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Be sure to bother patch about registration to put your art in:

Post-free dice rolling tool that you'll ignore:

Previous Thread: >>7133251
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Don't know if Im ever finishing this
Hit a pretty stupid motivation slump
Well she's stupidly cute as is and at first glance I didn't even notice the drawing was incomplete.

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Julian my beloved

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how to appealmaxx/soulmaxx?
i don't care about my art being professional or high quality i just want it to have this spark that makes me and other people enjoy looking at it
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This post was made by an egg-deficient, seething, white woman
what does you are not him even mean? who the fuck is she talking about?
no one in this thread is making it except me
pics or didn't happen

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Patreon randomly nuking accounts
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Wow i can't believe anyone would ever hate epic porn! What the hell is up with these puritans from /pol/ who hate sex?
I think we, as consumers, should donate to more epic porn artists and subscribe to their social medias and share their works!
Bro, did you hear about the nsfw artist everyone knows that got unfairly nuked and delete for no reason? I bet it was people who hate sex so we must save our fellow cultured creators so they can give us more content! Please sirs donate to the epic nsfw artists or you are puritans!
This you, OP?
Maybe stop trying to virtue signal to farm clout and go draw porn like the pornfag you are.

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post something cool you drew this week
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i got given artistic liberty and ran for the hills with it, i fucking love red
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At least I drew this week.
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zdrada from helltaker. Happy with it but I think I made the face a tiny bit too tall, not horrible tho

do I have to start resorting to these cheap gimmick tactics to start getting likes?
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The last thing you want to do is whore your mental health out. I tried trend chasing and would make decent cash with comms on some good months. But expect inconsistent pay, clients who'll "pay next week," a decent amount of followers but few likes and RTs, meaning your patreon will have earnings less than minimum wage.
Furry niggers always have money
No, do everything at your own pace. Baiting for likes and retweets is fucking retarded.
Only subhumans do it.
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>check the replies
It's unironically sad that this is the main website artists use.
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Yeah, you should upload porn on yt like every respectable porn artist does

title says it all
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>she's a woman
>she wears a garter
>call her gaby garter
the level of thought that went into this is impressive
the lack of thought that went into this is impressive
...said no man ever.
whats her @
anyone have this?
>>7282845 anyone have this one? (or any Suzu Monami Photo book)

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This is a thread for recommending and sharing brushes/digital art assets.

>Publicly editable rentry for CSP assets. Feel free to contribute brushes you have purchased. Assets that have been deleted from the store are also welcome to be uploaded here.

>CSP assets store wishlist

>"What brush does this artist use?" / "What brush looks like this?"
1.)Search "brush (from:artisthandle)" or "assets.clip-studio.com (from:artisthandle)" on twitter if that's where they post mainly. Make sure to set it to the Latest tab to see the artist's tweets. Or use Nitter.
2.)Search brush posts on their Pixiv Fanboxes/Booth/Patreon. Then try to see if it's on kemono or archives.
3.)If none of the searches work, then ask here.

>"My CSP is cracked so I can't use the asset store"
As long as you log into the asset store it works even on cracked copies.

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You know, this body model is so useful for me due to the proportions I draw, I'm willing to pay the $23 just for it.
how do you use these codes?
Decode them in Base64
Did anyone get these 3D things during the limited period and is willing to share them, or get them for me?
I would really appreciate it if so!


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The general thread for Manga / manga-styled comic-making, manga-style illustration and related comic work. That said, everyone is welcome here.

Support each other and talk about your work or the work of others that excites you. Inking, character design, paneling / layout, writing, planning, and other discussions are all welcome.
Post resources, questions, in-progress pages, breakdowns of other works, etc. If a work is not yours, credit the maker (unless it's fucking obvious like a full page of One Piece or something).
Thanks to everyone for making /mmg/ a level-headed and helpful place. Remember, drawing and making comics and manga are difficult endeavors, and we're all in this struggle together.

Previous thread: >>7284233

Some resources:
/asg/, our stylistic sister-thread series for those focused more on illustration >>>/ic/asg

Understanding Comics
Making Comics
Manga in Theory and Practice: The Craft of Creating Manga

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Normally, /a/ would likely be a better place to ask around as they do nothing but consume anime and thus have a larger library to draw from. That said, is pic related what you're talking about? This is Maetel from Galaxy Express 999.
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only halfway. 24 total i think. its more of a personal project cause i've never made a comic before. I'll put a link on /ic/ when i get it finished, cause i'm not gonna charge for it.

thanks buddy
This may sound like a dumb question, but how do you figure out the panel layout of any particular page you're starting? Do you work from a storyboard first and then make an educated guess on which shape & size panel would be best for each panel? Or do you just wing it and choose layouts at random?
Varies from person to person. I spend way too much time on the storyboard, and it's not practical.

Just copy some mangas you like, that bite of what they do.
Looking forward to it.

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Hey looking for just general art communities, I don't have any art buddies so it would be nice to have some so post your discord servers
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this is the blog of the admin
High-beg at best. Also actual pedo too. Don't waste time with this sad circlejerk.
is she hot?
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>"Discord trannies aren't real and if you say so you are a schizo"
look at profile pic. it's an actual mentally ill BPD transexual.
>im totally an underage girl teehee :)
can u link her onlyfans please?

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Welcome to the OC Redraw thread!!

>Post an OC
>Draw someone else's OC
>Have fun

This one is more for trading than just for sharing
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>Well, it's worth the try.
What a strange thing to start off saying. This isn't like a lottery, we are just trading drawings. Draw someones oc, and they will draw yours
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Oh. That's how it works then.
I did NOT expect something of this level of quality, and you totally get what get what i was going for too with the armor, very dynamic pose and composition.
I would've paid good money for something like this.
Two things i need to ask of you
1.Do you have a Blog??
2.Do you have an OC posted ITT.
You're a bad motherfucker, man! I hope to be as good as you some day, keep up the great work!

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Thread to study the adult male body. Post your art, discuss artists, and post resources related to the subject of cute boys and handsome men.

Some resources:
>English Youtube channel with tutorials about ikemen/anime boys:

>Do not take the bait or derail. Don't be a sperg.
>Don't fight about different male body types, ikemen/twink/bara. Nobody cares.
>No femboy/trans/traps/futa. Go to /salt/ for that.
>No shota. Go to /lsg/ or /ssg/ for that.
>No tits, no coochies, no female body ratio.
>Females are welcome so long as the image remains male focused.
>Don't sperg if a feminine male (not femboy) is posted, ignore if it's not your cup of tea, keep in mind the nature of stylization and simplification in anime and cartoon art styles before you choose to derail the thread, though crit is welcome like always.

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Interesting. I will try this.
If you have to ask then he's too shota for this thread.
There's a shota thread you could post in >>7206757
Thanks anon
I was going to say it's how he's drawn that matters but the majority has spoken kek

Looking for artists that post lots of sketches, doodles, wip images

I get a lot more value out of seeing the underline construction and studying their short hands then looking at fully rendered work
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These are great thanks!
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I just opened a X account as blog for dumping sketches and doodles
NSFW however
If this kinda stuff is to your liking that is
bump because i am interested for more
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For once a good thread subject. Post more.
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a lot of the trigger animators have their sketchbooks/sketch compilations uploaded on e-hentai. i'd recommend looking at anime storyboards as well.


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Figure drawing is a fun and good way to get better at drawing humans.

Some free resources:


Might as well check the archives and active /ic/ threads for references:

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nice. good job getting your point across, you just missed the apostrophe in "you're" - Keep it up!

>Verification not required.
I don't do any art for work if thats what you thought :( I'm beginner but Ive been working really hard at it lately.
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Go go power rangers! Honestly I wish I could take a good look at people's works but I'm, using a smol laptop with a very poor resolution so it's pretty much a torture for the most part.
Keep up the good work, bro. Also your replies sure do help.
Idk why youre seething, your replies are worthless, its your problem man.

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This is a mistake that most /beg/s make, and all the anime tutorial books still don’t realize it and keep teaching using the left loomis method expecting /beg/s will suddenly understand how to apply the depth without using any guidelines.
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That's the pec you goddamned idiot. Women have those too. The boob is just the fat that hangs off of it.
Any site you can find more of these for old disney stuff?
>unable to understand a rough sketch demonstrating a concept because it doesn't have perfect polish/appeal
hi retard, it's very easy to tell the skill level of an artist by a rough sketch. op is like pre pre /beg/
Literally just google image search "Disney character sheet".

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