I don't get it. How the fuck do you make eyes point in and focus in the correct direction?There's not a lot on this subject, and it's especially hard if the head is at an angle
you do not understand 3d form. draw a box or something idk
>>7437673I understand they're elliptical, and you could probably think of it like perspective convergence, but it still just seems like they're never the correct distance apart. Plus the curvature of the face
>>7437671Push the pupils back, study the Temple of Notch map
>>7437671Those are symbol eyes. They’re not forms wrapping around anything substantial
>>7437723Yea sure whatever you say
>>7437679???The OP pic looks fine unless you mean your own attempt. Pos your work so I can help you.
>>7437738So you can tell me to kill myself and stop drawing?
>>7437723Stupid fuck.
>>7437760No, so I can tell what's the perspetive you are having. Geez.
>>7437760>>7437774But if it bother you so much do a new drawing and only post it here. so even if other anons insult you nobody will link it to you.
>>7437777It's fine. I just think it's a general failing of mine to be able to read line angle, perspective, proportion. Like the further eye is going to obviously be less wide, the degree of the further iris's ellipse is going to be less. I'm terrible with cylinders, and I can't even make sure they're at the same angle.
>>7437805And of course, the ratio of one pupil to the other is just never correct. Always at least a little bit off.
>>7437805This nigga would rather give up on the problem he asked for help on than post an example of his work.
>>7437832>implying they draw
>>7437832Even if I just did two circles it would turn into personal attacks
>>7437671I hate drawing eyes so god damn much
>>7437832this board is 80% populated by bots at this point, mining questions and answers to create a simulated board experiencewe may already be there
>>7438704It's just a general perspective/proportion/measurement struggle. But I think I figured out that I really just have to make them point inward more, even if it's hard to imagine when the face is at an angle