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ITT: Post your sona
256 replies and 91 images omitted. Click here to view.
Post your sona, anon
Already did, though mine was just for a bit of trolling.
Lol go get that fat numale ant in your orbiter server to simp more for you, you fragile e-girl. Btw you will never be one of the boys, roastie
Iron know but even the pic was the same
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I usually draw my art-sona as a sign off for my art. Like a full-stop on the end of a sketch sheet. So I made it out of things I really enjoy drawing, as a way to reward myself.

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I made these a month ago on Roblox free draw, sorry it’s not what people will call actual good art but I like it.
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The first today but the second tomorrow
Child that turns into predator
Predator that turns kids into future pedophiles
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Its fine,for what itvis: a character study.,and I would advise drawing the character more to feel comfortable producing her look,and experiment with her look in subsequent undertakings. I have invented several characters for a story that the only criteria is doing "enough" to compel the story along,both artwise and writing. I drew the one with the cornrows and center floppy mohawk specifically for the character, she is a water witch,and being an otter,has affinity with water. So in water, her hair strands balloon out from interwoven pockets of air,and she looks like a man o' war when doing her magic,crest high and tentacles spread menacingly. You should think about such details when you are forging your own OC. The story on a whole is an excuse to write about this time period to carve into stone its history, manners,and customs when the world was markedly different. Exploring panel layouts,rough poses,and laying out foreshadowing for future plot development,with the added challenge of fitting it into the premade panels of the comic diary I am drawing that in.

You have a character. Have her doing things,interacting with her world. This will force you to think all that up,but over time. A little bit of lore is enough per drawing. Let this be your next drawing:

She is sitting by herself at a small table,having tea,with a teapot and matching cup.
That's alot of text for saying to draw the character more and have fun with it
Though your tip with character design is also interesting
What I also like to do is play dress up with a character just to see how suitable they are for freely projecting stuff on
Classic getups I like are stuff like cavemen, wealthy person or just cuter ways of drawing them
mm big fat tittays

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Moai drawing: Continuation thread
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I won't let this thread die until I see at least another 7 or so Maois.
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Did a maoi of myself using my fingers.
Was fun.
Beautiful colors/shapes, I can feel the soul in the atmosphere

Sad moai, hope he feels better

minimal but effective

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Late Edition™

Previous thread: >>7153450

What is /ALT/?
If you're looking for a place to post your cartooning then you've found the right general. This is /ic/s 1st and only merged hub where both Eastern and Western stylization can coexist peacefully, hence the double title.
>Rules & Guidelines
(1) Any form of cartooning is welcome; so submit and receive feedback from others. (2) Please resize your images before posting. (3) Share your knowledge and (4) Remember to not be afraid of asking for critique. Most importantly, keep discussion at a civil level.
>I came for anime. Why does the image OP say cartoons general?
To distinguish from the anime study thread (janitor supported). Please post your studies there and personal work goes here.
>Community Resources
>Tag the OP if you want a resource included here.
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wip I think

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Why is public nudity considered normal in the art world while it is frowned upon in every other part of society?
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what about medicine
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>your learning the human form
and besides prob medical/athletic fields your not likely to get too in detail about noticing others bodies to comment on their physic in detail.
>tangent aside
>but polite society being how it is, ye haw and howdy n' all
Views on public nudity vary by country or region. If you walk across Germany butt-ass naked, significantly fewer people would care than if you tried to walk across the US in your birthday suit.
Most popular anime are rated G in Japan and TV-14 when aired uncut in the US.
Verification not required.
The nude body is pure, eternal, free.
The clothed body is shackled by culture and civilization. A time, a place, a zeitgeist. It represents something much narrower.
No use explaining this to americans though. All they see is coom

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believe it or not, people used to draw like this back in 2007.
No human has ever drawn like that. Fix your shit eye before adressing me again.
>he wasn't born yet
holy crab, ESL-kun. at least be 18 before you post here.
You literally can't tell the difference.
lmao. Stay NGMI /ic/. I bet you have a shitton of AI slop in your likes.
Yuor eyes are fucked if you can't tell from the calves

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Hi /ic/,
Reddit here.
Considering buying some affordable art, and need some honest feedback on how shit my taste is. Some have already sold, but generally speaking, how bad is it?
5 paintings/drawings, and one photograph print.
If it's really shit, tell me why it's shit.
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nah people here are just retarded and think if you can't draw a perfect figure from imagination then you should stick to grinding exercises rather than doing anything else. personally anon I think you should get what you find appealing, analyzing art that you like on a technical level is a fruitless endeavor imo.
Yes you did. Ic is an insane hospital.
really bad
to me, this isn't really art. there's two colors and very little effort here. I don't feel any emotion when seeing this shit. consider, by contrast, a Rothko image; sometimes just two colors - but much more dramatic and emotional. there is nothing here

this has some interesting figure mutation, but there isn't much here. I would say this doesn't go with the other pieces you've selected.

really bad
I simply don't enjoy looking at this and don't understand why you think you do, but whatever - if you like it then good for you. I hope you find meaning in it because it's unlikely it was made with any

this one is fun and interesting. I think the composition is poor, but it's still quite good. this artist has a good understanding of color, depth, and focal points imo

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kys faggot
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every Dead Rising Le Terminal is getting deleted

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>just draw what you like to draw, bro
>if you want to improve, you need to painstakingly study and copy references for hours on end
Okay, which is it? Copying isn't fun.
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Both unironically
You git gud then you draw what you want. Stop being retarded.
I dont get it
Eva tells Wall-E they are gangsters and now they need guns (because that’s what gangsters have). Wall e looks around confused but then finds some broken wood pieces from a nearby fence and discovers “polyguns” which is a play on words.
anyone have the comic of the guy on the bench who can't pet the dog?

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Why ballerinas?
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you know why
Why do you fags have to see evil in everything? Because ballerinas do dynamic poses, and for artists like Degas it's a gold mine.
>Because ballerinas do dynamic poses
it's not the main reason

>see evil in everything

sex and libido
So he kinda liked to see how miserable they are?

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How do you properly learn appealing facial proportions and convincing expressions in regards to anime
/manga styles, and how do you avoid ending up like pic related even if you know your fundies?
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>mistaking demonslayer for bocchi the rock
I want to fuck this flatty demoness so much
You're posting on an anonymous imageboard, you have no business telling anyone here to know their place.
>You're posting on an anonymous imageboard
that I am
>you have no business telling anyone here to know their place
how does this correlate?
>draw a face normally (for your style)
>selection tool different facial features
>squash/stretch, shrink/grow, move around, rotate, etc.
>perfect proportions
your brain will get used to the new proportions and that will be your new style

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ITT: lifehacks for digital drawing
>using the docked view magnifier on windows to gain more precision when detailing without having to zoom in
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>taping paper to your tablet to imitate pen and paper feeling
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>color-picking from photos of traditional media color swatches to get free colors
>adding 0% opacity to both ends of a gradient map to finely control midtones via layers

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Previous Thread: >>7148959

Post your current drawing here and give constructive critique to others! Don't take anything personal!
Please make sure your posted image is clear, downsized to around 1000 pixels wide, rotated to the correct orientation, and that any unused space is cropped.
If you want critique on a drawing from the previous thread, you can delete it there and repost in this one.

>dA /ic/ group :

>/ic/ Resources/Reference/Downloads/Links:

>General resources :

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been churning these out for color practice.
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Digital Redpill Redpill time

You cannot have good lineart with a screenless tablet, you can get near but it will always be a handicap
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buy any usb 2.0 cable, give it to someone who have scredriver and soldering iron, its literary 5 minutes job, desolder socket for connector, and solder in the cables straight to pcb. There you go, gained another 10 years of use from that tablet.
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>Intuos 3 has shit durability
I got mine 2 years ago and it looks brand new, even use the same nib
here is review of screen tablet from designer who was using wacom3 for years of constant work for 13 years, if you dont treat your tablet like zoomer nogger its going to last
I can see the typical pit marks on his Wacom Intuos 3, that's exactly what happens. Maybe if you only use the felt nibs you can avoid that or use an overlay on top of the overlay.
>the artwork is always blocked by the pen
This is the most retarded argument I have ever heard.
Im not seeing any pits on mine, but if someone have heavy hand, just tape old transparent x-ray photo over the surface, it will protect it

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For a lack of better words, I’ve had a genuine struggle over the years to work my way on creating appeal.

I tend to draw a lot of armored female knights, rogues, and sorceresses. But I’m not quite sure whether it’s skill, style, subject, or some other reason, I have never managed to capture the interest of any audience. The only one who shown any interests in my art was my cousin and mother. I know this is the typical story of someone who just needs to “get good” or so to speak, but I felt like I really reached a dead end with this. Is there something else I’m missing?
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>Apologizes for namefagging
>uses name in post

anon.. you're retarded also hope you can find a new job. don't take people on the internet or words too seriously
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Today i saw clip when i draw something like 7 years ago, it was the time when i draw for a whole 2 years, so its like a 8 or 9 years.I actualy dont care how its is,i care about how ultimate sexy and beuty or unique my 2d wifes can be.btw there huge dif between 4 yers ago and now
Appeal isnt your issue, it's little inconsistencies here and there in perspective and anatomy that all add up to make the image unpleasant to look at overall. In this case it's very much not your style, it's a lack of knowledge.
pro-tip: u won't
hit a nerve huh?

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How many hours a day do you practice drawing?
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I don't "practice" drawing. Whenever I draw,it is always to some larger end,a step in the process of creating an exceptional work. Even random doodling is to an end:research and development.
those are some cute feet
I've blown many a load to tweetney
I used to draw for 5+ hours a day, but now I'm lucky if I can do one hour. I get mentally burned out and have to stare at the wall in low power mode for the rest of the day.
that's a man

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