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Hello, this is my first time posting here.
(Actually, I posted another drawing yesterday, but it was removed, and I didn't see anything strange in the rules)
Well, I made this drawing some time ago, colored pencil on A3 paper (420mm x 297mm).
I would like to hear your honest opinions. I intend to dedicate more time to drawing.
I'm also looking for ways to promote my art (if I should... I think so).
>it was removed
Usually posting a whole entire thread for your art is discouraged and it's better to post in a general instead, such as the beg and int general. This is because if everyone made a thread for their art, the board would be overfilled with just that.
It is also discouraged to post using a name here as everyone is anonymous.
As for your drawing, I have no critique, I think it looks nice.
For ways to promote your art, maybe try posting in some Christian subreddits? No clue.
>This is because if everyone made a thread for their art, the board would be overfilled with just that.
Yeah, only bait posters should make their own threads! Fuck Art threads! Retard
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>/ic/ - Artwork/Critique
I posted it right here in /ic/ - Art/Criticism

And I don't focus on Christian art, I like it, but I do other things for example:

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How can I get away with drawing porn of characters who are canonically underage?
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Where have you been during Covid-19?
Normies will jump at any opportunity to bully other people if they can get away with it.
Logic doesn't matter, if it makes them feel morally superior they'll do it.
>They are both 18 years old when this photograph was taken.
Why would you subject yourself to such a brutal mogging?
>They are both 18 years
yea sure...
Have you met a 24yo woman who doesn't drink, doesn't smoke, doesn't do drugs, isn't fat and hasn't had children?
Because I have, and they look like teens.
It's not time itself that wrecks our bodies, but what we do to our bodies in such time.
>muh bots
>muh ai fags
>muh buying followers on X (formerly Twitter)
its cause they're all jorking off at it, duh!!!

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Why does this board hate capeshit and american comics so much? I understand everything post 2000s sucks so much but back then they were pretty strong
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The difference is that nips make stuff like that for a willing audience who wants it, while westoid comics are trying to shove it down everyone's throat as political propaganda.

Nips make cuck porn and hentai with blacks they aren't based at all.
I read and have a lot of comics and manga on my shelves and imho they have an equal ratio of stinkers and thinkers. Good comic bad comic good manga bad manga etc etc. There are Alex Toth runs of Question and then there are Zach Baldus runs in X-Men. Manga is a little more interesting because many books are absolute fuckshit and get better as the artist learns, then there are standout titles like Vagabond which are good cover to cover, and sometimes you get Demon Slayer which is consistently bad.
>Tldr somehow: same shit comes from different asses
You still don't get it.
Japan makes all kinds of shit in all kinds of magazines for all kinds of people.
Jewmerica shoves whatever they're trying to force the goyim to accept into Superman and X-Men then prevents any indie books tying to give people what they actually want from getting to the shelves through a distribution monopoly.
There is a difference between a comic scene making a little of something of everything and if you want it then its there and a duopoly comic group that insists that you WILL only enjoy the product they shovel out or else you're 95% out of luck.

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Come draw funny shit!

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I missed the group, lobby open till xx:30, gonna start then, gartic sesh for any playahs


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also known as "Idk what the fuck to draw so I will just scribble" thread

post your silly doodles that come from your most surface thoughts because we know that head is empty rn and needs some inspiration

(you may also use this as a refuge from the howie threads)
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I just had a lot of meetings in the job yesterday. So this mess ended up born while I was distracting myself.
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I'm really loving these.
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What motivates people to keep posting artwork online?

I have lost the motivation and don't care about the five people that leave a comment or just wants free artwork.

What keeps you motivated anon?
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Mostly as something to look back at to see how much I improved. Also meeting people that like the same shit as I do is nice.
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Finding out....

What Happens Next.
I do this but I never feel like posting online
I only draw fanart, so I post so that fans of the characters I draw will be happy to see art of them.
I'm not 'motivated' to do it I just do I guess. sharing, communicating.

Whats with the hype around bristol board?
This shit is coarse as fuck and doesn’t hold on to graphite for shit.

Pic related is mechanical pencil with 2b 0.5 lead on generic printer paper (top) compared to bristol (bottom).
because you bought the wrong kind
pretty sure people hype up smooth bristol board, not the rough one
bro bought bristol vellum and complained about the tooth . You were that dumbass earlier saying that you thought printer paper is better than bristol board weren't you.
What are you hoping to achieve with bristol board?

If you're looking to ink, then it's a great medium. For pencils? Well, there are better options out there. Smooth bristol board is generally what comic artists use, since it doesn't bleed through. Also it provides a smooth drawing surface.

For something like a mechanical pencil, I wouldn't recommend the vellum you're currently using. The rougher surface benefits more from traditional charcoal, pencils, pastel, etc.

I'd say look for bristol that's smooth, or paper that's hot pressed. If you want something with tooth and a rough texture, then go for vellum or cold-pressed paper.

Who is your favorite artist/ streamer and have you ever considered art streaming?
Also, the most famous art streamer to this day is Bob Ross.
Franklin Booth, Bernie Wrightson, Earl Oliver Hurst, Edward Hopper, Satoshi Kon, Jean Giraud
Hugo Pratt, Adam Adamowicz, Bruce Timm, Peter Chung, Hayao Miyazaki, and Genndy Tartakovsky.

I suck at picking a favorite. I appreciate them all for different reasons. I could probably keep going if I wanted to.

I don't think I'd be a good fit for streaming, I mostly just doodle in 30-40 minute increments, then go on a walk, then come back to continue drawing.

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How many frames should pixel art sprites use for walk cycle animations?
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last thread died >>7422091
didn't get my stuff rated.
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I’m mid int right?
no you're just mid
>basically professional level work
big difference between pro and basically pro
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i'd rate others work but i feel like i'm not good enough to judge others
Way to out yourself as a beg.
That's nowhere near being pro. The technical execution is completely mediocre and nowhere near being marketable.

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It's a pretty generic power fantasy battle shounen with mary sue MCs but it gives shallow lipservice to "deep" philosophical concepts so every twitter shounenkiddie thinks it's the best thing ever made.
>bland as fuck male mc
But Frieren is female? Are you a tranny?
There are 2 types of anime enjoyers: the person who watches anime and the person with untreated mental illness who latches onto an identity. The mentally ill person needs to simultaneously be a victim and a hero and anime used to provide the perfect economy for that. Anime is normiecore now and they just crash out because they can't be outcast by their hobbies. They have always been like this. Look up usenet discussions that talk about 90s anime, they have always "been this way." Conclusion: it isn't about anime, it's about mental illness.
holy ESL
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unironically autistic 1000 year old elf mage who collects magic spells goes on a journey to revisit all the places she went to decades prior with the first real party she joined as she was on a journey to defeat the demon king, but now with two new companions wich are the apprentices of two of her previous party mates which one is also an autistic genius for magic and the other is just a young clueless meat head wanting to fuck the autistic girl because she has enourmous fucking bazoongas while Frieren keeps discovering feelings and shit because she keeps having flashbacks of the previous party and how the hero wanted to fuck her but she was too autistic to notice at that time.
Elves in this world have an incredibly long life span but aren't interested in anything other than what their autism tells them to obsess over. Basically, the ultimate and idealized form of autism.

100 years after the defeat of the demon king, the demon race is still alive and humans think they can coexist with them because they appear and talk like humans and also because of the economy and shit, while Frieren knows they just mimic humans to get near them and eat them.
It's basically the meme of autist < psychopath < normie.

It's a cozy anime about how being passive or obsessing over a single thing can come with regrets and lost loves and friendships, with some peak moments sprinkled here and there, but the story really tries to tearjerk you to no end.

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Am I jaded or are all of the "never stop drawing" posts only made by people who had the talent to begin with?
You never see anyone posting art that didn't have that spark.
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People often dont save their really shitty early stuff.
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was a chart like this really necessary to explain something so easily deducible?
Coomers tend to get bored easily and start looking for harder stuff like druggies. There's way more coom art out there too vs when it was just a guy doing nude pinups on his web page.
For /ic/ this is necessary.

Learn how to draw normally first
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I personally rely on lighting to help sell a mood I'm trying to achieve. The same scene can take on an entirely different vibe simply by changing the color, intensity, and position of the lighting.

Hey /ic/, I need your advice on something that happened.

I was talking to a fairly well-known Twitter artist about a commission. I wanted them to draw Yoru from Chainsaw Man, pointing at the sky while the Statue of Liberty above her was starting to crack, revealing the devil inside. The artist was really nice, professional, and even cracked a few jokes during our conversation. We were getting to know each other, and everything was going well.

At one point, they mentioned that the level of detail I wanted would take a while maybe 2-3 months max since their style is technically and artistically demanding, and they already had a few works in progress. As a joke, I said something like, "Maybe you should start training an AI to emulate your style and just do manual touch-ups for accuracy."

Before that, our replies were pretty fast, almost like a back-and-forth conversation. But after I made that joke, they suddenly stopped responding for nearly 30 minutes. When they finally replied, they just said, "I'll get back to you if I'm available for your request."

I got the feeling I might have offended them, so I apologized and admitted that my joke might have been insensitive. But they haven’t responded since yesterday.

Do you think I really upset them to the point where they won’t take my request, or am I overthinking and they’re just busy? As artists, what do you think I can do to make amends? I’m genuinely feeling so down about this. :(

P.S: I do not support AI "art" and am strongly against it for obvious reasons. I just wanted to make a joke, but I feel it backfired?
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Artists, specially twitter artists are overemotional chirldren with the emotional maturity of a 4 yo. I've dealt with them for over a decade and seen the most retarded things make them go on insane tirades, you can be the only, single NEUTRAL comment on the dozens of replies, saying something like "those lines are very thick" and it'd send them on insane tirades about toxicity and the unfairness of criticism.

Yeah you might have lost your chance, but guess what, there's plenty of fish in the ocean, find another artist.
Its just completely unnatural to receive critique from a stranger in that manor. Its not how humans ordinarily behave. People will search for deeper meaning behind a post like that because of how little sense it makes. Ultimately, they will simply assume you were being a cunt or attempting to draw attention to yourself.
t. artist with the emotional maturity of a 4 yo
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>As a joke, I said something like,
>"Maybe you should start training an AI to emulate your style and just do manual touch-ups for accuracy."
How are you this fucking autistic dude what the hell hahahahahha

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