Hey guys I need some adviceI have a strip roughly 100cm wide that I want to fill with artworks. Pic rel, although my phone has shitty camera so the quality is garbage. As you can see, I'm halfway done.
>>7439859The top pic is going to be pic rel. Don't mind the shit file quality and the watermark, this will be worked out. Anyway, the pic rel won't go all the way to the top of the strip, there will be some space left, which is a problem.
>>7439860As a solution to my problem I decided to make something myself, even though my artistic skills are level 0 please don't laugh. To begin with, I got wallpaper, and painted it with green shiny glitter paint, so that it's nice and shiny and vivid, while the color scheme still matches the surroundings, which are mostly green. Okay, I have the background, what now?
>>7439861My next step is to get another piece of wallpaper, paint it shiny glitter yellow (because yellow matches green, but it's much warmer), cut it, and stick it onto my previous piece of shiny glitter green wallpaper. This technique immediately shows a limitation: whatever I design, needs to be something that even a guy with no artistic talent and two left hands won't fuck up.Cue my current design pic rel.1. Vertical stripes at an angle (perpendicular to the ceiling) make the design feel more dynamic, yet still organized.2. Stars have a similar function.3. Stars are basically the most complex shape I am capable of cutting out.Pic rel isn't perfect but it shows the idea. Unfortunately, I'm not really happy with the idea, but I don't see how I could improve on it:1. It's too crowded, but when I remove/resize elements, the entire composition looks even worse2. For some reason it has African vibes, which isn't really the thing I'm going for. Probably it's becasue of the colours, but that cannot be changed.
>>7439859i fucked your momps. kill yourself
>7439859Post better bait than this, please.
>>7439882>>7439918What the fuck, is this board always so hostile to everyone?