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I want to improve my video game art portfolio.
Should I improve/redraw older paintings, or start new ones from scratch?
Also Is it wrong to improve an old commission, post it, and then erase from my portfolio the older version I was paid to make years ago?
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Thanks man, it's good to come accross advice when so many have this "I shouldn't help my competition" mindset.
Employer here. We're genuinely more interested in things like sketchbooks and older work because it shows us better how you got to where you are and it reveals a lot of your thought process. Trashed more portfolios than I can count because I didn't have a way of seeing someone's older works through a website or Google search.
But what if I only got serious recently and have improved over the last 2 years... after 10 years of Deviantart-tier MSpaint garbage?
You can pick and choose but have some of it on hand.
Your mention of baking games reminded me of a funny story one of tutors told me.
>Studied hard, worked hard
>Built a portfolio of tough dudes with swords, space ships, hot babes, and dragons
>Got his first job at a game studio
>They asked him if he could draw cartoon food
>Dude mindblanked, said "sure", then went home and spent all his free time doing anime food studies for a month while working for the company in other capacities

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What have you been listening to? What genres inspire you while you create? Share some of your tunes here!

Cool mode: Post your work with your tunes!

Even Cooler mode: Post a drawing you made while listening to said tunes!
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Only on the weekends, brother
Hell yes though my personal favorite on that album is Rotten Apple especially because I dated a girl named Yana and used to joke the song sounds like it's singing about her


hey ya na na
innocence is over
hey ya na na
ignorance is spoken


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this shit gets me fucking amped for some reason
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Ty my friend

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Late Edition™

Previous thread: >>7153450

What is /ALT/?
If you're looking for a place to post your cartooning then you've found the right general. This is /ic/s 1st and only merged hub where both Eastern and Western stylization can coexist peacefully, hence the double title.
>Rules & Guidelines
(1) Any form of cartooning is welcome; so submit and receive feedback from others. (2) Please resize your images before posting. (3) Share your knowledge and (4) Remember to not be afraid of asking for critique. Most importantly, keep discussion at a civil level.
>I came for anime. Why does the image OP say cartoons general?
To distinguish from the anime study thread (janitor supported). Please post your studies there and personal work goes here.
>Community Resources
>Tag the OP if you want a resource included here.
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Cool, I added you over on x/twitter. Do you mind if I colour in some of your lineart?
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By refusing to learn anatomy or use reference, I guess I can just call it "stylization"
Sounds better than calling myself lazy.
Thank you anon!

Based, and no, go ahead!
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Just got off of the day job

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Rendering and painting is easily the most neglected topics despite being essential to making polished, finished pieces. Post your work, advice in the form of critiques/ paintovers.

OP is my own work, please critique.
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theres some good ass stuff here anons
this is my second attempt at applying what ive learned about traditional painting in a digital environment, basically i'm not blending anything for now, i'm pretty happy with how its coming together but criticism is welcome, I didn't use reference so it could easily have mistakes everywhere.
your edges are all too soft, mix it up, you can see how razor sharp some of them are in the reference, do the same, and stylize a little bit if you want by simplifying and exaggerating these edge qualities, or outright removing details in some parts, this will help make it feel more 3d.
Any japanese anime rendering book exists?
Why would you want recs for books you can't read? Just watch speedpaints and tutorials.
Nta but the pictures always help and image translate isn't that bad
Although it'd be better if anon had a particular style or artist in mind unless they mean straight generic anime

just made this
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Edgy /prebeg/ slop. Take your oc shite back to deviantart.
Pretty shit anatomy desu
Rubens did it better
You know what? Fuck these guys, keep drawing
Fuck that's hot, do you take commissions?

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Bros what the fuck has happened to me? I stopped drawing due to lack of motivation for like 10 months and I've completely regressed to the point where I cant even draw a circle. I've been trying to get back to where i was at (being able to draw comprehensible image) to a fucking prebeg. should I fucking give up on trying to draw?
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for reference here was where I was at before my "skill" degraded into nothingness.
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You were already bad. You don't practice enough. You didn't "regress", that's just the best you can do. Why do you expect to retain knowledge when you haven't drawn anything for 10 months? All your whining is an insult to people who practice every day. Learn to put in some effort. If you can't draw a circle anymore, crying to us isn't going to make you draw any better. You can either sit down and draw or give up and be a failure. It's not that complicated.

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AI art is a serious threat to human creativity and ingenuity though. Even if its fun, that doesn't mean its good. There's plenty of harmful things that are fun.
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How is AI existing preventing me from taking a pencil and just draw?
What all I ever wanted to do were anime girls?
False image, 1st and 3rd place are the same person
double redeem
3rd is peruvian.
Type "anime girl" into google images, then click your middle mouse and let it scroll down until boredom sets in. If you want to make something more creative and unique than what you see there then you'll be fine.

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Post your average estimates for the below milestones assuming a reasonable art curriculum.

pre/beg/ -> high
high/beg/ -> mid
mid/int/ -> high
high/int/ -> adv

im a little over 18 months in and am low int by this boards standards, curious how much longer until I'm considered decent.

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adv isnt pro (one means working professionally) and you didnt answer the question
okay then having the ability to work professionally
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if youre an adult (younger people take longer to progress)
beg to int ~2 or 3 years less if it comes naturally more if it doesnt
int to adv ~5-10 years
varies more but conventional wisdom would say 10 years to achieve an advanced level
this is also more art style dependent as high art, comic art, manga art, illustrative art, cartoon art, all have different nuances and skill curves
You know what younger people have? Plasticity. I find myself having to unlearn bad habits as I refine my fundamental knowledge.

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>how to filter 90% of people learning art
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lel so weird and quirky XD
I came to GOON
Pyw faggot
Tl;Dr? Or can I get that in a 10 second tiktok?

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You have opportunity to back at time and give yourself an art advice, what it will be?
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Tell him I never had a chance, just don't bother. Nobody will want to see my work despite me trying, just focus on something, anything else.
>just focus on something, anything else.
You'd get the same result at least you failed doing what you wanted to.
I'm just sad I followed volen's advice, I should've listened to ixy instead
What does that even mean?
a comment against perfectionism and how it limits expressiveness

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>this person is ugly therefore i can't draw them
holy ngmi
Ugh fine, "they", are you happy now, ya pro-noun faggot?
Literally mad because bad.
I once had a class where the model was this severely obese white woman with a beard, and I got told off by both the teacher and the model, since they both thought I was being too nice by drawing her slimmer and prettier than she actually was.
You just suck bro lmao

>he was /int/tier at bes-

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It made his art better and successful but didn't compensate for anything else.
This is like the /fit/ meme where a dude gets jacked and is still sad.
Ironically that never caused him problems, being a violent junkie did.
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Shad is unironically the most influential and based artist of our time, fucking Hirst wishes he had Shad's notoriety and staying power.
Why would you hang up literal porn in your room, coomers are fucking weird
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>literal porn
kvetching a little too hard

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I thought it was just some trolling, but it was true. Adobe is capturing your private work in Photoshop, everything you do in the software. And they have been doing this for more than a year in secret.
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This is the only post that matters
Buy an ad, normie subhuman
Get your NormieTube garbage off my site, street shitter.
Fucking Jeeter you're so done, you scammer POS. No one wants your Adobe phishing malware now! I told you so, Didn't I? LMAO!!!! FUCK OFF SHEETER! ADOBE IS OVER PAJIE!
Cs2 is the worst. I would rather use photoshop 5.0 with how it handles brushes and brush size. I'm pretty sure cs2 doesn't have the "pen pressure brush size," checkbox on the top which is a tiny feature but it makes all the difference.

The last solid photoshop release is cs6.

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Do you guys use a screenless tablet or a display tablet?
Want to make the jump to a display one.
>Ask in the general
That shithole is lost.
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Got an used Cintiq 24 Pro for like 1200. I love it like it's my daughter. It's huge so I had to buy a huge desk too. Did not wanted to pay an extra $500 so I just stacked a bunch of books behind it to lift it up to a comfortable angle.
Disable windows ink if you don't want headaches though.
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my cintiq keeps doings this mid stroke, like turning off for a few frames causing a gap in the line
is my pen broken or is it some driver issue?
I had the same issue. I disabled windows ink in the wacom settings(in everything, not just for the drawing program in specific) and it got fixed. It's a bit more awkward to go back to the drawing program when I tab in and out, but now but in exchange now it actually works properly
tried it and it didn't fix it
I have both, but I usually end up using my display tablet. I'll use the screenless if I want to casually sketch without having to move my screened into position.

Screen tablets make you "faster", since you're not having to deal with disconnected coordination between your hands and eyes. They do NOT make you "better".

The factory screen protection layer on my Cintiq 22 had gotten polished down to a glossy sheen in the center of the screen. I ended up removing it and replacing it with a full-on glossy screen protector. Looks crisp but the backlight bleed is even worse now.

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Moai drawing: Continuation thread
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It is a collective exercise. It could be anything. The goal is to draw something. This make the thing easier. The subject is known. all you have to do is to be creative about it.
Handsome rock is good for soul
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