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to use as reference every once in a while, specially the shading.

Do you think it's good enough? i feel it's a bit crude and would've liked to give more definition to the muscles around the back but the day ended and i had more stuff to do
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There is one way to find out. Just try sculpting. Take same clay or cheap plasticine and anatomy book.
It's a bit rough but I think it's useable.
I will make a man later
we keep our multis on the same side of the desk

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How do I reach this skill level realistically
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it's like boomers discovered memes
>monster girl
By practicing you stupid motherfucker
Muscle Ear Man in the background is killing me
okay alex

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>put in dozens if hours into learning fundies and rendering
>only draw anime characters posing in voids
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how do you know someone who *only* draws "anime character posing in voids" had put dozen of hours into fundamentals? and what fundamentals specifically?
basic anatomy and perspective
I like drawing
well you see my nigga jucari

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If you are a /int/ermediate or /beg/inner in art, please use this thread to post pieces for critique or ask for advice.
Please stop replying to crabs, nodraws and howies and instead focus on posted works!

Completed: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uwaXKU7ev6Tw_or__o8ARpUb6r2rCZYJGqwSFV9AD98
New collaborative: https://hackmd.io/UMnZVhNITW-T2wZpHw6d0Q
w/ic/i: https://sites.google.com/site/ourwici/
Hardcore: https://hackmd.io/7k0XRnIQR6SValR77TDfZw?view

>WHERE to get study materials

>Want to practice figures?

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my lineart skills pretty noobish, even not want to render this one properly ( *ノ ゚ー゚)ノ
You are far better of going to >>>/ic/dsg for this kind of exercises, it's a far slower general but it's actually focussed in stuff from dynamic sketching and technical drawing.

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Is it wise to make your art look less anime to avoid being called a weeb? I study fundamentals and draw from life often too, but the association with the current day anime community and other weirdos just makes me sick to think about
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As long as you don't draw lolis nobody will think you're a creep. Anime is generally widely accepted now, but everybody gives lolis the sideye.
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Gabe thread

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So what happened to Procreate Dreams? It was shilled 24/7 and supposed to revolutionize animation and jumpstart an animation renaissance, then it just fell off the radar completely like 2 days after release
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I wanted to use it, but I couldn't get over it not having a lasso tool. Not sure if that's still the case but I haven't touched it since I bought it
>he doesn't have an Apple iPad Pro with an Apple Pencil Pro
way to out yourself as a chad artist
2-3 generation old pc parts are cheap as fuck and remain fully capable of running photoshop. It wouldn't surprise me if a screen display was a larger chunk of the budget than the computer.
not him or shilling for apple, but I'd rather kill myself than use a 60hz screen ever again, let alone for 12 hours a day I stare at one on average
I had to use a laptop recently and I felt my eyes rotting in real time
the ppi and refresh rate alone make an ipad pro worth every cent imo and the only alternatives i've looked into are expensive as fuck in comparison
It was Another Day

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Fundamentals are BULLSHIT.
Nobody cares how "good" your art is by the arbitrary standards of pretentious tryhard jackasses.
All they care about is SOVL.
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When I evaluate another's art,I think first of what market it would be appropriate for.
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Pic related has 2m subs, why dont you have 2m subs?
What even are those pencils, bro didn't use any of them

I do not need 2 mil tards.
fuck you bump

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I'd say at a given week, i do probably fifteen minutes of actual, real practice.
>Well now anon, would you be a good sport and indulge us- and just, tell us a bit more?
Oh yeah, let me tell you something about Loomis.

The thing is /ic/, it's not that i'm lazy, it's just that i don't care. Now, if i work my ass off, and grind and grind, i don't see a single gain, so where's the motivation?
And there's something else, /ic/. I'm posting my work in eight different threads right now.
>Beg your pardon?
Eight threads.
Eight, /ic/. Now that means, if i make a mistake, i have eight different threads worth of anons coming by to tell me about it.
That's my only real motivation, is not to be hassled. That and the fear of Not Making It, but you know what /ic/? That'll only someone make someone work hard enough not to drop off completely.
>Bear with me for just a second here.
>What if, and believe me, this is a hypothetical- but, what if you were promised some sort of uh, i don't know, guaranteed gain, an ability to take pleasure in the process itself, would that do anything for you?

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i may never go back to cross-hatching. you guys got tips???
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Skip the book and just look at his time lapse YouTube videos. But whatever you do, don't look into his personality. He's cringe and off putting.
I always wonder how people do these LONG hatch lines in such clean strokes.
If anything doing it with a pen is easier.
Like I said, just watch the video...

Short answer, rotate the paper.
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crosshatching is real tough shit but if there's something I noticed from way better artists than me (>>7235644 >>7237402) is that they don't use it that much, regular hatching and shapes of flat black are way more important, especially if you're rendering something that is meant to be smooth like female ass you'd probably don't want to use it, hatching is good for showing form, it tells the viewer which way the slope is going, if you add other sets of lines you're kinda muddling that information while also adding texture which again isn't ideal for female forms.
the drawing is real good, especially the way you rendered the hair, I would've ditched the crosshatching and added a screentone digitally, maybe that would've worked a bit better

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is this a fucking joke?
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>picasso had no fundamentals, not a single of his work look realistic=good

oh shut up, retard
>picasso predicted woke robocop sequels
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I'll give you some credit for appreciating klimt BUT Klimt has far less variety than Picasso, by far. I love klimt, I've seen pic related irl and it moved me, even inspired me a lot to continue drawing to this day.

An artists measure of success should be in their fulfillment of their vision, and if they are committed the world will bend towards their vision. You can "hype up" bullshit for a lifetime, but it becomes clear after the zeitgeist has faded who truly stands the test of time. People gravitate towards authenticity in all fields and while there is an entire world of modern art that can be easily ignored as money laundering, paintings, when you see them in person, and see the individual brushstrokes, it either resonates with you as an artist or it doesn't. All my idols are more or less dead, but when I see a good painting in a museum, I just suddenly understand why I am here: to ultimately motivate the next generation when I'm long gone, and who knows, maybe some kid in the future will be calling you overrated on some image board.
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This was also in the same museum, probably nothing special to most people, but to me its perfect aesthetics.

Been drawing every day for 20 years.

I still get called a /beg/

You will never make it if you don't have art talent.
Yes, cris, now go back to making your game nobody will play.

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Draw this cat in your style and let's see if you can capture its appeal
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this aint a study thread
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I think the eyes are kinda asymmetrical and i basically never shade and the contrast is messed up but heres a kitteh.
damn, maybe i should experience lsd induced psychosis...
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>I am always incredibly thankful and excited to receive fanart, so here are some guidelines for convenience's sake!
do safehorny american artist really
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lel, didn't realize there are no lolis on the list
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Let's do a little troll...
>No Futanari
>No Yuri
Wtf based?
Book even says 'How to have sexual affairs with your students'

Clip Studio is doing a Humble Bundle with a lot of extra shit.
Worth it?

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Can anybody here who has used both cracked and uncracked say if there is a noticeable difference in processing speed? Apparently, the cracked version lags because of the way the crack works.
Would like to know this as well, i currently have 1.something pro ex ver installed and wanted to install the free 2.0 ver at the same time for color mixing features without messing up the store downloading.
If it was Ex I'd say yes, but only giving Pro is a jew move

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I wanted to do some sketches
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If you're interested.

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