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creepshot/voyeur thread
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I have a hard time compressing gifs below 2mb so here’s a picture instead
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What doth life?

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His delicious diarrhea?
His Kingshits?
His Hershey kisses?

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Are you happy with your life anon?
15 replies and 4 images omitted. Click here to view.
no thats why i am browsing the site that made me into a misogynist again after 6 months
NO NIGGER I'M NOT but it could be worse I guess.

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The divine soul of Shinzo Abe requires you to solve Japan population crisis. Roll for your state fund wife
130 replies and 5 images omitted. Click here to view.
Abe sent her to the wrong address, but I will keep her even if she thinks a rice ball is a sandwich.
Reroll. Tranny doesn't count.
Sweet, thanks!

Your fortune: Excellent Luck

Thread for the discussion of the process of acquiring the skills necessary to depict young maidens.

1. Do NOT post child photo references, legal or otherwise; do NOT talk about real children, either.
2. All images and discussion should pertain to the critique of visual artwork.
3. Give proper attribution for works.
4. Maintain decorum, even with criticisms.
5. Multimedia is allowed.
6. Always bump /ldg/.

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
90 replies and 26 images omitted. Click here to view.
you missed a baraag upload, the side view of the blue shirt character without pants, it's on twitter
bro I was talking about this one, I wasn't home so I couldn't link it, not sure what makes it a failed experiment because it's hot as hell

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Asuka pegs me
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as are girls that wear latex body suits
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Looks aren't enough. They need her flawless personality
that is also possible

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Post fertile goddesses
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She was so hot and had a perfect body and I regret breaking up with her. Used to have an onlyfans apparently that she deleted wish I could’ve seen the pics. Can’t find her in social media not sure where to look
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Works for me
Fuckkk she has nice tits

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give it to me honestly, how far away am i from passing as a woman? reddit are a bunch of liars.
1 reply omitted. Click here to view.
Literally never
depends on who you are trying to attract. people who can drive or the legally blind?
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Nom nom nom
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being a dude rules fuck having periods
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New cele/b/
240 replies and 150 images omitted. Click here to view.
The five stages of grief are denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance.
>making or spreading scandalous claims about someone with the intention of damaging their reputation.
>Humorously insulting

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Post your best saves. Jerk and cum tribs encouraged
92 replies and 64 images omitted. Click here to view.
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This cock might be the best.

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Killing yourself means missing out on the times you want to live. You could want to die 99% of the time but if you kill yourself, you’ll miss out on the 1% that you do. Wouldn’t you rather that than be nothing?
good point

name of girl?

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Democrats have more respect for a shitbag recidivist felon who overdosed on fent than a little boy suffering from cancer
11 replies and 5 images omitted. Click here to view.
>better treatment
He was originally projected to die years ago. Idk how much better treatment can get than that.
It really doesn't super matter. You either pay into health insurance until you need it. Or end up paying back medicaid for the rest of your life.
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And to be perfectly blunt. If you need the full bore of what either will pay out for your medical emergency, you're likely dead anyway.

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