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Show us your projects, big and small!

A project can be anything including but not limited to:
>a manga/comic
>a short animated film
>piece(s) for an art exhibition
>video game assets
>series of illustrations

>What type of project are you working on?

>What inspired you to create this?

>How far are you into your project?

>Any previous projects?

>Any social media?

>Would you like to receive feedback/criticism?

Per usual, don't respond to bait and simply report/ignore anything that isn't conducive to drawing.

Previous Thread: >>7208201
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Questionnaire for returning users:
>How much progress have you made since your last update?

>Are you satisfied with your progress?

>Have you learned anything new since starting your project? If so, what?

>Any general wisdom or thoughts about your journey?

>Any social media?
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>How much progress have you made since your last update?
I'm now at 139 pages out of 19X pages completed.
>Are you satisfied with your progress?
Can always wish for faster, but the last chapter landed surprisingly well with the readers and I feel like the quality's significantly improving as I go, so the strategy of slow-and-steady seems to be going well.
>Have you learned anything new since starting your project? If so, what?
Yeah, Izayoi Seishin is on a whole other level. I've been using his work as ref for drawing hair and can't even get it close to his stuff. It's crazy how far ahead of me a master like that is.
>Any general wisdom or thoughts about your journey?
I can't speak for everyone but I find it so much easier to draw my own stories than somebody else's. Even when the stories aren't really what I want to do, I find it much easier to motivate myself to draw it compared to drawing somebody else's story for pay. I guess money's just a poor motivator for me.
>Any social media?
Great last thread everybody, it's always nice to see what other people are making. Also surprised by how many gamechads are on this board, really cool stuff. Keeps the dream alive!

I'll start:
>How much progress have you made since your last update?
Since my first post back in June I've made 7 videos (yay), but since my last update in October, I've just been working on my next video (was traveling and then got sick so it's been taking a while) Had a more ambitious video I was planning on finishing this year but I decided to keep it on the back burner while I farm more gains. It's a good song so I don't wanna waste it
>Are you satisfied with your progress?
Yes I think so! I like the amount that I've been producing but on the other hand I don't want to get too comfortable and start coasting.
>Have you learned anything new since starting your project? If so, what?
Always learning more After Effects tricks, happy to finally find out how the 3d camera works.
>Any general wisdom or thoughts about your journey?
always be shilling
>Any social media?
Bluesky and X: BriBriMeese
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This'll be the last time I'll be promoting my stuff for at least the next couple weeks. Hope the thread doesn't die
>What type of project are you working on?
Animated series with Musical Elements called Future Faith. It's about Angels and Demons in the future playing spiritual tug of war with a Middle Schooler
>What inspired you to create this?
Well, I'm a Christian who's felt pushed to make something. Been disappointed by Christian media as a whole. I love anything under the techno umbrella like French House, Chiptune, and Pop
Animation wise lot of stuff from childhood. My Life as A Teenage Robot, Adventure Time, Sonic, Kingdom Hearts, FLCL, and Superman to name a few
>How far are you into your project?
Been developing this for almost 3 years now, but production on episode one's been happening since January this year. I have a personal deadline but I'm not publicly announcing when, since I don't wanna jinx myself
>Any previous projects?
My College Short Film "Ultra Maiden"
>How much progress have you made since your last update?
Been working on shot 19/26 for 2 weeks now. Can't say too much but I'm in talks to hire someone
>Are you satisfied with your progress?
Barely, animation takes forever.
>Have you learned anything new since starting your project? If so, what?
3 seconds of animation can be easy or hard depending on the scope
>Any general wisdom or thoughts about your journey?
I highly recommend learning about project management pipelines for animation. It's been a lifesaver for me
>Any social media?
>Would you like to receive feedback/criticism?
Any questions involving plot, worldbuilding, ideas, and characters would be highly appreciated
damn bro i hope you make it and go far.
interesting premise to bring Christian themes into the future, i like that a lot. i feel like most media delves into the past, especially when the bible is involved, and religion being so old. so its very refreshing to see!
also your inspiration for the project (being disappointed by Christian media) is real... kek

i love the style of your animation a lot too, how you use blender for the 3d type backgrounds. i can definitely see some 2000s animation inspiration shining through. the character designs are top notch too

some questions:
are you just releasing on youtube?

how did angels and the fallen come to be on earth? have they always been living like regular people on earth, or did something happen for them to be on earth?

is there gonna be many action sequences or is it slice of life?
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Thanks man
>interesting premise to bring Christian themes into the future, i like that a lot. i feel like most media delves into the past, especially when the bible is involved, and religion being so old.
Yeah dude, you've read my mind. So much western Christian stuff is either ancient Middle East or contemporary to the time it's created.
>are you just releasing on youtube?
It'll be on tiktok, Newgrounds, and Instagram as well. Because it's within a 1-2 minute time frame, but also because youtube sucks at promoting animation channels below a thousand subs
>how did angels and the fallen come to be on earth? have they always been living like regular people on earth, or did something happen for them to be on earth?
Risen (Angels) and Fallen (Demons) exist in the same way the abrahamic Bible does, they're creatures that enter into the human realm in many ways either invisibly or taking on the form of something familiar. My story diverges with more of a military approach. Each Risen has a mission and has to come to Earth to solve it. They either shapeshift into a familiar human so they can directly interact, or they'll take on a "hero" form which only people relevant to their mission might see.
Fallen on the other hand live on Earth fully, it's pretty much their prison. Because they rebelled they're stuck and despite having some power, they have to walk alongside humans, looking way more human than angelic. A bittersweet curse
>is there gonna be many action sequences or is it slice of life?
I can't spoil the story, but there's gonna be an upward trajectory. It's gonna be mostly slice of life, and then there's gonna be more and more action close to the stories end. Because I need to improve my action animation skills and also cuz I have to limit the scope to something low budget for now
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huh i didn't realize i made it to op here. i'm pretty honoured even though the grammar slip up was pretty embarrassing in that photo
>How much progress have you made since your last update?
i feel like i've made a decent amount
>Are you satisfied with your progress?
i guess so but i feel like i could have done a lot more
>Have you learned anything new since starting your project? If so, what?
a lot of things. this is my first attempt at things like sound effect creation, pixel art and sprite animation, among other things. i think what i need to work on most is larger scale animation, battle animations for example. though i've come a good distance with it
>Any general wisdom or thoughts about your journey?
not really. only thing i'd like to add is that i wish i did far more planning than i did in the beginning
>Any social media?
i occasionally update https://undertheblazingsun.neocities.org/ with progress but i've been lazy with it recently
>this is my first attempt at things like sound effect creation, pixel art and sprite animation, among other things.
Looks amazing, anon. Cool site too!
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>What type of project are you working on?
I make handcrafted stories of my character's days in the military. Some have called them pseudo-comics. I've been drawing them for the past month daily-ish.
>What inspired you to create this?
It's fun to draw my character and I want to tell various stories. I think having something I like drawing is good way to improve.
>How far are you into your project?
I'll keep doing this as long as I think it's fun. I sometimes I scan my doodles and make them into proper comic strips. I don't really know what direction I should take my project.
>Any previous projects?
>Any social media?
I post my drawings on pixiv sometimes
>Would you like to receive feedback/criticism?
yes :D
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>Looks amazing, anon. Cool site too!
thank you. i've gotta update the website more often. i usually forget to do it
i have a lot of these overworld sprites that i need to update. some of them i haven't even touched since making them so there's a lot of revision to do
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For a long time I've been working on a poetic epic inspired by medieval literature and only recently got a pen display in the hopes of drawing events from it and, if bold enough, to make it into s simple video game.
>What inspired you to create this?
I love poetry and want to create something that is both universal in message and themes but very specifically about what life is like for the people who live in my time and of our turmoil.
>How far are you into your project?
The outline of the story is complete and many versions of verse exist but usually only stopping at about a few hundred lines until I try another format. I also have plenty of reference pictures and moodboards.
>Would you like to receive feedback/criticism?
I would especially like if the usage of alternative spelling is too heavy-handed, one of the main themes of the Songs of the Otherlings is otherization and discrimination and, in order to otherize the narration from the ready, I changed the spelling of a few words to push that point. I would also really love to get better at perspective, I only got back into drawing after a hiatus since 2017 a few days ago. If anyone is interested in reading some of the verse I can post a snippet.

note: If you think you know what the story is about and what the imagery represents based on this sketch I guarantee that you are wrong, it's meant to be misleading.
Very cute! Those guns look really good too
Well good job, I'm definitely mislead
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i have a lot of these to make
i might still need to make changes to the second one. things look off with it
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>How much progress have you made since your last update?
Don't actually remember where I was the last time, but I've finished the first part of my VN.
>Are you satisfied with your progress?
Yes! It's a long way to go, but I feel like I'm finally settling into some kind of workflow.
>Have you learned anything new since starting your project? If so, what?
A ton. Coding and writing are both new to me, so there's really so much I could talk about.
>Any general wisdom or thoughts about your journey?
I personally found that setting strict goals/deadlines for myself doesn't really help. For a personal project, I think it's fine to just take it one day at a time with a reasonable pace.
>Any social media?
X, Bsky: pedeS1ayer

Cool stuff, anon! Will be keeping an eye on this.
Good luck with the project; you've really picked a good subject matter with a great variety of things and situations to draw!
I don't know if this is the right thread to post this in, but I couldn't find anywhere else that really fit. I've dabbled in gamedev off and on for a long time, and I'm really itching to finally carry a project through from beginning to end, but I don't know any artists. If anyone is looking for a project to jump into, I've got an idea for one of those tile-matching puzzle games that I think will sell decently enough to make it worth the time.

I'm an engineer by trade, and I've been a programmer since I was a teenager. Compared to the tetris clones I was writing at 16 years old, a tile-matching puzzle should be (relatively, anyway) pretty uncomplicated for 31-year-old successful engineer me. I've also written a few chunks of game engine tooling along the way.

If you're interested, shoot me an email, and let's talk about how we can collaborate:
>How much progress have you made since your last update?
I think I uploaded 2 chapters or so, I went on a small hiatus on november, and just returned a few days ago with a new chapter.

>Are you satisfied with your progress?
Yes, I think I'm slowly improving. This project is meant to help me learn how to make comics, and I think it's doing the job. Improving my art isn't the only goal, I'm also working on learning how to tell a story, improving my english so the dialogue feels less clunky, learning how to interact with readers, and trying to have more presence on social media (this one being the hardest for me).
Slow and steady, I think I've made some progress

>Have you learned anything new since starting your project? If so, what?
Lots of tricks to speed up the process, like using sims2 to get reference for backgrounds or 3d models; I learned how to organize my layers (the first episodes were hellish because I all the layers were named "newlayer23289" or similar)

>Any social media?
@gonzalo_wvb on twitter

I update my comic here
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forgot to add pic, here are the first panels of the latest chapter
very atmospheric, I like it
Very pretty backgrounds!
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>What type of project are you working on?
comic based on a LLM script
>What inspired you to create this?
I was looking for an open project to work on for a long time, to get better at drawing. Initially, I tried to just, draw every day, but having to think up something to do every time made it a lot harder to be consistently drawing. Because the impetus for my wanting to become good at drawing is eventually working on stories from my dream log, I tried really hard to draft up short stories off the top of my head. But soon thereafter, I would become fond of these and had to start over from scratch until I could type up something that I wouldn't mind it if I messed it up. A retarded language model called Talk To Transformer was the answer. I definitely won't care if I mess that up.
>How far are you into your project?
Page length varies wildly as I try to figure out the optimal form, but, I am at page 6.
>Any previous projects?
Various Paintings I dreamt up over time.
>Any social media?
imgur: https://imgur.com/user/grumpyolman/posts
artstation: https://www.artstation.com/the_cringe
>Would you like to receive feedback/criticism?
Yes. I know very little about comic books. I have read very few, because I don't particularly like the medium, but I am no writer, so a comic appears to be my best bet, considering my set of skills.
>Have you learned anything new since starting your project? If so, what?
An anon in the last thread told me my composition sucked, and I agree! Although I had thought about this at the outset, something made me forget and I just robotically kept shoving drawings into each page one on top of the other with very little thought. I am a beginner at it and would welcome criticism.
holiday bump

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