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Kicking trans is human rights

What are /b/'s favorite forums/image boards other than 4chan? I like Newgrounds cause i'm an oldfag but t seems like most are non-existent nowadays
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In the old days 9gag, untill they fucked up
the site with video’s.
Getting suspended from xtwatter is fun
NG was before 4chan.

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I just died when relocating my bed in minecraft

All I know is that the z coordinate was in -1500s

Notch, you are a bitch and a nigger

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Why does this upset the negro?
She's only speaking the truth
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Well, you're a nigger and you're getting pretty upset.
I don't know what you're trying to do but you're doing it wrong
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not sure what to tell you poor dumb bastards except that whatever she's fantasizing it sure as fuck isn't you
She'd literally call him massa and you know it. That's why you're fuming

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A recount of something that happened a few years ago:

>English is not my native language, so forgive me if the reading isn't very smooth

>If something becomes confusing, feel free to ask me about it

During the pandemic, unfortunately, I started accessing various adult content websites because I wasn't doing well mentally at the time. I've always had a preference for more extreme content, so it was common during that period for me to search on increasingly difficult-to-access sites to find something I liked. On one of these occasions, I ended up clicking on a link recommended on a quite hidden site I had found. However, instead of this link redirecting me only to an ad or a typical adult video, I ended up discovering the website featured in this post's image.

For me, it became quite obvious a few minutes after being redirected that that site probably involved CP (The URL is literally ccCPorn, very creative) and that there were likely videos about it on there. So, out of curiosity (Don't judge me, I also regret it), I decided to explore a bit further.

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You can assume if it exists on the clearnet, and a lot of the time on the darknet, it's a federal honeypot &/or crypto honeypot. I doubt any serious paid illegal content would ask for anything other than monero
Link farms to farm ads revenue or some other SEO shit, useless scam.
Almost closed but it looked silly enough I continued to read
I've heard some people running sites like this to fuck with AI crawlers recently, they just procedurally generate infinite pages forever to waste their resources
This does not seem to be that though as it predates mass-crawling bots for AI training.
Sounds odd

I've seen porn sites do similar things to do that, likewise without the fucking CP shit.
But it was constantly bouncing between the same handful of websites with similar looking URLs on all of them.
Like the others said, probably just scamming ad companies by getting lots of hits.
Multiple sites make it look like unique companies but they're all a few friends working together.
But that still doesn't make that website you found make any sense in the slightest, who the fuck would advertise for CP for a start, and it was a single site

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Left wing
>tribal connection towards a set of vague political beliefs
>stans a leader who can change anything and still gets praise for it
>zero understanding of geopolitical matters
>thinks in a one sided way
>dictators wet dream
Right wing
>tribal connection towards a set of vague political beliefs
>stans a leader who can change anything and still gets praise for it
>zero understanding of geopolitical matters

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>t. a russian
>t. a mutt
"right wing" these days just means you don't think men should be in women's sports, and other common sense shit that everybody used to agree with 10 years ago.

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Shoe AI thread cont.
Previous thread here >>930984946
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Here anon, I overlayed a png of a glory hole over one of the previous images. Hopefully this does it for you.
Close enough lmao

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Have you ever sniffed your gf's ass?
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Dani Daniels is way underrated.
agreed. I also like the completely unrelated Diana Daniels

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Meet the new Africans.
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>ignoring inconvenient facts
It does in South Africa. Why do you think they would follow your convoluted idea of what an African is? To them, it means black. Coloured means black mixed with some other race
Bro, not even 2nd grade reading level.

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Kik thread
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My wife lets dudes cum on her for a living on the internet what up

Send me photos of chavs

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Power went off and back on, now my Sennheiser HD 599 aren't working. 126 dollars down the drain.
This is truly.. random

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The negroid represents the devolution of the human race
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I hate niggers, they are dumb! Am I in the kool kidz klub now?
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It's a simple observation.
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You seem upset, reddit

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Can I get an update on the shit status?
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5 or 6 at least, maybe even 1 or 2.
Here you are!
You will never earn an entry on the shills page of the log wiki, P.
I'd guesstimate 3 or 4.

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Recognize thread. Post people you know and see if anyone has their wins
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Kik: danheyes
TeleGuard: WQ4AHZA67

Come chat if you know or just like her
Jesus, anon...I don't even think she's particularly pretty but I'm jonesing harder for her than I can remember doing in a long time.
(A long time.)

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Is this too much to ask?
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>Niggers/shitskins aren't people, retard.
I agree but you're missing the point lol. A nigger definitely did not write the reddit post. The spelling, grammar, and italics for emphasis reek of higher education.
>But you're probably just trolling aren't you.
No I'm serious. Most people do not have dreamboat relationships. Most people are either traumatized, unhappy, have no-one, or do constant mental gymnastics to justify being alone. It's horrible. From my perspective & life experience, almost all relationships do not last, platonic or romantic.
The majority of people have fantastic relationships including me. Sorry bro, idk what to tell you but you're the odd one out.

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