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Thread for discussing coffee and coffee related topics.

$114 meme edition

If you're new and confused, start here: https://pastebin.com/UEzwuyLz

If you're old and confused, whats new?

Previous thread:>>20915832
Is the Timemore U French press made of glass, stainless steel and silicone good? I’m not fond of silicone in direct contact with hot water but at least it’s not plastic…


Shill me some alternatives if you will
latte art is gay
Gonna pull the trigger on a Moka pot. I'll just get some preground coffee to start with and see how I feel about grinding and weighing later.
Save your money.
Is that how you make coffee?
before you do anything, go see what reddit has to say about coffee shops in your area, pick out a place that seems highly recommended, then go have a cuppa
if you like it, you'll have to figure out if you like it enough to spend at least $25/lb on beans
this isn't an absurdly expensive hobby, but it's not cheap
I already have one of those
I'm drinking bottom shelf 7-Eleven brand sugar free coffee and I don't give a fuck. It's doing its job. I'm also addicted to coffee.
Is this turkish coffee?
was joey diaz right about Brazilian Bold?
bad coffee has no reason to exist when you can just buy caffeine pills
No, it's immersion coffee in a standard pot/saucepan.

>bring water to boil
>remove from heat
>throw in ground coffee
>cover and steep for at least 4 minutes, up to 60 minutes
>slowly pour into cup

The worst part about french press is cleaning the mesh. This way you don't have to. Other benefits include: no need to preheat and no need for separate contraption.
The best thing about the french press is putting it in front of your kitchen window so the morning sun shines through it and watching the grounds circulate. I don't understand all these presses with opaque vessels.
>up to 60 minutes
That's a long steep
Wrong. Coffee beans contain way more active substances than just caffeine.
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>it's not cheap
Just spent 15 CAD on 2lbs of coffee from Costco (local regional roaster [with roast date], not Kirkland brand [yuck]) and had the instore grinder grind it for me (bought it for coldbrew).
We are livin' good!
could really go for a goffee right now lads
What dies this mean? I don't speak whatever this is.
bad coffee exists so that farmers can still profit off of the worst of their lots
without bad coffee, we wouldnt have good coffee
thread theme
speak canadian
>Other benefits include:
a palpable slurry of fines gliding into your cup
Instead of going to bed, I could just go on a one night all out caffeine mission to completely annihilate my professional usefulness next week.
Thank you
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Aren’t these black parts made of plastic? A lot of French presses have them that way and I don’t want microplastics in my coffee.
Use a metal screen. The end.
if you're getting fines in your cup from pouring slowly, you're pouring too fast. a small splash of cold water also helps settle the grounds
Unironically and without a doubt, skill issue.
>not using a PID
>arbitrarily injecting a low thermal fluid
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>destroys your unitasker
What now, French homos?
Visiting a new (to me) Cafe tomorrow since I'm far from home, seeing a friend I've known for 13 years but haven't seen in several. Do I get a black coffee and trust the new place, or something with milk to be safe?
what is this for? the only thing it can strain out are the unground beans
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I used to make cowboy coffee as my daily drive until I got a moka pot
immersion brew emphasis texture while with the moka you can feel the notes more but without the texture feeling empty like in a drip brew.
Just do this
I bought the all stainless steel groenenberg press on Amazon. It’s not as fancy but at least it’s entirely made of metal in every part.
See you, bye.
I couldn't I must hide my coffee autism power level
Why did no one tell me hand grinding light roasts was such a pain in the ass
I felt like I was going to break the handle of my k6 before that shit turned while grinding some Guatemalan beans holy shit
I've been handgrinding light roasts just fine with a fucking Porlex on just 6 clicks. The fuck are you doing?
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Grind coarser.
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I need advice.
I tasted drip coffee before buying and now I'm experimenting with grind sizes to see how well I can reproduce the taste at home.
This time I tried finer grind. Coffee turned out darker [in color] than at the coffee shop and "thicker" in taste. What should I do? Go for significantly coarser grind? Take more care to have it finish dripping earlier? Could temperature of the water be an issue, too?
Which recipe from the pastebin FAQ worked best for you? I'm using a sort of mix of Hoffmann and one from a roastery I buy from often
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>make cold brew
>it’s good
Thank you, cold brew.
I'm sure this will finally fix your dysphoria.
We were already brothers at the french press. I will switch over to these if my last two presses end up like my first three. I find them all the time at thrift for a few dollars to offset my clumsiness.

Moka texture is outstanding. It's just a more dedicated process and shorter drink time than what I'm normally looking for. I like to grind down a Fellow mug all day long while work throws out ever possible curve ball.
hey, just got my Mizudashi 600ml earlier today, it been steeping few hours now with dark melita supermarket beans. 50g to 650g water ratio as per instructions. ground filter fine. from the looks of it I'm making an essence.
fuck, I have to buy a tonic water and I'm too stoned and wasted on sekt wine to move coherently. I have 3 hours before the shops close for the weekend.
How frequently does ctg buy new beans?
I’m now doing 2 double shots of espresso (~35-36g) per day which burns through a 12oz bag in 10 days…
It makes tea and cold brew, too.
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I have never had exceptional pourover
at best there's an extremely mild fruit acid quality
at worst, it's all fucking wood glue
convince me it's not just eternally mogged by espresso
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>"What's in the cup? Aroma of parmesan crisps, flavor of orange pith, and finish of funk. Dense bitter pithiness will murder your taste buds and leave you wishing you had not bought this coffee. I don't want to let this out at all, but people are asking me for it. Do not drink this unless you hate yourself. You should serve it to your worst enemies, brewed in a Chemex. Seriously, I will not give you a refund, but I will say "I told you so!" Please use extreme caution, this might even irreversibly taint your grinder. Castillo varietal grown in the Quindio department, cofermented with oranges, honey process, dried on raised beds, 1750-1800 masl."

I tried it in FP. It's interesting and overall tastes good. The fermentation gives it a super prominent black tea flavor, like mixing coffee with marmalade and pu erh. I definitely prefer normal coffee but it's fun to try for sure. The blurb "don't try this coffee it will make you KILL yourself" is reverse-psychology marketing and it worked on me. For $42/kg I have no regrets.
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jimmy neutron?
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Brehs I think I got hard filtered by pourover. Went to a local roaster today and tried a cup of their medium roast pourover, as I wanted to try something else than my usual dark roast espresso at home. They were super nice, told me about the freshly roasted coffee beans qualities (medium roast, sweet with only light acidity, in general more towards the mild side), and the barista prepared my cup with a glass V60, which I was looking into to add an alternative to my espresso setup. I didnt enjoy it at all, it didnt't taste underextracted, yet it just felt so hollow, tasting a bit like tea, with a quite pronounced acidity, but not much else going on. Is that just the filter coffee transparency everybody talks about? I feel like I'm the problem here, I want to like it, but it was just so far away from the kind of coffee I usually enjoy (Lungos and Cafe Creme, not even real espresso or ristretto). Feeling a bit bummed out.
>feel like I'm the problem here, I want to like it
every hobbyist ever. you got filtered by filter, that's a doble whammy even for a coffeefag. consider suicide.
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>See image title
I think is the best way to make a coffee. You can use freshly ground beans.
You can get it in bigger sizes if you want to make coffee for multiple people.
And you can dress up the coffee anyway you like starting from an espresso.
It is a lot cheaper than your regular coffee machine and serves the flavour best.
You also don't get any additives or chemicals in your coffee from the processed instant yuck or any microplastics.
It is compact so you can always take it with when you go travelling and enjoy a homely coffee.
Is traveling with your coffee maker really that important to people?
may be sometimes. but if you want your coffee on the go then it's thermos time. always shitty, no matter how you cut it. ver. not required
Are you getting one CK? I'm curious if it can improve over my mocca-master which already mogs pour overs
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Thermos is no problem.

The idea of traveling to fidget with another coffee gadget in your hotel is asinine. Go to a shop and experience life.
I just try out new cafes. On long drives I'll make my coffee for my yeti but the taste is always a bit different because it's in metal I think.
it looks like a 6 million dollar modernist cube house, which is to say like shit
but maybe idk, I'm tired of fussing with 5 different machines
how coarse do I need to grind for cold brew? how do I even know when it's too coarse or too fine? I don't wanna waste 50 grams all at once
coarser than french press. I feel like cold brew is hard to screw up
No, it's just an excuse to buy even more gear.
Consoomerism is a hell of a hobby.
you say drip coffee, but it sounds like youre talking about pourover. if so, just go a bit coarser, not drastically, and record your process
by which i mean, just write down what youre doing so you can properly iterate upon it
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>stop enjoying things
cold brewing a pint of coffee with 3 sprigs of dude lmao
maybe it'll be good
It depends on how long you plan to steep. Like the other anon said you have a big tolerance for error
Yeah, it's painfully obvious. What are the less obvious coffee consoomer talking points?
give me the pros and cons of
>grinding fine
>grinding coarse
I was using Hoffmann's V60 technique on my clever dripper... How bad was it?
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nothing wrong with an extended drawdown, ive got some of my best cups from 3:30+ brews
that said an easy way to cut that down (besides grinding coarser) is to just reduce the total number of pours
the v60 is cheap as hell, especially if you go with the plastic one
i prefer glass because im old fashioned but the plastic one probably wont turn you into a gay frog
making your own or going to cafes? cafes can be quite hit or miss when it comes to p/o for a bunch of pretty obvious reasons
i wouldnt give up entirely just because of one mediocre cup, cafes arent the arbiters of good taste and you might find you can make a pourover at home thats much closer to the kind of coffee you already enjoy
thats whats so fucking cool about coffee, you can make it drastically different from cup to cup once you understand how to control the variables
>finer vs coarser
theres a couple different things that come into play depending on the brew method but generally the finer the grind, the easier it is to extract quickly due to the increased surface area
you tell me
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I wanna gift a manual coffee grinder each to my dad and brother. Dad mostly brews in an old kettle and filters it, bro has an espresso machine (no idea which one) and uses preground. What's a decent choice around $50 or so? I was just looking at this shit.
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You're in luck!
Salvadorean Gesha @ $25 for 12oz, thoughts? Worthwhile?
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Imagine shilling v1 like a retard.
Tell me, what does version 2oo have? 8 angles?
More bulbous adjustment and a shitty weber shaker clone.
>PLEASE KEEP all original product packaging for a minimum of 30 days. We do not receive many defective units, but cannot return a grinder without the original packaging.
They seem real confident in the quality already.
a fucking bluetooth coffee maker
I work a job that sees me away for five or six days at a time, often in remote places with shitty options for coffee, often at start times that don't allow for a trip to a cafe in any case. Plus I prefer to shit in the comfort of my hotel room than in a public shitter, and my first coffee of the day sets me off like clockwork. So consequently rather than drink instant through the day, I take usually an Aeropress and a hand grinder, or occasionally if I'm somewhere fixed for a few days instead of packing each morning, I'll take my Switch. If you're travelling for pleasure, it's a different equation and there's a tonne more value in exploring local options, but I'm not going to drink shit coffee to placate bitter anons on a Madagascan dugout canoe BBS.
Pretty much, most of these people have never traveled and it shows but as a nomad I enjoy having a V60 and a hand grinder so I can pick up good beans and just make consistent filter coffee wherever I'm set up.

If you're on vacation, sure, but some people really do travel for longer periods of time and value the ability to make coffee in their short term apartment or I guess hotel room depending on the career.
>most of these people have never traveled
You mean travelled for work to shit places that don't give you time to go out and enjoy a cuppa outside. I've lived in three different countries and gone on many long cross country trips staying in shit roadside motels and I've never thought to myself, gee, I really wish I brought my handgrinder and moka, because I absolutely cannot for the life of me get my hands on a decent cup of coffee.
yes let me go buy a $7 cup of coffee at a cafe every day LMAO
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Sucks to be broke I guess
>I've never thought to myself, gee, I really wish I brought my handgrinder and moka, because I absolutely cannot for the life of me get my hands on a decent cup of coffee.
Cool, isn't it wonderful we're all different
>Cool, isn't it wonderful we're all different
Dunno, seems like someone is mad people travel differently and dont live in a hotel for weeks on end in a shithole? I simply answered the question.
this shit looks like chinesium, are you being ironic?
That's pretty cheap for a gesha, so I would temper my expectations if I were you. If it's worth it really depends on what your money is worth to you.
Yeah I'll definitely try the V60, but I'll take the glass one, I like the style. Thank you high effort poster
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I’m getting better at latte art slowly but surely.
your art is lovely, but I'd stir my sugar in and mess it up :P
what's the cheapish espresso machine with good workmanship again? was it the silvia?
Of course.
The fuck is wrong with you
Moka pots aren't percolators.
thank you I guess I'm retarded as it was not immediately clear to me
Silvia got BTFOed by Profitec GO at its price range.
GCP is a fixer-upper but has enormous potential if you are willing to tinker
The new MiiCoffee/Turin $500 machines are allegedly amazing for the price
When the market is filled with chineseum rebrands of knockoffs of knockoffs of knockoffs, you should probably go with the namebrand knockoff.
I have the GCP and I’m happy with it stock though I’m doing the gaggiuino mod as soon as it ships. I like that it’s completely repairable but the mod gives it really advanced control capabilities. Best of both worlds really.
I'd say one of the cheaper Lelits, it was the Anna I think? There's one with PID and one without, dunno if it makes a big difference
I'd skip the 57mm lelits.
Job? More like working on finding yourselves abroad. Get a Bripe ya hipsters.
arent they technically
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Every 2.5 weeks or so for a lb bag.
I drink 20g a day.
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Yes, you are correct.
American-style 'percolators' should be called repercolators as they continuously percolate the water through the coffee grounds.
Most other coffee brewers brew coffee through immersion (French press, Turkish/Greek), single action percolation (moka, pourover, espresso), or a combination of the two (aeropress, flow-control pourover.
I like the look but I'll die before using an app for my coffee machine
he said while using an app to post on 4channel
Is any of the whole bean coffee from Costco any good?
Depends on what your Costco stocks. The Kirkland and Starbucks beans are pretty bad Tbh.
kek kys neet
>is x good/bad/like y
>it depends
another great ctg thread
You're welcome :)
By the strictest technical definition, almost all methods of coffee brewing involve percolation. The only exceptions would be immersion recipes whereby the grounds are added to the water, rather than vice-versa.

By the definitions most commonly employed in the context of brewing coffee, Moka pots are not percolation brewers. Moka pots use steam pressure to drive a column of water through coffee grounds. Percolators use convection to elevate a column of partially-brewed coffee above coffee grounds, from whereupon it falls onto the grounds under gravity, percolates through them and returns to the main reservoir.
>Percolators use convection to elevate a column of partially-brewed coffee above coffee grounds, from whereupon it falls onto the grounds under gravity, percolates through them and returns to the main reservoir.
Yes, they brew through continuous percolation. Therefore, they shall henceforth be known as 'repercolators'.
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this is the only thing I drink
is coffee good against migraine?
Perhaps if your migraine is related to blood pressure. For some people vasoconstriction can relieve the pain.
I generally have to attack a migraine from all avenues. Caffeine, hydrate, eat, ice pack, shut off lights, and sleep. Do everything you can to improve your recovery. I find just idling extends the duration.
454/20 = 22 days
The death of my keurig machine was a blessing.
stay mad

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