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How does this board feel about abstract art. I’ve grown to hate art that looks like or try’s to look like reality when we have photography to do that. Hyperealism I hate the most, literaly the artist has to make zero create decisions. Even though normies fall over themselves on Reddit gasping how amazing a guy who paints a picture of The Rock and takes a fucking month to do it.
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This one is pretty, I wound't call it abstract more like impressionistic, you can clearly see it's a lil European coastal town
These on the otherhand were made by nigger hands
That doesn't seem like abstract art. You can clearly tell that that's a lighthouse on an island.
That's not abstract, despite at the lines and stuff. More impressionism.
>it must look like an identifiable thing to my peanut brain or it's bad
You should like Kandinsky, he was drawing microbial life
No interest in making it but I appreciate those seeking the boundries of representation so I can leverage their discoveries into my more traditional work

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Wait a minute.
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>drawing over figure
>using loomis head on the figure
>select tool to move things around after

wtf is drawing even, I'm so tired of building and carving and sculpting forms. I just want to shit out lines like KJG.
youre so fucking retarded anon, pyw
link to the model?
What if these models were originally intended for mangaka with arthritis/disabilities and the mangaka poses the model and the assistant draws the character over the model? The whole "time saving" thing was meant to really mean saving time for the artist to allow them to mock up things using only a mouse so that they can rest their hand while the assistant picks up the slack maybe.
What is one free way to do this? This actually looks smart for intricate poses and camera angles etc.

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My eyes are broken now.
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How long does it takes you guys to paint your stuff?

Good thread frens.
Rest in power.

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>tomorrow i'll play that videogame i've been meaning to finish for a year now
>wake up and draw all day
How do cure this addiction?
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The solution is breaks, anon.
I don't mean anything hardcore, just try, perhaps 3 or 4 times a day, to get away from the computer and do nothing cerebral for 20 minutes.

Do the dishes, walk the dog, stare at the ceiling, take a nap.
Spending uninterrupted hours with a focused gaze on your screen makes your brain always operate in the same gear, but by dilating your gaze by not being in the computer your mind shifts gears and this dynamism is what gets you actually wanting to do something other than scrool.
When my commute was a leisurely stroll down a hill with a scenic view of NYC,and a 10 minute bus ride home,I did start the workday with a bowlful of marijuana and Quake 2 death match to get my coffee circulating. Then draw for a few hours,shower eat and bed. Now I wake up at 5:15 PM to take 2 buses and hopefully a third to work at 10,and I usually get there at 7:30. I eat my breakfast, and spend the next hour and a half face down on a table in the breakroom until the shift starts. I think that I won't buy another PC game anytime soon. No time for them. I will watch others play the new stuff and when I run dry of weed and it's my night off, I will play one of the old games again.
Cope and seethe
look up spoon theory. Some people are just born with more spoons than others. If I even THINK about drawing, my eyes literally get droopy and I start to nod off. In prehistoric times I would have just lied down when a lion charged at me because my brain would be too tired to get up.
Being born as a GMI chad, comes with a price. And I'm happy to pay it.

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Haven't seen one of these in a while. Take a break from the shitposts and spam, and come have some fun.

Anyone is welcome, doesnt have to be fully rendered or anything fancy, but it could be. Up to you, just so long as you fill and drop
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Why are comic book costumes in movies always so over designed?
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You think that's underdesigned?
>Marvel would be, I dunno, Cowboy Bebop.
Haha no, it would be MHA but with progressives whining that the black girl isn't as popular as the white guy
if i recall correctly, the raised webbing was there, because the cameras couldn't pick up the suit as well without it
Higher resolution movies means more detail can be seen, so more detail is added to the costumes to take advantage of that.

Plus, comic book movies for the past 30 years have had the "we have to top the last one" mentality, which leads to over-everything.

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I can now draw anything but I don’t know what to draw.
What do?
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LOL, Boomer got Rick-trooned.
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Really nice style and simplification

Really great shapes and anatomy, I think the hair rendering could’ve been stronger though

Lol this is nice. Could totally see an adult cartoon/comic with this style

Really amazing use of color, background is a bit weak though
Mating press
Wow! Beautiful

what is this artstyle called?
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this is called the two nukes were not enogh

When I was a kid, the thing was everyone would say "but, did you know X is from a porn game O____O". Good times. The industry needs to shift back to making adaptions of porn games now that Japan mastered digital. It'll also forcefully make all the fake fans fuck off to western comics.
It's a portmanteau of garbage and moe.
one time in college in a deep depression haze I watched all of Acchi Kocchi in one night and I didn't even like it

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Previous Thread: >>7102789

Post your current drawing here and give constructive critique to others! Don't take anything personal!
Please make sure your posted image is clear, downsized to around 1000 pixels wide, rotated to the correct orientation, and that any unused space is cropped.
If you want critique on a drawing from the previous thread, you can delete it there and repost in this one.

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Damn... Not making this is nostalgic is a weird way... Like getting picked last for the sports game...
>I'm in there 3 times
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Inspiring karakuri clock

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>manga will never look like this ever again
What happened?
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>2 page spread opening of a new chapter
Surely an assistant was responsible, surely
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nobody gives a damn about your greyish traced digital soup cooked by slave-assistants, soulless trash
taiyo matsumoto based
Lots of manga artists were engineer dropouts so they had an interest and capability in idustrial design
>sources: My Ass (2024, anon)

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No reference, no ideas, no problem. Just draw, doesn't have to be polished, doesn't have to be conceptual, doesn't have to make it. Just Draw, post result.
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Doodle can be of effort and without thought
Throwing fist at me woman? Violent rape assured
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I drew a skank

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i try to draw a water bottle
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Imagine drawing crummy water bottles when you could be drawing pokémon creatures instead
the urine is the wrong color
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I drew a pokemon creature instead.
How crummy are the pails it can fetch?
Stop fuzzing the lines
Draw using 1 line, ONE, boom
/ic/ just shilled me Peter Han's tutorial and I immediately see a problem here

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Culturally and socially speaking, what should we do to make popular non-asian comics a thing again outside of killing capeshit?
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how much does an indie comic costs to produce? 25 pages takes a while to make, up to a month. 2000 a month is how much many americans live off of, i doubt any one wants to pay a creator 2000 to gamble on a comic selling in a dead market.this isnt the 90s.
Ban anglos from art, culture and entertainment jobs.
Romance language comics are great, be them from France, Italy or even Mexico and Chile.
no Commando? no John Ridgeway?
No Ian Gibson?
Distribution, comics are only sold in specialty stores. and aren't a thing that people will come across everyday
publication, in japan so much is published that its kind of a battleground of ideas to get sold. you don't have that in America. publishers have been catering to 40 year old super fans and scalpers that editors don't actually know what a good story is. its no wonder when ever they try to make things "inclusive" it falls on it face to create that environment it would take publishers to be willing to give a chance to everything and not give a shit about censorship until something sticks. Just find any artist who can keep a schedule and will work for cheap and that'll be enough.
Thats gonna take a huge pool of talented people who are willing to work for cheap and I don't think America has that until we change art education from the ground up.
And lastly, go back in time and change American culture. Even if all the above are met, good luck getting your regular joe to buy a comic book every week. Japan has a more transient lifestyle so kids and adults will read manga on the train or pick one up after walking from school. The best you have for Americans is them going to the gas station once every week. On top of that smartphones have spoiled consumers, why would anyone buy a comic when they can have all the entertainment on their phone for free. No one even buys movies and music anymore. Japan has been able to survive because how ingrained manga is into their culture

tl;dr - its to late, just try to make a popular webcomic on instagram instead
>Distribution, comics are only sold in specialty stores. and aren't a thing that people will come across everyday
I agree with all your points, but this is the big one. The direct market was a drug that reaped big short term benefits for long term dire consequences. It basically made speciality stores for the mega fans of comics ti congregate and spend big, and it was great for them, but it kept comics away from potential mega fans, and basically regular people.
Western Comics also have terrible digital distribution; worse than Japan's! And the Japanese are shockingly shit at these types of things, so it's a massive indictment of how botched the west's comic distribution is. The fact that Marvel and DC have been making content for webtoons is shameful.

That said, I don't think it's too late for a comic publication to make waves and be successful, people still buy physical magazines and books, and I think the kind of audience who are or would be interested in comics would have a greater appreciation for some physical than digital; zine fares exist after all.
Hell, why does it even need to be physical? It could be a paid newsletter style distribution, though I've yet to see any publication be truly successful with that (though substack is apparently successful, so it can't be a truly bad business model).

How many of you track the hours you spend drawing? What's the best way to do it (software, spreadsheets, simple pen and notebook)? Share your time-trackign setup with the rest of us!

Also, pyw, to show us the results that time-tracking discipline has brought you!
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I use android notes and have cataloged my hours every day for the past three years.
post your hours, please. also, your work

just for curiousity's sake
Sure, earliest I started keeping track of my hours was in 2020 but phone's notes weren't formatted correctly so properly structured dates start in January 2021.
Its title starts with the Month, then the brackets are the hours accrued during that month, and the last bracket are tallied missed days of drawing. Anytime spend that's less than half an hour would be considered a missed day.
The body of the note keeps track of specific day of Month with the next number after the "th" being the hours spent drawing that day.
Every hour is added until a final End of Year total is calculated for each year. 2021 had 794 hours practiced, of that about 66.5 hours a month or 2½ hours a day. Goal is to incrementally increase hours drawing every year.
you seem quite dedicated. good work
If you're doing digital art: https://activitywatch.net/

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I’ve been drawing for 10+ years. Started at age 11.
It’s just I feel like I don’t feel like I’m at the level I should be at with posing and drawing things that look interesting. I hate just drawing a characters standing it looks boring. I wanna get good at drawing things and people in cooler poses an angles. I’ve did it once in a digital piece I made but was pretty difficult. Idk how to recreate the same success or to improve from 2 years ago. What do I do? (Picrel)
There are a few things I think about when seeing this drawing
>The lineart is messy and lacks varied lineweight, it looks like you didn't use a stabilizer and didn't pay much attention to overlapping lines. Adding lineweight to your drawing can make it pop more and help with detail that you're lacking (i.e. add suction cups to tentacles with heavier lines in the outer circle and lower px in the inner)
>Lack of expression; I can't really tell his expression, is he aroused/happy to be having the tentacles wrapped around him, or is he freaked out and scared? Or is he mindbroken with hollowed eyes? The hand shows that he is trying to resist but the lack of expression, as in the head not being turned to look back and the mouth being in a smile, confuses me. You have to decide what you want to do with the drawing, what you want the subject to feel and how it's displayed. I would research and study cartoon expressions, as well as perspective, as I think this drawing would look nice in a lower, "looking-up" perspective, as if it were from the octopus(?) POV
>You seem to not be set on an outfit, the shoes do not look like what someone would typically wear with everything else they have on and they don't have any detail, they look like blocks. However, the boxers are cool, as is the shirt with it. I like the design you have on them. I would look into outfits that seem to be like what your character would wear and go from there.
>Coloring; You don't really seem to know how to add colors that compliment one another, or how to shade. It looks like you used multiply, which works, but isn't really going to make it look entirely as you'd like. I still struggle with this but tutorials are very helpful to me, as is having a defined image to reference from. It also seems rushed in some places, I think this is due to it being hard for you and you becoming impatient. I would not use the paint bucket tool all the time since I can see some gaps/ random spots in your coloring.

Overall, I think looking into references and copying what you see would be your best bet, as well as practice with using more varied line thickness and different poses you see in other art. Draw what you like, but make sure you do not remain stuck in one box. This actually looks VERY similar to how I would draw when I first started with digital art, and these things are what I did to get somewhat decent at it.
(Also if this was one of those "posing as an infamous artist and posting other people's art" posts and I typed all this out I'm gonna feel kinda dumb.)
He has tentacle powers. Also thank you for the feedback :)

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