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>100 years ago
>poorfag orphan retard
>draws for himself
>illustrations of stories he makes up in his head to fight boredom of life
>cant draw
>traces old newspapers
>people find his drawings
>say it’s high art

Does this prove talent has nothing to do with success?

practicing lineart but i dont get why it looks so shitty compared to my sketch? i tried adding a bit of line weight but it seems like im doing it wrong
looks like you forgot to enable pen pressure
Line weight is too subtle
Because you're more focused on tracing over your sketch instead of also thinking how the lines should be. Fun exercise: try making the intersection between lines thicker. Like from the sketch ypu could clearly see the difference the thicker lines at her shoulder. Just copy it.
Well, use your eyes. There are parts of the sketch with thicker lines and parts with thinner lines and your line work does not reflect that. Don't draw blind, actually look at the individual elements of the drawing.

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I know they publish several packs of reference images, I wanted to know if anyone has this, publish, thanks
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>who are Polish and who adhere to Banderism
you have brain worms, Poles absolutely despise Bandera and his thugs
the only reason we 'forget' about volhynian massacre (known to Ukrainians as 'tragedy', lol 'oops a tragedy happened') is your stupid war
>(and no, before you ask, I'm not ukrainian)
You are a redditor though, that we already knew.
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thank you
>Ukraine is divided between Russian speakers who voted to join Russia (they represent nearly 80% of the population)
this is your brain on /pol/ "infographics" LMAO
>are you guys jerking off to this?
i just want more references

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Don't jump! Edition

>What is /fag/?
This is the Furry Art General thread, here we post everything related to kemono, furry, and animals alike.

>Rules & Guidelines
Please refrain from flaming, causing drama or replying/feeding those who cause such.
This is a SFW thread only, please take caution so you don't get BANNED for posting NSFW art.
This general is NOT and NEVER will be affiliated with any discord servers, DO NOT click any of the discord links that are spammed here!
As always, don't be afraid to ask for critique!


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Doesn't it? I should admit: I am retarded when it comes to light.
IMO Toriel has lighting of a sunset.
Ah. I tried to yellow it up a bit for midday, but I do tend to gravitate towards warmer colors. I'll mess with it some more anon, thanks!
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I had another friend look at it and I made some adjustments!
Now it's perfect!

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For stupid questions and questions that don't deserve their own thread.
Post here if you don't expect your thread to reach 100+ replies.
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...and while the examples I gave are more likely to be ornamental, my thoughts apply to art in general; any piece has the potential to be considered beautiful.
>The art-object is not the entire art-experience, and the subjective nature of art means that the individualized art-experience is formed from the observer/possessor bringing his life into play and fusing it with the art-object to complete it.
often times yes, but, and I'm not sure if you've ever had this experience, but some art experiences are truly transcendent in that you momentarily lose your sense of self and are fully immersed in the object itself and its beauty. Schopenhauer has some interesting thoughts on this, though I imagine there are more recent scientific studies and other research into such sublime experiences which corroborate some of what he wrote on it.
>The sad thing is that what you describe is kind of a "solved problem." Go into hobby lobby and you will see plenty of things that fit this critera in some way, just in cheap mass-manufactured forms. Your image could be one of those mass-manufactured as canvas prints and sold for 10$. The art-experience is cheapened by this, but that is due to how you encounter it. In isolation if you saw it in someone's house, say, while cleaning a recently-dead relative's estate, you would not have the negative context of that and would possibly associate it with how the relative displayed the piece, who they were, etc.
I'm sorry, but I do not see how cheap, mass-produced artworks some normie might hang up on their wall "solves" my "problem," even acknowledging that you loosely mean that, given the scare quotes. not to say any of my misunderstanding is your fault. (2/2)
Yes, art, I drew every day for 4 years right before the psychosis. Also history, Minecraft, programming/game dev (I suck), linguistics and languages, knitting and crocheting (when you're disabled, what's it even matter to have "feminine" hobbies?), and I would like to make some cosplays or costumes some day, maybe a full suit of armor.

My mother was also into art and most of my friends were made in art class, though we long parted ways.

I think my favorite subjects to draw about are (hard) sci-fi, fantasy, and futuristic, I like the idea of mixing classic fantasy (dwarves, elves, orcs, etc.) with sci-fi/cyberpunk, I just don't think there's much of a market for that outside of cat/dog girls/boys, or appealing to LGBT people (hot orc dads in your area or whatever) or to furries.

I very much still have an imagination, I can make original things, just that I don't know what I'm feeling and I don't know if I have emotions anymore, I definitely get angry, and I laugh at things that feel like they're supposed to be funny, I cry without knowing why I'm crying, but shows I used to enjoy are no different than watching some guy walk past the house.
>I do not see how cheap, mass-produced artworks some normie might hang up on their wall "solves" my "problem,"
It's not solving "your problem", but solving the problem of "people not valuing merely beautiful art as much." They do value it, they display it. They are curated to normie tastes, but the lack of meaning and simple beauty is what is there. The issue is that the context (as you even noticed) of them being obviously cheap and mass-produced makes them seem less interesting.

Overall my point is that even art-objects that are "merely beautiful" are still subservient to the subjective experiences of the observer.

The closest thing I've had to the experience you described is when I stare up at the clouds after a bike ride. But that is in part caused by the context, the endorphins and sweatiness and large amounts of focus and attention needed giving way to simply... "ah, cloud..."
Unironically write shit down, may help you process it.
If you want to mix those themes, do so. If you build it they will come.
Well, I think you have things laid out for you then. There are art communities who center around making tributes to history (and naturally
, history and linguistics are intertwined).
The second part is a problem for everyone who doesn't 100% fit into a mainstream subject. But your sci-fi genre doesn't seem too niche, I think you could make it work.
Genres can change with as little as a different art style and art style makes up alot of what's marketable.

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I’ll draw 6 hours per day from various references including morpho book and see how far I can progress after a few weeks
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Now answer me this, throughout those 6 hours a day of arduous artistic exercise, how many times did you get up from your (I'm assuming you were sitting down) chair, stand up to stretch and move about? and how long did each recess last? Did you also remember to hidrate during that time?

Art prowess is important but your health is more important, you can't do art if you are dead.
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>Be Hungry Clicker
>Have almost 700k followers, including prominent indie, comic, and manga artists
>Hasn't followed a single person in almost 10 years
>Exclusively posts their work, and doesn't talk to anyone
What mode is this?
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send me the lora when you're done
Hews has 1.5x more followers though and draws significantly less
he also plays the social media game, the op guy doesn't, heck he doesn't even bother to put any text most of the time at this point

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Fuck I need help /ic/, can someone assist me with perspective, or make a redline for this? It's a gift for my sister and I would prefer it not look like shit.
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looks good to me anon but maybe someone else can offer better help, I think what may be "missing" is that the perspective isn't very accented so the scene kinda looks as if viewed from far away (the bear dude's legs/feet are smaller accordingly but then going up from there for the other 3 characters not much seems to change perspective-wise), but I think it still looks fine and I'm sure your sister will appreciate it very much, it is so nice of you to make a gift like this :)
>but I think it still looks fine
I think this might have sounded too harsh I mean like turbo accented fish-eye lens kinda perspective would be a bit overkill I think (it looks good ofc and makes things look more dramatic/pop out more but it's very hard to do and you don't need it per se), it looks like a lovely gift
you know people in wheelchairs can't move their legs, right?
the perspective is fine enough, everything else no so much, but you should finish it anyways, go make your sister happy and remember not to fuck her
Ambulatory wheelchair user, Google dot com

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>be 30yo oldfag
>want to achieve the art skills of my favorite artist
>too old
>set a goal to achieve within 3-5 years
>check his first pixiv art
>already better than what I'm doing right now
It's over for oldfags, do I really have to spend another 15 years to draw good anime art? a 45 years old man, drawing cute anime girls, as a hobby? WTF IT'S SO OVER FOR ME
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I've learned that a lot of people tend to have a specific field or style they get really good at quick regardless of age.
>t. 30 year old boomer who spent 10 years grinding anime without much success and got to a pretty good level at landscapes and layout drawing in about 3 years
You're 100% overcomplicating the process. Take a photo or a piece of art you think looks cool and copy it with a pencil and paper, compare the two and note down which fundamentals your version hasn't matched, then try again. If that's too much you can just trace a piece of art you like to get a physical feeling for how the artist drew before doing your own study. Work big to small, do some light lines to get a feeling for the overall composition before you start going into forms and detail. Most of an artists visualisation happens on the paper, not in their head.
If you convince yourself it's impossible, erase every line a thousand times, punch yourself in the head while saying "stupid! stupid! stupid!" and scrunch up the paper before you're finished you'll never progress. Put down the eraser and just finish something even if it looks bad. Quantity is better than quality.
Menea the dog got good in 4-6 years
ah yes the good old "i'm gonna cram some books and get good in a year" plan
>Waaaaaa I'm so sad that I'm old and I don't want to learn or practice!!!
>Waaaaaaaa life's so hard because I'm old!!!!!

Just fucking draw. You're old, we get it, your brains slowing down, now fucking draw already. Less bitchy more worky

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Why are you not studying renaissance art? And making art in the renaissance art style? For maximum art gains? You want to be the best artist, right?
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they werent even that good. reference painters are a dime a dozen now, and quite often much better
yeah the ability to capture the essence of something without drawing it realistically is totally gimmick
why not mix both?
High Renaissance sure.
I have done my fair share of Leonardo and Michelangelo studies.
it's a gimmick because it's based on technique, whiles still remaining essentially realism. the essence of impressionism is actually realism, but their fans pretend to be anti-realists, while doing the least interesting and laziest form of abstraction of realism. there's little depth to impressionism.

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I made this roulette type drawing challenge based on that mugshot picture that's popular on the internet. I hope we can have a great deal of fun all together.

Let's roooooooooooooolll !!
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wouldn't let me post immediately, so i had to roll a rng. got the burn guy #47.
Nightmare fuel
thank u op, i was having a rough night and needed to just paint some shit to calm the nerves. trad models are boring, this is a fun exercise.
true. as a cop that draws these mugshots on the daily basis, it's all tiresome.

In an old Monastery that is ofted booked for seminars and things
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this is just blatantly disrespecting religion.
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> she looked up, searching for "something" with her watery eyes full of tears... searching for a reason?... an explanation to such cruelty?... a justification for the destruction of her beautiful body?... she was losing the plot already, which was that the reason of what was happening to her, was that she asked for it... she knew what she was doing to her body last night playing with herself like that, she knew it was bad, a sin, and she knew the price to pay for that profanity....
> The assistant nun cruelly held the sharp thorns against the lacerations in her wet and twitching plump ass ... the sentenced novice muttered a grunt... she wasn't ready to cry yet, she was still in shock... the sharp thorns were digging into the bleeding wounds... was that better than the direct brutal hit of the thorns tearing up her delicate skin?... the answer was coming... any second now... she was starting a deep search for God right at that moment of expiation... a little bit too late... humans are like that, only when they feel the consequences of their sins they search for their Lord in heaven...

I know nothing about muslims, so I wouldn't know the difference. We Christians are VERY complex, that I know. We are an amalgamation of lots of things. We are the cultural union of the whole western world, the greek and roman myths, the nordic myths, celtic culture, all intertwined in our Christian world. Christianity is a very potent cultural civilization that needs to get revitalized, it needs hot blood poured into it, pumping hard. Youths today are falling for the "esoteric-occult" new cultural mirage, they fantasize about anthropomorphic creatures and demons not even related to Christianism anymore
Even the "hot nuns" thing must look like some "old boomer outdated fetish" because Christianity is culturally stagnant, it is getting pushed out by the "occult" movement, "make nuns hot again" anon, that should be your goal in life if you want to save Christianity
I'll pray for you
It pains me to agree with this, but same. Atheists and their ilk have been mass murdering Christians since the French Revolution and the Vendean genocide and there's been barely any reaction.
At least they got what was coming to them during the Spanish Civil War and they were defeated before they could commit yet another genocide.
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> Her ass jumped in the air spreading her sweat all over the place her glistening toned back arched under the brutal blows of the thorny whip breaking her tight flesh.... her fit abdomen convulsed frenetically in and out... the explosive wet sounds detonating against her back's skin filled the air... and that hot body bouncing and twisting, all sweated and full of adrenaline was a sight to behold... mesmerizing... it was a supernatural experience, something that shouldn't be, a thing forbidden to humans... something that some other entity would "enjoy" to feed on... I almost felt that entity in the air... there with us... and somehow, I knew that it was for him... a beautiful sacrifice just for him...

Thanks anon, I really appreciate that. I feel a dark presence while uncovering these ancient secrets, he doesn't want me to reveal and expose these rituals and the nature of evil. Pray for me.
Nothing killed more christians than christians ourselves. Through out history, our own inside wars, the Luther tragic schism, the cromwellian massacre, the crusades, the papal states wars, the inquisition, the conquer of the americas, etc, etc, etc, till these days, Christians ourselves are our own worst enemy. We need to embrace our own human nature and cultural diversity, from the nordic myths to the eastern desert religions, and unite. We need to build back our cultural symbols and tales. I'm doing my part bringing back hot nuns, with christian symbology and themes. I'm building christianity back from the pits of hell. Pray for me.

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Thread to study little boys. Post your art, discuss artists, and post resources related to the subject of cute little boys.

>Do not take the bait or derail. Don't be a sperg.
>Only post SFW shota, link NSFW and suggestive from catbox. Don't post real life references.
>Don't fight about different male body types, shota. Nobody cares.
>No femboy/trans/traps/futa. Go to /salt/ for that.
>No tits, no coochies, no female body ratio.
>Don't sperg if a feminine male (not femboy) is posted, ignore if it's not your cup of tea, keep in mind the nature of stylization and simplification in anime and cartoon art styles before you choose to derail the thread, though crit is welcome like always.
Previous thread: >>7010561
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DOLL's stuff may be a bit too buff for some here but I really like his work, he's one of my inspirations. I just wish he posted more than once a year...
When sketching the eyes in 3/4 view, I recommend that you start by drawing the inner outline of the furthermost one, after which you can use it as a reference for that of the eye closer to the viewer.

Personally, I find it more intuitive to use a horizontal drop-like shape whose tip is pointing towards the side opposite to the intended orientation angle of the head, drawn with just a bit of a forward slant.

I prefer to sketch both eyes as the shape in question by virtue of the latter helping me achieve a better grasp of the curvatures of the former, and because a horizontal drop is a fairly accurate simplification of how the inner contour of an eye actually appears in a 3/4 view:


The degree of narrowness of the furthermost eye would hinge upon the intended position of the head: a very squished eye is indicative of a near-profile view, while a broader one suggests a more frontal angle of orientation.

Usually, after drawing the background eye, I continue by sketching an intermediate drop, adjacent to the tip of the first one, and of the same dimensions, if not a tiny bit wider. This optional step is to make sure that I'm following conventional proportions regarding the amount of space between the eyes.

Then, attached to the tip of the intermediate shape, I draw a noticeably wider drop to represent the inner outline of the actual matching eye. The level of broadness of this third shape will also depend on the head's orientation angle: in near-profile views, the eye closest to the viewer can be twice as wide as the furthermost one.

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Were you referencing at some of Miura's paintings for the colors? It very much reminds me of his stuff.

If your partner is fine with it then it shouldn't matter. Obviously put them away if you have guests over (unless they don't mind, but it's rude to visually bomb people with extreme art without forewarning) and they have to go into storage if you plan on having children.
But part of the point of art is to surround yourself with things you find aesthetically pleasing and/or emotionally stimulating.
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for me it's Okulain

Any artists who just dropped off the face of earth and you wonder where they are?
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Why didn't he just hire more assistants? Is he stupid?
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You are overestimating the role of assistant
thats her art?
STFU Nigga, there's a Screenshot of my Friend on pixiv accepting C.ooler P.oints on the comments or sum.
Nah nigga I'm outta Here

shut the fuck up
schizo anon
schizo anon, Japan
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>schizo anon

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