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English in thread only please. I am still learning
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no i'm french canadian not surrenderfrench
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Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.

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Chubby girls with big tits IRLs
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Chub chub

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Need her socials damnit..more

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>Aggressive banging at your door while you and your notgayhomie choke on that last bong hit freaking the fuck out now
>You nearly knock over a bunch of dumb shit heading to the peep hole of your heavyset door only to wish you played dead, because


>What do you do?
>cousin furio
You are a jew. Go to hersh and suck off jis nigger brother in law for mercy

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Post your favorite nude of your favorite girl
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ludovica penha tap
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I want to be powerful so fucking bad. My whole life I've never felt like I have agency. Even when I'm right no one ever listens to me. Nothing I do ever seems to change anything in my life. If I work hard and make more money everything becomes more expensive. None of my friends stick around for more then a month or two. If I work out and try to eat healthy i get super sick and end up throwing up so much that i cant put on weight. The whole world is constantly getting worse and I can't do anything about it. I'm full of frustrated rage that I can't do anything with. I want to destroy the world at this point.

I'm honestly 50 50 on my greatest fear that I am already dead and this is some bazaar monkeys paw benal hell.
44 replies and 1 image omitted. Click here to view.
kek youse a bitch
I've tried to kill myself more times then I can count. I'm not even legally allowed to own a gun anymore. It never works. This is the crux of my issue. I'm telling you that literally everything I do comes to ruin including attempts on my own life. And you and everyone else still cling to the idea that it's just some personal failure or lack of will. Everything I do is failure. Everything. 100%. Zero standard of deviation. And everyone i grow close to is affected by it. Most are dead, the few remaining have burned every bridge. I am pathetic. That's why it's not ego. I am a wretch, I survive only through habit. Nothingness would be a relief, anything more a paradise. Even catholic hell would be honest enough to tell me to abandon all hope. But not here. Here I exist in the banality of evil. Constant doubt that my own misfortune is a simple lack of reason or will. Every voice shouting that I am just doing it wrong. And every piece if advice or outright help even charity ends in total disaster.

Fantasy is my only refuge. It doesn't even matter if it's real anymore
might i interest you in the /d/ omnipotence thread?

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You come home after a hard days work. Becky greets you at the door " How was your day anon? Glad you're home. Your dinner is ready".

Wat do? Wat... do...?
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choose your cocksleeve
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none of these nasty gooks are fuckable
not OP, which one would you choose
The second girl in the green dress. She looks so smug and silly.

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Cadaver in chief won't make it that long
What's the point? Like, there's plenty of deep faked ones.

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the beast with two backs

Fuck you
That's it. I'm telling mom!
I don't care, tell mom, she can't unfuck you

What was the true reason for the drive failure?
Probably a hack like what happened to Socialmediagirls a couple months back as well. You'd think the people who run Simpcity would be smart enough to have learned from the other biggest leak site having that happen to them.
Imagine hacking thousands of coomer throwaway accounts

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did you know that the people who took the covid vaccine are GOING TO HELL?? HELLBOUND!!!!
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Porns in chess?
Nigger diamond
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Obey your Jewish masters

Starting off
probably giggle, something very silly is obviously happening
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Should I vote for a Trump or Biden? Why?
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Trump with his daughter.
Trump grabbing some daughter ass.

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