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Where can I find something like Bridgman, but for scenarios?
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it's a twitter zoomer
36 dramatic situations??
copying storyboards? or just pages in comics?
Writing belongs on /lit/, newfag
framed ink? just read comics/watch movies and make notes?

how long do it take to reach this level if your low int?
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about 2 years, nothing about this compositionally is crazy, the thumbnail is very simple, the horse anatomy and pose is also very basic just enough to show it's a horse nothings really defined, could just drop in a horse photo and paint over it to the same effect, the rendering and painting is the strongest part and it's not insane either
Depends how much time you dedicate to practicing.
just paint it?
About 1 to 2 days
Prized Unicorn.
All creatures able to block it, do so.
Damn good card to end a fight.

>mfw trying to apply loomis to anime
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appreciated but I've seen 5 or 6 of this guy's videos and the thumbnails are all clickbait which is especially bad if you can't read moonrunes, can you recommend a particularly good vid from him?
All the professionals I envy and idolize say not to use them so why should I?

Have you seen how much superior Latinos are at emulating manga? They’re practically honorary Asians
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i draw anime with the loomis method
i thought it was standard practice for anime

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Go on construction fags, do your best
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weird dude
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ms paint?
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>>7161488 (self check)
this shit's hard.

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>I can draw very well.
>IQ tests are for sissies. I ve never did one.
NGMI, real artists take IQ test before every drawing session.
>7 years old drama
10 actually
what a bunch of gossiping women
Kek lmao
>gossiping women
y-you too

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what is a good resource on digital color, and color theory as a whole?
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From my experience, color theory does not have that much theoretical knowledge involved. Any video or article about color theory just repeats the same things about hue, value and saturation, the color wheel, primary, secondary and tertiary colors, and that is about it. Once you read about that, I think it is more beneficial to analyze photos and pieces of art you think have good colors and then try to bring their color schemes into your own art. What also helped me was getting out of stereotypical ideas of what color things have to be. Skin is not always peachy orange, depending on the colors surrounding it, it can be yellow, grey, blue, etc and still look right. Black hair often has tints of red and blue.
I think any artist can benefit from just paying more attention to the colors around them. So when you see a really pretty sunny street, think "What colors do I see? Why do they work so well together? Are there any colors that I wouldn't expect?"
you first
Marco Bucci has some great vids and courses on it
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david hornung color. read it, do the exercises

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How has your art evolved and changed overtime?
Are you currently happy with it or not?
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Yes and am very happy with it. I really wanted to be able to draw in this one certain weeb style for a long while. Over time by copying shit left and right I kinda got the hang of it and I can do it without reference with almost any character. Sfw, nsfw. Comic. Etc. Took a long fucking while but in the end feelsgoodman.
I'm a retard and misread question. It was not just a yes or no. But idk how to answer it anyway.
It changed somewhat. Very slowly tho.
I have two redraw challenges that I use to keep track of my progress but has been 2-3 years since Ive done a new entry to them
I liked both
my art used to suck, it still sucks but it sucks less than it did before so i am happy that i'm not stagnating
i could have improved faster but studying is boring while finding a cool image and copying it by hallucinating construction lines is more fun

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>get off from work (corpocuck job)
>too tired to draw
i thought it was just a meme but now i understand, this is awful
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>be me
>work in construction
>moving heavy shit 8 hours a day with a 30 minute lunch pause
>coming home from work
>go to kickbox
>come home
>1 hour minimum of drawing
you have no excuses, it's the damn internet algorithm that is frying our brains.
Just close the tech and pick yourself up from your table, start drawing,just let the pen do whatever, eventually you will feel in a mood to draw, it's even kind of relaxing, it just takes mental fortitude.
This is why artists have always been vagrants and wanderers who lived on the peripheries. Bohemians and counter culture weirdos, poor people, etc. Live light and only do the bare minimum to stay fed and have a room to sleep in. You don't need most modern amenities or entertainment, they are largely distractions for plebs to escape from their discomfort of their own skin anyway.
>There's been studies that have shown there's a cut off point for learning optimization somewhere around 2.5 to 4 hours.

that's cool, yeah that 1 buzzfeed study that 1 time, but in practice it's alot different, art progression doesn't work the same way, you could draw 8 hours and finally get a good piece have a breakthrough that's happened to me a ton of times. & it's not as though we are studying or learning and pushing ourselves that entire 4 hours of drawing, we're just drawing and painting most of the time repeating shit we've already done.
also no one in the top % of anything is doing it for 4 hours a day, so there's no argument.
It's not the physical toll, it's the mental and spiritual damage. I've been in offices pushing paper and I've been outdoors doing physical labor and I'd pick the latter everytime. Office work has a way of crushing the individuality and artistic curiosity out of you that's hard to explain.

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How the hell do you use these things?
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get an armature 9
You don't. These mannequins are more a decorative piece than an actual artist tool. You're better off getting one of those fancy anime action figures or a stickybones as shown in >>7158578
I have anime mannequin, but it seems useless to me, because it’s a struggle to get natural pose. and it will only look good from one angle. it’s much better to find photo reference of a real person, then the pose will make sense.
It's mostly to understand foreshortening from different angles. You can pose it and see how certain body parts look foreshortened and where they are in space. Definitely not useless. A lot of people mistake it as a figure drawing reference, which it is not.

I use this thing though: >>7158056 which is good enough that it can inspire ideas. Usually what I do is I imagine a scene from nothing, then use the Sticky Bones puppet and recreate the pose. Then I look at it from different angles and many times I improve on my idea by seeing more interesting perspectives and/or making slight adjustments to the pose.
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The ones I have I only really use for proportion or even basic shading/lighting guides. As for posing they’re trash and I’d just use an action figure instead

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I drew a lot yesterday and now my thumb hurts.
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Stop death gripping your pencil like as if you were gooning and hold it more easy on your hand. The right finger position gives all the stability you need without pressing down like your clinging on to dear life
Also of you feel your wrist hurting take a short break as well
Try holding it like a fag your about to smoke
Try either bigger or thicker pencils then if your not used to handling smol items
>retarded grip

aah I see the problem
You gotta take breaks and do some stretches my nigga

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post your best cube, if you haven't mastered the cube you will never be a good artist
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should have posted the goycube
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I thinks i might have fucking parkinson's

the video made sense to me but his work is still permabeg tier
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I can’t put my finger on why I don’t find this art particular impressive or pleasant. Does anyone know what would make it better?
I don't think he looks at reality enough. He seems to design things from a limited visual library (maybe because he doesn't like to 'copy',) and so everything he makes seems inbred in a weird way, or somehow generic.
I think he leans too hard on the shape design to carry characters especially. There's a distinct lack of interesting accessories, details, and function. It's all just kind of superficial, pointy candy.
the horns are too try hard i think
Tezuka was inspired by Disney you kind of sound full of shit
Lets be real Disney and his artists are not of the same stock as modern western artists.
Would a Tezuka born in the 2010s have made Astro Boy thanks to Bluey?

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>Artist has posts having as high as 1k likes, while others are as low as 20 despite them all being the same in technical quality
How does this happen?
Pic unrel
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>TFW recent drawings of my OC perform just as well, if not better than my fotm fanart
It's both great and kinda weird.
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How about your friend draw a sexy Makima?
Git gud scrub.
>drawings of my OC perform just as well, if not better than my fotm fanart
It just means that your fotm fanart is shit.
Was it coom?
Jesus Christ, what's up with this board not understanding that technical quality in social media doesn't matter? Were you born yesterday? Did you never hear the word algorithm before? Luck is 90% of why certain posts makes bigger numbers than others, shove it in your head. Youtube is maybe the most "meritocratic" one, but thumbnail click rate is more important than content for the success of a video, and the shift towards tiktok type of videos makes luck even more important, why do you think the video of a girl making silly faces is the most liked despite actually being some good content out there? It's always been like this, face reality.

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Is learning to draw while attending uni possible enough?
Assuming I sacrifice all my other hobbies outside of it and studying btw
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you sound like a retard so probably no
yes, I do it. I always draw late in the evening, for around 1.5 hours, every day.
besides, anything is possible, just stop wasting time, there is never an excuse except if you are a third worlder or something
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Depends on how much time you have to spend,and how often you can use it. I tried spending my hour between classes at the library, and did two pictures from photoa I found in old issues of National Geographic, and when I had more time, I did this one sitting in the lobby of the student union building. A sketchbook and a few pens can make odd moments profitable, but I would look no further than the entertainment the process of drawing gives you,damn the actual results. Its a game between your pen and raw chaos of the blank expanse that to play is to do nothing but win.
What you draw now will make the next one better.
>except if you are a third worlder
It's over...
What about your friends? You shouldn't neglect hanging out with your friends every day.

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Be specific if you request something: post the cover, book's title, artist's name...
Please be patient, board is slow, someone may answer you a week later.
Please search in the thread and links below before asking for something, it may well already be there.

Unencoded links are frequent targets for trolls and bots!

>Thread recap file, updated 09-APR-2024


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remember to always onion skin your DL links. there's few known URL scrappers that might be use to report it down ran by some pl*bbitor
I found scans on a discord.
might be cool, thanks
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New thread:

It really is a good cleanser for artblock, just a good read all around
Glad it's helping you anon

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