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I am depressed and this movie made me cry. The modern world sucks
Oh yeah, that was a good movie, they don't make em like they used to, huh?

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That's your daughter btw
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her lil melanin receptors must be going haywire rn, from the looks of it a black baby is pretty much guaranteed.

About 5 years ago, someone posted a beautiful slut pic in a "butterface"/"average girl" thread. Hoping someone has the pic. I will do my best to describe her and the scene.

She looked like the pic related, kinda, it's the best example I can find. A flat midface. Oval face. Decent buccal flat. Not so prominent nose bridge. Brown hair. Hairstyle is like old school Boxxy's, emo MySpace style. Relatively light skinned.

Brown eyes. Maybe negative canthal tilt and epicanthic folds. Down syndromely, or partially Asiatic. The pic related is of a Brazilian girl, so the mystery slut might be latina.

She is tall, the body is not fat or skinny. No hourglass shape, more like a rectangular shape. Nicely shaped tits, Bcup maybe. She's naked. No bush.

She's standing in front of the camera, with a cute big smile. One or both hands may be resting on her hips.

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Op here, the mystery buttergirl IS beautiful to me, but likely not to most men. The pic I uploaded would be a 3/10 to most men but to me she is 10/10. I'm not really excepting this thread to get much traction, I'm shooting in the dark
>The pic I uploaded would be a 3/10 to most men
That's fucking retarded
What do you rate her then

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> My 95 y.o. grandfather is a pedophile "academic-scamer" once an advisor to the Mayor of Moskow and frend of ex Mayor Yuri Lujkov, fake russia general (aleksandr-elkin.ru) .
> He threw me into a psych ward as a kid, tried to starve me, and even ordered my dad to kill me.
> I’ve been fighting him 30+ years, ended up creating a twisted "sect" Biboran to take revenge.
> Shit escalated to torture plans, kidnappings, and shady deals with criminals.
> It's all documented—I have gigabytes of proof.

Now I've written a **film/TV script** called "Shadow of Abdul," detailing this insane saga:
- Pedo-grandpa
- Mafia/cult infiltration
- IRL betrayals like a biblical tragedy

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*OP here, adding more insane details:**

So let me tell you one of the worst memories:

My pedo-grandfather (the “academic” scumbag) once **ordered my dad to shoot me** in the head when I was 25. Grandpa was pissed I told teachers he was raping kids at our school. Dad cornered me in the living room, pointed a loaded gun at my face—his hands shaking, shouting "You ruined our family, you little psycho." Grandpa literally stood in the doorway **laughing**, saying "Finish him off, or I'll have the mayor's thugs do it and blame you anyway."

I thought I was about to die, but Dad chickened out at the last second. Instead, he slammed me with the gun handle. I’ve got the scar above my left eyebrow to prove it. *This is the kind of shit I grew up with.*

And people wonder why I formed a twisted “sect” to seek revenge. Wait until you read the basement torture attempts we planned for Grandpa and his cronies—some real "Saw"-tier madness. No joke.

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>the 30+ years t-bill interest rate is spiking higher than 2008 and 1987 right now
>the REAL burgerking jewlon musk is planning a t-bill short on burgerland by ordering trump to default on the next interest payment
>burgerland is about to die the same way the spanish empire died in the 1600s and jewlon is going to be the next rothschild pulling the same stunt

ya winning yet trumplets?
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Whew. What tinfoil hat site did you glean that fictional story from?
weird post, hope you get better soon homie.
Wow, you figured all that out by yourself?

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“Ooo look at me! I’m french because my ancestors 200 years got landed here”. Stfu your great great grand mommy got creamed by some englishman and now you’re stuck with us
You didnt cream shit faggot the country is going to shit because all you english men are soft and liberal as fuck lmfao. Getting yall cities over ran by browns and asians enjoy your million dollar shack bitch boy hahaha
Remind me who runs Montreal’s city centre again? Muslims was it? Or was it indians?

drawthread split
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my dear friend Bunyan how enamored am I to see text from the one and only

How hard is it to get the right loli proportions

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Any dutchies that can help get this monster known as the monster he is? He asshole runs a refugee center and funerable people are at risk!

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Doing some nudify's before dinner. Bring something good!

Tips: Your photo should be high resolution, not altered (filters etc), have a clear frontal view of the subject, be wearing minimal or form fitting clothing for a good result. I don't like making bad results so if your image sucks for whatever reason, I won't waste time on it. My goal is to make the most realistic possible nudes, not shitty cartoon ones that don't match.

if someone else wants to join that's cool, please say Hi.

I'll start with a few from a previous thread.
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girl on the right plz
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here you go littles of bros

I cant get the catarsist im looking for,im in a bad moment and i want to cry but i cant,im listening to music and remembering that fucking shitty person but i cant cry,please,help me to get my catarsis
you’re that shitty fucking person. kys
Dude,thats veeeeeeeeery helpful,thanks fucking retard

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The face that made every white dude in Britain shit his pants in fear.
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These bitches as easy to spot, with the boatancor they always end up with - Beware!
Yea only uggos date blacks
don't forget the muslim mudslimes


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this is a dude
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Eternal Goddess Hunger Games 418
First 24 tributes are up, sames by request
“aefry ember of hope gan lic the embers of a fyr brocen in the daegs beginnan brocen by men other than us. hope falls harder when the end is cwic hope falls harder when in the daegs before the storm the stillness of the age was writen in the songs of men so it is when a world ends who is thu i can not cnaw but i will tell thu this thing be waery of the storm be most waery when there is no storm in sight”
Medieval code, get excited!
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Congrats to the winner and thanks for hosting!
/trash/ gaem

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oh wow his logs are so huge
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Not a shred of shame in your body, eh shiteater?
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