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Is she the most banned eThot OAT? (I can’t even say her name)
Why not?

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Anybody grope a girl without her consent before? How did you get away with it?

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What's the sluttiest thing your ex or girlfriend has ever done?
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Found a bunch of shit out about my wife after we married.
She fucked 4 guys in one day, all of whom knew each other but they didn't find out until years later they had all dipped each other's cum. She only got a shower after #3 so I guess the last guy was lucky.
She also fucked a 15yo when she was in her 20s. Her friend was sharing a room with her at the time and told me his dick was the biggest she'd ever seen.
Would have been nice if I'd not found all this out later.
Pic her
Maybe next I will post a greentext. Everything felt blurry and irreal. You can't thing straigh.
We were both bi and he hung out with this cute girl sometimes after class. I asked him about her and he told me he did like her but wouldn't do anything with her without permission. We had her over and after some drinking to calm my nerves, we all talked about it and ended up having a threesome. It was worlds better and everyone had fun.

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How can anyone take this man seriously now that he's had over a thousand edits of his babyface all over the internet?
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I don't like trump but I also have enough common sense to know that having the 1% chronically online all laugh at a meme of Vance won't be good enough to make anyone take him less seriously.
Yes, it was on the news from what an anon said, but it was marketed as a "haha look at this weird thing" and not as political messaging.
Country ruiner. You’ve brought shame on our house
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Yes! Because he can just push a button and bomb the hell out of Texas if he doesn't like someone there. He's a total dick.

Lets have fun and Let's get a no rules group going, I love braces and BM but let's see what happens, only.join if you will post

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horny f looking for fun chats


30 m usa. I've managed to grope and molest over two dozen hot young teen girls in public in broad daylight over the last several years. Talking about and sharing creepshots I've taken of some of the girls.
Need a bud who can help me by feeding me my crush’s ig and vsco

Snap: poke20240


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Would you let your girlfriend suck BBC in front of you?
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im making silly faces off camera
nigga doesn't look very happy bout it. prolly doing it at gunpoint or something because niggers are animals.
Probably because the awkward dude is 3 feet away

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Timmys really look like this then wonder why they get cheated on.
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white penis has never pleasured a woman
isn't it weird how my haters are ALWAYS in these types of shill bait threads?
it's almost as if they're all working together in a network and communicate on an app almost solely used by degenerates....
Mine has pleasured many

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Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
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Poop eat
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Hehe stinky!
poop swallow

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What do you feel knowing your daughter's pooper gets destroyed every night?
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Even when its drawn nigger dick looks like a big ol turd in the thumbnail.
My daughter used to stick stuff in her butt when she was a little girl even when I told her not to, got quite a lot of dirty looks at the hospital multiple times. So I wouldn't be surprised if she grew to like that as an adult
confused, I didn't know I had a daughter.

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Fit tiny tits.
Extra points for pierced.
Extra extra points for public flashing.
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Long shot but anyone have more? Been looking for nudes they are out just need to find them again!
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Drawthread: chocolate tits edition
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Fart Huffing for Christ Ministries Inc. (FHFCM)
was literally just gonna say we neeed an ending and starting piss marker

you hit it
took you enough time lol

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IRL / Social / Girls we know FEET thread. Friends Family Coworkers Wives GFs Teachers. Context of who they are helps. If you know them post them and lets jerk off to their FEET! Include faces whenever possible.
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fuck feet, give ass
lovely ass
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Know her from college
Oh fuck yea. Great porn she gave you there. You cum to her toes when she posted that?

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