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One thing I never understood about the Loomis method and it drives me crazy is in the books Loomis draws the head as a sphere with it's sides cut off. But all drawing tutorials, and even Loomis himself don't cut the sides of the sphere when it's seen from 3/4 or any other angle. It doesn't make any sense. A sphere doesn't have foreshortening, it doesn't matter from what angle you look at it it's 2D contour is always a perfect circle. But when you cut it's side, with exception of a few angles it makes a huge difference in perspective. Most drawing tutorials and even Loomis just draw a sphere with ovals on it's sides, but if the sphere was actually cut it would look something like this. Also from most tutorials the back of the head isn't cut to give the cranium it's distinct oval shape.
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just... draw... if it looks bad, keep drawing until it looks good, you're overthinking it
There is no such thing as a fake beaner.
Beaner is a state of mind, if you act like one, you are one.

You fucking beaner
But you're brown
link to the video i wanna see you draw
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Imagine getting filtered by loomis

any tattooers here? are you working professionaly or still practicing?
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I should give the division bell another listen. I only liked 1 song from it on the first listen.
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both retarded nigga
just men w tatts dont get babied by society like foids do
rest assured they're just as repulsive
bonus if its some faggy nintendork/sonic shit
what do I care what men have on their skin? I'm not into them.
Either way I'd consider a man with tattoos an idiot or at least vain and unreliable.
It's worse with women, because they are good looking, so they ruin themselves more. The qualities associated with tattoos and the personality required to get one is also even less attractive for females.
I ignore women with tattoos, even as a single man.
Yeah, because I don't date men. I'm not going to marry a man.

It's almost like men and women are different genders.

I also left one of my exes because she got a tattoo on her tits. What a freaking waste of D cups, you're welcome to marry her.
If you meet a big tittied blonde named Cathy in the bay area with a large butterfly on her cans, and some words I cant remember on her hip, offer her some free tats and I'm sure you'll get laid.
because 4chan is 99% male you shit-stirring whore. and straight men don't spend their time looking at other men's bodies.
but yes, rest assured that tattoos look just as stupid on males. every fucking football player has full arm sleeves nowadays. it makes them look trashy and sleazy. it's like watching a game full of drug traffickers plucked straight from brazilian favelas.

>t. XX chromosome haver

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quick rundown? i took a look at his streams and its just brushing colors around - what's so outdated about it?
naturally i've no idea about painting at all, how do I know which source to not learn from?
If I paid for it the last thing I would do is share it with current /ic/ you faggots shouldn't even practice it.
If I paid for it the last thing I would do is share it with current /ic/ you faggots wouldn't even attempt to practice it so see if it was worthwhile, just mock it for being made by a washed up has been, and me for being the retard who brought it.
gonna be some time until the insiders leak the course meantime you can watch this masterpiece while you wait

Is this the first noted existence of an Art E-Celeb A-Log?

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I decided I wanted to get good at drawing figures, so after some looking some things up I found that simplifying the human figure to.. uhh.. boxes? I guess you'd call them? is a good way to draw whatever pose you want. I tried this, and the simplified version looks alright imo, but the figure I drew over the boxes looks really weird.
In all fairness it is a bit of a weird pose in of itself but damn I really screwed something up and I don't even know what.
Any of you can show me what I did wrong and how they would go about it?
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>No one draws like this
>The guy who taught Andrew Loomis
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More than just Loomis btw
cut your nails pls
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The amount of autists whose thought process boils down to
>construction = boxes
staggers me to this day

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Hello and thank you for the new trad thread!
I'm still practicing oils, and trying to work with them every day. I'm studying Albers' color theory and practicing a cleaner workspace so my colors are not as muddy. I prepared my own panels so that I have full control over the size, materials and surface.
I'm really enjoying the alla prima method, this small panel took me ~30 min to paint. Oils have become my favorite medium.
Sure your welcome. Do you paint from live?
Why did you leave out the thread op, esl retard?
So...how does one paint a still life on panel like that?
The guy is selling a course, as far as i know.
Or you can just study the Dutch masters.

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Is it worth getting popular anymore? My patreon failed. Nobody wants my artwork. What should I do now?
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Nta, what cause you to make that conclusion?
black guy as the op picture and reading his replies in thread they emit an aura of zest with attitude. he's abandoned thread or straight up wont answer but he couldn't have made it clearer he's sassalicious.
It's absolutely much harder than it was, say, 8 years ago. Even ignoring AI, there's so much more original art posted on a daily basis that it's easy to get lost in the flood, not to mention that most algorithms (and even people) don't favor promoting low follower accounts, plus nowadays a lot of people consume art by going to boorus, discord groups, and other manner of repost repositories, instead of going to the sources. I've seen reposts of my art on twitter quite literally get tens of thousands, one time even over 100k likes, over the years, but my own twitter account only has a couple hundred followers, with most posts lucky to crack three figure likes. I'm always surprised to see how high some of my art scores on some boorus, or when commissionfags post their comms from me to their account, compared to what I manage when I post my own art to my accounts. At this point I'm convinced that you need to have a piece go viral, from YOUR account, to break through the barrier to start getting actual meaningful followers, both in terms of volume and quality.
My plan is to create a meme account first. then switch to artwork once i have some audience
I do wonder if that experiment where artists were pretending to be repost accounts when posting their own art actually had positive results in terms of engagement vs posting work as your own.

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Ever since I started drawing on my tablet by my computer, I subconsciously have stopped consuming any entertainment on my computer. It just feels like a work computer now. I don't really have fun playing games or watching anime on it. I can only really get myself to binge things on my phone in bed.

Should I have separated my work spaces? But then I'd need 2 PCs.
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>It just feels like a work computer now

A real work computer would have zog surveillance installed by your employer to keylog every stroke and snapshot your screen by the second so you'd think twice tabbing over to youtube.
Well, I’m not exactly a regular person, but I do try to help where I can. The video might have some useful info or context—thought it could be worth checking out. If you’re curious, give it a go!
>keylog every stroke and snapshot your screen by the second
ah, so any computer with windows 11 is a work computer. gotcha.
>watching Anime is part of my work
What's your work?
>any computer with windows 11 is a work computer
Win 11 made me use Linux for the first time after using Windows for almost 2 decades...

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>soles of the feet
>rendering hair
Knowing how to draw these things has been widely devalued by AIslop. I'm so glad I never wasted my time learning
slide thread

im on the verge of killing myself, i need to draw 8-12 hours a day EVERYDAY to improooooooooov,i need to work on comics,i need to make my own game, ineed to learn animation,i need to learn new styles but i just cant focus
reveal ALL your secrets NOW.
how do you stay productive? how do you never get tired of drawing? how do you stay focused? how do you keep going? how have you not killed yourself?

>inb4 go outside ,gym,running,etc
already do all that and i cant focus on art for more than 30 seconds
>inb4 draw something else or whatever you like
i really cant do anything art related,nothing at all, small steps dont help either

some other questions:
Do you have a second monitor? does it really help or ruin productivity?
Do you have an end goal besides just popularity/money/whatever
Do you take supplements/meds to stay mentally healthy/focused?
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Simple as.
Holy shit truthnuke. Saved for my daily motivation
block 4chan on your browser, block every doomscrolling app
you can only 'learn' for 4 hrs a day
or maybe accept that you don't like making art
What happened to Oda Non anyways?
>how do you stay productive? how do you never get tired of drawing? how do you stay focused? how do you keep going? how have you not killed yourself?
Bitch do you drawing is easy? I suffer just as much as you. The secret is simple: just don't give up. Take breaks if you need, but don't give up. Force yourself when needed

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Can AI artists prompt something like this? I suck at drawing and this is the best I could cobble together by applying every crutch I've known
There's an AI thread on /d/ that will gladly generate her with a giant cock for you.

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jokes aside you do draw boxes right??
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Love the use of such limited color palette, my favorite element is got to be the tower on the left (second picture) love the use of stripped logs as supporting beams as well as the stable at the bottom, I never thought about integrating my livestock build into the main house itself
I have a busy work schedule, I wished I had the time to shitpost the way I used to, good thing this board has always been slow as shit
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crazy timing!
okay you didnt ask for this one but im kind of proud of this so here
still unfinished howeverthoughbeit
it's boring as fuck, here's your answer. i don't get how you can make studying perspective fun in any capacity for anyone that isn't hyperautistic
i like the shape not so much the block choise, i feel like the texture is to noisey when used for the roofs
Why would you have to study perspective? What is there to even study? 'Thing get small when go far away' isn't exactly a lot to memorize. Nor is 'line go to point'.

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With all this Khyle controversy i wonder what this other cancelled artist popopoka is doing.

>oh damn
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Yuritroons are that desperate for content
I'm more focused on the story telling aspect, the progression and the message the fiction is trying to deliver.
Not everything is about hentai, you retard.
I wouldn't call the Twitter types we have right now yurifags or fujoshi. Those were around for years and never were a problem. If I had to give a label they'd be lesbianfags, with all the annoying behavior and double standards that come with their dumb flags. Until the anime came out the most popular ship in Dungeon Meshi was Laius and Marcille but you'd be crucified for that now by the modern shippers who insist Marcille and Falin are turbodykes
damn aryan-chan tits are so small, and popopoka looks male. I miss when they were lolis.

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>drawing with family members nearby when your room has no lock
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But you're a sheila, you have no idea how different it is for guys. You won't ever understand it.
What, no, Marielx is the name of my character i use to spread chaos and misery to whatever multiplayer game i go, it grew on me so i put it instead of my name, im a male known as Oscar Armando Ignacio Bartolomeo Reyes de las Casas de Madera de la Copa del Arbol de Furia Perez.
haven seen those in ages i honestly have more respect for avatarfags tho, some of them just post great ref pics or pics that can be taken as style guides
Just keep masturbating until they enter.
They'll learn faster not to intrude that way.
This. It's bound to happen anyways. Make it count.

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Michael Hampton Edition

>Matrix channel


The rutracker search plugin has some nma stuff

/ic/ official torrent

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Thank you very much anon.
Anon, do you have Naoki Saito too?
Doga Kobo animator drill is a rare course that I can't find anywhere but here, not even Telegram.
Where did you get that from? Doga Kobo isn't selling that course anymore, thank you.
>Someone mentioned this course by Doga Kobo a while back.
Anon by a while back you mean half a year.
Thank you very much you're the goat and someone should reupload this course to Telegram or /ic/ torrent so we don't lose it again like picrel.

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I want to draw pretty girls and sex lke the best to ever do it. How fast can i achieve this?
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so how fast could i start drawing some serious shit.
Dude speedran his own life.
>present tense
just fucking stop

goddamn idiot boomers too dumb to see a cardiologist and keeling over before they're even 50
>then you can easily do some fine coom doodles

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