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Late Edition™

Previous thread: >>7153450

What is /ALT/?
If you're looking for a place to post your cartooning then you've found the right general. This is /ic/s 1st and only merged hub where both Eastern and Western stylization can coexist peacefully, hence the double title.
>Rules & Guidelines
(1) Any form of cartooning is welcome; so submit and receive feedback from others. (2) Please resize your images before posting. (3) Share your knowledge and (4) Remember to not be afraid of asking for critique. Most importantly, keep discussion at a civil level.
>I came for anime. Why does the image OP say cartoons general?
To distinguish from the anime study thread (janitor supported). Please post your studies there and personal work goes here.
>Community Resources
>Tag the OP if you want a resource included here.
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Hello, /alt/. I'd like your knowledge on Western cartooning. I'm not anti-anime, but I'd like to know tips in Western stylization so that a person looking at my art doesn't think "oh, like anime" but maybe that's unavoidable. I looked into early American illustrators and happy with what I found but I'd like to expand my knowledge to things I may have not considered.
Depends there’s realism or the utilization of shapes. When you look at every western animated movie, you will notice one thing and it’s how each of the characters are shaped. Look up samurai jack
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Mignola is really the only example of western stylization that I like (but also the only one I'm most familiar with)
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I kinda feel bad for Rob. He had everything to be where CSR or Nyantcha are now, but he was too much of a lazy bum to live up to any of his obligations and spiraled as a result. You hate to see it.

He's still a scammer and a bum though.
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Anthony Bourdain was way more successful than a lot of us will ever be. Didn't stop him from committing suicide.
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same energy

Isn't he like in a Paul McCartney/Nicholas Cage situation where he has tons of money but so many debts to pay off that he can't ever retire?
I remember reading that he lost his house during an earthquake and his father had a case of dementia that was very expensive to cope, so investing in doujins was a safer alternative to him since it means he can draw at the pace he wants without pressure from editors.
Taking advantage of the fact that erotic artists or similar have already been mentioned, there is a fetish artist that I followed, she even had good strengths but she stopped. Olympic-Dames, like, I think she still continues with her authorial work of the same name, but that's it, today she only continues the work to reach the end, her art was limited to pregnancy fetish (the kind that was practically a woman + big belly + doing anything while dealing with the size in front of her), she may not have drawn so well or had good coloring, but man, she was good with concepts, she stopped because she changed her interest (being a 30-year-old woman at the time she stopped for good explains a lot, I suppose), the problem wasn't stopping and just trying to finish the work, the problem was that she NUKE'd the gallery of more than 20,000 pieces published in more or less 18 years of work, to this day I miss a lot of things she did that many other artists in the field didn't dare to (drawing older women or even black women, the latter has been common for a while, largely due to the fact that other artists like her use third-party characters)
Kek, wonder how butthurt he got the day Japan announced they're taking in a million indians.

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>artist is streaming
>"cool, I get to watch this artist drawing"
>the sketch is already drawn and they are just doing lineart and coloring
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>artist is streaming
>ctrl+z's so often it's 60-80% of the aggregate drawing time
>5 hours later, after 0 breaks:
>"Wow I'm too exhausted to finish this today, I will do the coloring offstream, final will be on patreon next week"

>Next stream is the same thing
>Animation stream
>Draws one stroke
>Talks to chat for 10 minutes
>Reads out donations
>Draws another stroke
me but instead of talking to chat i tab into a browser to catch up on all my (You)s
this website is hell
Anon, why are you surprised? You think artist just spit out artwork like that? I know damn well you do that as well, unless you’re a /beg/. That’s why most would show the sketch layer first when the stream started to get that out of the way
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>artist is streaming
>he's doing his manga panels
>been sketching and inking each page
>feel tired and go to sleep
>12 hours later
>he's still streaming

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First time on 4chan so here i have my sketchbook is only copies desu
Dont know much bout anything too technical, got my ass filtered by drawabox and now i mostly just copy stuff like the great late kim jung gi...
Also im mexican and a huge lupin fan so do with that as you will
not a big deal since you're new here, but something like this doesn't deserve it's own thread. there are multiple threads in which you could post your sketchbook drawings, just look around and make your best judgement. also, for your own sake, try to take better photos.

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Thread to study little boys. Post your art, discuss artists, and post resources related to the subject of cute little boys.

>Do not take the bait or derail. Don't be a sperg.
>Only post SFW shota, link NSFW and suggestive from catbox. Don't post real life references.
>Don't fight about different male body types, shota. Nobody cares.
>No femboy/trans/traps/futa. Go to /salt/ for that.
>No tits, no coochies, no female body ratio.
>Don't sperg if a feminine male (not femboy) is posted, ignore if it's not your cup of tea, keep in mind the nature of stylization and simplification in anime and cartoon art styles before you choose to derail the thread, though crit is welcome like always.
Previous thread: >>7010561
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super cute
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colored because why not
thank you!
brave for even attempting digital watercolor. nice boy
tokiyuki is based + cute pp
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More practice

What is the secret to succeeding on this platform? Merely drawing and replying isn't gaining much traction, do I need to absolutely sell my soul and just shove my presence everywhere?
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Ok, I earnestly believe you. I'm quick to block people, so I must unknowingly have ticked some sore loser off. I wouldn't have any idea who.
Some truth to this, maybe. Helps if you’re a natural memelord.
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Sure, how can interacting only for the chance of farming clout ever have long term ramifications?

Sure, let's make a tiktok video where we copy a viral tiktok video. This is so original thinking and no one else will ever think of this
Although, why bother doing anything? Just buy bots and let them farm in your stead.
How will you get traffic when google doesnt send you any.
It is a part of the inevitable crystallization of the internet ecosystem. Something like this cant be stopped, even with the massive extent of govt control and constant attempted censorship.

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What's this artstyle illlustration style rendering etc called? I see it often for Japanese games, specially fighting games (Soulcalibur, Granblue,)
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The surge in these questions is because of prompters looking to prompt. They're too lazy to use their brains so they have other people answer for them.
Greasy sweaty gay sex
>because of prompters
that makes sense actually
capcom style
jrpg final fantasy anime style
It becomes more obvious if you use other sites. A lot of art communities have been flooded with the same question. What style is this? I wouldn't be surprised if it's a bot network that is farming a data set. I did a little bit of data annotation and I can see why asking artists in bulk to label and identify specific styles can help train models. People have started picking up on this and calling it out, but it's still pretty prominent. Dead internet theory is real bruh.

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Where can I find references for fat people? Google doesn't help much.
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got to pornpics and look up bbw
nikocado avocado your welcome
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>look in the mirror

Hello World
hello and welcome
we’re all glad you finally arrived
we’ve been waiting :)
Leave. Leave before you forget your real name. Who you are. Wake up. WAKE. UP.
cris thread?

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I also take the opportunity to ask, what do you think of this art?
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OP's pic resemble Eric Stanton drawings. While this pic I am posting is Comic is credited to Eric Stanton, many fan believe that the comic pages of Sweeter Gwen itself is pencilled and inked by Steve Ditko of Spiderman fame.

So just read up how Steve Ditko and Eric Stanton started drawing, study and copy their works. then maybe with time you will develop similar style or solutions to whatever drawing problems your client might give you
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If I had to say one thing that I didn’t like, it’d be nothing that’s particularly anatomically incorrect (except the mouth of the woman on the right in the first picture), but instead just that I personally don’t like it when people draw women to look like Michael Jackson (that particular arched eyebrow that only exists via makeup, the super boney cheeks, etc). It’s a style that only ever really shows up in drawn media from the 60’s to 80’s or so, almost to a sort of stereotypical degree. There actually are women who look like this but nobody seems to have had the balls to tell the creator that these types of faces just aren’t that popular.

The anatomy looks fine, but besides this, I don’t like the fugly faces
Why don't you pick up a pen and find out for yourself

I think the art is hideous. The faces are ugly and the bodies are ill-proportioned. That said, it does exhibit some skill in the handling of the brush, and even the underlying drawing is competent in parts. The fault here lies not in a lack of technical ability, but in poor taste and an absent sense of aesthetics.
Nice body language. Sexy Shit.

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Whats the deal with Webtoons and Tapas? Have any of you had moderate success on those platforms?
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nta but also look more closely at the placement and size of the lips. it can be good to compare the ends horizontally with the eyes.
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There's that Elf comic that's currently popular (that artist also has another two or so comics they also post on twitter), there's the work of Baalbuddy, GPrime85 (you don't have to agree with his politics, but he's popular on twitter because of his comics), and Picrel recently popped off because of their twitter comics.

And those are the ones I can just think of off the top of my head, whilst also only posting on twitter (as far as I know). Others like Shencomix or the jock&nerd comics also do well on twitter, but also post elsewhere (like webtoons).
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>Have any of you had moderate success on those platforms?
no. but I haven't had any success anywhere else either.
Might as well make your own site since you'll not get any readers on these
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thanks for the feedback anons
was trying to paint instead of doing my usual drawing practices and i kinda find painting to be fun although i suck at coloring and finding picrel's values was just me guessing things + using color picker
what's a nice book/course about digital painting, something that's not too heavy but it's something that i can just do casually

how do (you) practice drawing? Everyone has a different way of practicing, and I would love to know how (you) do it, anon <3

post your work too!

(I will give a (you) to everyone who gives advice and posts their work)
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I don't use opacity or size pressure when studying or practising.
Example of feet study I've did
Other example
Feel free to criticize for sure
Here's other study with some remarks
thanks anon <3

>Animation Thread Discord

>51 exercises to try

>basic programs


Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Here's the one on Archive for those interested. I prefer a pre-cracked when possible, but that's life
Balance length and quality. If you want to animate something really high quality keep it below 30 seconds, if you want to animate something 20+ minutes long stick to a high-quality animatic. If you haven't got at least a small team / budget you want your project to take less than 6 months to optimise output/practice.
The guy who animates bridge kids has a good balance of length / animation shortcuts.
Could I get some tips on animating candle smoke. Fire is actually not as bad to animate as I thought, but smoke is awkward and just kinda looks choppy when I finish with it.
the best effects animation course ever made was done by adam phillips, and one of the first chapters is on that kind of whispy smoke. i just the other day found out he put the whole thing up for free on gumroad a couple years ago https://bitey.com/pages/fx
Oh sweet, thank you. Been following along with these nip effects books and a lot of them are really good, but the smoke section just didn't quite explain it well.

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Are there any books that teaches the renaissance and baroque methods of drawing, like the grid method and using camera oscura?
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ah yeah damn, I started writing about this actually (transfer+scaling) as the only valid use, but rewrote and forget to integrate it again.

measuring otoh, sucks, you don't need a grid for that, and a grid is clumsier than comparative measurements. not sure what putting land marks refer to.
landmarks are points on the face you can use to measure features in portrait.
Isn't the camera obscura method just tracing from life? They didn't have photography back then so they had to use a pinhole "camera" in a dark room and sketch upside down, nowadays you can do the exact same thing with a low opacity layer, or a projector for trad art.
By no means a common practice, but interesting.
It is well known artists learned by copying other drawings, then plaster casts and then real life models doing long poses. Using a camera obscura would be very limiting.

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How did you come up with your art handle? (Your username/nickname) Do you like your handle? If you could change it, what would you change?
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It was the name of my pony OC that I made in Ponyville Adventures on the Hub website in 2011.
Even if it’s taken the one with the most followers comes out on top of the search results
I switched the syllables in "mannequin" around.
I chose it because I have always had a near-absolute focus on construction and imagination drawing, and am particularly fascinated by how the magic of creating the illusion of 3D form on a 2D surface is performed. I'm a box drawing retard, in other words.
It's unintentional, but for some reason web page translation on autodetect translates my handle to "in the machine". Oddly appropriate, I think.

I like my handle and see no reason to ever change it. Hardly matters because I'm a complete nobody anyways.
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My name is the Super Boss of one of my favorite games.
>How did you come up with your art handle?
I don't have one and I've been agonizing about it for months without reaching any breakthrough.

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