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>be me
>wagekekking at a fortune 100 toy firm you've seen astroturfed everywhere last summer
>they've been using AI fucking everywhere since about 2020 and will chew your ass through the gutter if you don't
>jumping ship seems like a more realistic goal by the day
>one of the core brands i work on is still huge with coomers

what are my options for capitalizing off my tenure after i'm long gone? part of me feels like the easiest way out is touring comic cons recounting my experiences as well as taking commissions for "official" pornos drawn by a defector (me!) but this is the type of company to hound and stalk their employees for like five years at least after they go off the system.

people who've already been long gone seem to get away with doing such, like that guy who made the maggot parody doll on kickstarter a while back.
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>they've been using AI fucking everywhere since about 2020 and will chew your ass through the gutter if you don't
Why would they need artists then?
>but this is the type of company to hound and stalk their employees for like five years at least after they go off the system.
So what? What are they going to do, hire the mob to whack ya? You might as well name and shame them.
>Why would they need artists then?
Because AI can't do revisions, can't stay on model and can't prepare files for print.
AI legit can't do shit other than let "idea guys" make even more schizo moodboards and take away even more freedom and authority from the people who actually know what makes shit look good be it graphic designers or artists.
It's the favourite tool of project managers who got their job through nepotism.
I swear what's with the AI spam if you check on /3/ they also seem be active when the Cris nigga bumpers are
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>also again fuck off with these spam threads
You might have better luck in the indie gaming industry?
Some small time companies might still not use AI and have a bit more freedom in creative jobs
Pay is prob less though.

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Be sure to bother patch about registration to put your art in:

Post-free dice rolling tool that you'll ignore:

Previous Thread: >>7133251
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Nah just going to leave like this
Rolling again!!!
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I got cactus as well

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just how, it literally makes 0 sense. There are hundreds of artists on his level and are almost all around 100k followers, but this faggot who draws extremely rough sketches that are colored and completely unremarkable gets to have half a million followers.
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Perhaps that should serve as an example. Studies are good and beneficial, but you'll likely never become the artist you want to be if every drawing session is just you immersing yourself in a studyhole or rough sketching session, with no "this is the kind of thing I want to draw, drawn to completion" pieces.
Maybe fifteen years ago. People who were regulars left a long time ago and migrated to Twitter. Same thing happened with Tumblr.
Rendering is time consuming cancer.
You wish, faggot.
Coom artist
>Rendering is time consuming cancer.
Nigga so is sketching. Might as well make yourself more marketable

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Figure drawing is a fun and good way to get better at drawing humans.

Some free resources


Might as well check archives and active /ic/ threads for references.

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That's really nice anon. If you add two simple circle nipps and a few details in that ruffled collar, (and just that, nothing else) it will be a really hot little art-piece by its own merit.
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Good effort today I feel. Trying to hit more detailed anatomy.

The neck and head look great here imo, same for how you did the arms. Missing the foreshortening on her left leg kind of drags the other down with it. Good effort though.
Those bold lines on the pen figure look good.
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i ended up changing some stuff too
Thanks for the critic, noted
>and the feet aren't placed on the mat like in the ref.
I was just trying to think in the exact frame before the throw to make it feel more grounded and power instead of mid-air like the ref, thats why I tried to rest the weight on the right toe I don't know if my intention reads as I wanted.
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Damn so many new drawings.
And I was busy with building a new PC but now I can finally go back to drawing myself.

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It's starting in a few days and the event lasts the whole of July. Are you joining in this year?
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Finished a mass attack yesterday and still working on >>7218875
I am drawing/painting every day yes but I tend to be pretty slow so my main thing this year is to speed up a bit but still get some quality/learning from each peice.
Fuck no. I've got a full time job. If I can get three to four attacks per week I'm happy
i like it a lot!
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You do have characters that people you attack can show their gratitude to by returning an attack, dont you anon? It would be really selfish if you only attack and never give the chance to defend.
>has a character with huge tits and what's clearly supposed to be a cock bulge
>no NSFW, no shipping, no nudity!!! >:[
Why are people like this?

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Be specific if you request something: post the cover, book's title, artist's name...
Please be patient, board is slow, someone may answer you a week later.
Please search in the thread and links below before asking for something, it may well already be there.

Unencoded links are frequent targets for trolls and bots!

>Thread recap file, updated 07-JUN-2024


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You want me to show how much it sucks? Ok,
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And this is Google Translate.
which books is murata studying from here ?
>"Various things to think about walking" By Toshiyuki Inoue
>Toshiyuki Inoue's Sakuga Adventures
>Animation Movement Guidebook - Basic Course On Communicating Expression (Animation Boot Camp)
Found by just quickly glancing at the image's comments... is this your first time using the internet? How did you end up here?
for some reason my phone refused to upload the file to Google lens so i just gave up after 5,6 tries, thx for the info btw

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Thread to study the male body. Post your art, discuss artists, and post resources related to the subject of cute boys and handsome men.

Some resources:
>English Youtube channel with tutorials about ikemen/anime boys:

>Do not take the bait or derail. Don't be a sperg.
>Don't fight about different male body types, ikemen/twink/bara. Nobody cares.
>No femboy/trans/traps/futa. Go to /salt/ for that.
>No shota. Go to /lsg/ or /ssg/ for that.
>No tits, no coochies, no female body ratio.
>Females are welcome so long as the image remains male focused.
>Don't sperg if a feminine male (not femboy) is posted, ignore if it's not your cup of tea, keep in mind the nature of stylization and simplification in anime and cartoon art styles before you choose to derail the thread, though crit is welcome like always.

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little practice from today
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The brainworm is back so I drew my OC Salem having sex with himself :)
very nostalgic style
i've always loved lining all black with white, looks so nice
pretty style as well!
>analyze their work, and try to copy what they do
this sadly is out of my wheelhouse for now but in the future i'm sure!
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regressed 20 years to draw trash giginka
very cute. love your colour palette and how you approached it

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If you could travel back in time, what would you tell your younger self, in terms of art advice? Post your work while you're at it.
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Incredibly based post
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The reason you dislike your work is because you have a vision of what you want it to be, not what's right in front of you. Don't let your vision of what you wanted to make blind you to what you made; the people who see your art only see the latter, and they get on just fine.
Pander harder
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>what would you tell your younger self, in terms of art advice?
Draw weird hentai every fucking day and post it everywhere, censored or not.
Open a Patreon and collect the dollaroos.
Save up all your money and move to a cheaper city in my 3rd world country.
Invest all my money on stable businesses.
Retire in my late 20s.
Just do whatever the fuck you want like an orgy with 3 whores or travel around the world.
Spend less time playing vidya and more time drawing.

Also the thumb is on the wrong side of the right hand in the OP pic.

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Post your work and Anons will give advice in the form of a redline/redraw.
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Can't believe it took me 6 days to outline.
Holy shit. Wish I had more time in my hands
Use wrap transform tool for slight adjust instead of ctrl+z again
im a biological girl God simply chose to trade points in hand beauty for face beauty.

i dont have enough of the traits to be diagnosed

thanks for the input on how i look instead of the art
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I think I messed up the 5shortening on the legs
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First time making art with multiple characters, what can I improve for next time?

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thoughts about Slay The Princess and its art/artstyle?

the game was basically drawn/made by a single guy, 1000s of drawings put together into an interesting VN, fully voice acted, I really liked it, and liked the simple yet unique approach, but I've never seen any thread about this particular title

the drawings are more like sketches but it feels like it just works
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>Artist never learned to flip the canvas
diginigger meme

You think every artist was putting a mirror to his pictures like an autist for the past 3983 years of portraiture before the first digital tablet dropped?
It definitely works because you aren't looking at each image on its own for an extended period of time, it's part of a larger set of images that are needed to understand the whole thing. It doesn't matter that a few of the pictures look bad as long as all of them together make sense. Pointing out that one of them sucks would be equivalent to pulling up one shitty panel out of a thousand in a manga, or a wonky frame in a 24 min animation. On top of the fact that it's done solely by one guy makes the mistakes excusable.

tldr The art's main job is to convey the story, not look pretty, and it gets the job done in that regard.
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The artist is a landwhale feminist that create woke webcomics and woke indie games so I'll never like her stuff.

permabeg no draw faggots, many such cases!
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dont care, death of the authort / artist etc
Slay The Princess is 0% woke, and she didn't write the story / dialogues anyway
pic related, a "woke" and "feminist" drawing

The general thread for Manga / manga-styled comic-making, manga-style illustration and related comic work. That said, everyone is welcome here.

Support each other and talk about your work or the work of others that excites you. Inking, character design, paneling / layout, writing, planning, and other discussions are all welcome.
Post resources, questions, in-progress pages, breakdowns of other works, etc. If a work is not yours, credit the maker (unless it's fucking obvious like a full page of One Piece or something).
Thanks to everyone for making /mmg/ a level-headed and helpful place. Remember, drawing and making comics and manga are difficult endeavors, and we're all in this struggle together.

Previous thread: >>7173656 (Dead)

Some resources:
/asg/, our stylistic sister-thread series for those focused more on illustration >>>/ic/asg

Understanding Comics
Making Comics
Manga in Theory and Practice: The Craft of Creating Manga

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I've been procrastinating on my comic for two fucking weeks. If I don't finish a page tonite I will kill myself. That's the challenge I've set.
lol that was me to myself last night about today. Well it was more like a couple days not working but I still felt guilty...but the page I'm working on today is going well so I get to live!
Yeah I bet theyre digusted by making more money
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I also have been procrastinating more than i should, but the good thing it's that i spring back right at it, i was going too slow trying to do the full pages with took me some time to finish, but now i'm just going on doing the background lineart and i have done 6 pages in 2 days, and i'm finally about to finish the stairs scene, wich was the last one that needed so much precision, from now on i just need to do rubble, more rubble, and you might not believe this, but more rubble

Also some puddles
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>didn't read the "i'm kill myself" part
>post that picture
I'm sorry anon, i forgot to say in my post that you shouldn't push yourself to fully finish your pages, instead just go doing some full steps first, that why i post that picture

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Post boggu links. X/Twitter, Instagram, Patreon.
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Nta but sincerely the level of dumb politicization in socials is starting to annoy me. I thought only a few people in fucking 2024 was actually retarded enough to glomp down entire ideologies and use unironically stuff like male gaze and patriarchy, but god damn. A good majority of artist are self declared communists ready to tone down any of the infinity of atrocities committed by commie regimes because the right is always the bad guys (nb nazis came out of the german socialist party)
I believed naively that one and almost half century later artists, so self doubting, wouldn't had embraced this hard something so fucking stupid without any question or at least were wise enough to call themselves out of propaganda after seeing so clearly in any history info that every single fucker screaming slogans is either a manipulative psycho or a fucking retard, but christ how much I was wrong.
Jesus fuck the whole "most people in the world just mimicks sounds and expressions, their heads are fucking empty" was real. Most people really don't care, they just want to feel in the right, point at the bad guy and avoid any ambiguity.
do you have characters/biases? could I bribe retweets off you?
I'm getting kind of tired of how every social media is just people arguing now. I don't like posting on instagram nor tiktok for this reason. It feels like 6 out of 10 instagram reels I get is rage or engagement bait or a discourse invitation despite regularly tapping not interested every time I get a reel like that
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there are unironically plenty in the art community that have not accomplished anything and thus turn to art. there are the same people clinging to japanese culture because they despise their culture so much. those people only see the advertisement of communism and never read marx's books. they disavow all of the 20th century happenings brought along by "towards to victory." and somehow many of them are more prude then religious people. Anon, the one meme people really get triggered by more then being called a normie (which is usually older people anyway), is being called an 'NPC.' Why? Because it's true. More true than anything they try to cling to.
Dunno really didn't see anything lately except the Palestine thing

>Why? Because it's true. More true than anything they try to cling to
It's something I genuinely thought was a comical exaggeration, but yes apparently not only is true but also common. And I find it the single most horrifying thing of current day, more than immigrants manipulated into substituting all the blue collar occupation of a country, more than government controlling every instance of your transactions, more than fucking everything, because it means all this internet power and vocal mass is aimed at literally the wrong target and infinitely refraining ego chanbers make it impossible to move on any real target.
What the fuck man. This is literally highschool people joining a political ideology without being mature enough to understand all over again. Nothing fucking changes, history really fucking repeat itself- but it's just because people is fucking stupid, uncaring and lazy, what the fuck
K this topic is way too articulated, ranted enough for now

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Why You Should Copy Anime:
Naoki Saito: https://youtu.be/8jsZGeaWkhE?si=6HZIvG9Bx3y9qoHs&t=12
AnimeShijuku: https://twitter.com/animesijyuku/status/1717415459778347358
Krenz: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kbKqIJcIUCw

**Strive for quantity AND quality.**

Anime Studying:
>Copy anime references exactly and draw them from memory. Use illustrations, screenshots, anime figures, 3D models, etc.
>Don’t copy recklessly. Use construction, color theory, and other fundamental concepts to rehearse a drawing process that you can later easily manipulate for original artwork.
>Post all of your anime studies. Post even when you’re told not to. Create an art community that actually draws and improves together instead of just talking about it.
>Number your attempts and link to your previous posts.
>Critiquers should lead by example by posting their studies.

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it looks like she pissed herself down there
any anime video courses worth a damn yet
names of books murata is studying from ?
check out drawing on the right side of the brain

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Post your work, and the single best piece of drawing advice you have for other anons. Let's make this a good thread.
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Drink unsweetened chamomile tea before bed to enhance your sleep quality. Make it a habit.
Nice, I think your noses are bringing you down a bit though
Also something off about the hair. Maybe it’s sitting on top of the head and not really looking attached enough
Socials? I really like your art style. Always love messy sketches and wobbly outline, it added personality to drawings.
Draw what you like
Make a piece and do best you can
Then note down all your biggest flaws and go study them with few other things you want to learn and then apply
Here main struggle was proportion, shoes, flat looking gun and folds
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I thought it was just some trolling, but it was true. Adobe is capturing your private work in Photoshop, everything you do in the software. And they have been doing this for more than a year in secret.
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>ass rape my bank account
It's 10bucks a month, you don't just tag that to your comm price?
Kek. Sadly most of these big companies can only profit from mass data collection. Their response would be "we simply steal too much to monitor what all we steal," and it would work. But if you're Peewee Herman or some random schmuck who downloads TBs of porn en masse and accidentally wind up with CP? You bet your ass you're getting fucked. Laws are designed to favor companies.
Bros I'm scared to open my Photoshop session... Should I disconnect the internet before starting PS?
have you heard about firewall you toddler zoomer?

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