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How’s the drawing thing going for you, /ic/?
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Nah, it's alright. I'm not from a culturally enriched country so that might do the trick.
It's not alright...you were stripped of a family staple in this modern age. Parental bonding during road trips is something you'll never experience because you had to be quiet for others on a public bus.

It's tragic but I suppose not all countries are like the United States.
>to learn bullshit
Again, you don't have to learn fuck all. You can just sketch and ignore the teachers. No one forces you to pay attention to them. I graduated highschool with a GPA of 3.5/11 (is a weird scale I know) because I just sat in the back and sketched the entire time. Instead of doing homework I taught myself how to paint in photoshop 5.0. I also learned source engine and made my own maps and mods. I never did school work.

Art is a self learning process. Beyond a few basic things you can only learn by practice. You'll learn proportions and anatomy just by observation. The only real thing you can be taught is perspective but the basics can be taught in literally a few hours.
I spend more time gathering references and deciding what to draw, than actually drawing. I haven't drawn in 2 days because I just can't come up with something worth constructing for hours.

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How detailed do you reckon should concept art be? Especially for character specific conceptual art.
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How many frames should pixel art sprites use for walk cycle animations?
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Really digging this one
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what happened here at her neck on top?
how would you fix this?
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When you pretend some literallywho secondary product trumps kubo's own art that I posted, you dumb nigger secondary
Nobody said she's not tan, retard, the claim was
>You made her way too dark
She's dark as fuck
>retarded faggot doesn't realize that they work with kubo and even have characters from his new manga in the game
keep coping nigger
shut the fuck up cunt
calm down
Cope harder, she's darker than literal niggers.

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>0 Thread for people who are interested in OC discussion and sharing. DO NOT post work expecting fills or hoping to get returns.

1. Art trades should be directed to the Verified Art Trade thread.

2. Critiquing designs, lore, and writing of characters and character designing are welcome.

3: Avoid off-topic discussions and DO NOT respond to bait posts.

4: Be sure to thank Drawfrens for their hard work as soon as you can, it's just common courtesy :^)

Previous thread: >>7157864
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Drew this drone conversion girl a while back.

Feel free to draw her or your ocs on the suit or well, make a new suit using this as a base!
this is very pretty!! I love how you drew the eyes. They look sketchy as hell but in a very visually appealing way.

thank you!
I tried making a calculator into a character
Went bad
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Traditional version
Looks neat, but what's the story on em going to be about. The animal in jump/flight suits theme gives me starfox vibes

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Anyone else draw monsters and exotic creatures? I've been tryin to get into it and I've been havin a bitch of a time tryin to draw somethin that don't feel derivative. So far my three big inspirations have been studyin actual animals, Wayne Barlowe's work, Yoshitaka Amano's monster design for Final Fantasy, and the weird shit that Midjourney occasionally spits out that needs work. Any artists or theories on how to approach design would be appreciated. Here's this giant cricket I did, ain't happy with it. Wanna take it further, make it weirder and even more grotesque.
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i do but am not very good at it D:
I'm a beg but I like aaron blaise's videos.
Great job friend! I love drawing monsters and the like! By derivative, do you mean as in inspired by someone else's work, or in thst it too closely resembles a creature from reality? Because i see no problem with having a bit of inspiration!
>Any artists or theories on how to approach design would be appreciated.
Maybe you would find Bogleech's monster reviews useful. He also has a monster universe designed by himself called Mortasheen that you might be able to take inspiration from.
Cool cricket anon. If you want to draw monster animals, as cringe as it may sound you might want to get one of those concept artbooks for the Monster Hunter games. Might get the noggin joggin' for you.

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Post the absolutely least appealing art you've ever seen. I've gotten some real gems in the past.
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This is the final stage of gender-reaffirming surgery

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Show us your projects, big and small!

A project can be anything including but not limited to:
>a manga/comic
>a short animated film
>piece(s) for an art exhibition
>video game assets
>series of illustrations

>What type of project are you working on?

>What inspired you to create this?

>How far are you into your project?

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Those are good pointers. I guess if you keep it simple it shouldn't be too bad then. Guess can just pull from other comics, too.

Thank you so much for answering!
le bomp
Any links for comic book making / study ? Or even recommendations.
Making Comics by Scott McCloud
I second this, hands down the best book on the subject imo

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I made this roulette type drawing challenge based on that mugshot picture that's popular on the internet. I hope we can have a great deal of fun all together.

Let's roooooooooooooolll !!
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You missed.
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wouldn't let me post immediately, so i had to roll a rng. got the burn guy #47.
Nightmare fuel
thank u op, i was having a rough night and needed to just paint some shit to calm the nerves. trad models are boring, this is a fun exercise.
true. as a cop that draws these mugshots on the daily basis, it's all tiresome.

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/trad/ thread. Post your traditional media works.
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what's a decent brand of gouache between winsor, shinhan, holbein, etc? can I mix/match between different brands? and if you had to suggest 7 colors for the most mileage what would they be? like white black, 3 primaries and two extras?
That's pretty cool. Some kind of homage to some of the old school D&D book covers?

I've only tried Holbein's acrylic gouache, not their normal. I will say that based on their AG and acrylic inks, their quality is way higher than anything else I've played with.
Anyway, most people will tell you "get the colors you will use" but I find that advice is shit without someone to talk to about it, because plenty of colors are difficult to mix and doing so can rapidly rack up the costs in both time and wasted paint.

So, anon, what interests you? What do you want to be painting? What moods do you want to convey?

Side note: always ALWAYS check the clearance section of art stores, you never know what will be there.
>Some kind of homage to some of the old school D&D book covers?
Indirectly. I used to play D&D in elementary school and had a set of AD&D trading cards that had all of this cool art. When I started drawing again in 2020, one of my first drawings was a knight pinned down by a dragon. I redid it to see how far I've progressed, but didn't like how the values turned out so I'm doing it again.
>if you had to suggest 7 colors for the most mileage what would they be?
If limited to 7, I'd suggest either
>Warm-Cool Palette
Lemon Yellow, Cadmium Yellow (Med or Deep), Cadmium Red, Quinacridone Magenta, Prussian Blue, Phthalo Blue, Titanium White
>Modified Zorn
Titanium White, Cadmium Yellow Pale, Yellow Ochre, Cadmium Red Light, Alizarin Crimson, Ultramarine Blue, Ivory Black
In either case, you'll want to play around with your selection to understand the gamut you can mix with them. Either suggestion above should work and give you a good range, but you will find some colors are tricky to get to (and if you need a lot of that color, I'd invest in a tube of that color for convenience)
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For that copper look I used green ochre and warm grey, with some light umber.

On this scale, where does /ic/ think cheating begins?
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Using a reference is cheating.
I use MS Paint and an intuos 3, it's closer to the stone age.
When you're no longer creating what you envisioned and just putting together stuff others have made. So in this scale, drawing over 3d models.
it's so funny that photobashing concept artists are seething about AI being just a collaging tool
stop before ai shitter unironically use that as an "argument"

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I haven't posted anything on my Instagram account for 6 months. Now I've decided to take my art account more seriously, but I don't know if it's a good idea to keep using that account or create a new one, as I think I might be suffering from shadowban or something similar. I don't want to invest my effort into something that might not be worth it anymore. Should I create a new account or stick with the one I have and stop thinking about it so much?
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>I think I might be suffering from shadowban or something similar.
you aren't.
>by promote I mean show to more than ~10% of your followers.
they show to a % of your followers and no interaction = dud content and the showing stops. if you reach a threshold of interaction then you get shown to a further & and it continues.
the more content you post the more pieces get shown, and shown to the most likely to interact first. if you post sparingly then the same % of your followers get shown initially but what is their reaction to it?
Instagram is only useful for reels at this point and TikTok does it better.
Using Instagram, Facebook, and threads grants Zuck permission to use your words and images for his slop generator anyways.
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this reminds me i made an "art account" and it took months to get 1,000 followers the only times i would get any is when i made FREE RAFFLES and people reposted my art to win lmao

i made an "alt account" to literally post myself sometimes and rant about things and within a year i had thousands of followers, i stopped drawing and my original art account is now a wasteland literally no one reposts anything unless i bring it up on my main account or draw some shitty sketch doodle and its just people that want me to send nudes
Maybe 3 years ago

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Thoughts on Cara? I’ve started posting a while ago and it’s pretty cool, there isn’t really anything I can critique about it
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Dead platform only worth anything for the usual industry artist circlejerks and clout goblins.
what is even the point of an anti-ai corpodrone website when pretty much all companies are getting into ai now?
AI is turning out to be snakeoil and companies are already starting to divest from it so that doesn't matter.

I use Cara just so I can look at art without aislop popping up. But yeah the UI and features are shit.

But yeah, the owner is a hysterical retard who won't be able to handle it. It's obvious that there were never "a million users" as she claimed, the most popular pieces get only a couple thousand likes tops.
Oh and Caraglaze isn't even up.
It was up at launch but they had to take it down because they severely underestimated the server costs of running it. It's just a custom-made stable diffusion img2img that lightly puts a warping filter derived from various random public domain artists over someone's art. It's noticeable as hell unless you only look at art zoomed out on a tiny phone, damages the colors, etc.
The Glaze people are also grifters, because they don't actually believe in strong IP - they lifted code from other projects and then when people noticed they went closed-source, and also have clearly stated that Nightshade is "an attack" which means - if it actually worked instead of being snake oil - they would have opened themselves to prosecution the moment it actually caused some damage.

shut the fuck up
schizo anon
schizo anon, Japan

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how do you respond to this without sounding mad
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Because the venn diagram of internet debate nerds, incels with no social skills, porn addicts, and lolishitters is 4 concentric circles.
These cretins think they can convince normies that getting horny looking at drawings of kids has nothing to do with seeing the proportions and features of an underage as sexually atractive (lol). They will try to debate them to death without realizing that the moment they position themselves as lolishitters, for any normie, they're below scat or piss drinkers in the social scale, because in their view at least those perverts are not poised to harm anyone.
I understand debating this stuff here because who gives a shit, and personally I don't think is the same as pedophilia, but people openly defending this stuff on social media or using the "Ackchually is ephebophilia, so you're wrong, sir" argument are delusional to a degree that comes close to a metal disorder.
And most of them being alt-right tards is the funniest shit to me.
The fact that you only care about social status reveals that you are an empty husk of a person
lol, seems like I struck a nerve
You legitimately made an argument that boiled down to "this is all people who I see as low status."
I don't know why you think that matters. A good deal of people into hentai (not even loli) don't care about social status hierarchies at all.
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lmao, the dub is going to be ruined 100%. i know
>watching animu with dubs
still, they are already pushing the "ranma is trans" narrative

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