.
I want to get into roasting. Where should I start? I have access to a Roest™ machine.
>buy green beans
>put green beans in Roest™ machine
I'm not selling it.
>bought new beans
>went a bit finer than my last beans which pulled a perfect 36g in 29s
>52g in 20s
>38g in 24s on second pull
much better but still too fast, I'll get a good pull tomorrow
You should change the way you think about espresso. Hitting those arbitrary parameters is for repeatability, not for taste.
gee thanks I had no idea that taste was more important than getting a 2:1 in 25-30 seconds
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Apparently not since you're blogging about recipes.
>Just pulled a 37 in 36.
Hows it taste?
>I think I prefer 32 in 32 on a completely different coffee
if you can't tell that both of my shots were under extracted from those dose and pull times you aren't even smart enough to be a midwit
You measuring that extraction on a vst or just eyeballing it?
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New Chef's beans bros, Brazilian, Colombian and Honduran blend.

>The Chef's coffee is distinguished by its beautiful distinction between liveliness and the power of gourmet flavors. Quality 100% Arabica coffee from Brazilian, Colombian and Honduran origins, we roast this coffee by hand, while preserving its suave character with dominant chocolate aromas. Roasted amber according to our roasting scale, Café du Chef offers an explosion of flavors in the mouth, while maintaining only a low intensity of acidity.
Super tasty coffee, really really nice. Nice and thick body, chocolatey taste, medium lingering aftertaste.
A bit bolder than a mocca, a true ganache like cuppa.

Paired with a 72% Ohio Grand Cru, a real buccal delight in any weather, at any hour of the day or night.
>Typical and frank on the palate, both complex and refined, the Grand Cru Haïti opens with notes of licorice, then dives generously into a velvety texture that is both cocoa and chocolate, mixing hints of wood with a hint of peat and leather.
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Always appreciate your posts, bro.
Don't use my .png for such nonsense.
You got something against coffee, bro?
Chocolately coffee is for tastelets. Thats all. The fact that he has to pair every cup with more chocolate and sugar should tip you off.
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so i just fired up my Alessi 9090, rubber wasnt in such a bad state after all so did a thorough cleaning, loaded it up with water, coffee and put it on the stove. picrel is my face after the first sip, i cant believe i threw all this good coffee to the trash, for many years, by making it in a bialetti and not with a REAL coffee maker such as the Alessi. even before drinking the coffee, i could notice the vapor pressure building up and got a bit scared, shit was real.
I don't have to agree with his tastes to appreciate his posts.
I bet the tribal rube drinking shitty cold brew in that pic has very similar tastes. They should have given them chocolate bars too.
It's a Pakistani villager. More rural than tribal. Their marketing is misleading.
>by making it in a bialetti and not with a REAL coffee maker such as the Alessi
Is this really true? Do these designer moka pots actually produce better coffee than Bialetti pots? Most of the time my Bialetti (Venus, 6-cup) produces absolute shit brews. I've been thinking about buying an Alessi or a Giannini, but don't want to shell out the cash with the strong possibility that the brew will be equally dissatisfying.
>Is this really true?
im the guy youre replying too. at first i thought "well, this seems to work pretty similar to a bialetti, so it should give similar results", but i was wrong. i said i got scared because i thought the pot was gonna explode, since it started making that serious whistling sound marmicoc pressure pots do and exhausting vapor in a similar way. the coffee extracted had full body, full taste from beans i thought were kinda acidic, i got something like liquid chocolate with this. not even once the bialetti gave me something close to the Alessi. if it gets broken im getting another one, no way im going back to classic moka pot.
Cheers bro, i appreciate the appreciation. Enjoy your goffee.

Lucky Alessi 9090 finder enjoy the sexo goffee maker and goffee it makes. Get the reducer and a replacement gasket if you can spare the expense i think the 9090 deserves it.
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Last thread I posted that I wanted to try turkish coffee but grinding it was too hard
yesterday I finally found a grind setting in my hand grinder that isn't hell to crank and the cups I've made have been really good but I bet having a real ibriki will help a lot.
More people needs to try this brewing method, i cannot praise it enough.
>designer moka pots
at this point at least buy a Flair or something instead of spending actual money on knockoff espresso
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Imagine the shit tier nespresso these pumped out.
>but it steams up the dome so you KNOW its working!
How did you brew it without an ibriki?
You could use it as a flower vase
what can I do to elevate the quality of my stovetop brewed dark roast coffee?
>brew hotter
it's already dark roast, I don't want to be drinking charcoal battery acid
>grind finer
it's already as fine as flour
Yeah, we should wipe America off the map.
that looks stupid as shit. and you got to use your whole body weight to extract? FUCK THAT. its a machine, its supposed to work for me, not the inverse, imagine paying for that.
imagine paying an equal amount of money for something that only gets up to 3 bars, at most
Mix it with milk and sugar. Preferably turning it into icecream or coffee cake.
The flairs that look less like walmart bike pumps only cost 5x more.
found this chivet shit yesterday lol
Has anyone here actually drank Kopi luwak?
As I understand it the Hoffman and a bunch of others say there's no actual difference anyway.
>your whole body weight
t. doesn't know how levers work
Lower ratio.
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It tastes like shit (metaphorically). Any 88+ specialty coffee would taste like ambrosia compared to Kopi luwak.
My smallest pot
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taste ok but any i still prefered natural or honey process.
huh? what are you gay?
9th page coof. Sipped on far to much guji espresso today. Zero chocolate bars. What about (you)?
Got a take away one because I have to drive to the coast today. I prefer my own these days
made the max miller pompkin pie recipe to go along with my coffee
i am a slow baker so it took me 3 1/2 hours
I'm a slow baker too and I hate myself for it. How do I make peace?
soulless honestly. also it has small shitty burrs.
sorry i was banned for a couple days :(
tyty :)
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Dis shit is bretty good
What for silly
using a no no word :)
I like that
i bet you do ;)
>How do I make peace?
Uhh... In an oven?
Hello bros, it’s goffee day.

I’ve been trying drinking it again twice a week and so far everything is going partially good, the stomach isn’t 100% supportive and I have a bit of acidity but then gain I’m drinking supermarket pre ground coffee, so it may be that.

The funny thing is that I’ve never had a decent cup since I started drinking coffee again, they’re either sour or bitter like this illy, but I think that it’s really fault of the wrong grind size, but I don’t bother using my grinder to make it finer.

I discovered in my fridge a small bag of Rwanda beans roasted for filter and I was thinking of making a cold brew so it’s less concentrated than moka coffee, also I was thinking if a french press could also be a good way to experiment with thinner coffee without pursuing the v60 route.

Would you recommend me the French press? I already have an aeropress but I don’t want to use it with boiling water because >microplastics and that’s why I was thinking of a 100% stainless steel French press.
>Would you recommend
washing your fucking moka pot? yes, i would.
The moka is clean, I only need to descale the boiler but it’s never been an issue before.
>The moka is clean, I only need to-
then it isnt clean retard.
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11:45 coffee
just had a shower
first sip
good, like coco pops :)
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I had coffee for the first time since being back from Japan this morning. It was good. Used my Hario hand grinder with some kona coffee. Pretty nice. Not an every day thing but nice.
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>Used my Hario hand grinder
You should buy a better handgrinder than that junk, Weeb-kun.
Nonetheless, I'm glad you enjoyed your coffee.
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It is there best version. The Skerton pro.


Looked OK when I bought it a year or two ago. Was/is my first hand grinder. Seems to work. But yeah, a full month without coffee. Just matcha green tea now and then.
>The Skerton pro.
its garbage
Hario is not known for their grinders, Anon.
thread theme
Multiple. Small shitty ceramic pepper mill burr. Shitty adjustment. Shitty alignment. Unfortunately you wasted your money.
LOL. I'd recommend going back and/or killing yourself.
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My girl convinced me to try out the pumpkin spice latte, got it with 2 shots and 2 pumps of pumpkin (out of apparently 12 available lol)
this shit is beyond overly sweet it's fucking disgusting how are people drinking this shit daily and not dead

I don't need alot.
The pro fixed the inconsistent grind. That's why I got it. Also for 60 bucks it was a pretty good price. Ceramic burrs also create less heat than metal ones. They may not last as long but who cares 20 years later?

It's been good for the price and was the best one for that price point at the time. I didn't like those Chinese tall ones like time (forgot the brand something)
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Japanese, Chinese, European, doesn't matter. What actually matters is that it's a proper steel burr. The Skerton Pro uses a ceramic burr. Ceramic burrs produce more fines and take more effort/time to grind.
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any of yall know about the Nemox Junior? I found it on Facebook Marketplace for $75. Googling it leads to coffee forum posts from 2008. Can't find any info on it really. All I know is that it's better than my old dumpy DeLonghi.
Looks cool. I'd try to buy it for $60 just for the novelty.
Ok. From my research ceramic was superior as they are more durable and don't dull as easy, don't rust, produce less heat which can alter the flavor profile and don't absorb smells.

All of this stuff is petty and insignificant anyway. Like arguing over the highest end hifi speakers. Sure, you can find a minute difference on paper, but your ears can't really tell the difference.
No I already have it. Seems pretty good to me. Definitely better than my old one. I wish I had more of a clue about pulling shots because the machine seems really good. i kind of just wing it every time.
>Would you recommend me the French press?

Bump for an actual answer
>dull as easy
its a hand grinder, the exact same burrs but in steel would take 4000 years to become "dull"
>don't rust
i have steel burrs and rdt way too much and they arent rusty, as perfect as the day i bought it.
> produce less heat
again its a hand grinder, there is no heat, and even if it was an electric grinder, every single commercial electric grinder in a cafe that goes through KILOS of coffee everyday uses steel burrs, "burr heating" isnt an issue.

its a FACT that ceramic burrs are garbage.
there is literally no reason to not use steel burrs.
>produce less heat
he fell for it
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>French (aka France, The French, French Canadians etc.)
Looks like you already understand the advantages. French press has probably the highest results:effort of any brew method. If you want more clarity you can move onto v60 without a big sunk cost. I suggest getting one made from glass because pretty.
fucking wasted
You should waste more money and buy a weber bird.
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Checked and thank you.

I'd prefer the press rather than the v60 for the "ease" of use, as I need something quick.

Almost all glass french presses I see on Amazon have a plastic insert under the lid...the all stainless steel ones look way better and higher quality.

I'm looking at this one: https://www.amazon.it/Groenenberg-Caffettiera-francese-pressofiltro-lavastoviglie/dp/B086LKQ7WV/

would be worth it just for the memes
Can anyone reccomend me a brewer that is really expensive but also really sucks functionally and looks like I live in a industrial boiler room? Thanks.
>using jewtube

Fucking neo ck needs to go
any expensive espresso machine with the housing taken off.
You're the guy with stomach troubles?
If so, I would probably not recommend the cafetiere as the lack of paper filtration makes a very bodacious, oily cup, and I would think that kind of coffee would only exacerbate the manner. I'm no doctor, of course. You could always incorporate a paper filter into the process, as well.
I think that aeropress filters can fit under the metal filter of that press >>20933381
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I've gotten more and more into pourover recently and am currently brewing at home with a ceramic Melitta 02 filter cup. If you look online, everyone either uses the V60 or picrel, so I thought about upgrading to one of these. Would I get a noticeable improvement from using a ceramic V60 over my Melitta? I'm also considering the switch as everyone from James Hoffmann to that Taiwanese brewer champion uses one and says it's the bee's knees, but I'm a bit hesitant as I don't quite like the plastic parts coming in contact with the coffee as well as the ceramic v60 just having the better form factor. Anyone got recommendations?
I dropped some cone recs for another anon here.
The new hot shit on the flat bottom side would be the sworks, oreas, and april dripper. April dripper will have a hybrid switch version coming soon. Sworks has a delrin needle valve for precise flow control vs the switch's on/off ball valve.
You might be right. I can't parse the metric. Best of luck!
You'll almost certainly get a different cup from a v60 or switch, but a whether it's a noticeable improvement is more a matter of both taste and technique. Are you happy with the coffee you're making now? If you just want to buy a new toy, a v60 is a solid addition to any brewer's collection.
I enjoy this autism General and I don’t even like coffee.
For someone with your gastro-intestinal issues, I would not recommend the French press. I suspect the coffee oils and fine silt will further aggravate your condition. For this reason, I recommend you cease use of your beloved Giannini and stick to paper filtered coffee. Best of luck to you, friend.
immersion brew in a jar and pour the brew in a metal funnel lined with paper filter first. if your tummy agrees buy the metal french press.
how's the illy classico? never had it
It's not the oils anon, it's the concentration what fucks me up and therefore I have to drink diluted coffee and 100% arabica possibly because the more caffeine the more acid production in the stomach (which is enhanced by coffee itself).
I can drink tea without problems but then again it's a diluted beverage (I hate it btw), however the last times I've been drinking a cup of coffee I was fine so I guess that settling for 2-3 a week can be a good compromise. It's not that I crave coffee like when I was addicted before stopping drinking it, however as I said before I miss the ritual and the smells, because nothing said that the meal has ended like a hot cup of espresso/moka.

I'll try the french press and cold brew, I also tried "filter" coffee with the aeropress and I distinctively remember that I hated it for being thin and watery, then I partially fixed this issue by using a stainless mesh filter before resorting to making concentrated shots with the fake espresso attachment that I don't remember how it's called.
>I hate it btw
You ever try good tea? It might be hard to come by in Italy, but I implore you to give it a chance. Most people who dislike tea have only ever had shitty tea. Same goes for people who dislike coffee. Coffee and tea are not 'acquired tastes', contrary to popular belief.
I bought Kukicha tea from Japan but I haven't tried it. I can drink white or green tea, anything but black (fermented) tea.
There are shops where you can buy different tea varieties, one of them is Hodeidah which is a coffee roaster which also sells tea and chocolate. Maybe I can ask them.
The French press will be also used for tea.
simply realize that doing things quickly won't actually bring you any lasting peace of mind. i had fun making the pie, even if i wasn't as fast as a professional, and the pie came out good anyway. even though it was my first time making it, i didn't make any mistakes because i went slow and didn't rush it
This is the coffee general so this will be my last post on the subject of tea. All I'd like to say is, the fresher the white or green tea, the better it is. If the packaging doesn't specify a harvest date, it's probably not very good.

>I can drink (...) anything but black (fermented) tea.
That's a shame. Black tea is really good, and it's easier to find good black tea since it doesn't need to be as fresh.

For more, please refer to the tea general.
>even if i wasn't as fast as a professional
It's important to keep in mind that professionals have gotten that fast through practice and repetition. Don't sweat it too much as a home cook/baker.
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Chinese actually matters because they'll occasionally use toxic chinesium and call it steel
Thank you for the good recs, I've never even considered a flat bottom, although the filters seem quite expensive even compared to the hario cones, but I'll look into it!
Just a different cup intrigues me just as well. At the moment I'm half happy with the Melitta one, I can apply James' V60 pouring technique but the drawdown alone ist almost 4 minutes, which I can't imagine does much for flavor. Maybe I'll look into the V60 more.
yeah, the jug is only useful if you wanna make latte art (gay) or are making several drinks at once
Bro... aren't you literally a homosexual?

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