Anybody got the Yuming Li course?
>>7502430buy yourself broke faggot
>>7502532I'm good
>>7502534i know you are nodraw
>>7502141pyw, coursecuck
I have a Huion Kamvas 16 (2021) and my OS is Windows 11 I have the HuionTablet app installed, it disables pressure sensitivity on most if not all drawing programs (like, krita, and adobe photoshop) for some reason. Yet the pressure sensitivity works in the pressure/stroke test section of the HuionTablet appIs it because HuionTablet isn't supported on Windows 11? How do I fix this?
>>7502567Get a Macintosh like every artist has done since 1984.
// PLEASE CHECK THE LINKS BELOW BEFORE REQUESTING ///Be specific if you request something: post the cover, book's title, artist's name...Please be patient, board is slow, someone may answer you a week later.Please search in the thread and links below before asking for something, it may well already be there.PLEASE ENCODE YOUR LINKS BEFORE YOU POST THEM HERE!Unencoded links are frequent targets for trolls and bots!>Thread recap file (updated 13-FEB-2025):aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZpbGUvNzZwMEhad1EjdUpqZXZ3QmZfNmQxTXRYRnhKSnZtblZGMWMyb1pPcWhiLUt2UFBSdF9iYw==>Artbooks:aHR0cDovL3d3dy5tZWRpYWZpcmUuY29tL2ZvbGRlci8xN2F4cGY0ZDdrMDV1L2FydGJvb2tzI215ZmlsZXM=Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>7501081artificial scarcity any kind anon have these?
>>7501081it's over... I didn't manage to collect the fund in time.
>>7501081Scan it fag.
>>7491228>somebody else besides me thought this scene was absolutely iconicGlad to know I'm not alone.Seriously, everything here starting with how she first tries to fire with one hand and flinches at the recoil is masterfully done.
Maybe this one will last the whole yearPrevious thread: >>7222766What is /ALT/?If you're looking for a place to post your cartooning then you've found the right general. This is /ic/s 1st and only merged hub where both Eastern and Western stylization can coexist peacefully, hence the double title.>Rules & Guidelines(1) Any form of cartooning is welcome; so submit and receive feedback from others. (2) Please resize your images before posting. (3) Share your knowledge and (4) Remember to not be afraid of asking for critique. Most importantly, keep discussion at a civil level.>I came for anime. Why does the image OP say cartoons general?To distinguish from the anime study thread (janitor supported). Please post your studies there and personal work goes here.------>Community Resources>Tag the OP if you want a resource included here.
>>7501815why is this is fucking funny anon good work
Drawing i did for my fucking grandpa Yes he is in jail and he will be free one day. I miss my grandpa even though he did some horrible things and one day he's going to get out and I'm going to be able to hang out with him
The colors Duke the colors
>>7502759I forgot the image.
Why do people in this board obsess over anime shit instead of learning actual art
>>7500765I understand EuroHate as well as anybody but frankly the Italians set the bar by which art should be judged. It is what it is. Other expressions have their places, as you mentioned, indigenous arts etc. But comparing some dumbass things like ukiyo-e to idk, Caravaggio is just laughable. Just be thankful it was taken from them.
>>7500758Because manga and anime is actually better than old paintings done by rich farts.
>>7500758This is literally what a Nazi would say OP.
Why You Should Copy Anime: Saito:**Strive for quantity AND quality.**Anime Studying:>Copy anime references exactly and draw them from memory. Use illustrations, screenshots, anime figures, 3D models, etc.>Don’t copy recklessly. Use construction, color theory, and other fundamental concepts to rehearse a drawing process that you can later easily manipulate for original artwork.>Post all of your anime studies. Post even when you’re told not to. Create an art community that actually draws and improves together instead of just talking about it.>Number your attempts and link to your previous posts.>Critiquers should lead by example by posting their studies.Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
How did I do?
>>7502208not enough head on toptoo much on the bottombut overall looks nice, keep at it
hello frens give me a request
>>7488925Just curious, is there any artist that succesfully draws fan art of anime/manga characters in a western style while maintaining a cute and appealing look? They usually seem to make them look older and give them nigger asses if they don't turn into trannies.
>>7501221>not-so-thinly-veiled pedophile artsimilar to how playing GTA doean't mean i wanna go on a shooting spree irlsimilarly lolis don't mean i wanna fuck irl children they're a fictional harmless fantasy(inb4 muh grooming material yeah normal porno can be used by irl pedo too its a slippery slope to neo-puritanical censorship)my brother in christ have you even seen real children they're fugly gross and smell/talk all retarded doesn't help your point hat its always closet irl pedos who advocate anti-loli talking points
>>7502362That's not a valid reason. That's just you being a retarded puritan. The art is good, often better than your regular vanilla artist. Seethe and dilatate
>>7502362Maybe I didn't explain my point clearly enoughI'm not saying anything about what people interested in pedo art like to do in real life or whether they want to groom real kidsIt's simply that pedo art is disgusting to me in the same way that a normal man would find yaoi disgusting, which is why I feel it should be kinkshamed
>>7501221>I'm not talking about Dragon Maid Kanna or Blue Archive lolis or whatever>I mean stuff like what haguhagu or possummachine draw, where the girls intentionally resemble real-life children and are devoid of any semblance of sex appealI fail to see the difference between those 2 groups.
>>7500826dude loli is just drawings broI jack off to yaoi, but it's not gay, it's just pictures. I would never ever ever ever ever EVER do gay stuff irl, like OP.
>What is /fag/?<This is the Furry Art General thread, here we post everything related to kemono, furry, and animals alike.>Rules & Guidelines<Please refrain from flaming, causing drama or replying/feeding those who cause such.This is a SFW thread only, please take caution so you don't get BANNED for posting NSFW art.This general is NOT and NEVER will be affiliated with any discord servers, DO NOT click any of the discord links that are spammed here!As always, don't be afraid to ask for critique!>Resources< too long. Click here to view the full text.
any fans of mouse ass?
>>7502016Braxienbro check this out
>>7502494Saw it, loved it, liked it, bookmarked it
Does anyone have this references pack? Please?:500+ Female Turnaround Poses For SculptingPrevious tread (>>7474556)Previous thread's highlights:>>7475804>>7478166 (LEGENDARY ANON)>>7487454
>>7502585Where's the rest of this pack?She's fucking amazing
>>7498576Thanks for this, her face is ugly as sin, but a perfect body for studying
>>7501893thanks babe
Stuck at work with a pen and some post-it notes, what should I do to practice?
>>7501998I draw at work. Usually its furshit
>>7502006>there are freelancers who don't know a lick of Japanese and are still getting workthose guys will never get a visa to move to Japan and get a nice, cozy, busty Japanese wife and spend their weekends and sanrenkyuus at love hotel onsens and kyoto shrines
>>7502009I'm confused by the shadows.
>>7502670well they can always visit and bang a few before going back without actually having to live in Japanese society
>>7502670Bro is feeling the form so good here
-TRUE UP 2025 edition-plantanon/carpal tunnel anon, I'm bringing it back, here's a copy paste of the previous OP:This is a thread for those who want to go through dynamic sketching as a group in an effort to improve drawing skills starting from the very fundamentals. Here we share the tedious grind, crit and encourage each others.Please specify the week you're on and if it's dynamic sketching 1 or 2 when posting your work.>What's Dynamic Sketching?A class by Peter Han that focus on improving draftsmanship, construction and design. It is intended for beginners, but the second class can be useful even for /int/. It covers a wide variety of subjects, but not figure drawing.>Where to get it?magnet:?xt=urn:btih:0aebc0f02e6c179b62e04c69af3e5adee3abee12&dn=IC-STUDY\Course\Form and Construction\Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
Just started week 1 in DS1. Here's my piss poor attempt at line control. It's my first time using a fine liner along with actually holding my pen/pencil properly, so I'm hoping my lines will improve a little once holding the pen feels less awkward.
More 1pp boxes. >>7496979Glad to have another on board. You definitely dial in over time and it gets easier as your muscle memory and ability to focus improves.
Had a car issue and I've been too stressed with dealing with a shitty mechanic and insurance companies, but I'll get back on it today after work
oh cool a dynamic sketching general, fuck yeajust started for real this week, gonna really stick with it and take my time this go round. also gonna try to do all the exercises with my hand not resting on the paper at all so my lines look especially rough but i'll get there.
Here's my work of the first four lessons done over a week. I'm already strong enough in these to move one to things I'm much weaker in, hence time better spent instead of sketching more boxes and lines. Although I enjoy the drills he gives, I disagree with the notion that you should "master" something before moving on. Then again, drawing isn't my job.
Previous thread >>7444221Welcome to /sex/, your general thread dedicated to sexual artworks ranging from simple pinups with exaggerated proportions to explicit pornography. Please feel free to pick your best works in progress or finished work and post it here.>General Rules & Guidelines1) All forms of art styles are welcome and encouraged; submit your work and receive feedback from others.2) Please resize your images below 1000x1000 pixels before posting.3) Share whatever knowledge you can. Please provide references whenever possible.4) Do not be afraid of asking for critique, be specific on what help you need.5) Remember all GB3 related content such as LOLICON, SHOTACON, FURRY and FURRY PORNOGRAPHY along with BESTIALITY are banned on ALL boards, including red boards, except for /b/ and /trash/. DO NOT post that content here.6) DO NOT reply to AI bait posts. Report and hide, then let the janitors and moderators deal with the problem.>Community Resources>>>/ic/courses>>>/ic/artbookComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>7502056page art is done, but... I cant resist adding in funny dialog and sound effectsmaybe something like: slurp, glurp, mlorp, suck, smootch, "mmmf mffm" "dont talk with your mouth full honey". lol maybe "i miss when I was alive and had an actual physical pussy for you to tear apart with that giant cock of yours". lol
>>7502140How about some come hither eyes.
>>7502146this page is done:
>>7495222nice grippers
post your progress over time
>>7500808>How it started>How it's going
Oh hey 4chong is back.
>lolisho thread>also lolisho general>janny deletes softcore loli art I posted herefuck you janny
Been drawing something new every single day, so time spent per image is much lower than before, and I don't consider them finished pieces, only rushed WIPs.
>dont draw porn bro you'll never make it to the big leagues>meanwhile the literal Bruce Timm while still working with DC comics
>>7498912>faggot can't believe there are people that don't want to join him on his degerenate coomer discordseethecopedial8jew
>>7499686These are their names btw.
>>7497762He was already in the big leagues. Didn't give a single fuck either.
>>7498011Zach Hadel, Johnny Ryan, and now this. It'd be easier to find nuBob artists who aren't absolute freaks.
>>7502681I had an ESL stroke, what I meant to say was that it'd be more DIFFICULT to find NuBob artists who aren't absolute freaks
It's retarded. It's meaningless. It takes no skill. Yet I'm captivated by it. And no artists working today seem to do anything like it.
There is a world outside of the internet btw.
>>7502634oh it takes some skill. This is classic big, mid, small composition. They teach it in good design classes.
>>7502646I don't really believe it myself.